Chapter 6: Plans set in motion

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A/N: The feedback you guys have given here makes me want to write more, so here we are! Onwards to the next chapter, it's gonna be action-packed!

(Unknown location)

Elsewhere in the galaxy, Mother Talzin had parted ways with her newly formed Sith Pureblood allies who had left to inform their brethren and sect of the ongoing Kaggath between Maul and Count Dooku. Since that time, she had been experiencing visions or rather, someone calling out to her from across the stars, beyond the galaxy they lived in. Whatever it was that called out to her from afar, it was based on Nightsister magick. In time, Talzin knew that she would need to act upon those visions and answer to whoever was calling to her from beyond the known galaxy.

Now, the Great Mother of Dathomir was with her Frangawl cult allies on a distant planet, deep in the barren wasteland of the planet, the cultists and Nightsister matriarch had sacrificed Queen Julia, ruler of Bardotta. With the combination of the Bardotta matriarch's spirit and her dark magicks, Talzin had been made whole and she was now more powerful than any Sith or Jedi. The ritual had drained Queen Julia of everything, leaving her a withered husk left to rot in the barren waste of the planet they were on.

Now made whole and her power greater than ever before, Talzin turned to Merrin, who had been escorted to her by Brother Viscus and his Nightbrothers, and had the young Nightsister approach her. "With this power my child, we will return our fallen sisters to life, true life," turning to her cultist allies, she boomed. "Bring me the coffin!" The Fangawl cultist fetched the coffin that held Feral, the youngest of Talzin's sons, and brought it before her and Merrin.

"This is the youngest of your progeny?"

"Yes, Feral is the last of my sons," opening the coffin and placing a hand on his forehead, Talzin smiled softly. "He was the weakest, but now that I possess power beyond anything the Sith and Jedi could comprehend, I will make Feral strong and equal among his brothers." Closing her eyes, Talzin began to chant while encapsulating Feral in Spirit ichor, lifting the corpse out of the coffin and into the air. Merrin, who had been tutored on the very ritual of necromancy that Talzin was performing aided the Great Mother of Dathomir as the two Nightsisters worked to restore Feral to life.

Soon enough, Feral's once decayed and withered skin was restored; his orange skin and black tattoos were vibrant, the once small horns on his scalp grew in size, and his body mass was that of a warrior's. His mouth suddenly opened and soon enough, he let out a ferocious roar that would frighten anyone.

"Behold, the power of necromancy, my friends!" Talzin proclaimed with a wicked grin to the Fangawl cultist bearing witness to the ritual. "The power of life and rebirth is mine to command!" 

Merrin began concocting a different spell as she began to clothe the naked Feral in a new attire. The youngest of Talzin's sons was soon dressed in black robes, the silver forearm gauntlets he wore in his days in the Nightbrother village were restored yet were enchanted, as was the neck collar around his neck and armored boots. Now fully clothed, Merrin shifted her focus to awaken Feral's physical strength as well as his strength in the Force. After the ritual was complete, both the Great Mother and Merrin lowered Feral until he was standing straight. Approaching her son, Talzin touched him between his eyes. Within seconds, Feral awoke, his once pale yellow eyes were replaced by dark amber mixed with crimson.


Talzin enveloped her youngest son in her arms, cooing. "Welcome back, my son," breaking the embrace she started, the Great Mother placed a hand on his cheek. "Can you sense your brothers?"

Closing his eyes, Feral allowed the Force to flow through him, his bond with Savage was strong, and he sensed him far from where they were. His eyes opened when he sensed another familiar presence, one he had not felt since he was a child. "Maul has returned to us?" Talzin nodded in confirmation. "How? He was lost, was he not?"

"Not lost, my son, taken by the Sith Lord, Sidious, who has been killed by your brothers," it brought Talzin great pleasure knowing her older sons killed the betrayer, Sidious. He had promised to make her his apprentice but instead took Maul and then left him to rot and go mad after his defeat on Naboo. "And now, your brothers are at war with Count Dooku, the Sith who ordered the eradication of the Nightsisters. You must join your brothers in battle and prove your might to them."

Smiling, Feral tilted his head. "Then... it has begun?"

"Yes," Talzin grinned as she turned to Merrin, her youngest son, and then her cult allies with outstretched arms. "It has begun!" Her proclamation was followed by exclaims of euphoria.

Soon, the ways of old would perish, and from the ashes, her bloodline would reign supreme in the galaxy.

(Ord Mantell)

"I still can't believe that you're Chancellor of the Republic now,"

"You sound surprised, Ani,"

"Heh, if there's anyone fit to lead the Republic, it's you, my love,"

Anakin Skywalker was standing face to face with the holographic image of his wife, Padmé, he wanted to contact her before he had to help his fellow Jedi and clones on a relief mission on Ord Mantell. But when Padmé gave him the news that she become the new Chancellor of the Republic, he was shocked, but that was soon replaced with elation. Of course, Palpatine was like a father figure to Anakin, but ever since his sudden disappearance, the Republic needed a leader for the time being, and Anakin could think of no one better suited to lead than his beautiful wife.

"You miss him, don't you?"

Able to read her husband like a book, Padmé noted Anakin's look of concern. The Chosen One smiled softly at his wife and nodded. "If someone's captured him, surely they would've made demands by now. I sense something is... off," shaking his head, he continued. "I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I just hope nothing's happened to him."

"I'm certain he'll turn up in time. But until Palptine is found, the Republic needs a leader that will defuse the violence and death happening across the galaxy, not further escalate it," Padmé gave her husband a hopeful look. "I was... actually hoping you'd be my side and serve as my personal guard."

Giving his wife a coy grin, Anakin tilted his head. "Oh, is that you have of me?"

Returning her husband's grin, Padmé shrugged. "I suppose you'll have to wait and see what I have in store for you once you're back on Coruscant," one of her handmaidens suddenly appeared, whispering in Padmé's ear before leaving. "I wish I could talk longer, but I have matters to attend to."

"I understand," Anakin smiled at his wife as he caressed the holographic cheek of his wife's face. "I love you, Padmé."

"I love you too, Ani,"

As the transmission ended, Anakin made his way outside and found Captain Rex waiting for him. The duo made their way to the hangar bay of the Venator they were in. Upon reaching the hangar bay, Anakin found Ahsoka training alongside Clone Force 99, the sight was truly one to behold, dozens of maintenance clones as well as troopers were watching the display as Ahsoka deflected stun blasts from the elite clone squad. Despite training for the unexpected for quite some time, Ahsoka soon realized that Clone Force 99 were not the average clones, and they were able to disarm her of both her lightsabers before hitting her with multiple stun blasts.

"Ah, kriff!"

"Ha! Pay up!"

"She nearly had it!"

The clones stationed at the Venator began speaking at once, threatening to make anyone deaf. Anakin soon presented himself and the clones soon all stood at attention. "Alright men, I'm glad you enjoyed the show, but we'll be arriving at Ord Mantell to support General Keonbi and the rest of the Jedi task force in thirty minutes. Back to your stations," a chorus of "sir, yes sir!" filled the air as the clones soon returned to their stations. "Glad to see you boys giving my young student a challenge."

"Speaking of challenges, I'm glad we get to tag along with this Jedi task force," Wrecker laughed boisterously. "Hunting down the top of the enemy food chain is a nice change than breaking all their punk clankers."

"Yes, well, our new prey is far more dangerous than any battle droid," Tech deadpanned while holstering his blaster pistols.

"Mmhmm," Crosshair agreed. "Isn't this... Maul, supposed to be dead?"

"Presumed to be. But now he's back," Anakin replied lowly. He was eager to face Quin-Gon Jinn's killer in combat and avenge the man who changed his life. "With Maul amassing an army of the galaxy's most viscous criminals, it's imperative that we stop him and his brother, Savage Opress from getting stronger."

"We're with you, boss," Hunter nodded firmly. "My team and I aren't shy from a challenge."


Ahsoka, who had recovered from getting stunned grumbled softly. Grinning at his student, Anakin helped her up and patted her shoulder. "Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right, Snips?" Anakin then turned to the Bad Batch and dismissed them before turning to Rex. "We ready to head down, Rex?"

"Yes sir. We're ready when you are,"

"Let's get going,"

The Republic task force led by Obi-Wan was on a mercy mission as well as investigating the sudden attack on Ord Mantell. Citizens who were treated by medical crews gave their account of events to the Jedi and their fellow clones, however, each account was the same— Mandalorian warriors alongside Black Sun and Pyke mercenaries fight the Separatist droids and come out on top. Despite the best efforts of the clone battalions searching for any trace of Maul's collective throughout the city, they found nothing.

Master Kenobi finished giving Commander Cody and now Arc Trooper Boil orders to continue treating the wounded civilians and give them relief supplies. Sighing heavily, the Jedi Master was about to contact Quinlan Vos, only to find his old friend approaching with an old, stout female Trandoshan.

"Obi-Wan, this is Ciddarin Scaleback, one of my underworld contacts and one of the best information brokers on this side of the galaxy,"

Crossing his arms behind his back, Obi-Wan nodded in greetings before raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "I understand that you have already been compensated for the information the Jedi desire?"

"I have,"

"Then tell us what happened here,"

"Like I told Dreadlocks here, two of the crabbiest Zabraks I've ever seen were marching Count Dooku and General Grievous out of here with Mandalorians by their side," shrugging, the Trandoshan snorted. "Whatever happens to those two is not my concern."

"Dooku and Grievous must be taken alive so that they can face justice for the crimes they've committed throughout the galaxy," Obi-Wan questioned further. "Do you know where they were taken?"

"I had one of my boys eavesdrop on those Zabrak's Mandalorians, he said that they were taking Dooku and Grievous to Vizsla Keep 09,"

Sharing a look with Quinlan, Obi-Wan turned back to Cid and thanked her. "I appreciate your cooperation in disclosing this valuable information, Cid,"

"I have the intel, you have the credits, and everyone wins in the end," extending her arms with a toothed grin, Cid then took her to leave. "Now, if you boys will excuse me, I have an establishment to run and credits to make. As always, pleasure doing business with the Jedi Order."

Approaching the Jedi Master who was deep in thought, Quinlan nudged him while raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "I think now is the time to call your Mandalorian friends,"

"You mirror my thoughts, old friend,"

Obi-Wan and Quinlan walked side by side as they made their way to the outskirts of the city where a Republic base camp was established. Clones and medical droids were tending to wounded civilians as well as providing rations for them. Upon reaching the command tent, the two Jedi were greeted by Master Windu and the other Jedi who had accompanied them on this mission to apprehend Maul and Savage.

"Masters Kenobi and Vos," Mace greeted before giving them a curious look. "Did you learn anything from our information broker?"

"Indeed we have, Master Windu," approaching one of the terminals, Obi-Wan brought up a star map and continued. "We know that Black Sun has a foothold here. According to the information provided by Cid, Maul and Savage have taken Dooku and Grievous to a known Mandalorian outpost known as Vizsla Keep 09. Assuming Cid's information is correct, Maul could be lurking in the shadows in that section of the galaxy."

Smiling, Anakin spoke up. "What are we waiting for? Let's go get him!"

"I agree with young Skywalker," Mace said with a stern look. "Assuming Maul and his brother are still at that outpost with Dooku and Grievous, we have the opportunity to arrest the enemies of the Jedi and the Republic in one fell swoop, ending the Clone Wars once and for all."

"Very well, Master Windu," Quinlan wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan and grinned at his old friend. "Let's get out there and bag some Sith scum."

"We can't take any chances here, Master Vos," Mace then summoned another Jedi duo that would be accompanying them. "I've requested aid, and Master Yoda dispatched Masters Tiplee and Tiplar alongside their clone battalion to aid us in capturing the Sith and ending the war."

"Understood. I shall contact Bo-Katan Kryze and her Mandalorian forces to aid in this endeavor," Obi-Wan nodded to himself before continuing. "Hopefully, this will all be over soon. May the Force be with us all."


"We can't wait any longer, Aunt Bo, the longer we wait, the more the Mandalorian people suffer under the rule of this Zabrak monster!"

Bo-Katan turned to her nephew, Korkie Kryze, his ire towards Maul was perhaps stronger than her own, and although she wanted nothing more than to challenge the Zabrak who murdered her sister for the right to wield both the Darksaber and the title of Mand'alor, Bo knew that her forces needed to get stronger by recruiting more Mandalorians who would resist Maul's rule and maintain good relations with the Republic. Her efforts to recruit more clans were very successful, however, many more pledged allegiance to Maul, which sickened Bo, knowing that those clans were following a leader who didn't care about Mandalore or their ways in the slightest.

"I understand your frustration, nephew, believe me, I do. But now is not the time—"

"If now isn't the time, then when?" Korkie challenged. "Every rotation that passes allows Maul to destroy the Mandalore we know and love and my aunt's legacy will be erased from history." Pacing back and forth, the young Kryze turned sharply to Bo. "If you won't act, then I will!" Giving Bo a sneer, Korkie retorted sharply. "If we manage to kill the beast who murdered my aunt, just know that I will never pledge my support to you. You are nothing but a means to an end in restoring Mandalore. After that is done, I want nothing to do with you. After all, you played a role in your own sister's death because you disagreed with how she ruled."

"Korkie, you're letting your emotions cloud your judgment—"

"Perhaps, but you know what I've said is true. You may want to bide your time, but I cannot stand idle while this Zabrak barbarian drives our people into history's potter field. And neither would Satine if she were still alive,"

Before Bo could speak sense into the hotheaded young man, he stormed off. Sighing heavily, the redhead seated herself on her throne, pinching the bridge of her nose. She had just finished a meeting with her Nite Owls and the clans who pledged their support to her resistance and after dealing with Korkie's explosive backlash, Bo felt exhausted. Of course, Bo regretted many of the choices she made in her life, but she should've shot Maul and Savage dead when Death Watch found them in that escape pod. Had she followed her gut, none of this would be happening...

Castle Kryze's footman droid suddenly approached the weary redhead. "Forgive me for disturbing you, Mistress Bo, but you have an urgent transmission from Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,"

Sitting up straight, Bo nodded at the droid. "Put him through," the droid nodded and answered the holo transmission. The holographic image of the Jedi Master stood before her, and Bo bowed her head in greetings. "Master Kenobi, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Lady Bo. The Jedi have caught Maul's scent and we require you and your Mandalorian resistance to aid us,"

"I'm listening,"

"According to our information broker on Ord Mantell, Maul and his brother are held up in a Mandalorian asteroid outpost called Vizsla Keep 09. Do you know of it?"

"I do. It was a former Death Watch outpost. Pre Vizsla had been mass-producing Basilisk war droids and other advanced Mandalorian weaponry. Unfortunately, with Death Watch gone, those weapons and supplies are now in Maul's grasp."

"Which is precisely why having you and your followers join us on this mission. You're familiar with this outpost and know what we'll be up against."

"You need not worry yourself, Master Kenobi. I will join you,"

"Very well, let us hope our combined forces will be enough to capture our enemies and bring them to justice. Until then, may the Force be with you,"

As the transmission ended, Bo got to her feet, placed her helmet on, and contacted her Nite Owls, Clan Kryze, and all the other clans who pledged their support to her cause. "My brothers and sisters, prepare to move out immediately! Our enemies are gathered at the Mandalorian outpost, Vizsla Keep 09. We will converge with the Jedi and their clone armies to overwhelm Maul and the Mandalorian traitors who follow him. And in the act, we will restore Mandalore and bring peace to the galaxy," making her way out of her throne room, Bo murmured to herself. "I will avenge you, Satine. I promise."

(Vizsla Keep 09)

Maul looked outside the void of space within the main command center of Vizsla Keep 09, the asteroids and stardust floated aimlessly outside, and the wild yet slow movement of the rocks floating outside resembled Maul's train of thought as he concocted plans to further build his empire.

The Shadow Collective, while many in his allies still saw this coalition of criminals, mercenaries, and warriors as such, Maul saw it as something more, something... far more grand— Crimson Dawn. A far more appropriate name for his faction, because it would represent the dawn of a new era in galactic history; an era where the corruption of the Republic and Confederacy were no more and the Jedi Order, the supposed keepers of peace would finally find their place on the ash heap. Maul was determined to not only exact the Sith's revenge his way but also reshape the galaxy where everyone would view him as a savior and end the war when no one else would.

Although Crimson Dawn had captured Count Dooku and General Grievous, Maul needed to press his advantage, he had an inkling that his valuable prisoners had found a way to call for help, one way or another. Enacting his current plans in action, Maul, before arriving at Vizsla Keep had ordered Dryden Vos to take Ziton Moj and Lom Pyke to Nal Hutta and propose a deal to the Hutts and bring them back into the fold. The Hutts would be a great ally to his enterprise, after all, they owned large portions of the galaxy as well as resources and persuasion, all of which were valuable and would serve Maul well. This would be a test for Dryden in particular, to prove whether or not the silver-tongued near-human can negotiate deals with powerful individuals and convince them to serve the whim of Maul and ultimately Crimson Dawn. On top of that, he also ordered the best of his Mandalorians who served as infiltrators to go to The Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center on Coruscant as well as the galaxy's most notorious prisons, and free the deadliest bounty hunters, and smugglers, killers, and war criminals and persuade them to join him and his growing faction.

The war criminals in the Republic prisons were many, however, one of the war criminals Maul wanted his men to free in particular was Poggle the Lesser. Maul knew that the Geonisian bugs were very resourceful and that their planet was now under Republic occupation in order to keep the bugs in check and ensure they wouldn't reactive their droid foundries and produce reinforcements for Count Dooku's army. If he could liberate Geonosis from the Republic, he could use the bugs to create war machines as well as new battle droids programmed to serve Crimson Dawn, he would use these instruments of war and unleash them upon neutral planets and frame the Separatists for war crimes they hadn't even committed. He would then enact the same plan he did when he captured Mandalore— making his forces look like saviors, earning the gratitude and allegiance of the worlds he would attack and then save, making those worlds and people feel in debt to him.

It was a stroke of genius, and it would bolster his faction's numbers exponentially.

Another force in the galaxy Maul wanted in his ranks had a reputation as the cruelest slavers in the galaxy— the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Not only would slaves of all sentient life forms serve his empire well, but he would also have need of slaves to aid in the construction of a grand superweapon he had imagined wielding against his enemies. This super weapon would be inspired by the one within the Sith Temple on Malachor, however, the weapon he had in mind would be far grander and more deadly than anything the galaxy has seen since the days of the Old Republic.

"Hmmm, how unfortunate that you will not live to see the Sith return to their former glory, Dooku,"

Turning around to face his prisoners, Maul smiled at both Count Dooku and General Grievous, in shackles and on their knees while Savage stood behind them both, along with Rook Kast and Gar Saxon.

"My plans for domination are already set in motion, and like Sidious, you underestimated me," approaching the seasoned Sith Lord, Maul ignited the Darksaber and held the blade at Dooku's throat, causing the man to inhale sharply. "When you and your cyborg monstrosity are dead at my feet, I will finish what you and Sidious could not and tear down the Republic and the Jedi."

Lowering his gaze, Dooku spoke softly. "Indeed I have underestimated you, Maul, as did Sidious. Arrogance is what defeats many Sith Lords, and I fear I stand as one of them," meeting the Zabrak's smoldering gaze, Dooku smiled. "It nearly killed you, as I recall." Gesturing to his lower half, Dooku continued. "With your potential severed, you cannot hope to defeat the best the Jedi Order offers. You cannot even best Master Kenobi."

"Circumstances change in time, old man," Maul snarled before grinning wickedly. "I have other ways to make up the potential that Kenobi stole from me,"

"Kenobi is the one who maimed you? HA!"

Turning sharply to Grievous, the red-skinned Zabrak inhaled sharply and then exhaled slowly. "Do not mistake me for a coward, you abomination. From what I've heard, you've suffered more than your fair share of failures and humiliation by the Jedi throughout this war," chuckling in amusement, Maul turned to Dooku while rolling his eyes. "Never send a droid to do a Sith's job."

"I am no droid, you half-wit!"

Rising abruptly, Savage was ready to draw his lightsaber, Maul, however, struck Grievous across the face with the Darksaber, leaving behind a ghastly cut across the cyborg's faceplate, causing the Kaleesh monstrosity to crumble to his knees while roaring in agony. "Down, you insolent dog," reveling in the droid general's pain, Maul turned back to Dooku, scoffing at him. "Admit it, old man, I hold a greater claim as Dark Lord of the Sith. You have no apprentice of your own, not anymore that is. My brother, Savage, informed me that the witch, Ventress was your Sith assassin, however, you tried to have her killed. The events that have transpired have led to my resurrection,"

Dooku remained silent. Maul hummed softly before turning back to Grievous. "Instead of seeking a more competent student, you have taken on this fool who cannot even wield the Force."

"Grievous serves his purpose—"

"As a pawn, yes, of course," Maul could see the bloodlust in Grievous' eyes, and it amused him to see him so easily agitated. "Conceed now, and I will give you a quick, painless death."

"A Sith does not beg, Maul," Dooku's tone caused Rook Kast and Gar Saxon to point their carbines at the older man, but the Maul held out a hand, commanding them to stand down. "I will never concede to a failed apprentice like you."

"Unfortunate," Maul hummed softly. "When you are death's door, bloodied, broken, and humiliated in front of the entire galaxy. You will beg for a quick death." Bringing the Darksaber to Dooku's throat, Maul bore his teeth at his rival. "Once my family and I rule this galaxy, your death by our hands won't even be a footnote. And you will be nothing but an afterthought in Sith Order," Suddenly, Bhai and Cato Suust entered the command center with urgency in their body language. Noticing this, Maul's lip curled and a soft growl fled his mouth. "What is it?" He demanded.

"Lord Maul, a fleet of Republic and Separatist warships have dropped out of hyperspace. They've already deployed fighters and boarding parties,"

"Raise this station's defenses and crush any clone and battle droid that you encounter!" Turning to Rook Kast, Maul nodded at her. "Give the order and lead them."

"Yes, Lord Maul," Rook then turned to Saxon and her fellow Mandalorians as they ran out of the command center to join their comrades in battle.

Savage noted Dooku's sinister smile and he growled loudly while grabbing a handful of the old man's hair, and yanking it back, causing him to yelp in pain. "Do not expect your puny droids to save you, old man," pressing one of his lightsaber hilts to Dooku's throat, the hulking Zabrak leaned in. "Your death won't be by our hands alone, Mother Talzin herself will deliver the death blow."

Vulture droids outside began to conduct suicide runs on the station, and one of the fighters smashed right into the command center, violently shaking the station. The distraction allowed Dooku to snatch his lightsaber, which was clipped to Maul's waist, and sever his and General Grievous' shackles. Now free, the Separatist leaders ran, killing the Mandalorian guards outside the doors.

"Do not let them escape!"

Both Maul and Savage ignited their lightsabers and ran after their opponents while trying to keep their footing as the Separatist fleet outside attacked the station. The station rattled, alarms were blaring, exclaims of Mandalorians battling droids and clones echoed throughout the halls, and the humming of lightsabers threatened to make anyone deaf. The two Separatist leaders slew any Mandalorian in their path; Dooku would either cut them down with his blade or Force lightning, meanwhile, Grievous would kill his opponents with his bare hands

"Your screams are like music to my audio receptors!" Grievous laughed in glee as he savored the blood-curdling screams of the Zabrak brother's Mandalorian loyalists while he crushed their windpipes, broke bones, and even ripped limbs off. Crawling like a predatory insect, the Kaleesh cyborg jumped a Mandalorian captain duo that had his lightsabers clipped to their belts. "I'll be taking those back," grabbing one of the captains by the throat, Grievous sunk his metallic fingers into their throat, ripping out their windpipe and then grabbing the second captain by the neck with one of his feet, slamming them down on the ground and bringing his foot down on their helmet, crushing their head in after several vicious stomps. "My lightsabers," now armed with his trophies, Grievous used all four blades and whirled them, deflecting blaster bolts in his and Dooku's direction while they continued to run for the nearest hangar bay.

Obi-Wan was within one of the first gunships that blasted off from his ship's hangar bay. Alongside him were Commander Cody, Arc Trooper Boil, Quinlan Vos, Delta Squad, and a dozen 212th troopers. As the fierce space battle outside rattled the gunship, Obi-Wan was calm and collected, he knew how imperative it was to capture the Sith, this mission could end the Clone Wars and save countless worlds from any further suffering.

But time was not on their side. This was why they needed to move quickly, or else the Sith would once again slip from their grasp.

"General Kenobi, a fleet of Mandalorian warships have dropped out of hyperspace. They're Clan Kryze. Lady Bo-Katan is hailing you,"

"Patch her through,"

The holographic image of Bo-Katan stood before Obi-Wan, and after the two shared a nod of greetings, she gestured to the asteroid outpost. "My forces will ensure the Keep's defenses are neutralized and allow our combined forces to roll in smoothly," she then stood straighter. "We must move swiftly. Time is not on our side."

"I couldn't agree more. Once we board the station, we shall push for the command center, I have a feeling our prey are already attempting to flee. But if we are swift enough to meet them halfway..."

"...we'll be able to cut them off," finishing his sentence, Bo-Katan nodded. "Very well. Let's get to it."

As the transmission ended, the gunship rattled violently and the alarms in the gunship told everyone that they'd been hit.

"We've been hit! Everyone, brace for impact!"

As the seconds felt like hours, the gunship crashed inside the nearest hangar bay, causing hostile Mandalorians to scatter. With the gunship doors swinging open, Obi-Wan and Quinlan drew their lightsabers, deflecting crimson laser bolts away while Cody and Boil led the 212th troopers accompanying them and Delta Squad providing additional support.

"I can sense Maul's presence. We must move quickly to prevent him and the enemies of the Republic from slipping away!"

Grunting in an effort to deflect multiple blast bolts and using the Force to push away several wrist rockets, Quinlan turned to his old friend. "Waiting on you, Kenobi!"

As more Republic gunships landed in the hangar, Obi-Wan turned to his commander. "Cody, you and Delta Squad keep this hangar bay secured. General Vos and I are going after Maul,"

"Understood, General Kenobi," turning to Delta Squad, Cody nodded at them. "You heard him, let's make sure this hangar bay is ours."

"Depend on it," Boss nodded before turning to his squadmates. "Let's show these guys what Clone commandos can do!"

Among these newly arriving Republic gunships were Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, and Masters Tiplee and Tiplar. The Jedi all ignited their lightsabers and rushed off to join Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos while the clones that accompanied the Jedi secured the hangar bay they were in, neutralizing the threat of Mandalorians loyal to Maul and Savage.

"Hostiles inbound. Take them down!"

Dooku moved like a flowing river, avoiding blaster bolts while deflecting many more away with his lightsaber before frying the Mandalorian Super Commandos in his way with Force lightning. The Count of Serenno avoided an incoming whipcord and pulled the Mandalorian who tried to wrap him up toward him, driving his lightsaber through his belly, killing him. Spotting four more incoming Super Commandos heading towards him, Dooku slashed his slain opponent's jetpack, shorting it out and causing the rocket on top to fire and take out the Super Commandos rushing him and Grievous.

"Are you quite finished, General?" Grievous had finished breaking a Super Commando's neck and turning to face Dooku with a nod. "Then let us away."

The two Separatist leaders, however, were now face to face with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and other prominent Jedi Masters and Knights. Pointing his amethyst blade at the duo, Master Windu boomed out. "Stand down! In the name of the Republic, you are both under arrest!" Dooku and Grievous had their lightsabers at the ready, but Windu sneered at his old friend and the droid general. "Stand down, now! This has gone on far enough, Dooku!"

"Agreed," smirking at the Master of the Jedi Order, the Count of Serenno pointed his blade at his old friend. "I can assure you that your deaths will not be remembered."

The sound of footsteps approaching from behind caused Dooku and Grievous to whirl around and see that Maul and Savage had caught up. Both brothers snarled at the Jedi but were fixated on the two Separatist leaders. Caught between the Jedi and two Sith rivals, Dooku soon heard the familiar sound of Droideka's rolling in their direction. Smiling, the seasoned Sith Lord saw several Droideka and B2 battle droids arrive to stall both the Jedi and Zabrak brothers, giving him and Grievous the time to make their escape.

"Come, General, a shuttle awaits!"

A Sheathipede-class shuttle managed to land in one of the hangar bays, the ramp lowered, and six IG-MagnaGuards as well as BX-series droid commandos exited the ship, covering their organic overlords as they deactivated their lightsabers and boarded the shuttle. Maul and Savage managed to catch up after momentarily escaping the droids and Jedi, only to watch as their Sith rival retreat

"This contest of ours will soon draw to an end, Maul!" Dooku then grinned. "The next time we meet, I will unleash the full might of the Separatists upon you and your followers." As the shuttle's doors closed, the brothers couldn't rip the shuttle out of the sky since they had to deal with the MagnaGuards and droid commandos left behind.


Maul roared in rage while pouring all of his hatred, rage, and malice into the droids left behind to ensure Dooku and Grievous escaped. Once the droids were hacked into pieces, the brothers watched as the Separatist fleet jumped into hyperspace. Meanwhile, the Republic Venators turned their attention to the Mandalorian fortress, deploying several more gunships.

"Brother, we must leave before we are either killed or captured by the Jedi,"

Grunting in agreement with Savage, Maul gave the order to their Super Commandos to momentarily withdraw from Vizsla Keep 09 and regroup with their syndicate allies in territory occupied by their collective. As the brothers raced to the main hangar bay, they cut down the remaining battle droids left behind as well as clone troopers who dared to stand in their way.  As they neared the hangar bay where their ship waited, they came across Bo-Katan and a dozen elite Mandalorian warriors under her command.


Korkie Kryze screeched out in rage at the sight of the Zabrak brothers. "Die, you monsters!"

Growling at the sight of Pre Vizsla's lapdog and the young whelp, Maul and Savage deflected blaster fire from the opposing Mandalorians of Clan Kryze with their lightsabers until the brothers both unleashed a powerful Force push, sending them flying into a wall. "I have had my fill of fools and annoyances for the day," turning to his brother, Maul beckoned him to follow. "Come, Savage!" The two brothers finally reached the main hangar, Scimitar was well protected by their Super Commandos.

"My lords, this way!"

Several of the brother's Super Commandos were gunned down. Whirling around, Maul and Savage saw that the Jedi, along with their clones, as well as the opposing Mandalorians, had arrived to capture them.

"Darth Maul, in the name of the Republic, you are under arrest," Obi-Wan took up his Form III Soresu stance and narrowed his eyes at the brothers. "Surrender. Now. You will face justice for the atrocities you have committed across the galaxy."

Snarling, Maul and Savage took up stances of their own while their Mandalorian loyalists in the main hangar awaited their command. Maul turned to one of his Super Commando captains. "Captain Triton. Dispatch these fools," referring to the clones and the opposing Mandalorians. "We will deal with the Jedi."

"Yes, Lord Maul," Captain Triton turned to the warriors under his command and nodded. "Attack!" Springing into action, the Super Commandos engaged with the Republic's troops and their former Mandalorian allies, giving their overlords the time they needed to dispatch the Jedi.

The two brothers were not afraid of the Jedi before them, they had defeated the most powerful being in the galaxy together, and they wouldn't let the incompetent and disillusioned Jedi stand in their way of achieving unlimited power. "You have interfered in my affairs for the last time, Kenobi!" Maul snarled before summoning dead clone trooper blasters into the air and firing a multitude of azure bolts at his nemesis and the Jedi accompanying him. While the Jedi were momentarily distracted, Savage roared as he unleashed a ferocious Force push which sent the Jedi flying back. Seizing the opportunity to kill them while they were down, both brothers rushed the downed Jedi. Master Tiplar was able to ignite her green lightsaber and halt Maul from striking down Obi-Wan. Snarling in annoyance, Maul disarmed her and drove his crimson blade through her chest, killing her.


Tiplee cried out in horror before she leaped to her feet to strike at Maul. The red-skinned Zabrak didn't flinch when the Jedi Master's azure blade nearly struck him in the neck. Savage halted her attack before battering her into submission before he seized her by the throat with his metallic hand, crushing her windpipe with horrifying ease and tossing her aside as though she were trash.

"Master Tiplee!"

Back on his feet, Obi-Wan locked blades with both Maul and Savage. The brothers saw Master Vos and Windu getting to their feet as well, and they knew that if they were to survive this, they needed to fight together, just like they had when they fought and killed Darth Sidious.

Pushing Kenobi back with the Force, Maul blocked a strike from Windu before drawing his Darksaber and swinging at the Master of the Jedi Order's head, but he struck nothing but air and whirled both blades in hand as Savage was able to send Quinlan Vos back. "Finally, a fair fight!" Maul grinned as he and his brother once more took up battle stances and lashed out at their Jedi enemies.

Anakin and Ahsoka, who had recovered from being pushed violently against one of the hangar bay's walls looked to see the Jedi Masters battling the Zabrak brothers and were aware that they would keep the Sith at bay. Looking to Scimitar, Anakin and Ahsoka shared a look and nodded in understanding, they needed to disable that ship and prevent the brothers from escaping. As the Jedi duo made their way to the Sith ship, they were stopped by a wall of fire, cutting them off. The Jedi duo looked up to see Rook Kast, Gar Saxon, and the Suust siblings had arrived with reinforcements to bolster their forces. "Kill the Jedi!" The Mandalorians swarmed Anakin and Ahsoka like a swarm of enraged Gundarks.

The flash and hums of lightsabers threatened to drown the ringing of blaster fire, jet packs erupting, thermal detonators and flame throwers being unleashed that were now turning the hangar bay into a hellscape. Maul and Savage worked in tandem to kill the Jedi, however, noticing their Mandalorian leaders stopping a Jedi duo from sabotaging their ship, the brothers knew they needed to retreat, lest the Jedi capture them. Working together, Maul and Savage were able to push away Kenobi and Vos before attacking Master Kit Fisto with overwhelming force. Even with the advantage of being an accomplished duelist, the Nautolan Jedi Master knew that his endurance would be eclipsed by the Zabrak brothers. While locking blades with Savage, Fisto wasn't able to stop Maul in time as he struck him in the left thigh with the Darksaber, the ancient blade cut deeply into the Jedi, cutting through his robes and sinking into his flesh.


Crying out in agony, the Nautolan Jedi Master turned to face Maul, but Savage landed a vicious left hook across the Jedi Master's face, and a sickening crunch filled the air as a result, along with blood and spittle flying out of his mouth. Pressing his advantage against the staggered Jedi, Savage grabbed the Jedi Master, driving a knee into his gut, rendering him breathless before he then grabbed one of his legs, lifting him off of his feet, and slammed him down against the floor repeatedly with relative ease. After finally thrashing Master Fisto around like a doll, Savage seized him by the throat and bashed his head against his opponent's, breaking his nose and slamming him down on the floor.

While Fisto struggled to get to his feet, Maul then slashed the chest of the Jedi Master, causing him to crumble to a single knee while clutching his smoking chest. Lifting the sword he won in single combat against Pre Vizsla, Maul narrowed his eyes at Master Fisto. "Tell me, Jedi, are you afraid to die?" For a long minute, the bloodied and bruised Jedi Master was silent, but he soon closed his eyes.

"There is no death, there is only the Force,"

Both Maul and Savage struck down the Nautolan Jedi Master, without pity or mercy.


Obi-Wan cried out, tears forming in his eyes at the sight of the brothers driving their blades through another member of the Jedi Council. As Kit Fisto fell back, dead, both Zabrak brothers ran for their ship, eager to leave before they were captured or killed by the Jedi task force.

"Don't let them escape!"

While deflecting incoming blaster bolts from clones, Maul looked over his shoulder and grinned at a frustrated Obi-Wan Kenobi who tried to pursue, but was suddenly preoccupied with devoted Super Commandos, willing to lay down their lives to ensure their rightful leader escaped. "Worry not, we'll be seeing each other again, soon enough, Kenobi!" Maul remarked with a laugh over the ensuing battle before he and Savage entered Scimitar, blasting off and leaving the system.

With their overlords clear, Rook Kast gave the command to all Super Commandos inside of Vizsla Keep 09 to take what supplies they could and fall back. The Mandalorian forces loyal to the Zabrak brothers followed Rook's orders, they initiated their evacuations while taking what weapons and supplies they could before boarding their Kom'rk fighters and transports and momentarily abandoning Vizsla Keep 09, retreating to friendly space.

Obi-Wan cradled the now-dead Master Kit Fisto in his arms, and once against felt the yoke of failure on his shoulders. Not only did he and his fellow Jedi fail in apprehending Count Dooku and General Grievous but they also allowed Maul and Savage to escape once again.

"Master? Are you alright?"

"No!" Anakin was taken aback by Obi-Wan's outburst of anger and frustration. The Jedi Master sighed heavily while looking out into the vacuum of space, murmuring softly. "We're right back where we started." Bowing his head in disappointment at this failure to capture the enemies of the Jedi and the Republic and end the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan knew that all they could do now was wait for their enemies to show themselves again.

It would only be a matter of time.

"Those cowards are long gone. All we can do now is wait for them to make their next move," Bo-Katan sighed, equally, if not more frustrated that the brother's devoted Mandalorians prevented them from capturing them.

"We need to go after them!"

"Korkie, believe me, you are not alone. But we have no idea where Maul and his brother are going, all we can do is wait for them to resurface."

"Pfft!" Storming away, Korkie and his young friends followed him, in an effort to help cool him off.

Anakin and Ahsoka shared a worried look before looking to Obi-Wan, silently asking him what he wanted them to do. "Let's tend to our wounded and prepare the dead for transport back to Coruscant," rising with Master Windu in his arms, Obi-Wan walked past Anakin and Ahsoka without another word for the time being.

Bo-Katan approached Obi-Wan, she too was equally frustrated and angry that they lost a great many men and failed to bring her sister's murderer to justice. Both allies shared a look before Obi-Wan gave her a soft nod, silently promising her that he would inform her the next time Maul and Savage would reveal themselves.

(Nal Hutta)

First Light emerged out of hyperspace as it approached the planet of Nal Hutta, Dryden Vos, who was in his yachts bridge was joined by Ziton Moj and Lom Pyke. Each criminal boss was accompanied by six enforcers and Dryden ensured the leaders of Black Sun and the Pyke Syndicate that his added security force would be adequate once they went to meet with the Grand Hutt Council.

For most of his life, Dryden was an orphan and left to fight and claw for what little he had in his young life. Eventually dragged into the galactic underworld as a young adult, Dryden knew that the galaxy was a place where you eat or be eaten, and so he was determined to eat those who threatened him before they ate him, figuratively speaking. His wits, cunning, and ruthlessness had netted him wealth, respect, and power, but now with the opportunity to be of service to Sith Lords and their plans for galactic conquest, Dryden's ambitions began to widen and his appetite for more wealth, influence, and power grew.

If he could convince the Hutts to join Maul and his regime, he would prove to both himself and his dark patron that he was a reliable and productive ally to his cause.

"The Hutts won't roll over for Maul and his brother. They're one of the most powerful crime families in the galaxy," Durge, who was accompanying the criminal bosses of Maul's collective as extra security rumbled. "How do you intend on persuading them to join our Sith patrons?"

Looking over his shoulder, Dryden Vos smirked at Gen'Dai. "Come now, Durge, I can be very persuasive," drinking the last of his beverage, the young crime boss fetched a pair of custom-made Kyuzo petars. The sleek daggers serve a dual purpose, sporting a sharp-tempered carbon edge that can be overlaid with a scintillating monomolecular laser at the flick of a switch. "But I can also be very dangerous when I need to be. And if the Hutts refuse us? Well, Lord Maul told us to kill any Hutt on their council and replace them with more ambitious and driven Hutts."

"Assuming the Hutts' security doesn't kill us all for killing their bosses," Lom Pyke snorted softly while exhaling a thick cloud of dusty-colored spice. "If this goes wrong, this could start a syndicate war."

"A war with the syndicates is the last thing we need," Ziton Moj grunted. "The Hutts can be persuaded to join The Shadow Collective, heh, or Crimson Dawn, whatever we're calling ourselves."

"Until further notice, this coalition is still The Shadow Collective," Dryden Vos turned to his companions and smiled softly. "We're not stopping with the Hutts though. Once they fall back in line, we won't stop until the Galactic Underworld becomes a fully united force."

Scoffing softly, Durge shrugged. "If nobody was trying to do that, it would never work. But with an apex predator like Maul attempting to pull this off, it could work,"

"For now, we deal with what's in front of us. Hmm?"

The doors to Dryden's office opened, and one of the enforcers spoke up. "Sir. We have permission to land at the palace of Gardulla the Hutt,"

"Thank you," as the enforcer left, Dryden nodded at his companions. "Shall we?"

As First Light touched down outside the palace hangar bay, the three crime bosses and their enforcers, along with Durge exited where they were greeted by Hutt enforcers who led them into the palace. Once inside, they were greeted by Gardualla Besadii the Elder, Jabba, Gorga, and the remaining Hutts who managed to flee from Maul's wrath the last time he was on Nal Hutta.

"The Shadow Collective graces us with its presence once again," Gardualla exclaimed sarcastically. "The last time you were here, you killed a member of our council, and now you wish for us to join you once again. Why?"

"Mighty Hutts, I am Dryden Vos, as you may have heard by now, our patron, Maul, has defeated Count Dooku and General Grievous in battle. With the Clone Wars raging throughout the galaxy, opportunity presents itself to the cunning and the bold. Some seek riches, others desire for control, but the most powerful motivation for some is revenge," smiling, Dryden extended his arms. "The Republic and Separatists are like children who are bickering, well their differences have impacted us all in one way or another. Why should we sit back and allow either one of these corrupt factions to gain control of the galaxy when we can emerge as a new galactic power?"

Jabba the Hutt laughed boisterously in response. "Just because Black Sun and the Pyke Syndicate follow Maul doesn't mean the Hutts will—"

"Speak for yourself, Jabba!" A Hutt named Skotju Drann boomed out in Basic. This Hutt bore black and tan skin, he bore a gilded and crimson cybernetic left eye, and he was adorned in a piece of gilded head jewelry, a gilded neck collar around his well-sculpted chest, as well as arm cuffs with crimson jewels affixed on them on his wrists. "You and the old, dried old fools are not the only Hutts whose opinion matters. I for one am impressed that this... Maul has the courage to stand up to the tyranny of both the Republic and Separatists."

"If we join this Zabrak, we will fall to ruin—"

"What he offers us is power!" Skotju scoffed at Arok. "The Hutts are notorious. Why not grow to even greater heights?" Turning to Dryden, Skotju smiled. "I am very interested in pledging support to The Shadow Collective and to Maul."

Turning to the other Hutt members, Dryden raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "This young Hutt is... hungry and ambitious. That's good. We welcome that within our ranks. But what of the rest of you?" Pacing back and forth slowly, the young Dryden narrowed his eyes. "Lord Maul seeks to unite the criminal underworld into an unstoppable force. We have the opportunity of a lifetime and you wish to cower?"

"You will mind your tongue, ambassador—"

"I am merely stating facts, Gardulla. I knew Hutts were spineless, but who knew they were gutless, as well?"

Growling, Gardulla summoned guards. "I have a message for your master. You and all your companion's heads and limbs will send a message that we are not interested in his proposal," giving a firm nod at the guards, Gadulla grumbled. "Kill them."

As the guards moved to grab Dryden, he drew his Kyuzo petars and slashed one of the guards' throats open before gutting another one. Using the guard he gutted as cover from blaster fire, Vos moved swiftly as he disarmed that guard and drove one of his petars in their chest. Ziton Moj and Lom Pyke, along with their enforcers gunned down any remaining guards approaching. Before Gardulla could sound the alarm, Durge drew one of his blasters out of his holster and shot off the Hutt's hand. The senior Hutt's cries were silenced when Durge used his right hand to reach out and shut the Hutt's mouth. Enforcers for the three Shadow Collective bosses held the resisting Hutts at blaster point, Dryden Vos, whose facial markings were a deep crimson soon returned to normal color after taking several deep breaths.

"Now now, it's unwise to kill the messengers. Especially when we serve someone who is capable of killing you with the Force," two of Dryden's enforcers pointed their blasters at Gardulla while the near-human pointed one of his petars at the squirming Hutt. "Resist us and your lives end here. We will negotiate with Hutts who see the value in Maul's cause. But join us, and you wield power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams."

Desperate to save their own skins, the Hutts agreed and they pledged their allegiance to Maul, once again. They would need to be watched, of course, however, this would be a turning point; with the Hutts back in the fold, The Shadow Collective's resources and arsenal had bolstered.

For Dryden, this was rather messy, but then again, he was never afraid to get his hands dirty unless he needed to, in this circumstance, the need to take lives was needed. This would only be the beginning, soon enough, he would live lavishly and carefree for the rest of his life, he just needed to continue proving his worth to Maul and the fruit he would gain from his labor would be worth it.


Mother Talzin and Merrin had only returned home along with Feral not long ago, they were in the Nightbrother village and awaited the arrival of Maul and Savage, who were just now arriving themselves. Once the two brothers emerged out of their ship, both Maul and Savage greeted their mother and Merrin.

"Mother. Sister Merrin," Maul tilted his head. "Why summon us back home with haste?"

Smiling, Talzin gestured behind her as Brother Viscus and a dozen Nightbrothers approached while a hooded and armored figure approached. "You have been called home to celebrate the rebirth of your brother, Feral," both Maul and Savage saw their younger brother remove his hood, revealing himself to them both. Turning back to her older sons, the Great Mother of Dathomir grinned. "Our family is now whole. And together, we will be unstoppable!"

Approaching Savage first, Feral wrapped his arms around the hulking Zabrak. "Brother," he greeted. Reluctantly, Savage returned Feral's embrace. He still recalled killing Feral for the sake of proving his loyalty to Ventress, but that was the past, Feral was alive and reborn.

After pulling away from Savage, the youngest of the three brothers turned to Maul and they both laid eyes on each other. "Maul," Feral smiled before he too embraced him. For the red-skinned Zabrak, such affection or gestures as simple as an embrace was foreign to him. He had been taken from Dathomir as a boy and had been raised by Sidious under the idea of the Rule of Two and any relationship he had or wanted to have would be based on dominance.

He would not use domination over his brothers.

He would share his strength and knowledge with them, a suggestion Savage had given to him prior to recruiting Weequay pirates to his cause.

Finally, Maul wrapped his arms around his younger brother, embracing him. "Feral. My brother," acknowledging his younger brother, Maul broke their embrace and looked the youngest of the three in the eyes. "The path ahead of you will be dark, fraught with peril, and treacherous. Yet you will grow stronger than you were prior to your rebirth and you will stand by my side as well as Savages' as a new Sith Triumvirate. Not since the days of Darth Revan's Sith Empire has there been another triumvirate of Sith Lords, but with you by our side, we as brothers will claim the galaxy in the name of Dathomir and our family."

"Yes," Talzin agreed, the three brothers turned to face their mother. "With my powers restored and magnified, Merrin and I will reach out to any remaining Nightsisters who survived Dooku's attack and beckon them home and we will bring Dathomir into a new age."

"As we should, mother," Maul turned back to his brothers. "The next time we face Dooku, he will unleash the full might of the Separatists upon us. We must continue your training, immediately." The brothers walked side by side as Brother Viscus and his Nightbrothers bowed their heads to Mother Talzin and then joined the brother trio.

"Will they be ready to face Dooku as a trio?"

Turning to Merrin, the Great Mother of Dathomir smiled. "Dooku's time will come, my child, worry not," she then looked to the skies. "Our planet will flourish and the Sisterhood will be restored, greater than it ever was before. Whatever it is that beckons to me across the galaxy is of Nightsister origin, and I must seek it out."

"I will help you in any way I can, Mother Talzin,"

"Yes, you shall," pinching the young Nightsister's chin, Talzin looked into Merrin's eyes. "Our sisters will be restored, Sister Merrin. Have patience." Merrin bowed her head, submitting to Talzin's wisdom.

Dathomir will rise and it would be the crown jewel in the new Sith Order.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this beefy chapter! As usual, leave feedback and suggestions and if you have any ideas on what other characters you'd like to see, let me know and I'll consider it. Until then, thanks for tuning in and I'll see you in the next update!

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