Chapter 18: Quidditch second game Slytherin vs Gryffindor!

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After Ren found the information about the creature that lies within the chamber of secrets that is somewhere in the castle both him along with Luna and Eve decided to wait for the right day and time to find this chamber of secrets and find out the secrets that Ren wants to know about as well as that male voice he's been hearing since he got to Hogwarts. But for now it was the day of the second year of the Quidditch games and Ren along with his fellow snakes and Draco who is the new chaser are ready to face off against Gryffindor once again and win another game for themselves.

At the arena both teams were going off with each other in which Slytherin had the lead score thanks to their training and many of the Slytherin students were cheering their team on that included Ren's girls who were cheering for their lover. Draco was doing absolutely fantastic as the chaser and thanks to Ren who gave him some tips and moves Draco became an excellent Quidditch team member and his father saw it all from the stands where he along with Snape watch as the Slytherin team takes the lead.

One of the Slytherins was about to score another ten points but then one of the opposite team catches the ball before it touches the hoop. The Gryffindor who had the ball was heading towards the hoop when suddenly another Slytherin player comes in and knocks the ball out of the Gryffindors grasp and now the ball is in the hands of Draco Malfoy who flew towards the hoop while his team defends him from the opposite team. When close to the hoop Draco throws the ball into the hoop and yet again Slytherin scores another ten points for themselves.


Jordan: Another goal for Slytherin! That leaves Gryffindor 90 to 30.

Slytherin: 90

Gryffindor: 30

Slytherin cheer for their housemates as do the the themselves. Ren clapped for his best friend on getting the team ten more points for their house.

Ren: Well done Draco well done, seems like those lessons I taught you really paid off.

Draco: I have you to thank for that. Seems like father is also impressed.

Ren: I know I saw up in the stands with Professor Snape.

Draco: Speaking of which any sign of you know who?

Ren: If you are talking about Potter here he comes now, betting you that broom of his will snap just like the first one due to his over weighted gut.

Draco: I would impressed that Potter would just give up because this isn't a place for a loser like him. He can't even form spells nor ride a broom stick.

Ren: So true.

Both of them turn to see James Potter Jr flying towards them while also seeing that the fat boy who lived looked between running out of air as well as looking more of slob then he already is judging by the food staines all over his Quidditch uniform.

James Jr: This time I will be the champion!...Path...Path...and I will not let you slimy snakes take what belongs to me!!!

Ren: Whoah chill Potter it seems that you don't look so good am right Draco.

Draco: You all right scar face.

James Jr: I am.....BURP!......I am awesome you stupid snake!

Draco and Ren: Disgusting...

Ren: I don't know Potter it looks like your not qualified to participate in this game it almost looks like you are about to barf. What in merlins name did you eat?

James Jr: I SAID I AM.....FARTS!!!!.....I SAID I AM FINE YOU...YOU....FARTS!!!!

Ren: You know what let's move away from him Draco because I think he's gonna you know what soon.

Draco: Ehh yea I agree I must as well get back to helping the team.

Ren: You do that while I do my thing.

James Jr: Yea thats right fear me for I am the savior of the world!!!

Ren: You're a nobody Potter and further more best to rest for now otherwise you might crap your pants or worse.


Ren: I can just say one more thing.

James Jr: WHAT?!!!

Ren: You should keep your eyes on the game otherwise you wont be able to see that Bludger coming towards you.

James Jr: What Bludger?!

Ren: Oh that one there.

Ren saids to James Jr who didn't pay attention until the Bludger came towards him and hit his broom stick and went out of control but was still in the air.

Ren: Word of advice! Keep an eye on your surroundings otherwise you are just gonna get hit with a Bludger.

James Jr: ILL KILL HIM?!!!(James Jr saids in thought as well as anger)

Ren then went back to focus on the game as well as trying to find the Golden Snitch that was somewhere in the arena until his eyes locked onto the Snitch that was flying near the stand area and so when Ren found the Snitch he moves in to catch it.


James Jr went full speed towards Ren who was chasing after the Golden Snitch while Ren just remained calm while on the Snitches tail. Soon the Snitch went bellow the stands and so did Ren along with Potter Jr behind.

Ren: Seems like Potter doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

James Jr: Out of my way snake that Golden Snitch is mine!!!!

Ren: I don't see your name on it Potter.

James Jr: After I get the Snitch maybe now everyone will pay more attention to me and adore me for I am the boy who.....

Ren: The boy is a stuck up jerk who only cares about himself and nobody else and thinks that he is the savior of the world who can't even perform a single spell nor has the gust to study but just sit around eating junk food while also being an overweighted slob.


Ren: And not to mention he's a loud moth with no manners at all no wonder no girl would ever fall for a pig like you.

James Jr: SHUT UP SNAKE!!!!

Ren: Also do come up with a better line, you been saying the same lines for least a year already.


Ren: If you say so.

James Jr flew further up and was now in front of Ren who didn't care what Potter was doing because Ren is smart while Potter is ridiculous and doesn't know that something is going to happen in the next minute.

James Jr: You'll never catch me Palpatine!

Ren: Whose saids I was catching you, I am just catching the Snitch but it would appear that a fat whale is blocking my view.

James Jr: Hahaha victory is almost....grumbling......almost....grumbling....almost....grumbling....

All of sudden Potter Jr's stomach was acting up and it felt like he was either going to barf or crap his pants or probably both.

Ren: Ooh seems like he ate too much junk food.

James Jr: I can do this...I can do this...I just need to.....fart! please not now...I am almost...fart!.......ah.......I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!

James Jr flew out of below where the stands are and so did the Golden Snitch in which Ren smiled that his opponent decided to call it quits after finding out that his stomach was hurting. Ren flew towards the Golden Snitch and once close Ren did an excellent backflip and caught the Snitch in hands while landing on the sand ground perfectly.

Jordan: Ren Palpatine has caught the Snitch! Slytherin Wins!

The Slytherin team cheered for their second win along with the houses who were cheering for Ren. Ren smiled and held the Snitch into the air like before.

Draco: Nice catch Ren and very impressive backflip.(Draco saids while landing in front of his friend)

Ren: Thanks Draco, you did great as well. Your father would be proud.

In which I am, very impressive Draco well done as well as you Mr.Palpatine.(Lucius saids while walking over towards his son and Draco with Snape behind him)

Draco: Thank you father.

Ren: Good to see you Lord Malfoy, I take that you enjoy the game.

Lucius: Indeed I have though I wasn't impressed with that Potter child, he is not what I expected to be the savior of the world.

Snape: Indeed it would seem fame has clouded the boys mind.

Ren and Draco: Agreed.

Draco: Speaking of Potter there he is being hounded by his ridiculous minions as well as LockHart.

Ren: Not to mention his parents.(Ren saids while glaring at his former family and ex brother)

James Jr after his stomach problem came out flying towards the the hoops and landed on the ground where he was having some problems with his tummy until he looked to see his friends along with LockHart and his parents coming towards him.

Hermione: You all right James?

Ron: Yea mate whats wrong?

James Jr: I...I....grumbling.....

LockHart: I think he injured himself. James tell me did you broke something not to worry I will have anything you have broken fixed right away.

James Jr stomach was getting worse by the minute in which he couldn't hold in what he has while his friends and parents looked worried.

Lily: Sweetie if you having something to say you can say it.

James Sr: Yea son whatever is bothering you I am sure we can help.

LockHart: Come on James whatever it is just say......


James Jr didn't say anything and just puked all over LockHart from head to knees that left his friends gapping like fish as well as disgusted and not just them but his parents who looked between sick and shocked of what their son did in which caused Lily to faint while James Sr was trying to hold back from puking himself.


James Jr puke again on but this time it was on his friend Ron who didn't scream but just stood still while being puked on until due to the smell of the vomit caused Ron too faint as well then soon James Jr did the same to Hermione.


Gryffindor and Slytherin teams: EHHHHHHH......

Draco: By Merlin that is just disgusting...

Ren: Ehh...that's going to give me nightmares.

Lucius: How barbaric...

Snape: Disgusting brat.

Ren: I don't know what he ate but it was worth it to see Potter being a much more bigger fool then he already was especially LockHart who is now covered in vomit.(Ren whispers to Draco who smirks at his friends comment)

Draco: I bet that is never going to come out.

Ren: If LockHart doesn't teach we might get Professor Snape to teach for us.

Draco: That would be wonderful but you know Dumbledore would just you know.

Ren: Yea the old goat would never allow it.

Draco: It would seem that Potter has stopped vomiting?

Ren looks to see Potter Jr who has finally stopped puking all over the place while his family and the LockHart were covered in vomit that smelled really bad in which many of the houses were disgusted by what they saw as well as the teachers. But all of sudden James Jr was still acting like he didn't feel good and Ren knows what that means.

Ren: Um I think it would be wise to leave the arena right now.

Snape: What makes you think that Mr.Palpatine?

Ren: You don't want to know or see what will happen next.

Draco: I am with Ren on this one. How about the rest of you?(Draco saids then towards his teammates)

Slytherin Team: I rather leave/Yea same here/I don't want to know what happens next/Me either.

Soon Dumbledore himself came down and headed towards Potter Jr along with his vomit covered parents, friends and LockHart.

Dumbledore: My boy are you all right? LockHart I think it would be wise that you along with Mr.Weasley and Miss Granger report to the castle and get yourselves cleaned up at once.

LockHart: I...I....yes....I think would be a good idea...come along children...

Dumbledore: McGongacall would you mind taking Miss Potter to the hospital I think that poor woman could use some rest after what she has seen.

Minerva: Very well.(Minerva saids while holding her breath the picking up Lily Potter and carrying her away)

Dumbledore: Now then James did he get everything out of his system?

James Sr: I think he did...I think he might of had a little too much food. Best he goes to the hospital as well.

Dumbledore: Agreed, James Potter Jr would you come with me and your father so we can take good care of your situation.

James Jr: Mmm.....grumbling.....fart......grumbling......I...I....

Dumbledore: James is there something you want to say?

James Sr: Does it look like you want to get something out son, then come with us and so we can help.

James Jr: I........

James Jr didn't have the time because it was about let loose and was trying to find something that he can use to release what he has inside of him until he spotted Dumbledore's long hat and went over and grabbed it from the top of the wizards head.

Draco: Whats he doing?

Ren: Shield your eyes.

James Jr took the hat from Dumbledore then pull down half of his pants and then when he was ready James Jr crapped out what he had in his stomach that made everyone at the Quidditch area looked area as well as disgusted of what they are seeing.

James Sr: Oh my Merlin?!


(Reference of James Jr crapping into Dumbledore's hat)

James Jr: Farts!.farts!..farts!..farts!....

Dumbledore: Dear Merlin....(Dumbledore saids while covering his nose and looking away)

Hogwarts Students: My eyes!/Ehh that is so gross!/I think I am going to be sick!/That is the boy who lived?!/Let's get out of here!!!

Jordan: It would seem that the savior of the world has just soiled himself literally..

Snape: On second thought Mr.Palpatine I will take your word for it, head back to the dormitory until this whole situation clears up.

Lucius: Oh my Merlin that is so vile..(Lucius saids while covering his nose then walks away)

Draco: That is just sick...though he did it in Dumbledore's hat which is brilliant.

Ren: True on that my friend but it would be wise to go back to the castle, I don't want to see this nor Potter.

Draco: I seen enough.

All the team players like Slytherin and Gryffindor left the arena along with the other students while Potter Jr was still crapping into the headmasters hat while both James Sr and Dumbledore looked upon the scene with green faces due to the smell of crap coming out of the fat boy who lived or more like James Evans Potter Jr The Boy Who Shit and Vomit Himself.

James Jr: GET OUT OF ME!!!!!......FARRRRTTTTSSSSSS!!!!.......

James Sr: Dear Merlin my precious little champion....

Dumbledore: I will be in my office....

Once at the castle Ren pulled on his normal school clothes and was being congratulated by his girlfriends who each of them gave their lover kisses on the lips for winning yet another Quidditch game against Gryffindor while also getting a good laugh out of Potter who not only made himself look stupid but also embarrassed his family as well as Dumbledore who wont be getting his hat back anymore since it filled with Potter's crap.

Daphne: Congrats on winning another game my prince.

Ren: Thank you.

Luna: You done us proud shadow.

Eve: You were amazing out there my knight.

Ren: I do what I can to impress my lovely ladies.

Daphne: You were great Ren unlike some people aka Potter.

Ren: Don't mind that idiot my love he is a nobody.

Daphne: True.

Eve: You think they might put him into the papers for what he did.

All four of them laughed at the idea of James Potter Jr being in the papers as well as being embarrassed by everyone who saw what he did after the Quidditch match.

Luna: Ren are you doing anything over the holidays?

Ren: I am planning on spending time with my father and the lords why?

Luna: Well I was wondering if we could spend the holidays with you if you don't mind of course.

Ren: Hmm...I would have to ask my father about it and this could be your first time being at the manor with me sure I wouldn't my beautiful Slytherins spending the holidays with me.

Daphne: That is why I chose to be with you my darling.

Eve: My knight is very charming and very well mannered.

Ren: I do what I can for the beautiful and lovely women in my life.

Eve/Luna/Daphne: You are so sweet 💋.(All said and kiss Ren on the cheek)

Daphne: I am gonna go study for my next assignments would you like to join me.

Ren: We will catch up with you later because I need to have a word with Eve and Luna.

Daphne: All right see you soon my prince.

Ren: You to my ice princess.

As soon as Daphne left leaving Ren alone with Luna and Eve they can discuss the manner of the chamber of secrets and its whereabouts.

Ren: So you both agree with the plan.

Eve: Myself and Luna will check each part of the bathrooms to see if there is something that could lead into the chamber of secrets or perhaps a clue on where to find it.

Ren: Good I will be doing the same while also getting some more information. I already know so little about it but at least I know what creature lies within the chamber that is the good news and how it gets around.

Luna: You think the Basilisk will make another appearance Ren?

Ren: Probably and remember what McGongall said that it will attack anyone who abuse their magic for their selfish needs as well as treat it like a play thing.

Eve: But why did it attack Filches cat?

Ren: I think the cat was just at the wrong place and at the wrong time and since she can't use magic since well Filches cat is an animal I guess the Basilisk just made an error.

Luna: And the writing on the wall?

Ren: I believe this was someone who is working with someone of something or probably in some kind of trance that is making this person of thing write those words on the walls.

Eve: Whatever it is I am sure we will figure it out together.

Luna: Yes.

Ren: Now that we know what to do, best to just keep it between us. We don't want to alarm the whole school.

Luna and Eve: Yes keep it to ourselves.

Ren: Good, now let's go join Daphne and the others for a study group.

Luna and Eve: Lead the way my love.

Luna and Eve got up and headed out along with Ren until all of sudden the same voice was heard again and Ren heard what the voice said next.

The chamber will await you soon..she will wait for your return and he will come to share his story and you will know your destiny my descendant.(The male voice saids in the echo that Ren was listening too)

Ren: Whose is this she and he I wonder? I might solve once I find the chamber of secrets so that the questions will be mush clearer.

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