The Bump(y) Ride

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One day, on the sets of Bahubali 2 where they are shooting dhandalayya song sequence....

Rama garu is trying to get S aka Devasena out of her caravan.

Ra: Oh come on Sweetu...

S: Noooo...pls Rama garu...I feel shy...

Ra: If you remain inside how will we shoot this scene ma?

Hiding herself behind the door,

S: Hmm...that... that...we'll shoot it like how we do for intimate scenes... with just the few of us.

Ra: Sweety, for bold scenes it is fine but this one is when you and Amarendra live with the prajaa so people have to be around. It is ok ma it's shooting only everyone knows.

S: Mmm...nooo I will be teased.

Ra: I am there with you I'll ensure no one does that come they'll be waiting let us go.

Hesitantly she comes out of her caravan draped in a simple green saree, Mahishmati style sporting a huge bump. It is her first time getting into the shoes of a heavily pregnant lady for a long sequence. It is a different experience and the feel of "carrying" her darling's baby made it the more special for her. She loves her avatar and feels a connect with motherhood but is  conscious about people's reactions in particular her notorious 'best friend' who never leaves a chance to tease her. Rama garu and S walk over to the part of the set where they are supposed to enact a scene. SSR is going through the script with D. Seeing her in that look SSR is extremely pleased whereas Darling falls on SSR guffawing. S looks down at herself at then back at D.

S: What's so funny Pabsu ??

D: No... n..nnn.. nothing...hahahaha..

S: Tell no...😕

D: I have seen you in different get-ups but first time seeing you like this.😂😂😂

Ra: What is there to laugh for that ?

SSR: Exactly! She has to come like this for this scene na ??

D: But this doesn't suit her. She looks best in sexy avatar.

Ra: Hey nothing like that! She is perfect !

D: What ?? You should only tell. I don't think so. She's good only for girlfriend and wife role, motherhood is a different level all together Sweety doesn't give that feel.

Her eyes get teary hearing those words from him. With a sad pout,

S: Rama garu, I told you no....

Ra: Oh Darling won't you keep quiet ?? She agreed to act as a mother when all actresses avoid taking up such roles that itself is a big thing and here you are teasing her.

SSR: Well said Rama ! Who is the director you or me? This is perfect for my movie.

D: Ya ya you guys keep praising her, keep her on your heads and dance. For this fake bump, you saw her walking with one hand on her back and other supporting her tummy as if she's carrying a real baby.

Ra: That is to be appreciated! She has gotten into the skin of the character!

D: (Rolls his eyes)Whatever. Raj, explain this part to me again.

He behaves as if he didn't care and gets busy in the discussion with SSR. Seeing him uninterested in her motherly avatar S becomes dispirited and turns to go back when R in his casual wear appears before of her.

R: Yo ! Bro ! What's up ?

His gaze falls on her huge belly.

R: Woo hoo...What am I seeing ? My bava's speed is that of a bullet train!(Chuckles)

She lets out a half smile.

R: Awesome bro ! You look so like my great grandmother now. I have seen her young photo when she was pregnant she was just like this !

S: But Pabsu didn't like.. 😒

R: Why ? What he said ? 😳

S: He said I look best in glamorous roles and I can't pull off this look. 😔

R: That's not true! This bava! Urgh!! What does that fella know about this ? He only knows to hog on biriyani and curl himself on bed like a python after devouring a whole lamb. You don't worry for his remarks bro, you rock this look !

She reciprocates politely with a 'thanks' and moves away but deep down she is hurt that the man whom she wanted to hear those words of praise didn't give her a damn. She walks a few steps and accidentally trips on a stone,

D: SWEETY !!!!!!!!

Darling drops the script papers, rushes to her side and manages to catch her in time thus saving her from a bad fall.

SSR: (keeping both hands on head) Oh no my papers on sand!!

D catches her by her arm and places his other hand on her bump as if making sure the baby is safe,S widens her eyes in surprise at his deed. Wasn't this the fella who acted as if she didn't exist moments ago? Wearing a look of concern on his face he asks,

D: Are you alright bangaram???
You have to be careful during this time. What would have happened if I wasn't around to hold you ?? Watch your step while walking. Come with me.

He grips her close to him by placing his arm across her waist and slowly walks her to a chair making her sit down gently. S has her eyes fixed on him wondering what had come over him all of a sudden. Kneeling down at her leg, he lifts her foot gently placing it on his lap to examine it.

D: I don't see any bruises. Is it hurting S ??

S: Huh.. no.. I am fine Pabsu.

He sits on the ground not minding the sand and dust taking both her feet on his lap he begins to massages her legs from knee to feet.

Rama garu, SSR and R awestruck and gawping at the scene unfolding infront of their eyes.

Ra: What is this ? He didn't even bother to look at her and now you see what he is doing ??

SSR: Wait Rama... let's see what all he does.

R: Today we should call off the shooting.

SSR: You and your rotten mouth ! Shut up !

R chuckles and the trio continue to watch on.

S: Aiyoo Pabsu pa what are you doing ?? It is ok da I am fine... leave my legs.

She feels odd that he is pressing her legs and slowly tries to withdraw it but he catches her feet not allowing her to.

D: No. Nothing doing. Your legs must be hurting badly so I will do this. You relax. Mmm..bangaram, do you want anything to drink or eat ?

S: Hmm yes ! Coke !

D: What coke ?? That cleaning agent ?? No way !! If you want you can have fresh fruit juice or milk that's it! Coke anta coke...I'll ban that company!! 😡😡

S: Mmm... then mango juice.

D calls his assistant.

D: Darling, one mango juice. No fazaa-gazaa or mice-spice, I want it to be natural. It should be from organic mangoes. Filter it and get it as fresh as possible. Don't add ice or water.

Asst: Darling there are no mangoes. Shall I get something else ?

D: What ?? How can there be no mangoes here ??? Go buy the seeds, plant them once grown into trees with ripened mangoes, pluck make juice and get it here ! Quick !

Asst: Darling ! What are you saying ? That will take way too much time more than the time for Bb2 release.

D: are right..Chey, at this point my Pramod isn't around if he was there at my command he would have uprooted a mango tree and got it here like how lord Anjaneya swami lifted a mountain... Hmm...what do I do ??

S: It's ok Pabsu pa no issues you get me any juice whichever is available.

D: But you wanted mango juice right ??

S: Yes but it is ok da.

D: No it is not ok! Wait I'll call Amma and ask her to make mango juice. (Looks at his Asst) Darling, you take my car, go home and bring it.

Asst: Ok Darling.

D phones his mother.

D: Amma, Sweety feels like drinking mango juice. You make it and send it with my Asst.He's coming now.

Mom: Oh sure ! It will be ready in a jiffy. If she wants anything else let me know I'll prepare and send.

D: Ok Amma.

S: Pabsu pa no need why are you troubling aunty? I will have any juice doesn't matter.

D: This is no trouble! You are drinking mango juice that's it!!

Meanwhile SSR, Rama garu and R who are watching the drama talk amongst themselves.

Ra: Like son like mother. Good family.

R: So much ruckus for a juice ?? He is over doing it!!

SSR: Mmm...let us see how far this goes.

The assistant returns with the juice. He passes it to D.

D: Hey why have you brought the glass without covering ?? What if dust and pollutants fell into it ?? So unhygienic !

S: It's ok da, I'll drink.

D: You keep quiet! You don't know anything.

He tells her sternly and turns to the assistant.

D: You drink this. Get me another glass, cover it and bring.

Poor fella follows the order. D takes the glass and tastes it first.

D: Mmm... it is perfect. Here Sweetu..have it.

Finally, she gets to taste the juice and she relishes it smacking her lips.

S: Mmm... it is so yummy Pabsu pa!

D: Those mangoes are organic and fresh from my farm so that taste. Bangaram, do you want anything else ?

S: This juice is enough da.

D: Mmm...Bangaram, if you are tired, you rest for sometime, we can do this later.

S: No I am ok Pabsu pa. 

D: The sun is scorching at the area where we have to shoot this, I'll ask SSR to choose another location where there is no shouldn't be sweating this time... you have to be cool only then baby will also be..

He says looking at her feet his gaze shifts beside noticing additional 3 pairs of feet and looks up to see SSR,Rama garu and R standing with their arms crossed at their front,

D: Hee hee hee... When did you all come ?? Pls take a seat.

The trio obviously are not pleased with his welcome.

SSR: What he said ????

Ra: Sweety doesn't look good in this get-up.

SSR: Then why is he doing padaa sevaa (leg service) for her ?

R: Was that all ?? Getting juice, caring for her...

D: That... erm... I got into the skin of Amarendra so....

R: Rey bava, if so, you would have squealed "Devasena", why did you say "Sweety" ??

D mv: Oh this bava is taking revenge on me for sitting on his throne !

D smiles sheepishly.

Ra: Sweety was overacting for a fake bump it seems what about his acts ? He was rubbing her belly, talking to it as if really his son was there, creating an issue for a juice, troubled his mother and made that poor fella run errands!

D: ☺️☺️

Looking around SSR picks a stick and goes chasing after Darling.

SSR: Oreiii !!!!! With so much difficulty I am taking this movie and look at you... what did you say.. you wanted a change of location because sun was falling on her, yeah come I'll take you to Bulgaria to shoot this scenes... vedhava !

D: Hey Raj! Stop ! There are 2 lives dependent on me! If you kill me they'll be orphaned anyway that is what is going to happen in the movie atleast until then let me spend time with my family!!

R and S laughing at the cat and mouse chase.

Ra: Oh you both pls stop it ! It is already late come we have to shoot this scene before the day ends !


After shooting, D tags along S until her caravan.

D: Where are you going Sweetu?

S: Shoot is over so I am going to change.

D: Huh... you will remove the baby err I mean bump ??

S: Of course da...

D: Don't change then...

S: Why ??

D: I want to see you like this for some more time.

S: But you said you didn't like me in this no...

D: That... errr... actually bangaram you look fabulous!! I was watching your every move from the corner of my eyes even though I was pretending to do something else. This is your best look till date !

S: Really Pabsu ??? 😃

He nods his head gleefully.

D: Can I hold your belly once more ?? Pleeejjjj !! 😍

[Pic credits - Google images.]

She happily takes his hands and places it on her stomach but suddenly her expression changes to a painful grimace.

S: Ouch!! Aaahhh... Pabsu pa !!!

D: What happened Sweetu ma ???

S: I... I...I am feeling a throbbing pain in my lower belly... I have never experienced this before... I feel a movement aaahhh... I think it is a baby !

D: 😱😱 Huh... how is it possible Sweetu ?? I am a good boy I didn't do anything....

S: I don't know da! I think it is the Bahubali effect! I mean in the movie you kept your head on my lap and next scene was my seemantham likewise now you kept your hands on my belly and fake bump became real !

D: Huh..but...but... it defies science Sweetu ma...I am still confused....Maybe I posses supernatural powers ?? 🤔

S: Aarghhh!! Now is not the time to investigate Pabsu... plsss take me to the hospital ! Fast !!

D: Oh ok Sweetu ok...


"You may go in now"

D dashes in and sees S resting on the bed. She looks drowsy but a glow is seen on her face. She smiles at him. He goes to her and caresses her head. Pecking her forehead, he takes her hand in both his hands.

D: Is it very painful ?

She nods feebly.

D: Don't want football team Sweetu is enough....

S: Why da ?

D: I saw you struggling bangaram as if you fighting for life... I couldn't bear to see you that way. All because of me! I am so bad. 😢

S: Oh no please don't say that Pabsu pa. He is my blood too. I feel complete now only because of you so our football team plan is on !

He looks lovingly at her and she reciprocates with a smile.

The nurse enters with a bundle and passes it to D. He takes baby carefully and places him on S's chest. Their eyes filled with tears of joy.

D: Sweetu... meet little rebel star !

S: Aaawwww my little rebel ! Ummah... how adorable he is ! He hasn't opened his eyes, sleeping just like you.

D: Oh yes! We'll make him sniff amma's biriyani and he'll open his eyes.

S: (Chuckles) See, his nose is like yours.

D: His lips is like yours.

Door opens.


SSR, Rama garu, R, and T walk in with balloons. They hug and congratulate the couple.

R: Reyy bava !! Finally you made it ra !!! I am so happy !!!

D feels shy and hides his face in his Bava's chest. Rama garu takes little rebel in her arms.

T: Aaawww now I have my Mahendra for real !

SSR: Ohh you all keep quiet where is my Bahubali give him to me.

SSR takes the little one in his arms and fondles him. The baby slowly blinks his eyes open and looks at SSR.

R: Guys, come stick together let's take a selfie and I'll post it on twitter "Bahubali jr. has arrived!"

As R is ready to click, the baby slowly holds SSR's finger pointing it to the camera.

Ra: Did you see that ? He's showing you the camera!

SSR: Reyy Darling, look ra your son is directing me to the camera!!
He will be more successful than you. My Bahubali 3 is ready!

The baby twitches his lips as if agreeing. Seeing this they all laugh. Suddenly S starts to cough abnormally.

D: BANGARAM !!!!!!!! 😰😰😰


D sees S's eyes shut and she is rubbing her temples.

D: Oh huh... what happened bangaram ? Did you cough ?

S: Yes I did. I want to drink water.

D: Ok Sweetu. Go and drink.

S: How ???? Only if you lift yourself off me !!!

D looks around and at himself. He realises he had been resting his head on her belly and sleeping all the while. He gets off her and sits.

D: (Scratching his head) Oh errr..... how long has this been going on ???

S: From the time you tagged along with me. You were resting on my bump and talking to your imaginary son and you slept off I've been trying to wake you up for quite a while but you didn't budge.As it is this saree is causing discomfort along with that the bump inside and your big, thick skull pressing on it, I was suffocating !!

D: Oops... sorry Sweetu ! I was dreaming of our new born. He looked so cute you know just like us. Raj said he would direct Bahubali 3 with him.

SSR: Yeah I will. As it is I am going through hell with the parents and now son too ??

D turns to see a fiery SSR standing at the doorway with his hands bent at his hips.

D: So...sor...sor..sorry Raj!!

SSR: Rama !!!!!!!! 😤😤

Darling escape !


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