Past,Present & Future

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Outline of this update:In this one update,let's take a look at how D deals with his past(Kaju pappa),present(Sweetu pappa)and future(Poo pappa).😅


1.Rendezvous with Mrs.Bahubali.

One evening,D was taking shower while S was cuddling buddy boy when the door bell rang.

S: Come,let's see who it is...

She went ahead while buddy followed her.It was a delivery guy wearing Amazon logo tshirt standing with a parcel in his hand.

"Gd evening mam.Your item from Amazon is here.Pls sign this."

He showed her a form but S was sure she hadn't purchased anything online post covid.

S: I think you've come by mistake I haven't...

"No mam,it's this address only.Prabhas garu has placed an order."

She took the parcel and posed for a selfie for the delivery guy who was her fan.

S: I've a request pls don't post this on social media.

"Ok mam.Thank you."

She closed the door and kept the package on the table.

S: What could this be da ?

"Wooof woof..."

S: must be high quality pedigree for you.See,nanna loves you so much...

Buddy smacked his lips.He kept his paw on her lap urging her to open it for him.

She took it and shook near her ears.

S: Oh no buddy I don't hear a thing doesn't seem like food...maybe he has purchased some shades or watch for himself.Sorry da...😕

Buddy felt bad but S promised him she would get him treats and he was happy.

S: What could it be?If I open without asking him he'll yell at me for that.Hmm...

Curiosity got the better of her.She stood outside the bathroom door.

D: O saiyaan saiyaan re nekosam thayyaare
neekeppudo yera yesa
vadhalanu ninne mana katha raasko raasko...

S: 🙄

Singing along with the music playing on his phone,D shook his bums as he lathered his hair with shampoo.With the remaining foam,he blew bubbles.

D: It's not coming properly...fooo...

She knocked the door.

D: want to also shower?😍

S: No need.Did you order anything online ?

D: Yeah...from Amazon why?

S: It was delivered just now.I'm keeping it on the bed.

D: Oh ok.Open it bangaram it is for you.

S: Me ah?Really?😃

D: Yes Sweety it's for you only.See and tell me how it is...

She couldn't believe that the current Bollywood sensation who was none other than her wayward Pupsooo,remembered her instead of his new love interests Shraddhoo and Poo.Taking a cutter she opened the parcel expecting a dress or jewelry set.Her grin narrowed to a frown when she held up a pair of male boxers.

S: 😡😡😡😤😤😤

Crumpling it she chucked it back into the box.

S: Let him this what he got for me?Thoo!

After a while he came out with towel wrapped around his waist.
Seeing her seated on bed he was excited.

D: Chweeetuuuu!!!😍

He shook the water off his head on her face and she looked away in irritation.Getting on the bed he snuggled his head on her lap.

D: How did you like the gift I got? 🤩

He pinched her cheek and she pushed him away.

S: This male boxers is what you got me?I am supposed to wear this uh?

She hurled it at him.He picked it up and held it before his face.

D: Wow!It's so nice!I ordered three pieces in total only one came ?

She hurled the remaining two,one was in red with white heart prints and the other in white with red heart prints,on his face.

D: Why Sweetu?☹️

S: Do I look like someone who wears this ?😡

D: I didn't ask you to wear!

S: But you said you got these for me?

D: Yeah I did but...wait I'll show you what I meant...

Not minding her presence,he unwrapped the towel.S turned her face away in disgust.

S: Thoo...shameless....

He wore them and clicked a mirror selfie of himself then made a call.

D: Hello,police station...

S: Why is he calling the police now?😳

D:...there's a handsome guy in my room...pls come and oh no wait a minute that's me!Prabhas Kapoor Khan😌

He felt proud of himself.

S: 🙄I've work to do...

She got up.

D: Huh...wait wait Sweetuu...sit down...

He did a catwalk before her.

D: Now this is for you right?😉

He posed like Micheal Jackson.

S: Get lost!

She took two steps but he kept his hand on her waist and twirled her then caught her like he did for Amrita in baby won't you tell me song sequence.

He threw her a sexy look and she melted.

S: I've to pack your stuff you're leaving to Italy tomorrow...

She protested gently.

D: You sure you want me to leave you?You won't be seeing me for a month...

S: Ok so?

She leaned on his chest.

D: This time you won't be there with me for my birthday also...

She wrapped her arms around his waist.

S: Ok so?

D: I will miss your too will be missing me...

She hugged him as if he was her teddy bear.

S: Ok so?

D: We have to do something that will keep me satiated for a month.😉

S: What should I do?🤔

D: Huh...sing me nursery rhymes.Grr!Are you a baby?We're together for more than a decade you still don't get what I'm hinting at?

S: I'm in no mood...😏

D: For that only no I ordered these...after seeing me in this also you're not tempted?

He nuzzled her neck.

S: look like that cartoon character Johnny bravo in this I'm not getting feelings only feel like laughing...

D: And I know how to change that laughter to romance...

Scooping her in his arms,D dumped her on their bed and pounced on her.

Possessive buddy barked at his nanna to leave her alone.

D: Grrr...he thinks I'm going to do attack you...tell him you are ok with this before he attacks me!

S cooed to her son.

S: I'm fine go and sleep now...ok?

D: Yes I'm more shy than a girl on her wedding day so I don't want anyone else in this room apart from me and bangaram...

She gave buddy a kiss and patted his head and he went to his bed in the hall.

D: Thanks buddy...

He pulled the quilt over their heads.

S: door is open I'll...

D: That's ok...he's decent he won't peep.

They played "ludo on bed" with dolby effects.🙄

Next morning,D was snoozing on his stomach with his mouth wide open.

D: Zzz...

S came to wake him.

S: Gd morning Prabhas Kapoor Khan.Wakey wakey you've a flight to catch today...

Groggily he lifted his head.Barely opening his eyes he shifted to her lap poking his nose on the spot in between her lower belly lap.

S: Eeww pupsooo I had shower don't touch me move aside..

She tried to push him but he wouldn't budge.

D: Who asked you to bathe so early?I was expecting a morning show...

She weaved her fingers through his messy hair.

S: You keep asking for shows like this your team will go leaving you behind.Goodboy,go bathe no...

D: I worked so hard last night...feeling tired...For sometime let me be...pls...

S: Ok sleep for another half an hour.

Pulling the pillow beneath his head she covered him with the quilt.He nodded off and she went to pack his luggage.


Buddy hopped on to the bed and tried to pull the quilt away from D in an attempt to wake him up.That action made D jerk awake.

D: Aaaahh!Krishnaa save me!!!

He held the quilt tightly around his chest to save his honour.

Buddy sniffed D's boxers.

D: What ra?Why are you investigating that as if a police dog at a crime scene who found a piece of evidence?


Buddy unknowingly kept his paw on D's "Bahubali".

D: Sweeetuuuuuuu!!!!Come fast!!!...😭😭😭

The poor fella got scared seeing D shriek.S came dashing in.

D: Tell him to take his hand off! I'm scared he might damage my posession.😭

S: I only sent him to wake you up.Come buddy...come here...don't disturb nanna...

He hopped down and went to his mistress.

D: Nanna?Wth! When did I became nanna to this guy?😟

S: If I'm his amma you're his nanna no?He is our first born puppy pa...

D: Look,you call me an impotent I will take it but don't make me a nanna to this fella!

S: You don't get offended da nanna is pulling your leg come let's go...

He followed her out.

D: Nanna...lucky he doesn't have kids else she would have made me thathayya to them.

He went to have his bath.S kept his luggage ready near the door.D came out dressed in his travel wear,a beige hoodie and black pant.S served him breakfast and he relished it.

D: Buurrppp...Sweetu I want two more boiled eggs...

Post breakfast,he got ready to leave.He wrapped his arms around her waist securing her to him she rested her head on his chest.

S: Do you really have to go now pupsoo?You can go after your birthday no...

D: Aiyooo Talli...with great difficulty we got permission from Italian govt to shoot during this pandemic if we lose this chance don't know when we might get again.Work comes first you know that no...

She nodded.

D: I'll speak to you on video call everyday.Ok?Now my bangaram send me off with a smile...

She smiled.

S: Go safely and return soon.

Taking some sindoor from the alter she smeared a little on his forehead then kissed him.

S: Happy Birthday in advance!

He hugged her tightly.

D: Thank you so much my love...Err...where is my gift?

He peeked behind her back to see if she had hidden any treats or gifts for him.

S: I still haven't bought them.I'll give it to you after you return...

D: Ok...😞

His driver came up and took his luggage.Buddy picked D's shoes and brought it near his feet.D crouched down before him.Rubbing his head,

D: Hey thank you buddy...I promise to get you high quality treats from Italy ok?


S: Awww....

She gave him his mask which he wore.

D: I'll take your leave Devasena...

S: See you soon Ammu...take care...

Giving her a parting hug,he left her place.

2.Uppalapati out,Kitchulu in.

D fought the baddies.One of them pierced his back from behind with a rusted knife,another attacked him on his head with a iron bar.He fell to the ground.

K: Darling,come and save me!😰

Her voice gave him strength.He stood up on his feet.Pulling the knife off his back,he got on his bike and drove in high speed to the mandap to stop her wedding.

On the way he got a call that his mother was serious.He was in a dilemma whether to save his lady love or his mother.

D: Amma!!!Naa talli!!!😭😭

Mother sentiments took precedence over love.He reversed the bike and rushed to the hospital.After giving 3 litres of blood and reviving his mother,he jumped on his bike again and sped to the mandap fighting a typhoon,tsunami and all other odds that came his way.

By the time he reached the mandap,the wedding was over.His Kaju pappa had become Mrs.Kitchulu.😢

D dropped on his knees seeing the sindoor filling on K's hair partition.Upon seeing a blood soaked D,Kaju got up from the dais and holding her heavy lehenga she ran to her darling in slow motion.D too made his way to her pushing everyone who came in the middle.He lost his balance,tumbled and fell yet picked himself up to meet his lover.

Unfortunately before they could hug,Mr.Kitchulu took away his bride and D was given a smack on his head and dragged away by S.They stretched their hands reaching out for each other.

K: Darling...😭

D: Kajuu maa😭

K: Our love shall live...

D:...for eternity...

Inka edo sad version played in the background.Their hands could never join despite their efforts.Their names were added to the list of tragic lovers.💔

D wiped the tears that came streaming down his cheeks.

Kaju pappa's wedding announcement came as a shocker for her fans mainly her pans who had their hopes high that D would marry her.Sweet S took to Twitter and conveyed her wishes to the to-be couple.Kajal thanked her in return.

Turning off her laptop,S went to do her chores when she got reminded of her pupsooo.

S: Oh dear,would Pupsoo have gotten the news of K's marriage?What would be his state?😟

Worried,she called her brother-in-law.S could hear "Oh Priya Priya"music playing in the background.

Pr: Vadina...sob...sob...😢

S: How's he?

Pr: What do I tell vadina?He has draped a towel over his torso...on one hand he is holding a whiskey bottle and other hand his photo with Kajal taken during Mr.Perfect.Lying on the hard,cold floor he is observing love failure in her memory.Sob...sob...

S: 🙄So he didn't eat anything?

Pr: He ate Andhra bhojanam from a restaurant here but he was still hungry so he ordered Italian food from his room.He just finished a plate of fish fingers and the remaining tomato ketchup he has smeared around his mouth as real blood is not coming...😭

S mv: (Sai anna and Guna anna should round him up then real blood will come from his mouth.)Ok Pramod,pass the phone to him.

D: Hel...lo...

He was too weak to even speak.

S: Pupsooo pa Kajal has invited both of us for her wedding we should go.

D: That's it?She forgot me?How could she betray this poor soul who has not even harmed an ant?Guys are so good...girls are all cheaters...!!!Sniff...sniff...

S:(mv: The way he is talking is as if they loved since college and she ditched him for another man...she doesn't even consider his existence..)Pupsooo pa when I raise her topic you are the one who hushes me showing so much hate for her now you only...

D: Where there is love,there will be hate.Two films I did with her Sweety!!When we were shooting for Darling,she felt like eating pani poori.I sent a search team to find a vendor and they brought that fella along with his cart for her.She gobbled 56 plates under my much I did for her but...

S:(mv:Rascal...he is saying all this now because he knows he can't be whacked over the come home ra...)Ok fine since you are so serious I'll have a word with her if she consents you both can get married.(mv: Now you talk...)

There was silence.

D: Marriage...Huh...uh...

S: What happened pupsoo?

D: No...if I marry her what about you?You are also paapam no you love me so much...🥺

S: It's ok pupsooo your happiness matters the most to me.If you get married to her I can find a good Shetty guy for myself.

D: It's ok Sweetu.I wish her a happy married life.Don't think about Shetty guys they won't be like me..

S: Yes yes they are better than you.Ok remove all those props,wash your face and take rest.Talk to you later.Love you...

D: you...

3.Happy Birthday Prerana!

D was excited because it was his Radha's birthday.He had bath,changed into his loose tshirt and baggy shorts.

He and his team decorated her room when she had gone out for shopping.

Pramod blew balloons,D's cook fixed them on the walls,his make-up assistant added beautiful pink lilies to create a flowery ambience.D hung the Happy Birthday helium balloon wordings in baby pink on the background.

D: Pink for baby girls...aaawww so cute!🥰

He arranged the table with champagne bottles and glasses.He had placed an order for a large Tiramisu cake,the traditional dessert of Italy,which was enough to feed his team.

They each chose a spot to hide behind the sofa,inside the wardrobe and under the cot.Since D couldn't fit into any of these he had to hide behind the curtains.

Soon Pooja returned to her room with her shopping bags.She felt something eerie in her room.

P: This hotel is quite old I heard.Could it be haunted?Or a thief?

She didn't want to switch on the light as it would alert the uninvited visitor.D felt irritated behind the curtains when those brushed against his pointy nose.He wanted to sneeze but suppressed it.In an attempt to control it,he fidgeted behind the curtains.

P: Omg!Indeed there is someone here!

Pramod was hiding behind the sofa sobbing as he read the derogatory comments on UV page.D's assistant was listening to his iPod inside the wardrobe while his cook nodded off under the cot.

Brave Pooja took her hair curler and went near the curtains.In the dim light,she saw shadow of two giant feet.Raising her weapon,she hit the intruder.

D: Aaaaahhhh!!!!Amma!!!!

Hearing his scream all came out of their hiding places.The light was switched on.Pooja saw D's face.

P: OMG!Sir!!😰

That word "sir" pained more than the thwart he received.

The medical team was summoned and they checked on him.Thankfully D wasn't bruised.Only a plaster was put on his forehead that was also after D requested as it would create a sympathy feel.After medics left,Pooja came and sat beside him.

P: I'm extremely sorry sir.I mistook you for a thief.

D: It's ok pappa I'm not hurt I'm fine.

He had an image to maintain he couldn't show his weakness before his heroine.

S: Sir,what were you doing behind those curtains?

D: It was my plan to hide so that when you switched on the light we could do a "boo" and surprise you!😃

P: (mv:He thinks he is in ukg or what)Oh I see...

D: Nevermind.Did you like the arrangements?

He showed his 32.

P: Oh wow!It's amazing thank you so much sir! It's an honour working with you and team UV.

D lifted his arms to hug her but by then she got up and hugged Pramod.The hug that was meant for him had gone to his brother.D felt a lump stuck in his throat.

"Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to our Prerana,Happy Birthday to you!!"

Pooja posed for a pic with her birthday cake.They clapped for her who felt pampered like a princess.Thanking them all,she cut the cake.The first piece went to her director and producer followed by her own team.Last but not least she took a little cream near D's mouth who was pouting expectantly for a kiss.

P: I heard you have sugar so only this much for you.Pls take care of your health sir.

She put some cream on his tongue like how they keep sugar water for babies during their naming ceremony rubbing salt on his wounds.

He presented her a gift which was a costly necklace set.She thanked him gratefully.They rounded up the party with some good food and champagne.Poo was busy talking with others and ignored D despite him trying to get her attention to speak to him.Since his planetary position wasn't favouring him,D went off to sleep early to get ready for the shoot next day.

The End

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