En pondatti ooruku poyitta

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En pondatti ooruku poyitta !
Translation: My wife has gone to her place/mother's house!

During Bahubali 1 promotions, team Bahubali organized a meet with the chinese media who came over from China. Most of the cast and crew were present at hotel Hyatt in Hyderabad.

D was in Amarendra look with long hair, thick beard and muscular body. He arrived with his vanar sena and quietly sneaked into the hotel through the back passage and went up to the room booked for him. Once in, he took off the hair band which was used to bind his hair in a pony and shook his head to let his hair loose. His assistant began to brush his hair like how mothers do for their daughters.

D: Aaahhh...aaahhh... are you brushing my hair or taking vengeance on me for snatching the leg piece from your biriyani ??

As: Aiyoo annaya there is so much knots, what do I do ? Pls bear with it a little.

D: Mmm... this is one thing ra.. how much I comb also it gets tangled. Amma takes 10 mins to brush her hair, for akka it is 5 mins. Sweetu is 2 mins. My hair only longest takes 20 mins to brush. Seeing this they have all teamed up and given me a new name, Prabhasini... sob...sob...

As: Lol... what to do annaya.. your hair is too thick like some forest.

D: Yes... that's because as a kid when amma was applying oil for akka I used to throw a tantrum to have mine oiled as well this is the result of frequent application even akka was shocked seeing me having much thicker hair than her. Aaa.. I feel itchy... rey, just check if there are lies... if you find catch and give me, I'll crush it under my nails petty fellas who do they think they are messing with ? Bahubali ra nenu !!!

Assistant checks for lies.

As: No there is nothing it is clean. Should I tie a bun or braid it ??

D: Braid it, then keep jasmine flowers and a head piece above it.

As: Ok annayaa..

As: Huh ok ah ?? Do I look like Devasena to you ?? Style it like Amarendra ra ! Sachinoda !(swear word)

The assistant did as instructed and set his hair with gel. Once ready, he took the lift down and entered lobby all smiles.

The press were taking pics of him. He waved at them grinning and went inside the hall allocated for Bb2 meet with Chinese press. SSR, Shobhu garu, Ramya K, Senthil and other crew were there. SSR was talking to someone and D crept behind and slapped his bottom. SSR jerked and looked to his right and left.

SSR: Hey who ra ? Who dares touch me there ?? Gggrrr!!

D giggled and hugged him from behind placing his chin on SSR's shoulder.

D: Nene ! (Its me !)

SSR: Thoo chee shameless ... do all this with your wife. Sweety ekkada ?

D: Mmm... she didn't come. She was feeling homesick all of a sudden and wanted to go to Bangalore so I said ok. Dropped her at the airport and came.

SSR: Oh dear it would have been good if she was around.

D: I said the same but she told me to carry on because this is the only chance when Bb2 schedule starts she'll not be able to move an inch.

SSR: Yeah that's also true.

Ramya K came by and D switched to Amarendra, clenching his fist placing it across on his right chest he bowed his head to her. She smiled and hugged him then kept her right palm on his head just for fun.

RK: Where is Rana ?

SSR: Hai...hai.... you're stuck in your character even though you blessed Baahu, you're searching for your own son...

He winked at D who got the cue to rile her up and continued from there keeping a puppy face.

D: Why amma ? I am papam no...😕

Ramya k gave out a hearty laugh and smacked his shoulder.

Rk: You two... nothing of that sort...my phone is with Rana so I'm looking for him my son would call so... haan there is...

R came and passed the phone to Ramya K. She went aside to talk to her son.

R: Yo ! bava !

Both bavas hugged.

R: Where is bro ??

D: Left for Bangalore ! Dropped her at the airport and came.

R: Whaatttt ??? How could you do this ???? Don't you know she has to be here for promotions ?? Why did you let her go ??????

D: I told her ra she only insisted on going what to do ?

R: But still ! You shouldn't have...

Just then Shobhu garu came with Chinese media people who were introduced to D, R and the rest of the crew. Tent T was happy to pose for selfies with them and explaining in great lengths about her (un)forgettable role of Avanthika in the magnum opus. Like any other man whose wife had gone to her mother's place, D was relieved and happy.

D: Sweetu ma is not here... now is the time I can bird watch...let's see which bird is present....

He glanced around the hall but didn't find anyone interesting. He spotted T talking to a beautiful girl.

D: Not up to my swan's level but it's ok I can manage.

He went to T.

D: Hi Tammy !

T: Hi Darling ! What's up ?

D: Nothing..just..erm... who was that beauty you were talking to ?

T: A friend.

D: Introduce her to me na...say I am Bahubali, you got to specify Amarendra Bahubali girls love him only so hee hee hee... say I am nice, charming, kind-hearted...

T: ...and married...

D: Huh..uh...mmm... that you can tell later... after a dinner date...for now you say this much will do.

T: Dinner date ah ?

D: Yeah you, me and your friend.

T: Why me ??

D: Because I am very shy to talk and be alone with girls...you will be a support to me.

T: But I am also a girl. You aren't shy with me.

D: Oh I never felt that way Tammy... you are bava wearing an umbrella that's how I see you...

T: Ggggrrr !!!

D: Huh..uh... oops sorry Tammy I didn't mean to hurt you please introduce me I will sponsor for your next curtains.

T: Hmm deal ok but why this dinner date suddenly?

D: Because I am relieved of my headache ! Yahooo !!!

T: Ok chalo come I'll introduce you but wait...

D: What Tammy?

T: Would you mind if my cousin comes along with us??

D: No at all !! ( mv: I am getting a cake and the icing too why would I say no ?) Where is your cousin?

T: Look behind you.

D turned excitedly to get the shock of his life as he saw R coming in hand in hand with his puppy ma. His jaws dropped to the floor.

S: Hi Pupsu pa ! Missed you so much..

She went to him and circled her arms around giving him a bear hug. D's face was pale due to shock but the moment her bossom collided with his chest, he felt electricity pass through his body and his face lit instantly as if 1000 watts bulb was switched on. He embraced her tightly and rubbed her back like a rolling pin rubs chapathi dough.

D: Wow ! Sweetu cushions are the best !!

As they were aware of media presence, they broke the hug.

D: Sweetu ma you are back ??

R: Yo ! Bava! She almost boarded the flight but she picked my call just in time I lied to her you were wailing unable to bear her separation she felt miserable and canceled her trip. I didn't want her to miss this promotions so...

D: Oh thank you so much bava !! (mv: gggrrr!!!! bava!!!!)

S: True Pupsu pa... I started missing you already. Didn't you miss me ?

T: Oh yeah he missed you much Sweety that he decided to go on a dinner date to keep him occupied.

S: Date ah ? What is she saying Pabsu pa?

D: (mv: Ooohhh this lilliput is taking revenge on me for ridiculing her) Huh..hu.. erm no Sweetu ma I was thinking of taking you on a date once you return.😉

S: Aawww... so romantic...my chweet hubby....

T: 😧

D: 😎

S: 😍

R: 😀

They were called in for press meet. D and S sat far from each other on SSR's instructions yet were stealing glances at each other throughout the interview. At the end they took a group photo. SSR called S to stand with D and he moved giving space for her to stand infront of him and in that chance pinched her waist discreetly. S remained normal, she had to because she knew all eyes were on them. After the meet and QnA session, they left the room.

S: Ggrrr !!! Why did you do that ??

D: What did I do Sweetu ma?? It's not me, my fingers ! When you stood beside me they must have recalled bommali song and automatically pinched you what is my fault ? You punish my fingers if you want I am an innocent boy. 😇

S: (Frowning) You come home today I'll punish every part. Notorious fella !

She shook her head and walked away. D stood there shamelessly grinning he knew how to change punishments to rewards with his Pabsu talents. 😎

Another interview with the cast plus a photo session with the leads was left. D's assistant got him a blue shirt and he quickly changed in his room. After interview, D, T and S along with photographer, coordinator and stylist went up to the open terrace for a photo shoot. First some single stills of D were taken, then with T and lastly it was S's turn. D slid his arm across her waist and she blushed.

D: Why are so shy ? This is not the first time I am doing this...

S: It isn't but each time you do this it is like the first time.

He smirked mischievously and gazed into her eyes. She lowered hers.

S: Pabsu don't look at me like that I feel one kind...

D: What kind Sweetu ?

He pulled her closer and bent a little. His beard brushed her cheeks and she closed her eyes. It was the photographer's call that broke her trance.

"Anushka, chin up pls..."

S: Huh... uh...ok...

D: Rey, don't tell her that then she will look up throwing her head back.

He teased her and they laughed. S hid her face in her palms. He never forgets this incident she told him and always teases her when someone tells her to chin up. They get ready in their positions.

"Ok... ready..."

Suddenly S felt dizzy and everything turning black in front of her eyes. She dropped her head on his shoulder and he realized something wasn't right.

D: Sweetu !! What happened ma?? Are you alright ??

There wasn't any response from her. D panicked and seeing her unmoving they stopped the shoot and T ran to them catching S from the other side.

T: Sweety, are you alright ??

They made her sit on a chair and T splashed some water on her face and she opened her eyes. D looked like he was going to cry.

D: Sweetu...sweetu...sweetu....

S: I am fine Pabsu pa... feeling very weak...

"We'll call off this shoot then Anushka."

They packed up and D with T's support helped S to the meeting area.

R: Is the shoot over guys ?

D: Yeah... she felt dizzy bava all of a sudden.

R: Oh dear! Bro you ok now ?

She nodded feebly.

D: No I don't think she is. Will take her to the hospital now.

S: Don't want Pabsu pa...I skipped my breakfast that could be the reason I am fine now just a little rest and I'll be back to normal.

D: Nothing doing. Let's go to hospital and get a check up done only then I will be at peace.

R: I agree with bava. You need to see a doctor bro.

They convinced her and got her into the car. D sat beside holding her.

D: Bava, where is Raj and Shobhu garu?

R: Interview. You don't worry bava I'll inform them. You take care of bro and update me on her condition.

DS left and R went back inside. An hour later R received a text from D. He prayed it was nothing bad. A smile crept across his face as he read the msg.

D: We're pregnant!


The End

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