Pupsoo's posessions

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Pupsoo's Posessions!

SSR and his wife were going to sleep when he heard his doorbell ring.

Ra: Who could it be at this hour ??

SSR: Let me check.

They saw D leaning against the frame of their door in his "I love Sunny Leone" printed oversized t-shirt and chequered shorts. An indian vintage trunk was secured under his left arm as he blowed his nose onto a handkerchief. His eyes was teary and he looked distressed.

Pic credits : Google images.

SSR: Reyy ! What is this ?? Have you looted the temple goddesses ornaments and come her straight ?? Look I can't go and sit in lock-up. You pls clear this place now I have nothing to do with you.

SSR went to shut the door but D stopped him.

D: Raj...sniff, sniff... allow me inside pls... I have no where to go.....waaahhhhhh...

He wailed liked a child whose toffee had been snatched from him.

SSR: Reyy ! What is this ?? At this hour you are crying at my doorstep what will people think ?? Ok come in...

They called him in and he sat down on the sofa placing his precious trunk carefully on the coffee table. He fell on Rama garu's lap curling himself like a prawn and sobbed harder. She ruffled his head and consoled him.

Ra: What is this ra ? Crying like a girl who got chased out of in-laws home. What happened ? It's not good if a guy cries. Tell us na only then we can help you out....

D sat upright and rubbing his tears away narrated the fateful incident.


D thought it was the right time to discuss his marriage when everyone were in a jolly mood watching tv. He was so nervous and called up his Sweetu.

S: Papsu pa...ummah...

D: Bangaram, I am going to tell Amma today about us. Pls give me courage and wish me good luck.

S: Oh ok. Pabsu pa... Ranga Rukmini serial is going on. A very crucial episode and I have to watch it. Don't disturb me now. Ok? Ummaahh... I love you !

D: Hello... Swee... she ended the call. She helped me in movie but in real I'll have to fight the Pindari army alone. Hmm...

He went to the prayer room first. The otherwise non religious fella who couldn't remember the last time he stepped into prayer room had now become a devout priest. He smeared holy ash across his forehead, rolled side to side, offered flowers, incense and prayers to almighty.

D: I have never done anything like this even on the previous day of my exams or Bahubali release, I am doing it now pls help me lord !!

He took a hanuman chalisa in his hand(though he didn't know a single verse)for courage yet he wasn't convinced. Then he went to his nanna's photo, closed his eyes in prayer to seek his blessings. Seeing his nanna's smiling face eased his anxiety a bit. D's amma, peddamma & peddananna and their daughters were watching the same "Ranga Rukmini" soap. He went and stood before them tv like a huge palm tree.

D's mom: Nandhu, move ! It's an important scene ! Today we'll know if Ranga's mom approves of his marriage with Rukmini.

Wiping the sweat off his face he and mustering courage he spoke,

D: I...I...have a more important issue to talk about... it's regarding Ranga and Maya...

D's mom looked at his aunt,

D's mom: Shyamala, Ranga we know who is Maya ?? In between I  missed two episodes who is this new character do you know ??

SDG: Akka, I think she is a new character. We'll know today.

D: Serial fanatics...ggrrr

D wanted to bang his head somewhere. One of his cousin sisters spoke,

D's sis: Annaya, whatever it is you can discuss later now you pls step aside story is going very interestingly we need to know..

D: (mv: Oh all serial mentals! Here my underwear is soaked in my own sweat and they need to know what happens in the serial... gggrrr !!!) Is this your age to watch tv ?? Go take your books and study !

D's sis: I already finished studying. There is nothing else left to study.

D was frustrated. He picked up the pile of newspapers from the stack and placed it in front of her.

D: See, now you have so much to study. Take this, go and revise. I will ask questions from this later. Go now !

KRG: Rey mental ! Why are you troubling her ?? What is your problem ??

D: I need to talk to elders! It's important!

KRG eyed the girls to go in to their room and when they left D took a deep breath and sat before them.

D: (mv: Reyy we don't know what their reaction will be when you say the bride is Sweety so first bring the topic of marriage and when they get excited then tell them about your choice.) Err... I'm ready for marriage.

He felt shy and bent his head.The elders swapped looks.

SGD: Don't worry babu, we told the same thing in latest iv, that you are ready for marriage. For sometime they'll not bother us regarding that by then we can cook up another excuse.

D: Kannamma no I mean I am seriously saying I am ready for marriage. You can get me married.

They gave him a blank look and then burst out laughing.

D: Wth!! Why are you all laughing ? Is it some joke ??

KRG: From your 30 years we have been asking you to get married but you kept saying you would and only years passed until to the point we stopped asking you. Now you're saying you want to marry, how to believe you ??

D's mom: Exactly! Look ra, for some time even I was looking forward to your wedding but now like your fans even I have stopped hoping. You remain single that is the best.

D: Amma! You can't say this ! Don't you want a beautiful daughter-in-law to fight with you and cute grandchildren to go susu on your lap ?? I can make it for you.

SDG: Look at him saying, as if he can go into kitchen and make maggie in two minutes.

D: Kannammaa!! 😡

SDG: What ra ?? Raising your voice against me ! I'll slit your tongue with the coconut grater! 😡

D: Ouch my tongue.. ok fine... sorry kannamma it is my life pls don't make comedy out of it. I am seriously saying I want to marry so that you'll all be happy.

D's mom: No need. Just so you want to us happy you need not marry. You carry on enjoying your life.

D: Pls amma believe me I am serious ! I want to marry!

SGD: But we have decided not to get you married!

An argument ensued between D and the elders. No matter how much he begged or cried to get him married off they didn't seem to budge and he felt hopeless. He got up and went to his room angrily. After a while he cane down balancing his huge trunk on his hip and wiping his tears with back of his hand.

D: Since you're all not getting me married I am leaving this house...sob...sob... you'll all pay the price for letting the pride of uppalapati clan die a virgin!!! 🤧

KRG: Abbo...who is the pride of Uppalapati clan ??

D: Meeeeee!!!! Prabhas Raju Uppalapati!!! Young rebel star !! Bahubali !!! and I am leaving !!! Darkness will now shroud over this house!!! Bye !!!

KRG: We pay the electricity bills on time so they won't cut it don't worry. Ta ta !

D: Huh..uh... mmm.... heartless people !

D's mom: Nandhu !!!

He stopped and turned.

D: I knew it ! My amma is the best ! She has a soft corner for me, she will listen to me ! Ammaaaaa!!

D's mom: No not that.. that trunk is your grandfather's. We have kept is safely. Don't damage that. I called you just to remind you that. Ok bye !

D: Huh.. uh... God will punish you for all this deeds! I don't want a share in the property or have anything to do with this clan ! I am never going to set foot in this house ever again !

Sobbing he got into his car,

KRG: Reyy, this car I gifted you for your birthday. This is also part of the Uppalapati property that you just disowned.

D got down taking his trunk and he kicked the door shut in anger. He then got into his range rover and popping his head out of the window he looked at his uncle,

D: This is my car ! I bought this with my hard earned money I got from Bahubali. Now I am leaving! I won't return even if you are keeping a biriyani feast! Sob...sob.....

The elders smiled and waved their hands at him. He turned his face away in anger and drove off.

D: Let me call my Sweetu... she loves me so much and will accommodate me even though I am penniless and have only one underwear.

With hope he called his bangaram who picked the call in the midst of her beauty sleep.

D: Sweetuuuu maaa.... sob..sob..

S: Pabsu pa... my baby...Why are you wailing at this hour ?? Didn't you get leg piece in the biriyani ?

D: I won't even get biriyani henceforth sob..sob...Sweetuuuuu maaaa I fought with my family and left my home ! I have no where to go! I'm coming over to your place! Pls keep the door open for your Pabsu pa....

S: Oh that's all...I'm so sleepy Pabsu pa... door is locked and very lazy to go and open now. You sleep somewhere at bus-stand or temple and come in the morning I'll keep the door open ok goodnight bye....zzz....

She ended the call. D felt miserable.

D: Booo..hooo...My Sweetu has also betrayed me. No one wants me. Why should I live ?? Bhalla come and kill me!! Hey no !! I have my bava... I'll call him... he will let me stay at his place.... Yes !

He spoke to his bava.

R: Bava, bava now stop wailing !!
I understand your pain. You can come over bava... this is your house ra!

D: I knew it ! You are the best! Thank you bava I love you.

However Pabsu's calculations went awry this time too.

R: Hey hang on a minute someone's at the door.

It was none other than his chennai beauty queen Trisha.

Tr: Hi baby !!

She entered and hugged him. R's eye went wide in surprise.

R: Baby! You here ! Yahoooo!!! What's the occasion ?? 😍

Tr: I'm here for a shoot. I'll be here for 2 days, with you. 😍

She blushed and batted her eyelids which made R jump in joy. D was still waiting on line.

D: Hello, Hello... bava you there ??

R: Bava...err... that err... hee hee hee... Trisha has paid a surprise visit she is staying over at my place....

Tr: Whose that baby ??

R: Huh.. it's bava honey... he called to wish me goodnight. Hee hee hee ok bava goodnight !

Call ended. Exasperated, D threw his phone on the seat behind him.

D: Sob..sob... bava is not bava he is Bhalla !!! Traitor !!! He was lost when he entered Bahubali sets on the first day, I took him into my lap, fed him beer and shawarma now he has grown up and doesn't need this old man anymore !! This world is full of bad people !! I am the only good soul. Sniff.. sniff...

On a whim, he drove straight to SSR's house.

End of Flashback:

After he finished he fell back on her lap and continued crying. SSR and Ra swapped looks and laughed. 

D: You're also laughing at my plight ?? Fine I am leaving !

He got up with trunk in hand.

SSR: Oooh he and his pride...Rey relax, don't go.

SSR pulled him back and made him sit on the sofa.

SSR: Ok sorry sorry... listen... your family isn't believing you because all this while you were playing around not serious. Can't blame them that's how you have been. It's ok. Tomorrow I'll talk to them regarding your marriage with Sweetu. Then they will believe.

D: No ! I don't want ! I don't want anyone ! I don't want marriage ! I'll stay here with you both ! Adopt me as your son !

Rama garu joined her palms before him.

Ra: I already have two headaches to manage that is enough I can't take one more. Pls spare me !!

He looked hopefully at SSR.

SSR: Don't look at me like that ! I'm also on the same page as my wife in this. I already have a slip disc carrying you on my hip and babying you for years I have no more strength to do it for life.

D: I will commit suicide if you don't adopt me now !!! Sob...sob...

Ra: We will have to commit suicide if we adopt you ra..

SSR eyed her to remain calm and that he would handle D.

SSR: Ok ra we'll adopt you but one thing, we're vegetarians and strictly no meat allowed into this house. If you agree to adhere to our way of life then we'll adopt you. Ok ?

Knowing well D can't survive without feasting on animal kingdom, he played his cards and it worked.

D: Mmm it's ok then I don't want to trouble you both. I'll remain an Uppalapatian.

He again fell on Rama garu's lap and shut his eyes.

SSR: Reyy!! Don't sleep here ra ! We can't get a crane JCB at this hour to transport you to the room. Go up and sleep.

D got up sulking and scratching his head.

Ra: Wait, wait here take your trunk.

D: Huh..uh... my trunk...

D picked it up and hugged it to his chest.

SSR: I am curious, what have you kept inside this ?? Your clothes or money ??

D: Something that is priceless!

Ra: Family heirloom or your dad's photo ??

SSR: Sweety's feeding bottle ? Or her saree ?

D shook his head in denial and opened his trunk to reveal a galore of sunglasses from his very first one his nanna bought him and his brothers at Bhimvaram temple fair to the latest alien shades he bought at Dubai.

D: These are my possessions !

He looked proudly at his collection his eyes twinkled in delight as he ran his hand over them then wishing the couple goodnight he went to the guest room. SSR and Rama garu blinked hard.

SSR: I don't believe this guy ! 😳

Ra: Me neither ! 😳

The End 😜😁

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