Oh Baby! - Part 9

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S: Pups...ooowww!!!😖

"Doctor,he has fainted!"squealed the nurse.

"Uff!This is why I said!!Irritating fella...slap him until he regains conscious."

The nurse did as told and D returned to his senses.Lifting him up by his arms,two nurses supported the gentle giant.D clenched his eyes.

D: Thank you manoharis...pls bring me to my Sweetu...erm carefully...I don't want to see any blood!😑

"Sir,if you can't take it you wait outside."one of them cautioned.

D: No,no I can.Just bring me to her.

They brought him to her and slowly he opened his eyes.Her legs parted,she was squirming in pain clinging on to the sides of the bed.Seeing the love of his life that disheveled state with her face all sweaty and strands of her hair stuck on her face,D was moved to tears.He pushed the hairs sticking to her face aside to take a better look at her.Her eyes were watery and face was flushed due to pain.D held her hand and caressed her head.

D: Sweetu ma,how is it feeling ??

S: Huh...I feel very cool and relaxed Pupsoo as if I am chilling out at Goa beach...You!!!Is this even a question to ask??Can't you see my state??Aaahhh!!!😖

"Sweety relax...concentrate..At the count of 3,push..."

S: I cannot doctor.The pain is excruciating I have no strength in me...

D: Bangaram come on!You can do it!See,you killed Pashupathy,you fought the Pindaris as Devasena and you are the one and only Rudhramadevi!!You are lady superstar!!!🤩

"There he goes again..."the doctor rolled her eyes.

S: Pupsooo...is that and this the same???😤

D: Huh....uh...well...kind of!This is also a battlefield and my sweetu will emerge victorious!!Listen to me,Yuvarani...naa dhwaye manibandham bahirmukam... Theyaja!!

In the same modulation,he turned his wrist forth and back indicating her to 'release the arrow'from her 'bow'.

S: 🙄

"Nurse,stuff cotton into his mouth and go three rounds around his mouth with surgical tape.Seal it well."

D: Grrr!!!😡

S: You and your examples.Give me your hand...oww!!

She squeezed his hand.

"Ok Sweety...1,2,3...push!!"

S: Mmmmm...Aaa!!!😖😫

D: Aaaaaaa!!!!😫

S gave it all her might and pushed in the process crushing his knuckles.She fell back on the pillow.D flexed his fingers whimpering in pain.

S: Sorry pupsooo...uff...I can't do this anymore...

"Come on Sweety,don't give up!I can see the head.Another few pushes and baby will be out!"encouraged the doctor.

D: Yaay!!!Head!!My baby's head!!!I want to see!!🤩

D looked over her legs and again shut his eyes tightly turning to face S.

D: Woah...so much blood Sweetuuu!!!!No no no I didn't see anything!

"Don't you dare faint again!!"warned the doctor.

D: No I won't...I won't...just get this done with.I can't bear to see my bangaram in pain.

Groaning,she held his hand again and gave a strong push.

"Good...come on Sweety you are there...."

S began weeping.She turned to face her husband.

D: Puppy ma are you ok?🥺

S: I really cannot do this pupsoo... It is paining like hell...I have no more strength in me...sniff sniff...

Seeing her like that D felt lost.He didn't know what to do and hugged her.She pressed her face into his shirt letting her tears flow. D supported her in one arm and stroked her head with his other.

D: Sweetu ma I feel so useless I can't do anything not even take 1/4 of your pain to make you feel better what can I do??Doctor,pls do operation and take out the baby!😞

"It's not possible at this stage.She has to push out the baby."

D: Oh god!Bangaram,come on ma if there is anyone who can do this it is you only.You came this far it is only a little more,you can do this!See,I am with you...I love you...let's do this...mmm...

He also pushed along with her.

"Hello sir,pls don't dirty the place.You only have to clean up after yourself."

D: Huh...uh...I shouldn't push...huh...Sweetuuu come on...!!

He kissed her,rubbed her back,wiped the sweat off her face,allowed her to scratch him and crush his hand and do whatever she felt like.D did everything in his power to make her feel better.Though physically drained,his words of encouragement and soothing gestures gave her mental strength and she regained her energy back.After several pushes,


There was silence in the room except for the wails of the newborn.S fell back in exhaustion still holding on to D's hand.Tears rolled down his cheeks hearing the cries of his baby and he kissed his Sweety on her forehead.

D: Sweetu ma,heard that?It's our baby's cries...you did it!😃

Smiling weakly at D,she gestured him with her eyes to go closer and he went,

S: Happy Birthday pupsooo pa and Congratulations on becoming a nanna...😌

She kissed his cheek.Only after she wished him did he realise it was his birthday.

D: It's my birthday today!Thank you so much Sweetu for giving me the best gift!!!Congratulations to you too!!!My lady superstar is now an Amma!!!I am sorry bangaram...😞

S: Why??

D: Because of me you had to endure this...🥺

S: Don't say like that.Thanks to you I could experience this.It is tiring and painful but I feel complete now.Without you by my side,I would have given up long back it is because of you that I got through this.Thanks for making me a mom.I love you Pupsoo pa...🥰

D: I love you too Sweetu ma...🥰

He kissed her on her lips not minding their surroundings.The doctor cleared her throat to get their attention and D pulled apart.

"Congratulations!It is a HE!A fine and healthy baby boy!"

D: Sweetu ma it's a boy!!!!Mahendra is here!!!😃

The doctor allowed D to cut the cord.Praying in his heart wishing well for his son,D snipped the cord.The nurse lifted baby and dried him off then placed him facing down on S's chest.

Being son of the great foodie,the first thing the little one searched was for food.Parting his tiny mouth,he tried crawling up to her breast.The nurse helped baby to latch on to her breast.S was in pain,she was exhausted,her movements were restricted due to the blood pressure cuff in one arm and iv in another yet nothing stopped her from feeding her son.Looking at him lovingly,she stroked his cheek.

D tilted his head to take a look at his son.

D: Nanna...hungry aaa?

Eyes still shut,he straightened his fingers in response to his father's voice.

After having his fill,he snuggled on her chest.

S: Pupsoo....take him in your arms...

D: Let him feel you for some more time puppy ma.

D helped S to sit upright.Supporting her by one arm,together they carried their bundle of joy.The little one squirmed in their hands.

S: Pupsoo look at him!He's got your 'chicken neck cutter'nose.😃

D: Hihihi...Uppalapati trademark...😄

After some moments with their baby,D took him to show his friends who were waiting outside.Seeing him carrying the bundle,all three rushed to him.

D: It's a boy!😃

He gave his son to SSR.

SSR: Whoa...my Bahubali 3!😃

Ra: He is a xerox of you only!!😃

R: Congratulations bava!! Finally you made it ra!😃😘🤗


D conveyed the good news to his family and Sweety's.His clan arrived at the hospital in buses.S was shifted to her room.One after the other his relatives came in to see the new mother and baby.D was sitting on the bed beside S holding her hand and cooing to his junior.

Ra: How are feeling now Sweety?

S: Pain is there,feeling tired but otherwise I'm ok.

SSR and R entered with a birthday cake for D.

R: Congratulations bro and Happy birthday to you bava!!!🥳🤩

D: A cake for me!Its my birthday!!!😇😀

SSR: Not anymore you are sharing your birthday with your son as well.Here,hold this...

He passed the knife to D.Cradling his son in his strong arm,he cut the cake as his family and friends clapped and cheered on singing the happy birthday song.First he fed his mother and then his Sweetu.She also fed her pupsoo a piece and that moment was captured in R's camera.

D: Hihihihi thank you everyone for being with us and making this moment even more special.☺️

Prashanti distributed the sliced cakes to everyone.

R: We were all so worried for you bro and bava was creating ruckus outside.

D: Not my fault ra!They weren't letting me to be with my Sweetu so I behaved that way.🥺

SSR: Yeah right thank god the doctor and hospital staff were nice people or else they would have kicked us out along with you!

With D and S's permission,R announced the good news on Twitter with hashtags.

"The prince has arrived and I am super excited!!Happy Birthday to the Bahubalis!"🤩


SSR and Rama garu were looking after the little one while D was resting on the sofa with R asleep on his lap.D's mother was feeding S hot and spicy homemade mutton soup.

S: Enough atha...

D's mom: You had only a few mouths and you are saying enough.Like this how will you regain your strength?Have some more.

S's family arrived.They were welcomed by D and his mother.

S's parents carried their grandson and cooed to him irking D's mother.She pulled her son aside.

D's mom: When will they leave?😏

D: Amma,what is this?They just came and you're asking like this?They will feel bad if they hear.

D's mom: At the rate your mother-in-law is playing with my grandson seems like she will take him with her this instant!I won't allow that.My grandson will be with me!😡

D: Lol Amma he's their grandson too!☺️

D's mom: That all I don't know.It is your responsibility to ensure they don't take him away!

Meanwhile from S's side,

S's mom: Why is your mother-in-law guarding him like a hawk?Everytime we carry him she is looking at as if we have come to steal her jewels.I am taking my grandson to Bangalore!😡

S: Amma,he is her grandson too!She would also want to keep him with her.☺️

S's mom: I don't know all that.I am taking him.You will come with me no kanna??

D's mom: First we have to take him to Bhimvaram.😏Blah...blah...blah...

S's mom: He has to see Puttur first.😏Blah...blah...blah...

D&S: 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️

Telengana vs Karnataka match took place until the doctor intervened and silenced them thus concluding a draw.

D celebrated the birth of his son like a festival.He fed chicken biriyani and gave individual boxes of traditional sweets to each and every hospital staff as gratitude.He organized a feast for all his fans too.Wishes and blessings poured in congratulating the couple and their baby.


Little Rebel's
Naming Ceremony

LR's naming ceremony was held on the 11th day from his birth.The Uppalapati mansion was filled with festivities.While the new mom was getting ready,nanna bear was welcoming guests.Little Rebel was undoubtedly the centre of focus in a cute white onesie.

R,the proud mama paraded around with the little one cocooned in his muscular arm.

T: Hey lamp post,give him to me!I want to carry him!🤩

R: He just told me he doesn't like women who wear pillow covers as clothes.😑

T: Shut up!!Better than your chor bazar haul anytime!!😤

SSR: Ooohhh started!!Rana,give a chance to others to carry him also.

R: No I won't!Bava see bava they want to snatch him from me.🥺

D: Ok bava you only keep him but for a while let Tammy hold him.

R: Because you said.Here tent,but only one minute after that you have to pass him to me.😇

T: Ok ok!!🤗

T carried LR and cooed to him.

T: He is so cute!!Pacha bottesinaa...🎶♥️

She hummed the song and little rebel's lips curved to a smile.He  raised his palm as if he was ready to dance with her.

T: You want to join hands with mine?Aaawww my kutty Mahendra!!🥰

SSR: Haan...very good started now itself.😄


D was called to change to traditional clothes and S's mom took little rebel to dress him up in his ceremonial clothes.

It was time for the rituals.D and S came in traditional attire.She wore a maroon and golden border saree and matching to that was D's kurtha which he paired with cream colour panche.Little rebel also wore a kurtha and panche in the same combination of his nanna.S passed little rebel to KRG and his wife.Baby adjusted himself comfortably on KRG's pot belly as if it were a cushion.The priest continued with the rituals.Mantras were chanted for the well-being of the baby.

When it was time to name baby,KRG passed little rebel to D.S kept her hands beneath her husband's and looked at her son.D whispered LR's name into his ears thrice.

D: Veera Venkata Suryanarayana Pranav Raju Uppalapati.😎

Everyone clapped.His mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes when she heard her husband's name with her grandson's.D wrote the name on a plate of raw rice.He kissed his son on his forehead and passed him to S who continued the same ritual.

S's elder brother,LR's maternal uncle dipped a gold ring in a mixture of pure cow milk & honey and touched it on the baby's tongue.

All the rest followed suit.He cooperated well initially but later got cranky with all the hustle around him as he wasn't used to getting papped.

Little rebel was blessed by everyone and SDG placed him on the refurbished and decorated family cradle which his forefathers and father slept when they were babies.The cradle was rocked gently as SDG cooed to the little one.Aunties gathered around him singing traditional songs and he was looking around everyone with wide eyes.

His Sahoo co-stars like Neil Nithin sent him wishes through texts.Shraddhoo conveyed her wishes by phone call but Poo ma came with her parents to wish the newborn.For once she came decently draped in a saree.They were welcomed by DS.S led her to the cradle.

P: Aaaww he's so cute!!Can I carry him?😍

S: Oh sure...☺️

P: Actually I need help I'm not used to carry newborns.

S carried baby and placed him on her hands then kept her hands beneath Poo's for support.

And Lo!Grumpy little rebel was all smiles seeing Poo.He gurgled at her when she cooed to him as if he knew her for ages.Not stopping at that,he gripped her pallu trying to shift it to get a peek.

R: Bava,he is your son only no doubt...😳

D: He loves boobies!My blood is running in him!I couldn't ask for more!!😭😭😭

P: Err...Sweety garu...what does he want?😳

S: He's hungry that's why...☺️

S picked her son and went to the room.D served refreshments to Poo ma.

P: Baby looks like you only Prabhas garu...☺️

D: Thank you Poo pappa.I told you no...no formalities call me darling...I have another interesting script for you...blah...blah...

The function went on and after all guests left the entire Uppalapati clan and Shetty clan took a family photo with DS in the middle carrying little rebel.♥️


A month later,

D: Zzzz....😴

S: Zzzz....😴

Wrapped in each other's arms,the new parents were in deep sleep.😴


Both of them didn't budge one bit and baby's wails continued.

D: Ssshhh...don't cry....zzz...Sweetu see how irresponsible the neighbours are they can't look after their baby.

S: True pupsooo pa useless parents letting their baby cry...zzz...

D: Bangaram tomorrow when we get married and have a baby we will not do like that....we will look after him well...


S: Yes pupsooo...huh...a baby...Pupsoo!!We already made one!

Both snapped their eyes open and jumped out of bed rushing towards the cradle.D picked up his crying son to comfort him.

D: Ok da ok don't cry....Sniff...Bangaram,he has gone potty...it's so smelly...😤

S: I knew it.I'm getting the diapers.

D placed him on their bed.S removed his soiled diapers and cleaned him.While she was doing so,D gave his long ladies finger to his son to hold on and play.The tiny fist was no match to the giant finger.

D: Hihihi when you grow up you will also have long ones like this.

He placed baby in their middle and continued playing with his son.

D: Where is Amma baby?She is not to be seen...☹️

S pulled the quilt over her face to hide.Little rebel turned his head to the side where his mother was.

D: Why are you looking there baby?Who is it there?I can't see anyone...

He gurgled as if saying his amma is there and stretched his hand patting on the quilt.S lowered it revealing her face and smiled at her son.

D: Smart boy!😃

S kissed her son's head.Parting his lips he began searching for his source of food.

D: He's hungry right Sweetu?

S: Yes...

S was too tired to sit upright and feed him so she decided to nurse him by lying on her side.D placed a cushion behind her back ensuring she was in a comfortable position.

Patting baby's bum she nodded off but D waited until he finished.Once he had his fill,D carried him and adjusted her top properly.He burped baby and lulled him to sleep.Placing him on his cradle,D joined his wife in bed and snuggled with her.♥️

To be continued...

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