Chapter 3

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The next morning, I get up early to go hunting with Merle. I swear it's the only time he shuts up for more than five minutes. 

I prefer to hunt by myself, but we are not doing this just for the fun of it. Usually, we sell the meat and split the money. Sometimes we are lucky and take down a big one or we take down more of the small game and then I'm glad he's there so it's not only up to me to clean it and to carry it to the truck. 

Today I wanna keep some of what we'll kill. The lunch Lumen made yesterday was so good I seriously consider to offer her the room for free if she'd cook for me regularly. 

I haven't eaten a homemade meal in ... well, I don't even remember the last time I had a homemade meal. Sure I can cook meat over a fire or boil potatoes, but that's about it. It's not the same. I decided to keep some meat in the freezer and tell her she can use it and see how everything goes.

I'm on my second cup of coffee when I hear Merle's bike. 

I go to the window, it's still dark outside and I see the lonely headlight as he approaches the house. But he's not stopping where he usually does, he parks it right in front of Lumen's window. 

Has he forgotten there is only one possible room to be rented or is he trying to be a jackass on purpose? Ugh, why I'm even thinking about this? It's Merle, he's a jackass naturally, he doesn't need to try. 

My eyes flick to her door before going back to the window behind Merle's dark outline. Her lights stay off, so she's either sleeping like the dead or she just doesn't bother to look. Either way is fine with me.

I move to open the door before the banging begins. 

To this day I still can't believe that someone this fucking noisy is capable of being so quiet while hunting. Every time we enter the woods I wait for a shout, a branch snap... but nothing comes. He's a walking, talking mystery in some ways, my brother. 

I don't have the door fully open yet when I hear him shouting. "Is that a coffee I smell? I'll have some before we head out." 

Okay, trying to avoid the upcoming noise by opening the door was pointless.

"What the fuck, Merle! Are you even capable of being quiet? Oh wait, I know you are! So keep it the fuck down." 

He gives me weird look, so I motion to the closed door leading to Lumen's room and I see understanding settle in Merle's eyes.

"Oh, right, we don't want to disturb the missus," he says with a chuckle as he walks around me straight for the coffee on the counter.

"Shuddup! You are making noise enough to wake a dead person." He doesn't say anything to that but only because he starts to laugh.

"What the hell are you laughing about, you dick?"

"You, being all considerate." He stands with his back to me as he's looking for a mug but I can see the shit eating grin as if he was right in front of me. He turns his head in my direction and, yes, it's there.

"Hey, she doesn't seem too bothered. Does it mean she's too tired after you fucked her good to make up for being a dick?" What? And he's laughing again too. "I bet she can't even get up from the bed or walk if she does! Oh yeah, Dixon charm is what I see here!"

"I didn't fuck her. I actually want her to stay here." He doesn't get it and I had enough of his bullshit. I lower my voice, just in case. "Or did you want me to get a roommate for fun? To focus on something else maybe?" 

He stops laughing then. Guess he did see his little whore friend at some point after her visit here. He's now drinking his coffee and eyeing me with a somewhat weird expression. 

It's always like this. Most of the time he seems to block out who I am, or rather what I do, and then something reminds him and he just doesn't seem to know how to handle it. And I won't help him, I can't help him with it.

"What the fuck did you say that for? Are you on your period or something? I was just kidding, fuck! How am I to know you pass an opportunity like this." He seems genuinely surprised.

"Fuck you! You were the one who came up with the idea in the first place, you asshole! She's here for one reason only, so stop this shit," I hiss at him as I turn to grab my gear. 

I walk out then, not wanting to listen to him anymore.

I put my things on the bed of my truck and go to turn on the cool-bot so the room is chilled and ready for the meat once we get back. As I'm standing in the small room I feel calmer already. There is something relaxing about this place. 

It was actually Merle who helped me to rebuild this shack attached to the house from the back. There are two rooms now. The first one has two chest freezers in it, one I use for me, one for the meat we sell if needed. The second room is basically walk-in cooler where I hang the game that needs to age some. 

I switch off the light and head back. 

Today I hope for a couple of deer. The butcher that buys from us asked for one. The other one I want for myself... and Lumen, I guess, if she agrees to cook some more for me. 

Rounding the corner to the front of the house I see Merle standing by the truck, smoking and the house is dark. It looks like she didn't wake up after all.

"All ready?" Merle's eyeing me as I approach the truck.

I grumble a "yeah" and we are on our way moments after that. Merle doesn't mention Lumen for the rest of the day.


It's still light when we return back. We spent all day in the woods but it paid off, we did manage to track and kill the two deer I wanted. I took down also three hares. Two I'll offer to the butcher, one we'll have hopefully for dinner. 

Once we are done with hanging the deer in the cooler I leave Merle to finish skinning the last hare and go for Lumen. Her car is here, so she must be here somewhere too.

"Hey, Lumen!" I call for her as I enter the house. 

I don't see her anywhere in our shared space so she's probably in her room. I go closer to it and raise a hand to knock but then I realize it's still bloody, so I let it fall again.

"Lumen, are you there?" 

The door cracks open and there she is.

"Yeah? What do you need?" She peeks out just a little at first but when she sees me her eyes go wide and she hurries to me.

"Oh my God, are you okay? What happened?" She sounds panicked as her eyes keep jumping all over my body. She makes a move as to touch me and then quickly pulls away. "I'm gonna call the hospital! You should sit down. I can take a look before they come..." 

What the hell is she talking about? I look down confused but then... Of course! She doesn't know we were hunting and I got blood all over me. I wave my hand a little to get her attention.

"I'm fine! It's not my blood."

Her eyes go even wider.

Oh fuck. "It's deer blood! I was hunting today!" I wait for her to wrap her mind around it and I don't have to wait too long. 

She takes a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Oh God, don't do things like that to me. You could leave a note or something. Don't you take some spare clothes with you? It can't be comfortable to walk around like this..." 

Right, I forgot, she's a nervous talker.

"Hey." I try to interrupt but she's not stopping so I raise my voice a bit. "HEY!" Her eyes shoot to mine. "Calm down, nothing happened." 

I watch her getting herself under control when a thought comes to me. "How the fuck are you going to be a nurse when you get all worked up over a bloody person?" 

She shuts her mouth tightly for a moment. "I am not getting all worked up over a bloody person! Excuse me for not expecting my new roommate to show up at my door covered in blood." 

Okay, time to change the subject!

"I didn't come to argue, okay? I just wanted to show you something." I turn to walk out and motion for her to follow. "Come on." But when I turn to check I see she hasn't budged from her spot so I stop too.

"What did you want to show me?" she asks, she doesn't seem nervous though just confused so I motion for her again to walk with me.

"You'll see, come on." 

And she moves then. 

As we walk around the house she keeps giving me strange glances so I decide to explain now. "We hunt often enough, so since you said you wouldn't mind cooking for me too now and then, I thought I would keep some meat for us. For you to use I mean, I can't cook for shit." 

We are almost there by then, I nod towards the shack. "This is where I keep the meat. I'll show you around so you'll know what you can take."

"Okay, cool!" The smile on her face freezes suddenly. "Wait, what do you mean we?"

But before I get the chance to say anything Merle comes out shouting.

"What the hell is taking you so lon- Oh, hello there! My my, if I knew you were this pretty I would have come to introduce myself sooner. Name's Merle and you are...?" He has a grin from ear to ear as he walks to her but Lumen takes a small step to the side putting me more or less between her and Merle. 

He, of course, notices the move and stops in his tracks, looking as surprised as I feel. But he recovers quickly and starts walking again.

"Oh, come on sweetcheeks! You wouldn't be scared of old Merle? I am the nice brother. Actually, it was my doing you got this nice place to live in, you know? So, how about you stop hiding there, maybe you could come here and thank me nicely instead. We could have some fun." He turns his eyes to me with a smirk. "Daryl wouldn't mind, right brother?"

I glance behind me and see her already starting to back up from me quickly. Her expression is hard to read, something between angry and spooked. Obviously, that wasn't the right thing for Merle to say.

Her eyes jump from me to him then to the blood on the ground then to the shack behind us as she speaks. "Oh yeah? I don't think so, no! I think our understanding of the meaning of having fun is quite, no, is very different! I also think I'll go to my room now." Fucking Merle and his fucking big mouth!

He's absolutely oblivious to her distress as he continues with that big grin back in place. "Well doll, you won't know till you try. Ever heard of Dixon charm? No? Let me tell you all about it, or I give you one better! Let me go with you to that room of yours and I'll show you instead."

"No!" She turns and marches back to the house. 

At least I hope it's to the house and not far, far away from us to never come back.

"Shut the fuck up, Merle! She saw all of your charms the other night at the quarry. You stay here!" I see her rounding the corner and hurry to catch up. "Hey, Lumen?" She turns her head and quickly looks behind me when she sees no one she stops and crosses her arms. "He doesn't mean anything by it! He just talks shit! Come on, I'll show you inside." But she shakes her head.

"If you think I'll go anywhere near that bloody shack with him there, then think again!" She wants to turn again but I grab her arm to stop her. She jerks it away from me and I let go quickly.

"Don't be ridiculous! What do you think will happen there?"

She looks down with a frown. "I don't know, but he makes me uncomfortable so I don't wanna go and find out I won't like it." She answers while still studying the dirt under her feet. 

She looks up when a shadow covers her view as Merle silently stands beside me.

For Christ's sake! Is it physically impossible for him to do as I say at least once!? I feel like facepalming myself.

They stare at each other for a few moments, he's staring at her face and she at his chest and I'm trying to think of something to smooth things out, but I'm coming up empty-handed. Merle's a dick, always has been, always will be so I can't promise her shit. 

When all of sudden Merle sticks his hand out to her saying. "Hey, sweetheart! I'm Merle, Daryl's asshole brother. And you are...?" 

I can't believe my ears. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's apologizing. I shift my stare to Lumen whose stare is on Merle's outstretched hand now. She's fidgeting for a bit but eventually to my utter surprise she puts her hand in Merle's and shakes it. 

Then she looks up to his eyes. "I'm Lumen." 

And Merle smiles, actually smiles at her. "And what a beautiful name it is. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman, right?" I shoot him warning glare and he changes the topic. "Okay then, it's hot as fuck. I'm tired and I feel like I've been swimming in blood all day. So, why don't you two go see the damn shack and I'll take a quick shower." He doesn't wait for a reply and heads back to the house. 

That was weird.

I look back at Lumen. "You good?"

"Yeah, yeah I am."

"Can I show you now?"

She swiftly looks after Merle who's just disappeared around the corner. She lets a breath out slowly while shaking her head. "Okay, lead the way."

So I do. I show her the inside, the freezers and which one is for us. I show her the cooler too, but when she sees the deer inside she tells me quickly that she's letting that part to me. 

When the short tour is over we grab the hare she agreed she would roast for dinner.

It didn't go as smoothly as I hoped, but it could have gone worse too, so I just hope Merle won't ruin the truce in the next two minutes.


The week went by so fast I hardly noticed. 

I didn't see Lumen that much either. She leaves every morning before I even wake up. And even though she's home in the evenings she usually just makes something to eat and by the time I get home she's already in her room where she spends the rest of the night. 

I can't really explain it, but something changed after our Saturday talk. Maybe it was the easy acceptance of the nonexisting explanation for my need of a roommate from her. Maybe it was the fact that I found out she is indeed quiet and keeps the house somewhat clean. Maybe it's the fact she always leaves something tasty for me to eat. I really don't know, but I found myself not minding her being in my house, in my space. 

I decided to tell her that much tonight. That there is no need for her to be hiding in her room every night, that she really is welcome to use the living room-kitchen area. Not just to cook for us, but to really make use of it. To watch TV or whatever.

When I get back from work, she's already standing in the kitchen by the stove. The food smells delicious and she's making herself a plate. I go to the fridge to take a beer and notice a glass of wine standing on the corner. 

She gives me a smile as a greeting but it looks somewhat strained. Then she grabs her plate, the wine and she turns to head to her room, again.

"You know, you don't have to eat in your room every day. There is a table in the kitchen."

She stops in her tracks and turns to me, plate and the glass still in her hands. She glances at the table next to her. "Do you mind me eating in my room?"

"No, not really, I'm just saying, that you don't have to."

"Okay," she says while putting everything on the table. "I just assumed, that the 'you do your things, I'll do my things' meant that you want as much privacy as possible. I didn't want to intrude..."

"You are not." I cut off the rambling before it even starts. I'm still leaning against the counter, drinking my beer, her eyes move from me to the stove and back.

"Did you want me to make your plate?"

"Sure," I agree with a nod and go to sit down at the table.

She puts the plate before me with a quite "enjoy," and sits across from me. I eye the wine when I remember something.

"I thought you didn't drink?"

She doesn't look up from her food. "I usually don't." 

It's her only answer, okay then, I start to shovel the food down. It is as tasty as it smelled.

"It's good. Everything you cooked so far was great."

"Thanks." She gives another forced smile and continues to eat quietly. She doesn't even glance in my direction. Well, this wasn't what I had in mind, where is that easy going comfortable mood I expected?

I take a swig of the beer. "You know, you don't have to sit here with me either. You look like I tied you to that chair against your will or something."

She looks at me then. "Sorry. I'm just in a shitty mood today."

Should I ask her why? Do I want to know why? But then my phone saves me from making that decision. 

It's Merle, who wants me to go with him to another party at the quarry. Here we go, another 'let's keep Daryl occupied and watched over' mission. Whatever helps him sleep soundly at nights, so as always I agree to pick him up.

-"Hey, what about the girl, she's home?" I glance in Lumen's direction.

"Yeah, she's here."

That makes her look up again.

-"Take her with you, we'll have something pretty to look at if nothing interesting happens." Meaning 'if I won't find a girl drunk enough to let me fuck her I can always try to pursue her.'

"No, I told you to stop that shit."

-"Oh, come on, I won't try nothing with your special girl. Share the beauty a little." 

Would she even wanna go with us? Despite her saying Merle makes her uncomfortable, she did ask him if he's staying for a dinner last week after the fragile truce that been made. He, of course, wouldn't refuse a homemade meal, and complimented her through the whole dinner.

She however still seemed unsure of him. On that note, maybe it's not such a bad idea. If she went with us, she would see that Merle is all talk, harmless where women are concerned. Sure he fucks anyone who gives him an okay and doesn't mind them being comatose while doing it, but he knows Lumen's not interested. And he wouldn't cross that line. 

Could help her with that shitty mood too. So I wave at her to get her attention.

"Hey, you wanna go to the party at the quarry with me and my brother? Might help to cheer you up." And to my surprise, she actually seems to be contemplating it. But after few moments of thinking, the answer is no.

"I'll pass, I wouldn't be any fun tonight. I think I'll just watch something and go to bed early, but thanks for the offer, really." She gives me a first real smile that evening. I nod and go back to talking to Merle.

The rest of the night goes like it always does. I find myself thinking yet again why am I even here? Right, Merle!...


When I wake up the next day I see that I slept through all day because the reddish sun says it's late afternoon already. I came home late in the night, more like early morning and I passed out instantly.

There is a coffee in the pot but no Lumen. I look outside and her car is gone as well. Well, looks like there will be no dinner for me. But one can always hope. I look into the fridge and yes, there are some leftovers to heat up. So I do just that, sit my ass before the TV and relax.

Later on, I hear a car approaching and not long after it's parked the door burst open and very angry Lumen storms inside. Her bag hits the floor, her keys are thrown at the table so forcefully they drop to the floor, she curses "Asshole", kicks the chair before her and surely immediately regrets it because it looks like she hurt herself as she hisses painfully and sits down to examine the tip of her foot. It's actually kinda funny watching her. 

A laugh erupts from me and her eyes snap to me. She looks startled and surprised for a moment like she forgot I live here. But the angry look comes back quickly.

"What's so funny? Are you laughing at me because someone made me so angry I obviously don't even notice who's around me and am making a fool of myself? Or is it the fact I probably lost my toenail, that you find so amusing?" She snaps with a glare. 

Okay, not so funny, I glare back. "What the fuck is your problem? I didn't do shit to you!" I snap back and it makes her shrink. 

She flushes, even more, I don't know if it's because it made her angrier or because she's embarrassed, I won't ask either so I turn back to the TV.

There is only silence after that as she takes off her shoe and the sock to look at said nail. I suppose it's nothing serious because after a minute she puts the sock and the shoe back on and shuffles to me. I move my head to look at her again to see what she wants. 

She clears her throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just..." Looking around her, she seems to search for the right words that never come because from the outside we hear a roar of a bike, it's Merle's bike, the bitch is the loudest damn thing I ever heard. 

It doesn't take long and we can hear the banging, which I don't know why he even bothers with since he always comes inside right after he does it. 

He doesn't pay attention whatsoever to the thick atmosphere in the room and goes instantly for a fridge to take one of my beers.

"So, I thought we could go to the Luis's tonight, play some pool, have a beer..." He looks at me expectantly. 

I fix the beer in his hand with my eyes. "You have a beer! Why are you drinking my beer if you want to go to the bar anyway?"

"Whoa, what got your panties in a twist, Darelina?" He then looks at Lumen as if he didn't even notice she's there before. "Ooooh, I get it. Trouble in paradise already?" He asks as he moves to greet Lumen. "Hello sweetheart, is he giving you hard time? Don't you worry, you can always stay at my place." 

She, on the other hand, doesn't look like she wants to be greeted because she takes a few steps back, till her legs and then her ass hit the couch. She yelps as she lands beside me and glares at Merle. 

"No thank you. I'm quite content where I am."

Merle looks between us with a huge grin. "I bet you are." And before either of us can react he continues. "So, about the bar, we going? You are more than welcome to join us, sweetheart."

I stand up, why not. "Yeah, let's go." I glance back at Lumen and raise an eyebrow in a silent question. 

Merle, however, doesn't give her time to think, he bends over, grabs her by a wrist and is dragging her outside before I can even react.

"It's Saturday night. We are not leaving anyone behind, right sugar?" He turns to Lumen but doesn't stop. 

She's at a loss for words as she just looks back at me.

By the door, she tugs at the hand Merle is holding and he lets go. I'm thinking she's going to tell us to fuck off, but she only reaches for her bag and keys then returns to Merle's side. His grin the biggest I've ever seen. 

Okay, guess she's going

She starts for her car but I tap her arm.

"We'll take my truck. If you'll want to leave, just say so, I'll take you."

"Alright, thanks." She falls in steps with me and we see Merle already by my truck with the door open, waiting for her. 

What is he playing at? Everyone knows he's no damn gentlemen, what a bullshit. I think as we get to the truck and leave.


When we get to Luis's there is a lot of people but to my relief, it's not as crowded as it usually is on Saturdays. We enter and Merle goes straight for the bar.

"What's your poison sweetheart?" he asks Lumen.

She glances at me like I knew the answer then back at Merle. "I'll have a beer I guess."

He smiles at her. That real smile. "You guess right princess." I roll my eyes as he orders three beers and two whiskeys.

We found three free seats near the pool tables and wait to see if one of them gets vacated anytime soon. I look at the tables while Merle downs his whiskey in one gulp and turns to Lumen.

"So, you any good at pool?" But before she has a chance to answer his question seemingly out of nowhere Clyde materialized beside her.

"Oh my, how did you persuade this poor soul to give you the time of day, you old bastard?" His gaze slides to Lumen. "Hello, pretty girl. I'm Clyde, the better choice. What's your name beautiful?" He takes her hand in his as if to give it a kiss and this time I won't wait for the hell to break loose so I rip his hand off her and glare at him.

"You don't touch her, Clyde! Leave her alone!" Clyde lifts his hands up in a 'don't shoot' gesture and I hear Merle chuckling behind me. A pool table is free and Merle goes for the sticks.

"Hey, Clyde," he calls on his way, "wanna play too?"

"Sure, why not!" Clyde calls back and I see Lumen make a face. Guess she's not happy about it. Clyde then turns back to us, well to me.

"Sorry about that. That's your girl?" He says while still openly checking Lumen out. I want to say yes just to keep him off her. But Lumen ruined it before I could.

"No, we only live together." Which apparently erased the part where I told him to leave her alone, because he turns to her instantly, leaning into her personal space.

"Really, anyone else in the picture?"

Lumen gives me a nervous glance but answers him anyway. "No, but-" She obviously wasn't done talking but Clyde interrupted her.

"Well, that's a shame, such a beautiful girl and no one to woo her, let me help you with that." He leans even more into her and she tries to shove him away, tries being the key word because he doesn't budge. So I step in again, grab him by his shoulder and show him away.

"What the hell, Clyde? I told you to leave her alone, she's here with me, end of the story!"

"Okay, okay." He puts his hand up again. "I can tell when I'm not wanted." I snort, what bullshit. Merle comes back at that point and points a finger at Clyde.

"Careful! He's really touchy about her! And I won't help you if you piss him off." He says with a deep chuckle. Clyde joins him, then look back to Lumen again.

"Didn't mean any harm beautiful. No hard feelings, right?"

She doesn't seem to be convinced but nods anyway. Wonderful! Anyone else? Please! Why not make sure she's as much uncomfortable here with us as possible! Assholes!

We play for few hours. Lumen finally seemed to relax, she wasn't half bad at it either, Merle and Clyde still beat us every time except once but it was a decent play. 

When we decide to sit down again Clyde looked at his phone and frowned. "Well it has been fun, but I gotta go to my little girl now." 

Lumen's eyes widen and immediately go to Merle seeking an explanation. He leans to her to mock whisper. "He's talking about his daughter, I still think he made her up and uses her as an excuse every time he wants to leave." He finishes laughing.

Merle then walks with Clyde to go for another round. Now that I think about it, I've never actually seen Clyde's daughter, maybe he is actually making her up.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Lumen clearing her throat beside me. I look down at her, she looks sheepish.

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did before. Um, and I'm really sorry I yelled at you back home. It was completely uncalled for. I was just so angry, but it wasn't your fault, so..."

"Don't worry about it. Happens to us all." I cut her off, just as Merle gets back with our drinks. He looks at Lumen.

"What do I hear here? Tell old Merle, what got this sweet face so angry to yell." He grabs her jaw and shakes it a little, in a manner an eighty years old grandma would. Yeah, he's drunk. "Come on! You know you wanna tell me."

She glances at me, then looks back at him and with a sigh she does. "Okay. Where do I start... Yeah! I was trying to get hold of my ex this whole week, so I could go pick up the rest of my things. But with no luck. So I went to the apartment and found out he already changed the locks, I heard him inside though. I asked him to let me have at least my books. But he wouldn't let me in, saying he's keeping it all for the rent I never paid. Which was his idea, by the way. He told me to move in, that I don't have to pay anything since he doesn't pay anything either." She sniffs and I see a tear starting to fall from her eye. "I don't want any of his stuff, I don't want anything at all, only my book collection. There are books my dad gave me, and..." 

She stops, shutting her eyes. More tears fall and she's crying for real now. I didn't understand much because she seems to have a hard time getting her tongue around the words but I got the basics. Guess she's drunk too.

"Oh great, Merle, now what?"

But Merle doesn't seem to be concerned at all. He gives me a triumphant smile. Then takes Lumen's hand. "Don't you worry Sweetheart. We'll get your books back."

She looks up at him, eyes wide. "Really?"

Merle smiles at her "Really, we'll take Daryl's truck, you'll have your books home before you say asshole." 

She sniffs again and then looks at me with puppy eyes. 

Oh for Christ's sake. "Yeah, sure! But not tonight. Let's finish this and go home. I think you had enough."

Drunken women, always either yell or cry... or fuck Merle. But yeah if she wants the books so badly, we can get them for her. Why the hell not?

I hope you enjoy the story. If you do, feel welcome to push that little star to let me know, or better yet, leave me a comment ;)  

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