Chapter 7: Punched

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As Daryl and Rick prepare to leave, I stand with Shane and Lori.

"Why are you risking your life for someone like Merle?" Shane asks Rick.

"I left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way to let a man die."

"Is it just gonna be you and Daryl in Atlanta?" Lori asks, concerned.

"Actually, I want Glenn to come. He has experience getting around the city."

Shane grimaces. "Now you're risking three of our men's lives, just to save Merle."

"Four," T-dog says, going to stand beside Rick. "I need to help, so my conscience will stop bugging me."

"I want to go too," I say.

"No can do, Hope. You're too inexperienced," Shane says.

"And Rick isn't?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"He's come across more walkers than you have," he points out.

"I'm not weak. I can help. I want to help," I argue, and I notice Daryl smirk out of the corner of my eye. I switch my stare to him. "You can keep whatever you're thinking locked up, Dixon."

He raises an eyebrow in surprise, and I turn back to Shane.

"The answer is no. That's final."

I make an annoyed noise in my throat, and Rick continues.

"We're not only risking our lives for Merle. I had a bag of guns, but I dropped it when I was attacked," he says. "You know we need those guns."

Shane nods in agreement.

"Please don't leave," Carl says, grabbing Rick's hand.

"Yes Rick. Please. It's Merle," Lori begs. "Merle and some guns. We can find more."

"I also need a walkie talkie in the gun bag. I owe a debt to a man and his little boy that I met on the road. I would be dead without them."

"Ok. safe," Carl says.

"I will be," Rick assures him. "You can stay with Hope and your mom until we get back."

Carl nods, hugging his dad tight.

"Good luck," I say.

"You know I would bring you along if..." Rick starts.

"It's fine. I'll stay here I guess." I shrug, and he nods.

I hug Rick, then I hug Glenn and T-dog. Even though I've only known them for an extremely short while, I want them to be safe. Daryl looks at me out of the corner of his eye again.

"I hope you save Merle," I say to him.

He says nothing, just stares into my eyes, the intense blue making my mind spark. He nods briskly and looks away.

"Thanks," he mumbles.

Before the men leave, I can see Rick negotiating with Dale and Jim. Dale sighs and hands Rick a set of bolt cutters. The three of them shake hands and Rick walks back to the van.

I stand back with Carl, Lori, and Shane. The four men get into the van and drive away.

I watch until the van is out of sight, and I sigh, wishing I was with them.


"Hey Hope!"

I look over at who's calling me. It's Andrea, and she's with Amy, Jacqui, and Carol.

"Can you come help us with the laundry?" she asks.

"Sure, why not?"

I run over to them and we start walking towards a quarry. We arrive and sit down by the water, where we begin scrubbing clothes.

I hear splashing and laughter nearby, and I turn my head to look at them.

Shane and Carl are in the water, attempting to catch something. Carl has a bucket and net, and Shane keeps shouting and splashing the water towards Carl.

I turn back to the laundry.

"You know what sucks about the end of the world?" Jacqui says.

"Everything?" I guess.

We laugh lightly.

"Well, yes. But we get an idea of how much we rely on our appliances."

"Like my washing machine," Carol says.

"And my cell phone..." Amy sighs.

"Or a coffee maker," I say.

"I miss my vibrator," Andrea admits.

"Me too," Carol says quietly after a second.

We erupt into laughter.

The big man with thinning grey hair and grey stubble from before walks over to our group. He drops his cigarette on the ground and stubs it out with his foot.

"Problem, Ed?" Andrea asks, sneering.

"What's so funny?" he asks.

"Just swapping stories," I say casually.

"Focus on your work, Carol," he growls, continuing to loom over us.

Carol closes her mouth tightly and scrubs the clothes even harder.

I see Lori run into the quarry, storming towards Shane and Carl. She tells Carl something and points back at camp. The boy gets up and runs away. Shane and Lori continue to talk. After only a little bit, she strides back to camp, looking pissed.

Ed continues to watch us.

"Don't you have something better to do?" Andrea confronts him.

"Don't think I won't knock you on your ass Andrea. Carol, come with me. NOW!"

"So she can show up with fresh bruises later? I don't think so!" Jacqui stands up, scolding.

"Ed, don't, I'll just-" Carol tries to intervene.

Ed stops her with a slap to the face. She falls backwards, and Andrea catches her. Her eyes well up with tears.

"Hey! Stop that!" I yell, stepping towards the large man. " asshole!"

Ed wastes no time in punching me hard in the jaw. I fall to the ground, and Ed advances on me again, kicking my shin hard. I whimper in pain, scrambling away from him. He follows, his nostrils flaring like a bull.

I screw my eyes shut, waiting for the next blow, but Shane grabs him, throwing him backwards and pinning him on the ground. He starts punching him relentlessly. Carol gasps and hugs Jacqui. She holds her while she cries into her shoulder.

"You lay your hands on your wife, your little girl, Hope, or anyone else in this camp again, I will not stop next time. I will beat you to death, Ed," Shane growls. He gets up, kicking Ed in the side before storming off back to camp, fuming.

Carol runs to Ed, crying.

Amy lowers herself onto the ground next to me, checking my cheek and shin. The other women stand in a stunned silence.

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