Chapter 10: New allies

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A/N: And we're back! I'm not even gonna spoil anything, so let's get to it!

(Wild Space)

The Spirit of Vengeance, flagship of Darth Maul, emerged out of hyperspace, flanked by a dozen Mandalorian cruisers, and over two dozen Crimson Dawn Gozanti-class cruisers as well as other cruisers carrying thousands of Dawn soldiers.

It had been six months since the galaxy had been plunged into chaos, and after learning what was transpiring from the shadows, Maul had learned that this new chaos was one of his old master's contingency plans if he had died during the war. Whilst the galaxy was eating itself alive, it allowed Maul to grow stronger and reinforce his growing empire with troops, ships, resources, and allies. However, to ensure any further machinations his old master may have concocted for the galaxy don't come to pass, Maul hired some of the galaxy's deadliest bounty hunters to find and execute Palpatine's loyalists throughout the galaxy, and thanks to obtaining every scape of information and knowledge on his old master's contacts embedded in both the Republic and the Confederacy, Maul knew who he was dealing with and who needed to be killed first.

Dathomir had blossomed with rebirth in the last six months, thanks to Mother Talzin's power and her ability to perform necromancy, the witch mother was not only able to resurrect and restore life to every Nightsister who perished in Count Dooku's massacre, but also bring back those who were long dead. Despite being the rulers of Dathomir, the Nightsister's numbers were not enough to pose a threat to outside forces. During the months and prior to that, Mother Talzin had informed her sons that she was being summoned from a galaxy beyond their own galaxy, and whatever it was that was summoning her was Nightsister related. And so Maul ordered the construction of a ship large enough to store armies and able to perform intergalactic jumps. This ship had been constructed on the shipyards of Corellia, and thanks to Dawn soldiers working alongside the White Worms as well as the Unbroken Clan and Mourner's Wail crime syndicates, they were able to procure enough slave labor to see Mother Talzin's flagship to completion. This elegant, golden ship would be known as The Enchantress, it was shaped like a crescent moon and it had been provided with hyperdrives that were able of performing intergalactic hyperspace jumps.

With the criminal underworld under Maul's complete command, he would use it to his advantage, especially with the chaos ensuing throughout the galaxy. With the clones and droid armies causing violence and death throughout the galaxy, Maul used Crimson Dawn to not only provide these refugees and victims with food and protection, but also the opportunity to take up arms and strike back against the corrupt institutions that ruined their lives. This tactic was used throughout the galaxy, especially when Maul had used his allies like Drexl Roosh and his pirates as well a fierce faction of marauders known as the Bedlam Raiders, led by a Gen'Dai named Ravis. These two factions would play the role of aggressors as they sought to exploit refugees of what little they had after fleeing from the clone and droid armies that drove them from their homes. Crimson Dawn, however, would play the role of saviors, and by driving out the pirates and raiders, Crimson Dawn was viewed as saviors, and those who wanted to take up arms against the Republic and Confederacy joined Maul's ranks, further swelling his numbers.

Because of his commitment to completing his brother's training, Maul had made Dryden Cos the figurehead of Crimson Dawn, all operations regarding the criminal elements would be run by him in Maul's absence. To ensure the Crimson Dawn had a fleet that could be called upon, Maul had instructed Dryden to go to Canto Bight. One reason was to find potential partners who they could use to fund the production of fleet and second, Dryden had been instructed to host a lavish party and invite the galaxy's most notorious arms dealers to equip Dawn army with technology and weapons that will overshadow the clone and droid armies, but also to purchase anything that will give the Blood Star super weapon an edge. With Dryden on Canto Bight to introduce Crimson Dawn to the wealthiest beings in the galaxy, the other crime syndicates were continue their criminal activity to maximize profit, whether it was producing raw spice, creating more addictive death sticks, or smuggling illegal weaponry or anything else of value. The profit that would be amassed from these operations would lead to the destruction of all who challenged Maul and his family.

And as for the Sith Order itself, Maul and his brothers had returned to the Sith homeworld of Korriban and met with The Last, they were all what remained of dark side practitioners and those who value the Sith teachings. They were now the Sith Order reborn. The two Pureblood Sith that Maul and Savage had met while still engaged in battle with Count Dooku had fallen to among the last known Pureblood Sith in the galaxy, his name is Mozaim. Aside from what few Pureblood Sith remained amongst the Sith, the majority of their number were cultists of the Sith, many among them were capable warriors and many more were in fact Force sensitive. And finally, the last group to comprise of this new Sith Order were the Knights of Ren. These marauders were barely competent in using the dark side and used the Force like a hammer rather than a blade, but despite their flaws, Maul saw potential in the knights, and ordered his Sith loyalists to train them rigorously until they became a sharp blade that could be wielded against the enemies of their order.

Now, as Maul and his brothers stood in the Spirit of Vengeances' bridge, the Dark Lord of the Sith contemplated on many things that would need to be done if he was and his family were to rule the galaxy unchallenged. The greatest threat to the Sith and Crimson Dawn was the boy Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi's so called Chosen One. Maul knew that he would need to remove the boy from the field if he was circumvent his and the Sith's downfall. But for now, the first campaign Crimson Dawn would conduct against the species Maul wanted to add to his ranks— the Benathy. They are a large, sentient species that value size and strength above all else, and were conquering planets neighboring their own. Not only was this a warrior race, but also a race that sought conquest. Smiling to himself, Maul knew that the Benathy would fit right in along his army. But first, he needed to assert dominance over them and prove that his strength is unlike any in the galaxy, especially when the Benathy unleashed their god upon them.

"Brother, what are we doing here?" Feral inquired.

Turning to his flagship's admiral, Maul gave him orders. "Descend the ship to the planet below, and have all Mandalorians and soldiers onboard ready to disembark," the admiral bowed his head and began to relay Maul's orders over the intercoms. Turning to his younger brother, Maul satisfied his curiosity. "We are here to not only recruit another sentient race of warriors into the ranks of Crimson Dawn's army, but were also here to slay a creature who will be put to use in the construction of the Blood Star super weapon."

"What use would a creature be to our ultimate weapon, brother?" Savage inquired next.

"My old master had a rare, and deadly creature cloned for the sake of using its impenetrable armor for his many machinations. The same creature that Sidious had cloned is here on the Benathy homeward, and once it has fallen, we will use its armor to reinforce the Blood Star, making it all but invincible." As the brothers boarded an elevator lift down to the main hangar bay, Maul eyed both of his brothers. "Your training has progressed well, my brothers. But there comes a time when a Sith must negotiate and sway others to their side. The syndicates follow us out of fear, lust of further profit or power, or respect. In the end, they are criminals and will lose sight of our ultimate goals. Use those embedded within the ranks of the syndicate to your advantage and to further the goals of Crimson Dawn." Both Savage and Feral nodded in understanding, and they would apply Maul's counsel whenever an opportunity presented itself.

Once in the hangar bay, the Sith Triumvirate boarded their lead Kom'rk class fighter— The Nightbrother. Inside the ship were the brother's Super Commando leaders that were awaiting their dark overlords. As the Nightbrother departed from Maul's flagship, it was flanked by hundreds of Kom'rk transports and hundreds more Dawn troop carriers and cruisers descended until they reached the planet below. Touching down on the planet surface, the brothers and their respective Super Commando leaders stood atop a ridge line that overlooked a vast plain, where the Benathy army was already waiting for them.

"Looks like these fur balls are ready for a fight," Cato Suust snorted.

"Underestimating them would be a mistake, brother," Bhai rebuked, "we don't know what they have in store for us, and we need to be ready for anything."

Grunting in agreement, Rook, used her helmets zoom in feature to see their potential allies erect a tent for negotiations. "My lord, the Benathy wish to negotiate before any blood is shed between our forces."

Maul hummed softly before giving the leader of the Super Commandos her orders. "Have the Mandalorians get into position in case the negotiations fail," Rook bowed her head and gave the Super Commandos their instructions. The Sith Lord then turned to two of his Dawn commanders who were removing their helmets revealing a human male and female and Durge behind them both. "Commanders Caralin and Greggri, you and Durge will lead Dawn forces into battle alongside our Mandalorian Super Commandos if the need arises. Do not attack unless I give the word or unless the Benathy wish to challenge us directly, do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Maul."

Acknowledging his servants, Maul nodded at Savage and Feral and the three of them walked down to meet the Benathy in the tent they had erected. Upon entering the massive tent, the brothers were met with five Benathy, four of them were guards by the look, and the fifth was larger than the guards, he bore well trimmed tusks, a grisly scar ran across the bridge snout, and he bore a necklace of clone trooper helmets.

"Welcome," the large Benathy rumbled with a toothy grin.

Giving a nod in greetings, Maul eyed the creature before him before stating. "You are the leader of the Benathy people."

"That I am. I am king of the Benathy people, you may call me King Bjorn," the king then gestured to one of the seats. "Please, have a seat."



Taking a step, Maul sneered. "You would have me look as though I were an infant. I do not require the luxury of sitting. I will stand, as will my brothers."

"Good. I respect that," seating himself down on his throne, King Bjorn narrowed his eyes. "Forgive me, but what are your names?"

"I am Darth Maul," he then gestured to each brother. "This is Savage and Feral. We are Sith Lords."

"And why have you come to my planet with an army, Darth Maul?"

"To offer you an offer of conquest and prosperity," intrigued, King Bjorn allowed Maul to continued. "The Republic and Confederacy have been at war, and now the galaxy has plunged into chaos with their respective slave armies spreading anarchy throughout known worlds allied with these factions. My faction, however, Crimson Dawn, wishes to begin a new galactic order, where only the strong will rule and weak are erased. Your people value strength, therefore, I purpose a contest of strength between your army against mine."

Chuckling boisterously, King Bjorn then inquired. "Why do this, Darth Maul?"

"Because I wish to not only gain your support in my war against the Republic and Confederacy, but I also wish to face your deity in battle. It is a rare and dangerous species. And it has value to me, should I defeat it." Smirking, Maul continued. "And judging by the clone trooper helmets around your neck, I take it that the Republic's troops were not much of a challenge to you and your army?"

"The Republic's clone troopers make better meals than soldiers," King Bjorn soon rose from his throne and grinned. "I accept your challenge Darth Maul. Should you and your Crimson Dawn army best the Benathy and our god, we will pledge fealty to you. But should we best your army, you will be torn to pieces and offered up as meat on our tables."

As the brothers exited the tent, Savage smirked. "You used the Benathy king's thirst for a proper challenge against him."

Returning Savage's smirk, Maul nodded. "Indeed. This is a race that values strength. The Republic and their slave army may have numbers, but their idealism and limitations to do what must be done to obtain victory will be their undoing. As Sith, we are not bound by such weakness. A lesson the Benathy will see." Maul then contacted his army leaders. "The Benathy wish to challenge the might of Crimson Dawn. Let us oblige them." Once the brothers returned to their armies, they ignited their crimson blades and thrust themselves into battle once the Benathy army sounded their war horns.

The two armies would clash in heated conflict, despite the Benathy's mass and size, they were slow, and the fast, and agile Mandalorians used that to their advantage as they fought their hulking opponents in hand to hand combat or via their jetpacks. Dawn soldiers, who had been trained to fight and kill Jedi were giving the Benathy a proper challenge and using implementing Teräs Käsi in battle if they were disarmed of their weaponry. Super Commando Basilisks were deployed to combat the Benathy walkers and ships and Dawn armored land speeders were allowing the rest of Dawn forces to push forward.

Maul used his crimson blade to lock blades with an opposing warrior with vibro cleavers. Straining under the brute strength of his opponent, Maul snarled as he then broke the blade lock and hacked off one of the Benathy Berserkers arms off and then proceeded to cut their legs out from under them. Narrowly dodging a spear thrown in his direction, Maul rushed his attacker as they then drew a massive vibrosword and brought it down on the Zabrak with a fierce roar. Maul, however, leaped into the air decapitated the Benathy before turning to his brothers.

Savage was match for the Benathy as far as raw strength is concerned, but thanks to his progression in Sith training, he was become a force of nature. Whirling his double bladed lightsaber, Savage hurled his weapon in a circle, cutting down scores of Benathy while extending his right hand and unleashing torrents of crimson Force lightning and using his modified prosthetic arm to fire laser beams at any approaching Benathy, cutting them down to size.

Feral, who was smaller than his brothers, used his size to his advantage as he moved through the battlefield like a blur. With gritted teeth, he evaded a Benathy walker that nearly crushed him. Using his lightsabers to deflect the walker's fire in different directions, Feral then hurled his lightsabers at the walker's feet, bringing it down while he leaped into the air, and using the Force to summon his crimson blades back into his hands before coming back down and cleaving the walker into two, causing it to explode and sending the Benathy operating flying while being burned alive.

An ear piercing roar suddenly filled the air and the ground beneath them shook violently, causing the Dawn armies to cease their actions while the Beathy began to chant in elation. Maul grinned as he laid eyes on the beast whose armor would make his super weapon all but untouchable. "Yes. The Zillo Beast!" The colossal predator stood tall as it once more unleashed a ground shaking roar before setting its sights on a Dawn cruiser that was unleashing a barrage of fire on it, which of course, did nothing to it. In return, the Zillo Beast hurled a massive boulder at one of the cruisers engines, sending the ship to come crashing down and to erupt in fire and explosions.

"That creature is unbreakable!" Feral exhaled in disbelief, having never seen such a thing before.

"Nothing is unbreakable, my brother," Maul reassured before turning to Savage. "Press the attack! I will slay the beast personally." Nodding, Savage rallied his own army of Super Commandos had Feral do the same as they led the rest of Dawn army into battle.

Using the Force to leap into a nearby Super Commando Basilisk, Maul commanded the pilot to get the beast's attention. The Basilisk approached the raging beast as it swatted several Kom'rk fighters out of the sky before setting its sights on the Basilisk approaching. The Super Commandos onboard began shooting at it, getting its full attention. Roaring in annoyance, the Zillo Beast swung at the Basilisk, but struck only air, it then sung its tail at the buzzing war droid, but the pilot outmaneuvered the Zillo's attacked. As the beast came in to bite, Maul outstretched his hand and fired crimson Force lightning into the beast's mouth, causing it to roar in pain and withdraw sharply before narrowing its eyes at the Sith Lord with murder glimmering in its eyes.

With an enraged roar, the Zillo Beast began to chase the Basilisk carrying Maul, the Sith Lord fanning the flames of the beast's rage by hitting it with Force lightning again and again until the beast closed in and swatted the Basilisk down. The Super Commandos onboard used their jetpacks to fly away while Maul leaped into the air and onto a cliff as he stared the beast down. And on the battlefield below, the Benathy and Crimson Dawn armies ceased to watch the spectacle of Darth Maul battling one of the deadliest creatures in the galaxy.

To ensure that the Benathy swore fealty to him and the invincibility of the Blood Star super weapon, Maul knew that this creature needed to die, regardless if it was among the last of its kind. And he would kill this beast and become a demigod in the eyes of the Benathy.

With a roar, the Zillo Beast brought one of its claws down on Maul, only to have the massive claws held back by the Force. Discarding the beast's right claws away, Maul quickly deactivated his crimson blade and would use the Force to fight the beast for the time being. Snarling, the Zabrak began to hurl massive boulders at the beast until it roared in rage and attempted to go in and bite Maul. Using one hand to keep the beast's jaws from snapping shut, Maul used his other hand to send Force lightning down the beast's throat, causing it to roar in agony and send it stumbling back. Pressing his attack, Maul used the Force to grab the beast by it massive head and slam it against the edge of a nearby cliff and then use dozens of boulders to strike the beast's chin, in an uppercut strike before unleashing a powerful blast of Force lightning into the chest which was so strong that it sent the beast crashing down.

Sprinting as fast as he could, Maul then ignited both his crimson blade and the Darksaber before using the Force to jump high up into the air and meet the Zillo Beast face to face. As the Sith Lord got closer to its mouth, the beast snapped its jaws shut, but Maul slid down the monster's throat while dragging his blades down, inflicting damage from within. Hacking off the beast's tonsils, Maul soon fell into the bowels of the creature and continued to inflict damage from within from his blades and with the power of the Force. After inflicting immense damage to the beast's stomach, Maul used the Force to grasp the beast's heart. The vile stench of stomach acid reminded the Sith Lord of his exile on Lotho Minor as he wallowed in filth and waste for twelve years, and once again, as he was in encapsulated by darkness and putrid stenches filled his senses, Maul felt his blood boil and his rage became an inferno as he unleashed a roar and clenched his fingers tightly, making the beast suffer.

The beast's heart beat more rapidly as it sought to maintain control, but Maul would not be denied. As the Zabrak clenched his hand into a tight fist, he could hear the heart of the beast burst and the muffled roars turned into gurgles before the beast began to collapse outside. Before being washed away in a tidal wave of stomach acid and blood, Maul was able to jump over the bodily fluids before making his way back up. After cutting through the vulnerable spot between skin and scales, Darth Maul emerged, bathed in blood and gore as he huffed and puffed heavily, catching his breath. Now rising from carcass of the fallen beast, Maul's intense gazed fixed upon his brothers, Crimson Dawn's armies, and the Benathy, all of whom looked to the Dark Lord of the Sith with shock and awe.

"Your god is dead!" Bellowing to the shocked Benathy, Maul then pointed his crimson blade at the hulking warriors, while he bore his teeth. "Now you worship only the Sith Triumvirate and Crimson Dawn." Without hesitation, King Bjorn and the Benathy army kneeled before their new demigod— Darth Maul, pledging their fealty to the Zabrak, his brothers, and his order. Crimson Dawn's forces roared in the heat of victory as Maul deactivated his crimson blade and raised the Darksaber aloft in victory.

Roaring heatedly, Maul pounded his fist against his chest as he basked in glory and victory. A sinister grin soon spread across his face, with the Zillo Beast dead, they would use its impenetrable armor to make the Blood Star super weapon invincible. Any Zillo Beast armor that remained would be used to reinforce his flagship as well his brother's or be used to make the armor of Dawn army impervious to blaster fire and lightsaber strikes.

Attrition was now the Republic's and Confederacy's greatest loss.

Savage and Feral approached as Maul came to join them on the battlefield. Despite being bathed in the insides of the fallen beast, the brothers embraced Maul, murmuring their praise into his ear. Returning their affection, Maul noted Rook Kast and Gar Saxon approaching.

"Lord Maul, an unknown ship has just dropped out of hyperspace, the ship's admiral is requesting an audience with you personally." Rook said.

"They're clearly an alien race. Admiral Castus onboard the Spirit of Vengeance is ready to obliterate them on your command, should you wish." Gar added.

Growling softly, Maul gave his Super Commandos his answer. "Inform Admiral Castus to ally the leaders of this alien craft to come to the planet and meet me and my brothers in person. We will see if they too could be of use to Crimson Dawn."

"Yes, Lord Maul."

As Dawn army and the Benathy were eviscerating the fallen Zillo Beast for its scales, a Vshra-class shuttle soon touched down on the planet where the Triumvirate and their Super Commando leaders were waiting. As the shuttle doors opened, several blue skinned men and women emerged with blaster rifles in hand, soldiers. Eventually, a duo in officer uniforms emerged and walked towards the Sith Lords and their Super Commandos.

"Greetings, I take it that you are... Darth Maul?"

Eyeing the man before him, the Dark Lord of the Sith gave a firm nod. "Indeed. And you are?"

"Mitth'raw'nuruodo. But you may call me Thrawn," turning to the woman by his side, Thrawn continued. "This is my sister, Cohbo'rik'ardok, or Borika. We are part of the Chiss Ascendancy, and for months my sister and I have been tasked to scout your galaxy and find a ruling faction that could become a potential ally to the Ascendancy."

"I see. You could've gone to the Republic capital, Coruscant, or the Confederacy capital, Raxus, and present yourselves to these factions. And yet you come before me. Why?"

Boric stepped forward and spoke. "We have watched from the shadows as the war between the Republic and Separatists has resulted in needless loss of life. We've even walked among both faction's governments while in disguise to see if either side is worthy of becoming an ally, and what we have seen is... sickening."

"After watching the galaxy wide transmission you sent out, Republic and Separatists should've have realized that they were both being played for fools, and yet now, their armies conduct mass genocide and terror throughout the galaxy, and once the dust settles, each government will continue plotting to destroy each other entirely. If neither the Republic or Separatist cannot set aside their petty squabbles and come together, than both sides are corrupted to their core, and therefore unfit to be named allies of the Chiss Ascendancy," smiling lightly, Thrawn continued. "You, however, are different. I am well aware that the Sith are the ancient enemies of the Jedi Order, and that your kind are masters of deceit and treachery, and yet you use your faction to make yourselves appear as saviors."

Chuckling, Maul was taken aback by the intelligence of Thrawn, yet admired it. "The people of this galaxy tire of this war, and if Crimson Dawn wishes to take complete control, we must appear as saviors to the galaxy, and make both the Republic and Separatists continue to spread violence and death, which will ultimately lead to their demise." The Sith Lord then approached the Chiss before inquiring. "What do you offer me and Crimson Dawn should I accept you and your Chiss into my ranks?"

"We offer you resources, loyalty, and intelligence of the threats that lurk beyond this galaxy. The Ascendancy will even provide you with the means to explore the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, should you wish to expand one day." Borika said.

"In exchange for our allegiance to you and Crimson Dawn, we will sever ties to the Ascendancy in favor of serving only you, only if you promise my sister and I a future in this galaxy." Thrawn added.

Maul knew that when the time came when the Republic and Confederacy regained control of their armies, they would be coming for him. And when that time came, Crimson Dawn would need to be ready, and he would need competent allies who knew what they were doing. Sensing that Thrawn and Borika would be of great use to him and his empire, Maul accepted their allegiance.

"I accept your allegiance and the contribution of the Chiss Ascendancy. You and your sister both will lead a new fleet that I am about to mass produce— Eclipse Fleet. A stealth fleet that will be used to conduct hit and run style attacks on my enemies. I am sending my brother, Feral to the planet, along with my top weapons expert— Tiber Saxon, to the planet Ilum. The planet is sacred to the Jedi Order, it is where they obtain the crystals that power their lightsabers. But we've found a way to turn adegan crystals into the most powerful stealth technology in the galaxy. Soon we will have an unstoppable stealth armada, one that will take my enemies off guard."

"A bold plan, and may I ask when we depart for Ilum?"

"Now." Maul then turned to Feral. "Return to your flagship, summon your armies, and take Thrawn and Borika with you. Excavate as much of these adegan crystals as you can."

"Yes, brother."

As Maul watched Feral depart along with their new Chiss allies, a proud grin spread across his face. Crimson Dawn was growing stronger by the minute, and once the Republic and Confederacy had found a way to regain their respective armies, they would come to either unite or settle their differences once and for all. To ensure that wouldn't happen, Maul would need assassins, and not just any assassins, ones that were capable of completing with Jedi. Luckily, Maul had the perfect candidate in mind. He had already sent Merrin and a small group of Nightsisters to locate her and bring her into the fold once again. Whether or not she would join Crimson Dawn, however, was still uncertain, but Maul had an inkling that Count Dooku's former assassin would be eager to rejoin the Nightsisters once again.


"The bounty said alive."

Asajj Ventress, former apprentice and Nightsister, now a respected and feared bounty hunter had brought in her latest bounty to the bondsman in the underworld of Coruscant. "He's still breathing. For the moment," lowering her hood and lifting her helmet off of her head, Ventress then extended a hand. "Now, about my payment."

Looking over the target, the bondsman groaned. "If he dies before he could be questioned..."

"And how is that my problem?" Ventress inquired with a grin while patting one of her lightsabers.

Holding up his hands, the bondsman quickly reassured her. "Alright, I'll get your credits! Wait here." Whilst the bondsman collected Ventress' payment, she noted a young girl in the garbs of Nightsisters before disappearing in the crowds. Ventress snatched the credits from the bondsman before taking off. "Don't spend all those credits in one place now!" Ignoring his words, Ventress went after the young woman she spotted.

After pushing and squeezing her way through the crowded streets of Level 1313, Ventress soon found herself in filthy alleyway. Sensing a presence behind her, Ventress ignited one of her crimson blades and pointed it right in the face of Merrin. "This is no place for you, child. You'd best move along." Ventress deactivated her lightsabers and was beginning to walk away, that was until two Nightsisters landed in front of her, causing Ventress to gasp in shock before turning back to Merrin.

"I am quite capable of taking care of myself, sister," Merrin said before giving Ventress a proper greetings. "I am Merrin. Surely you have felt the resurgence of our slain sisters on Dathomir?"

"No. I... thought they were all killed."

"Not all of us," Merrin reassured before continuing. "Are you aware of Dooku and Grievous' deaths?" The shock on Ventress' face suggested that this was the first she had heard of this news. Humming softly, Merrin walked passed Ventress and looked over her shoulder. "Mother Talzin awaits you on Dathomir. Everything will be revealed to you should you choose to come home, sister. The galaxy is at a tipping point, and it is time we destroy what is old-- the Jedi, the Republic, and the Separatist." Extending her hand, Merrin offered Ventress a smile. "Come with us and rule the galaxy alongside us."

Ventress had cut herself off from the magicks, and therefore she had not been able to feel her sisters being brought back to life. She had gotten by taking on various bounties across the galaxy, but now she had the opportunity to rejoin her sisters and be part of something great once again.

After a minute, Ventress took Merrin's hand, and the the Nightsisters left Coruscant where they would meet with Mother Talzin and discuss the new order that would take control of the galaxy.

A/N: For clarification, the Benathy are a species that appear in the Age of Resistance Kylo Ren comic, but to make a long story short, Kylo tries to outshine Darth Vader in battle in slays a Zillo Beast. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I'll catch you all in the next chapter!

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