Ek Niranjan party - Part 2

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D stepped into the pool and carried her out.

S: Thooo...thooo...

She spurted water.He made her sit on the chair and stood with his hands bent at his hips not knowing what to do.

Unlike him who was in black shirt and blue jeans,S was in a complete white dress.The dampness accentuated her curves and he averted his eyes.

S: Hey waiter!!Bring me one more glass...

She ordered him.D looked around to see if anyone was coming they were all busy in the dance floor he quickly went into his house and took towels then ran back to her.With one towel he covered her and with the other he wiped her hair.

Seeing her state he felt he had to act fast and take her home before anyone saw her.Supporting her by her waist he carefully walked her to his car instructing his driver to drive them to her home.

In the car,

Due to her inebriated state S began behaving weirdly.

S: Vroom...vroom...vroom...

D: Sweety...ssshhh calm down...

S: Huh..uh...who called me?Sai anna!When you came ?

From her place she moved to D's side and flopped on his lap making him yelp in pain.

D: Ouch...!How does she maintain this fawn appearance while weighing like a mini elephant...

She circled her arms around his neck.

D: Sweety,be a good girl.Go and sit there.

He tried to lift her up to place her back on her seat but she would not budge.

S: Sai anna...At first I wanted to leave this place but now I like to be here you know why?Because there are so many nice people like Puri garu,Rajamouli garu and Pabsu oh you don't know...It is Prabhas.We call him Pabsu.

D felt happy when he heard his name in the nice people list.

S: Oh no no sorry sorry Pabsu is not good he is very very bad...

His smile faltered.

D: Bad ?

S: Yeah...when we meet he always jokes and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts...once he drew moustache and beard on my face when I was taking a nap and made me a laughing stock so notorious he is...

D: Err...just for fun I did that...

S: Fun?Yes fun he is fun to be with because of that I don't miss you guys.He has such a charming face I can go on staring at him without a blink when smiles.

D bent his head feeling shy upon receiving praises.

S: He has a big heart too.You know once I just casually told him I was missing Amma's biriyani the next day he personally brought and laid 3 varieties of biriyani on my table made by his Amma.Wow what a taste!The best biriyani I ever had...He is actually good...a bit...this much only...

She expressed the measure of how good he was by showing a tiny gap between her thumb n index fingers.

D: Err...it could have been a little more wider.

She dropped her head on his shoulder.

S: This is not your usual scent this smells like Pabsu...nice though...very alluring...

D felt uneasy because it was the first time a girl recognized him by his pour homme and complimented it.He then felt it was inappropriate to travel with her in such proximity.

D: Sweety,look there full moon...

S: Where?Where?

D: You sit there you will be able to see...

She moved back to her place.After a while she got fidgety again.She fell back on his lap and raised her feet keeping it on the head rest infront.She began making weird noises.

S: Aaaa...aaaa....aaaahhhh....

He tried to muffle her moans by placing his palm over her mouth but she bit him.

D: Aahh!Sweety...shh...don't make noises like that...oh this girl will make the world slipper me!!

"Annayya,madam is in full form.How many glasses?"his driver passed remarks mocking her.

D: Shut up!She's not a drunkard...someone spiked her drink so she's behaving like this.Just drive home...

"Sorry annayya"

They reached her place.Supporting her,he took her up to her flat.Since it was late at night no one was around.He rung the bell and her helper lady opened the door.

S: Amma!!When you came?See Sai anna,Amma is also here....

The helper was shocked to see S in that drunken state and that too D with her.


D: I will explain.Pls help her...

She held S from the other side and together they walked her to her room and laid her on bed.

"Anna...what happened to her?"

D: Someone spiked her drinks.She tripped and fell into the pool so her dress is wet pls change it for her.I'll be outside.

He pulled her room door to a close and waited in the hall.The helper came out after changing her.

D: How is she?

"She's sleeping."

D: Ok I'll take leave then pls look after her.

"That...anna..."she sounded hesitant.

D: Any problem?

"Actually I told akka I had to leave early today as my child is unwell.She said she would be back by 9pm but now time is 12am.I have to return home..."

D: Oh dear...in this state she can't be left alone here...

He rubbed his forehead thinking what to do.

D: Ok it is not right to hold you back...you may leave...

He took out his wallet and passed her wades of cash.

D: Keep this for your child's medical expenses.

"It's ok anna...akka has already given me."

She refused but he insisted and she took.

D: I'll inform my driver to drop you home.Take down my number,once you reach home,give me a call.

D watched from the balcony as the helper got into his car.After sometime he received her call that she had reached home safely and thanked him.D then called up his driver and asked him to go home.

From outside her room,D checked on her.She was asleep.He pulled the door.

Settling on the couch,he informed Puri that S was safe and that he returned home.He lied to avoid unnecessary talks which could affect her personally and professionally.

He was flipping channels when he came across fashion tv program where models were doing ramp walks in semi nude attires.His eyes boggled with excitement.

D: Wow!Super!Let this only be...hihihi...

He raided her fridge for snacks and to his luck he found a coke can,half eaten Lay's packet and milky bar chocolate.He took it all.

Returning to his place he watched the show munching his tidbits.Curious to know how it would be beneath skirts he tilted his head to see if he could get a view.

D: Can't see anything...sigh...

Feeling lazy to get up to throw the litter into the bin,he held it.After sometime he felt sleepy and nodded off.The empty chips packet,chocolate wrapper and coke can fell off his hand.

In the middle of the night he got up to attend nature's call.The other room door was locked.

D: No choice have to use Sweety's bathroom only...

He entered her room and used her bathroom.When he came out,accidentally his gaze fell on S.

D: Wow!What a beautiful!🤩

In her sleep,she had kicked her blankets aside and D got a good view of her shape.Seeing her slender and flawless figure D's mind went astray.The then virgin boy stood gaping at her like a food deprived beggar staring at food cart.

D: How will it look inside?🤤

The good boy in him vanished and the bad boy surfaced.He had wild fantasies.With an evil smirk he took small steps toward the bed and reached out to grab her legs.

The good D spoke,

D: Stop!That is Sweety whom you are lusting!!!She trusts you so much and you are having filthy thoughts??Are you going to risk her friendship for a moment of pleasure??

The bad D said,

D: Chuck those sentiments aside!For your face you will neither get another opportunity as this nor such a piece!Don't think just go with the flow.The rest you can face in the morning!

D: Should I listen to the good boy or bad boy?Lust or Friendship?🤔

Since he always listened to the good boy he decided to go with the bad one for once.He visualized the catastrophe if he crossed his limits,

News spread like forest fire.Everyone in the industry looked at him with scorn.His lady co-actors ran away the moment they saw him.He was labelled as a 'pervert'.He lost movie offers.Female fans spat on his cutouts.Children hurled stones at him.Male fans abused him verbally.Cows released their dung on his posters.Feminists who carried flags and banners,raised slogans and burnt effigies of him infront his house.

"Such men who play with girls honour should not live!Hang him!We demand justice for Anushka!!!"

His mother tied him to the tree in his garden like how mother Yashodha tied little Krishna to a stone mill.People had gathered around him.

S: I believed you but you betrayed me.I'm a shattered glass that can never return to its original state.😢

D: Sorry Sweety.When gulab jamuns are freshly prepared and kept on table we take one and eat like that when I saw you that night in my urgency I took...😔

His voice trailed feeling ashamed of his acts.Her mom grabbed his collar in rage.

S's mom: You rascal!Is my daughter's modesty and gulab jamuns the same for you?You have taken what is precious to her now who will marry her and accept the baby in her womb??😭😭😭

D: Instead of pushing me she pulled me so I thought she was fine with it...🥺

S: I was in a senseless state.😪

No one was willing to accept his justification.He was solely blamed.His mother slapped him hard and he cried.

D's mom: I thought I raised you well but you have brought disgrace to our clan!!!Why are you still alive??Go and die!!!No I should die for giving birth to a sinner like you!!!

D: Amma!!!No!!!Pls!!!😰😰

He shuddered.Dismissing his thoughts he took the blanket and covered her pulling it up till her neck.

Showing a big 'namaskaram'to the sleeping beauty oops sleeping Sweety,he left her room shutting the door after him.He slept off chanting Lord Hanuman's name to give him mind control.

Next morning,

Sun rays fell on her and disturbed her sleep.S woke up.Sitting upright she stretched her arms.Her head was aching terribly.

S: What happened last night?I drank wine at the party and then I don't remember.

She tried to recollect but nothing was coming to her mind.She shifted her blanket aside and saw she was in another set of clothes.

S: I did not wear this last night...

She noticed her skirt and blouse strewn at a corner on the floor.

Her heart stopped beating for moment.Driven by womanly instincts,she examined her body and sighed in relief as she wasn't a victim of abuse.When she opened the door of her room she saw D sleeping on the sofa,shirtless and a blanket over him.She cupped her mouth in dismay.

S: Why is he here?😰

Her heart racing,she took slow steps towards him and tapped his leg which had extended beyond the hand rest of the sofa.

S: Pabsu...Pabsu...

There was a fear in her.He stirred from sleep but his vision was blurred.Rubbing his eyes he looked at S with worry on face.

D: Sweety....

S: What happened?Why are you sleeping here?

D: Err...one minute...

He realised he was shirtless before her.Feeling shy he pulled the blanket up to his mouth clenching it with his teeth and adjusted his jeans.He then picked his shirt from the floor.

S looked away.He put on his shirt.

D: Sorry Sweety.You were drunk last night so I personally came to drop you home.Your helper had to leave so I stayed back.

She felt disgusted and dropped on the floor drawing her knees to her chest she began sobbing.

D: Sweety!What's wrong?

He sat beside her on the floor.

D: Don't cry Sweety...nothing bad happened.You are safe!I promise!

S: Don't hide anything from me pabsu pls tell me clearly what happened last night?

He narrated the incident.

S: I behaved like that?Chi...

She slapped her forehead.

D: Sweety listen,it's not you.You were under the influence of alcohol so...

S: I swear Pabsu I did not drink it on purpose.She only told me it was an exotic wine,trusting her I...

D: I know bangaram...she plays pranks like this.I told her off don't worry...

S: Still...I...I'm so cheap...aaahh!!

She caught her head.

D: Your head is paining?

She nodded.

D: Wait,I'll be back...

He went to the kitchen and raided the fridge for lemons.He found one and made lemon juice adding a pinch of salt.

D: Sweety,drink this you will feel better.

She took slow sips and finished the juice.

D: You'll feel a bit dazed today but don't worry you'll be fine.Drink plenty of liquids and stay hydrated.

S: I have never returned home late maximum 9pm...first time I came home so late that too drunk...I shouldn't have come to this field pabsu...sniff...sniff...

D: It is not your fault actually in a way I am to be blamed knowing you don't attend such parties I forced you to come...I'm sorry this will be the last I'll never invite you to such drink parties.

S: Thank you so much Pabsu.If it was someone else in your place I don't know what would have become of me...no guy would leave such a chance but you took care of me so well you are truly a gem amongst men Pabsu!

She threw her hands around him.

D:(mv: I was on the verge of utilizing the chance after all I'm also a man with feelings but thankfully I didn't let my hormones control me.)Let's drop this topic.Smile.

He rubbed her face and pulled her cheeks to a curve.

D: Good girl.It's late I better get going home.You take rest...

They got up and she followed him until the door.

D: Your helper...will she come today?

S: I don't know...

D: If she doesn't turn up how will you manage lunch?

S: There is noodles I'll make...anyway I don't feel hungry I just want to sleep...

D: No no you have to eat well and on time.I'll go home and send food...

S: It's ok Pabsu don't trouble aunty...

D: What trouble?On normal days itself she cooks for ten members one extra won't make any difference.Eat well and take rest.

S: Thank you.Just a little will do.

D: Ok...

He turned to leave.

S: Pabsu...

She called him.He looked at her eyes and understood what was going on in her mind.

D: I promise upon my mother you are the same as you were before the party.Nothing has happened to you.

His promise upon his mother was the ultimate after that all her fears and doubts were put to rest.

Smiling,he waved her bye and left.At sharp 1pm,food arrived from his house to hers.It was a very tall carrier,almost up to her thigh.She took out the containers and laid them on her dining table.There was about 15 varieties of veg and non veg dishes along with white rice and chicken biriyani.For desserts,there was payasam.Just by seeing the array of dishes spread before her S felt full.She plopped on the chair supporting her head on hand.

S: This Pabsu...

Taking her phone,she texted him.

S: Thank you for the "little" food.

After two mins came his reply,

D: Hahahaha...anytime!

She smiled.

The End

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