Mumbai Mami

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Outline of this update: It's late but better than never.😅This update is on the Mami event held in Mumbai.😜


Team Bahubali were going to Mumbai to attend the Mami Film Festival.R had to give the promotions a miss as he was in the US for some treatment.Tammy and SSR were the first to arrive at the airport.Sweety came next.

D who was new to the world of whatsaap and texting,found it strenuous to type yet he wouldn't stop because the person receiving his texts was someone special to him.♥️

S: Where are you?

D: Otw bangaram...🌹

S: ☺️☺️

From the time they left their respective homes,D and S were texting each other.A pop up appeared on his screen.

D: Huh...what is this.. 'update needed.Go to App Store.'Rey,stop the car at the nearest app store.I need to purchase 'update'.

He instructed his driver who was baffled.D's assistant came to his rescue.

"Annayyaa,App Store is online you don't have to go to any shop.Pass your phone I'll do it for you."

D: me how to do it I don't want you to read my texts.

His assistant guided him and update was done.

D: Sorry for the short ad break Sweetu...😅

Instantly came her text.

S: It's ok 😄

The King arrived with his comrades.

D took one long drag from his cigarette stick before passing it to his assistant.Once the smoke subsided,he popped few mints into his mouth while his hairdresser brushed and set his hair for him.

"Annayya,should I fasten it with a hair band or plait it?"

He looked himself in the mirror.

D: This is fine...

He combed his thick moustache and beard.Putting on his coolers,he descended his chariot.One hand in pocket,and one holding his precious phone,D walked in with swag.

SSR: He's here!

The girls turned around and Tammy waved at him.He returned the same as he made his way towards them.S couldn't stop herself from blushing from the time her eyes chanced upon him.He removed his coolers and hung them on his kurta top.

He gave a friendly hug to SSR and the ladies.The senior Bahubali couple were talking through eyes which didn't go unnoticed by the ace director.

SSR: Ahem...ahem...shall we go and collect the boarding passes?

That broke their reverie and they followed SSR quietly.

At the counter,the young male staffs were drooling over S and T.Their eyes were looking at all the wrong places which made the girls uneasy in particular S.Like a true man,D intervened to protect his leading ladies.

D: Raj,they have already shown their faces for verification no...they can wait there while we get their passes.

SSR agreed.D eyed his pappas to leave the counter.He passed his phone to S as it was too heavy for him to carry.

SSR mv: Thanks to God,his nuts and bolt are undetachable else he would have removed it and told the poor girl to carry it for him.😏

The ladies were waiting at a distance.


The name flashed on D's mobile.

S bit her tongue.She signalled to get his attention but he was busy laughing and yapping away with SSR.Tammy who was beside her looked up from her phone.

T: Answer it na...

S: It's his mom...won't she mistake if I answer his phone?🥺

T: Then leave it...

S: Ok...Huh..uh...What if it's some emergency?You talk to her and find out no...🥺

Tammy took his phone from her and answered.Call ended in a minute and she passed his phone back to S.

S: She's ok?

T: Everything is fine.She wanted to speak to her son.

S: was her tone when she knew it was you?

T: She spoke to me very well.She was so friendly.

S: Mmm...What if she has mistaken you for his girlfriend?🥺

Tammy faked excitement.

T: Wow!The job is done then!I don't have to waste time and energy to convince her,straightaway marriage this year and the following year,twins for us!

S became upset.Her eyes welled up due to anger.She twirled the tip of her dupatta around her finger and unwinded it repeating the process to ease her frustration.Tammy muffled her laughter seeing the calm and composed Sweety slowly turning into a 'chandramukhi'.

T mv: Lol...if she had a sword in hand now she would behead me this instant...

S mv: I assumed he was interested in me alone seems like he is the way with every other girl...😒

It was the golden phase when D and S were mutually attracted to one another but hadn't told anyone about their feeling.Everything was happening subtly.Tammy and R would tease them whenever they caught them together.SSR would hint at them but the culprits would just shy and laugh it off claiming to be best friends or divert the topic.


SSR: Rey,they have given me middle seat beside you I didn't realise!I don't want ra...I feel squeezed.Wait,I'll tell them to change my seat and come...

D held him back.

D: Don't need...Sweetu's is an aisle seat in the same row as exchange with her.

SSR: Would it be ok for her?

D: (mv: I'll make it ok for her 🔥)She won't mind I know.

They handed the ladies their respective passes.Sweety returned his phone.He noticed she was annoyed.

T: Pupsu,your mom called.

D stepped aside to speak to his mother.

SKG: Nandhu,a good news ra...My brother's youngest daughter has come to age...

D: That's great!She was a kid when I saw her the last time how time flies...I'll tell Pramod to send her gifts rightaway.

SKG: One more thing,as the maternal uncle you have to do the rituals for her so keep your schedule free for the next week we are going to Mogulthur.

D: What is this amma?For all my uncles daughters who attained menarche I have to do the rituals?For a change why don't you ask Prabodh to do it?I'll be busy with promotions this entire month.

SKG: You are the youngest uncle that's why besides when you do rituals for our girls they get married at the right age and have 2-3 babies each so everyone feels you are a male Santhana Lakshmi.

D: 🙄🙄

(Imagine D sitting on a bloomed pink lotus with four hands and a baby on his lap.🤣🤣)

SKG: son causes everyone's home to flourish except his own...

D: Grrr don't start again!You want me to go to Mogulthur with you right?Done!I have to go now...bye...

He joined the rest.

SSR: Let's go...

D glanced at his watch.

D: What's the rush?There is still time let's go slowly.I'm going to get myself some coffee and snacks.You guys want anything?

He asked turning his glance towards S in particular.She looked away not meeting his eyes.

T: I want! 🙋🏻‍♀️

S: Raj garu,I'm going ahead first...😏

Taking her handbag she walked towards the boarding gate.SSR followed her.D slid his arm across Tammy's shoulder in a friendly way.

D: What's wrong with your mother-in-law all of a sudden?She was fine a while ago.

T: Lol...I riled her up saying we would get married and have kids so she is annoyed.She's so possessive about you!🤣🤣

D: For your thrill,you have made Bahubali a bali(sacrifice)!Who can withstand her wrath?🥺

T: All that I don't manage her somehow.Now get me a katti roll,a cheese chicken sandwich,a Lay's chips packet and latte with less sugar.

He looked her up and down.

D: How is it you manage to look like a feather despite eating more than me and Bava??😕

T: Can't reveal my trade secret..😌

She looped her arms around his and dragged him to the caffe.They ate there and packed some.D entered the holy water shop while T went to the bookstore.They met SSR and S in the waiting area.

S was browsing her phone.Seeing D coming towards her,she placed her bag angrily on the seat beside her so that he wouldn't sit.

D: 😕😕

T sat next to SSR and D next to her.

D: You came earlier to wait here like watchman?You could have joined us...

SSR: I don't mind waiting but I just cannot afford to take the stress...

D: The director of Bahubali can't take stress what an irony!!🤣🤣

D passed a vegetarian sandwich to SSR.He took it mouthing a thank you.D forwarded a chicken sandwich gesturing SSR to pass it to S.She refused it.

SSR: You two fought again?Come,give both your hands...shake hands and be friends...

He tried to patch them up.Poor D who didn't know the reason for her anger innocently forwarded his palm but S was not willing to come for a compromise and crossed her arms.The announcement for boarding was made.They waited for the crowd to clear so that they would not get mobbed.

They hopped on the last bus which took them to the aircraft.All the seats were taken except one which they offered to SSR.The trio
had to stand.D held on to the handle but S and T didn't have anything to grasp.D called T to his side and held her protectively by her waist.He then eyeballed S to hold on his arm for support.

Seeing T in close proximity with her Puffsu angered her further.She ignored him by looking away.

The bus jerked and S lost her balance falling on D.Her bosoms collided with his chest.

D mv: la la! 😌

He floated in the feeling.Adjusting her dupatta,she braced herself.The bus halted and everyone got off.They boarded the plane.As usual all the air hostesses were drooling over choco pie D.He felt shy and adjusted his tshirt (to protect his honour)when they complimented him.The benevolent giant obliged for selfies.

S mv: He pleases all the women in the world except me 😤

Once D came to his row,he noticed SSR was seated beside his seat and S at her original place,one leg over the other,flipping pages of the inflight magazine.

D: Raj!Why are you here?😰

SSR: Why that reaction as if I am sitting on your cot in your first night room instead of your wife?

D: I mean didn't you exchange with her?

SSR: I asked.Talli doesn't want to sit with you...

He looked at her.

D: Sweety,he feels cramped sitting here why can't you adjust?

S: Yours is also an aisle,you can exchange with him na ?

She replied curtly.D was miffed but he didn't want to argue with her in public.He exchanged his seat with SSR.The flight took off.

S mv: Hmm...let me see what he is up to...

Casually S stole a glance from him.Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him watching her,that sly smile gracing his lips.She quickly averted her gaze and covered her eyes in embarrassment.

S mv: Oh shucks!He caught me!You deserve it!Who asked you to look his way?From now on you won't look his way ok?

She told herself and took out her book to read.However her thoughts were all over him.No matter how much she tried to ignore she couldn't resist stealing a glance at him.When she peeped with one eye,he had his eyes shut.

S: Phew!😌

She confidently looked at him thinking he was asleep but he surprised her yet again by opening one eye.

S: Oh no!Not again!

He grinned seeing her flushed face.The seat beside her was empty.When the lights were dim,D shifted to that seat.

S: Hey,why are you here?Go back to your seat!

D: Ouch!That hurt me real bad...please Sweety be sweet and show me some love...❤️😉

She covered her face with the book but he pulled it down.

D: I'm sure you can do better than that never mind I'll only start...

He whispered something dirty in her ears.

S: Urghh thooo chii!!You're shameless!!Go!Go!Go!

He laughed.She used all her might and pushed him but gave up when her hands ached.The mountain remained unmoved.

S: Irritating nuisance!😑😤

His smile faltered.

D: Ok I'm sorry for troubling you...hereafter I won't bother you.

He returned to his seat.She regretted her behavior but wouldn't forgo her ego.

Flight landed in Mumbai.This time D ignored her.She went ahead of him and turned to look back to see if he noticed her however he pretended to be in a deep conversation with SSR.

S mv: Heartless!😤

Unknown to S,he was watching her.

D mv: How beautiful she looks...the kohl filled eyes,that little black dot on her forehead...the big jhumkas dangling on her ears...her moving lips muttering curses on me...everything about her is so beautiful..😍

The sponsors received them along with Shobhu garu who arrived earlier.The team left to the venue.

"Sir...sir...Prabhas autograph please!!"

Fans screamed his name.After posing for photos,D calmly made his way to where his fans stood and signed on their notebooks.To those whose books he couldn't sign on due to lack of time,he waved.

The team went to the hall.The first look of Bahubali The Conclusion was unveiled.There was also a one hour Q and A session with anchors.As they were in a tiff,S made Tammy sit in between D and her.She earned a glare from D for this deed of hers.

D mv: has gone to that extent.Fine...I will also get a chance.Then you will see.

S mv: 😏😏

SSR and Tammy were the main speakers.D and S only responded when they were questioned directly.D found it boring but maintained his million dollar smile to show he was engaged in the conversion like a student in maths class.Deep inside he was,

D: Zzzzz...😴

To prevent himself from nodding off,he initiated conversations with SSR.That also was not of much help.He played with his fingers and the water bottle which was kept before him

S on the other hand was killing her boredom twisting and pouting her lips.She also played with her dupatta and fingers.

S mv: When will this get over ?🙄

Casually he turned to Tammy's side and his gaze fell on the beauty beside her.

D mv: Wow!What a beautiful!😍

Similarly S too had her moment of 'em unnadra babu'.

S mv: Why is he so handsome?😍

They were discreetly admiring each other until applause from the audience distracted them.The Q and A session ended well.

D: Raj,we can go back now right?

SSR: What?Now only the real event is going to begin.We have a press meet with Mumbai media.

D's heart jumped out.

D: Amma Baboi! 😰

The team were led to another room for a press meet with media.

D: Tammy!Tammy!

She turned.

T: What ?

D: Why don't you change into something homely like Sweety?See,there are so many gaps on your dress...guys will be there it won't look good...

T: Hey!I'm wearing what I like!Why do you care?

D: If bava was here I don't have to care because he will guard I am one guy here I have to handle you and Sweetu...pls Tammy naa badha ardham a good girl...change into something decent or wear a jacket.

Tammy rolled her eyes.Ignoring his loose talks she went with S to the ladies.D followed the girls inside only to be pushed out by them.

SSR: Hey,why are you standing here like a guard?

D: I'm waiting for them...🥺

SSR: They know the way.You come with me.

SSR dragged him along.Soon S and T followed.D kept turning behind to check on them.

D: Sir...sir...ladies are there...

"Don't worry Prabhas sir,our bodyguards will escort them in..."

D: Please no touching them...🙏🏼

S and T joined their team.D and S were overwhelmed with the noise as constant flickering of flashes.The room was alike a fish market.No order and press people were yelling at one another.While it didn't seem to be much of an issue to D,delicate dame Sweetamma found it bothersome.

D shielded S so that no petty guy would fall on her.Once things were sorted,D,S,T and SSR stood in line for photos.S forced a smile.

"Here...this side...!!"came a voice from one end of the room.

"Prabhas!Anushka!This way!!"voices came from the opposite end.

The stars were confused as to which side to look until SSR intervened and took the reigns.

SSR: at a time...we'll start from here first.

The trio followed his lead.They looked at every angle and the lens captured them.Incidentally Pranushka fans got an iconic couple pose pic which became a social media sensation in no time.♥️

(Me to Pranushka: Please keep a good quality of this 'ardhanari'pose in your bedroom after marriage.🙏🏼)

What would have been a 'bad boy'moment for Prabhas Kapoor Khan,was a tense moment for Venkata Satyanarayana Prabhas who had to pose with his leading ladies on his either sides.He held them by their waist while remaining within his limits of decency.

(Me: This is the Darling we all want!Not the one biting tip of Raveena Tandon's pallu🤦🏻‍♀️)

The press requested S to pose solely.Already she was in a bad mood and agitated.She wanted to go home already but reminded herself she was there for promotions and obliged to pose for a single photoshoot.D stepped aside.

D: Where are you going?

He held Tammy back.

T: I want them to take my solo pics as well!!

D: They will.Once they are done with hers they will take yours.Don't cry baby...

He mollified her like a father would do to his two year old fussy daughter.He looked at S who seemed disturbed.

D mv: Hmm...Devasena garu is still not ok...

When Tammy was getting her pics clicked,D surrendered.He spoke to S because it bothered him to see her upset.

D: Oi...what happened to you?You don't look fine...

She ignored him.D didn't take it to his head as he knew her well.He he moved away to give her some space.

"Anushka more please!"some reporters requested S to pose again for photos.She went.

"Anushka mam!!This side!!"

S: at a time...

She requested politely.

SSR took a seat.D told Tammy to go next but she refused.

T: You sit beside Raj garu...

D: No no it's ok you go in first...

He made S sit beside her and he sat next to S.He wanted this arrangement so that the ladies would feel secure with SSR and himself seated at both ends.

D opened a bottle of water and passed it to S.

D: Drink some...

S: Don't want...

They were bombarded with questions.Tammy,the excited kid,went on jabbering.D was nervous to speak because he lacked the confidence.At one point when D was questioned,S intervened and replied on his behalf as she could not tolerate to see her teddy bear struggling.

D mv: Whatever her state of mind,she cares for me.😌

The press meet ended.When the team exited the building they were surprised to see fans in large crowds gathered around obstructing their way to the car.D's concern were S and T.He didn't wait for the bodyguards and took charge.He pulled the ladies infront of him and wrapped his arms around them as they navigated their way through the crowds.

Poor D got mobbed by men and women.Someone pinched his waist while another squeezed his bum.Some touched his hair,some touched his face.

D mv: Rey bava!You escaped leaving me to endure all this alone!!😭😭😭

D was crying inside but put up a brave front.He bore all the menace with a smile so long as both his pappas were protected.The girls safely got inside the car.One crazy girl fan ran and hugged D from behind.Before she could kiss him,the female bodyguards pulled her away.

D: No no!Please don't hurt ladies...🥺

He ensured the girl fan was safe before getting inside the car.

"We love you Prabhas!"

Girls screamed.He waved at them and the car left the place.

In the car,

T: Sweety,are you ok?You don't look fine...

It was then S revealed she was having severe migraine.

SSR: Why didn't you tell us talli?Let's go to the hospital!

S: It's ok Raj garu...I'll be fine..

Leaning against the window,she shut her eyes.D's worry for her was evident on his face.Instead of cracking jokes and pulling everyone's legs,he remained silent.He kept turning back to check on her.♥️

Suddenly she felt nauseous.

S: Please stop...

She got down the car and threw up  on a corner of the road.D rushed to her side.Tammy rubbed her back.

T mv: Bahubali,what did you do to her see now she's vomiting...😉

D: Oh Tammy stop your jokes!Its not funny...bangaram are you ok??🥺

She nodded weakly.She splashed some water on her face and dabbed with her duppatta.D held and made her sit in the car.He instructed the driver to turn off the ac and keep the windows open.

D: Tammy,you sit infront.I'll be with her.

They exchanged seats.

D: Let's take her to the hospital!

S: No I have tablets with me.

She fished out the strip from her purse.Tammy passed the bottle of water and S consumed the medications.

SSR: I guess she was tired from travel.The press meet was chaotic.The noise and light from flashes made it worse for Sweety...she's not used to these things.

T: of the worst press meets of all time.Glad it's over!

D: Next time let her not attend such events.She can come along for promotions but let her rest in the hotel room.

S leaned her head on the head rest but was feeling uneasy.Her dupatta fell down.He picked it up and spread it well then placed it on her chest and covered her completely.D made her rest her head on his shoulder and caressed her hair.

T: We saw nothing...🙈

SSR: Yeah...I wasn't around when these things happened 🙈

D: Raj!Tammy!She's not feeling well...that's why...

T and SSR exchanged looks.Of course they did not believe him.

They dropped off Tammy at her house.She invited them to stay there for the night but D,S and SSR wanted to return to Hyderabad the same day.S rested for sometime in Tammy's room and after having a scrumptious Sindhi dinner prepared by her mom,they left to the airport.

They boarded the flight.They were given the first row which had ample leg room.S took the window seat.The middle one remained empty and D occupied the aisle.SSR's seat was in the row next to theirs.

Once the flight took off he shifted to the seat next to her.

D: How are you feeling now bangaram?

S: Much better...

D: So this was the reason for your mood I know...

S: No...this is one of the reason.😏

D: And may I know what is the other one?

S: Tammy told me she wants to marry you and have twins with you...😔😒

D: Arre...she said it just to irritate you and you fell for it created a drama unnecessarily and spoilt all our mood.Next time you annoy her by ridiculing her choice of dresses.That's what bava and I do and she gets super pissed.😆

She giggled.

S: You sure you don't have feelings for her?

D: No...she's a good co-star and a trustworthy friend.I can't even see her as a lover let alone as my life partner.

S felt relieved.Humming to him in response she looked out of the window.She was taken for a surprise when she felt his hand on hers.

S: Pupsu,take your hand.What if someone sees...

He placed a cushion above their hands and continued with his deeds.

D: Now they can't...

She was still not convinced and protested.

D: Now I'm only holding your hand decently.Don't force me to keep my hand elsewhere on you then it will be more difficult for you.

S: 😳😳

After that she didn't stop him.He played with her hands and flirted with her shamelessly.She chuckled.His eyes,thick hair,notoriety mixed with innocence and sense of humour attracted her to him.

As he spoke,she twirled his moustache and he allowed her to.After sometime,

D: One minute bangaram...restroom is free...may I?

He showed her his pinky finger.

S: Thoo chi...go and come...😆

He finished his business and came out smiling sheepishly at everyone looking at him.Poor Pupsu pa didn't have the privacy to use a washroom in peace.

D: I feel relieved...😌

S: Now I'll go...

D: no don't go now if it's not urgent..

S: But why?

D: All eyes will be on you.I'm a guy it's ok but no one should see you.Once the lights are dim you one will notice you then.

They continued chit-chatting.The lights were dimmed.D looked around to see if anyone was watching.Coast was clear so he shifted his legs allowing S to go.The restroom nearest to them was occupied so S used the one at the end of the aircraft.

When she came out,she was surprised to see D leaning against the opposite wall.

S: You want to go?

D: No no...just waiting for you here.Incase someone followed you I wouldn't know...

S: Thanks...let's go...

He gripped her hand and she furrowed her brows at him questioning his act.He eyed her to the empty three-seater.It was at the extreme back so they had privacy.
She saw the naughty glint in his eyes and reciprocated with a coy smile.♥️

The End

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