Chapter 31: Beaten and Bruised

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I'm sitting in one of the fields on the farm, probably sometime around noon. Shane and Rick have gone away in Shane's car with Randall tied up in the back. I sigh, closing my eyes and lying back in the tall grass. Rick told me he was going to confront Shane about everything today, and I hope that Shane doesn't get to me.

"Run and find me or Daryl or T-dog. Anyone who's strong enough to protect you," Rick's voice says in my head.

The whole Randall thing is stirring the group up. Personally, I want him gone, far away from the rest of the group.

I hear rustling in the grass and I freeze up, my hand slowly creeping to the knife hanging at my side.

"Hope? Hope?" Daryl calls. I sigh with relief.

"Hey," I say, smiling.

"I was wonderin' where you went," he says, sitting down next to me.

"Just trying to relax. This whole Shane thing is getting me nervous," I say.

He lies down, breathing deeply. I lie down next to him, and he puts his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Do you think they're making the right choice?" I ask, absentmindedly tracing his biceps with my finger.

He shrugs, shifting his weight slightly, trying to get more comfortable. "I don't know. We barely know the kid...if he stayed longer, we could've interrogated him."

I nod. I look at the sky, where there are fluffy white clouds floating lazily in the sea of blue.

"That one looks like a sheep," I say, pointing to one.

"They all look like sheep." Daryl smirks. He looks to the sky. "That one kinda looks ice cream cone."

I sigh. "I miss ice cream."

"Me too."


The rest of the day passes normally. I do laundry, tidy up tents, and watch for stray walkers. Maggie, Lori, and Andrea stay inside and look after Beth.

I was called in to stitch up Beth's wrist. She had cut it, but immediately felt sorry. I fixed her up and told her to take it easy.

Daryl goes hunting and brings back more squirrels.

"You know, if you eat too much of something you'll turn into it," I say, smiling as I take the squirrels from him, weighing them in my hand.

"Then we're gonna be a camp full of squirrels." He sits down by the fire, skinning the rodents while I continue washing laundry.

Soon, Shane and Rick drive back into camp. They get out, walk to the trunk and pull Randall out of it.

"Why is he still here?" I ask.

"It's complicated. Stuff happened...things," Rick replies.

I shrug. I guess we'll figure something out later.

I start heading towards the stable, planning to check on the horses. As I'm walking, I hear footsteps behind me. I spin to see Shane standing behind me.

"You told," he says quietly, dangerously.

I shake my head. "I swear, I told no one," I say, trying to hide the tremor in my voice.

"You're a lying bitch," Shane growls, that crazy glint back in his eyes. "I told you what would happen if you told..."

I tremble and step back, but he moves forward. I step back again and my back hits a wall. My fingers brush the rough wood of the stable. His hand finds my throat. I choke and struggle against his grip and he just laughs.

"Killing you will be easy."

He flips his knife out, dragging it across my cheek and making me wince as I feel the blood trickling down my face. He presses his hand against the bullet wound sight, causing me to release a strangled scream of agony. He lands a hard kick to my leg and I buckle, hitting the ground hard as he releases my throat. I cough, looking towards the main part of camp again.


As he winds his leg up again, I bolt away, my leg aching with every leap. I search for the closest person who could help me, seeing T-dog nearby.

"T-dog! T!" I scream.

He looks up in surprise. I reach him, my breaths heavy.

"Hope? What-" he starts.

"Shane...angry..." I squeak.

He pulls me behind him instantly, noticing the furious man behind us. I see Shane coming and I let out a squeak of terror as I hide behind him.

"Rick! Yo!" T-dog calls, waving to the cop.

Rick looks up and starts over at first glance. Shane reaches us, his face red with anger.

"T, get out of the way," he snarls.

"Calm down, man," T-dog retorts, keeping his body between us. "Think this through."

Daryl and Rick race over to the two of us. I instantly switch to Daryl's arms, shaking visibly. His fingers graze my hurt cheek gently as my side aches.

"Problem Shane?" Rick asks casually.

Shane fumes and stares at me. He wipes his face clear of emotion. "No. No problem. I was just having a casual chat with Hope."

"Casual my ass," Daryl growls, pulling me closer to him. I bury my face in his chest.

"Shane, I'm going to tell you this once and only once. You do anything more to hurt Hope and you will leave this group, one way or another. Understood?" Rick asks, a calm fierceness in his voice.

Shane glares at me, then at Daryl and T-dog, and then at Rick.

"Sure, you're the boss," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He storms off.

My legs go weak and I collapse. Daryl catches me, holding me tight, like anything could take me away from him at any moment.

"Are you ok?" Rick asks.

"What the hell was that?" T-dog asks, his face etched with concern.

"I'll be fine in a bit," I say, my voice coming out hoarse and scratchy.

I can feel all three men's eyes fall to my throat, where their eyes widen. I think it's safe for me to assume I'm bruised there.

"Daryl, you should take her somewhere safe," Rick suggests. He looks to T. "I'll tell you everything."

Daryl nods and leads me away. I'm still limping, and he notices this, picking me up and carrying me the rest of the way. I cling to him, still trembling. He brings me to our tent and places me on my cot.

He sits down next to me, and I rest my head on his lap. He grabs a cloth and wipes away the blood from my cheek.

"I knew he was insane, but I didn't think he would actually..." Daryl's voice is filled with anger.

"I'm glad you were there. You, T-dog, Rick," I say in a small voice.

"If I had been too late..." he mumbles.

"You weren't. I'm ok," I assure him, sitting up. "It's just a bruised throat and a cut on my cheek. I'll live."

"I can't let that happen again! You're already on my mind the whole day and now I've got to worry about that asshole hurtin' you-"

I cut him off by placing my fingers lightly on his lips. " think about me the whole day?"

His cheeks become slightly pink. "It's kinda hard not to."

He brushes my bangs out of my face. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity.

"I...I love you," I say. He doesn't respond. I bite my lip and look away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"No. It's fine. I just..." he whispers. " you too."

In an instant, he's pulling my lips up to meet his. I reach my hand up to his face, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him closer. His arms wrap around me, his lips working fiercely against mine. We break away, but his arms don't leave from their place around my body.

He doesn't let go, and neither do I. We just keep holding each other close.

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