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"Kids, come on hurry up. We are going to the venue. You guys please reach there at correct time." A lady said to four teenagers

"Don't worry mom, we will reach there by time." The girl from the group said to the lady.

"I hope u guys reach by time." The lady mumbled and left with the other elders making the group roll their eyes on her.

"Ok guys, i will be back after drinking water." The girl who talked to the lady left to the kitchen.

"Hey wait, i am also coming Vidi." The boy left behind vidisha.

"Why you came here behind me Rudy?" Vidi asked crossing her hands on her chest.

"Water, what else?" Rudy said simply snatching the water bottle from Vidi's hand.

"Hey that was mine." Vidi said to Rudra and tried to snatch it back but till then rudy had emptied the whole bottle.

"U know what Vidi..." Rudy was interrupted by Vidi

"What?" Vidi asked gulping down the water from the bottle

"I want to make a grand entry on the venue. All the girl's eyes should on me. After all i am the great Rudra Kapoor, and moreover i am back to India after a long time." Rudy said making a dreamy face. Suddenly reality strike him

"U know our parents must have reached the venue by now. And we are standing and talking in the kitchen." Rudy said and Vidi rolled her eyes on him.

"No way, they must be on the way" Vidi said back

"No i am sure, they have reached." Rudy argued

"No no no, they are on the way." Vidi argued back. Like this 45 minutes passed.

"Ok we will ask them only." Vidi said and Rudy agreed.

"But if i won, u girls hve to agree to my condition." Rudy used the chance.

"Ok" Vidi said making Rudy smirk.

Vidi took out her phone. But before she could make a call, a messge popped on her screen.

Where are u guys?
We reached the venue.
When will u guys reach? The wedding is going to start. Come fast.

Rudy looked at her with a victory smirk. Vidi made a crybaby face.

"I won, ride the bullet coz my hair will break. And i want to look dashing." Rudy said and Vidi's jaw dropped down.

Vidi took the pan which was kept on the kitchen slab and started to beat him.

"Oh, your hair will break when it will be saved na." Vidi said still beating him.

Amoli came down to call them to leave for the venue. She came to the kitchen. Rudy turned to her.

"Amu, i won a bet with Vidi. So you girls have to ride the bullet." Rudy said with a victory smirk

"What?" Amoli screemed. She also started to beat him. Rashmika, Rudy's sister came to the kitchen inorder to call them. She saw all of them fighting.

"Whats going on here? We are getting late guys, come one hurry up." She said coming towards them. Vidi said the matter to her.

"What? Seriously? Rudy i won't leave you. You and your hair." She also started to beat him. But Rudy is Rudy. He didn't change his decision. At last the girls had to agree with him. Vidi just knew to ride the scooty but Amoli knew both. So she decided that she will ride Amoli's scooty and Amoli will ride the Bullet. But Amoli was wearing a one piece. She had to change herself to comfy jeans and shirt. She gave her dress to Vidi. And Vidi kept it with her safely.

"I won't let Rudy sit with me." Amoli said sitting on the bullet.

"Ok, i will sit with u and Rudy will sit with Vidi." Rashmika said and everyone agreed.

(Vidi dress)

(Amoli dress)

(Rudy dress)

"We are already late, so we have to reach the venue immediately." Rashmika said

"Rashu, we can use the shortcut." Vidi said. Four of them took the shortcut. It was a small road, where a 4 wheeler can't go. But a 2 wheeler can go easily. They reached the venue. But they saw an empty church.

"Oh god! We missed the marriage." Exclaimed Rashmika.

"All because of this idiot." Amoli said turning to Rudy who made a puppy face.

"Now we just have one option, and that is reception. We have to reach Shekhar bhaiya's home." Vidi said.

Everyone reached Shekhar's home. They looked at the watch. It was 8 in the night. Girls secretly entered inside the house and left to bride's room without anyone noticed. Reaching there, they saw a hairstylist with the bride. Amoli changed herself to her dress.

(Amoli dress)

"Bhabhi, plz can you tell the haistyler to make Amoli's hair?" Vidi asked to which the bride smiled and nodded. Hairstyler made Amoli's hair.

They came down and saw all the girls drooling over Rudy. Why not, after all he recently came from UK, handsome boy in an inter-religion wedding. The girls from the bride's side was drooling over him.

Suddenly Vidi and Amoli's eyes got stuck at the entrance. There comes our Oberoi twins. Aakash Oberoi and Aagnesh Oberoi.

(Aakash dress)

(Aagnesh dress)

Now the girls got three boys to stare. Rudy, Aagnesh and Aakash. Three of them recently came from UK. Handsome, cute and they were looking dashing in their formals.

The girls of 18-19 also was staring at them, who were 4-5 years elder to them. Even Vidi and Amoli was staring at the three of them. RUDY-AAKASH-AAGNESH:: ATTRACTION OF THE WEDDING.

Vidi and Amoli really wanted to go to them and talk, making all the girls jealous. But what to do, two days before they fought with Aakash and Aagnesh and now, they fought with Rudy also. Female ego hit. They choose to ignore the boys.

It was the time to take pictures with the bride and groom. All, one by one took photos with the groom and bride. Vidi was about to go from the stage. But Shekhar, the groom stopped her saying that he want to take photo with the five, ie, Vidi, Amoli, Rudy, Aakash and Aagnesh.

Vidi and Amoli came and stood beside the bride. Aakash, Aagnesh and Rudy came and stood beside the groom. They took pictures. From the stage, they can see the girls staring at the five.

Photographer told them to change the place as they 5 were standing like they don't have any distance relation also.

The photographer arranged their order. Now their position is like right to left Aakash, Amoli and bride then groom, Rudy
, Vidi and Aagnesh. Vidi was standing between Rudy and Aagnesh. She couldn't resist to smile.

Suddenly Aagnesh kept his hand on her shoulder and came close to her. Then Rudy kept his hand on her waist and made her stand closer to him. Vidi was literally blushing after watching the expression of the girls who were watching them.
The photo section got over. After presenting the gift, Amoli and Vidi came to the food counter.

Vidi came to Veg counter and Amoli went to Non - Veg counter. During the wedding, the boys met their friend Bhoomika. On the reception, she was with them.

(Bhoomika dress)

Bhoomika came and stood behind Vidi. Normally the boys prefer non-veg than veg. But today they came to the veg counter and stood behind Vidi making her shock, angry and jealous at the same time.

Vidi took her food and came to her family and Amoli. The boys made bhoomika sat along with them, in front of Amoli and Vidi making them more angry and jealous but, didn't pay any attention to them.

Suddenly Vidi felt someone's presence beside her. She tilted her head. She got shocked seeing her classmate and her and Amoli's best friend Vansh.

(Vansh dress)

Vidi was so excited after watching him. She made him sit in the middle with Amoli and herself on the either side. They started to chat with him.

Vidi's eyes travelled to the three boys. They were literally staring at them. Vidi laughed at her inner and signed Amoli to watch them through her eyes. Both the girls sat more close to Vansh and started to laugh more in order to make the boys more jealous.

It was 10:30. The dance floor was ready. Vansh came to Vidi.

"Will you dance with me?" He asked extending his hand to her. Who can resist a cool and handsome boy.

"Fine" she said keeping her hand on his. If looks could kill someone, then Vansh would have dies 1000 times by the looks given by Rudy, Aakash and Aagnesh.
They enjoyed till midnight 12.

It was the time for everyone to leave. But Vidi was not in the condition to drive, coz she was too tired. Their parents said them to come slowly and left to home.

Now it was just Vidi, Amoli, Rudy, Rashmika, Aagnesh, Aakash and Vansh.

"Vidi and Amoli, should i drop you guys home?" Vansh asked in front of everyone.

"No need. We can take care of our friends, i will drive. And i guess you should go home." Rudy said. We can see his hidden jealousy and anger in his words.
Vidi couldn't understand his words as she was sleepy.

Rudy started the bullet and Vidi sat behind him. Aagnesh started Amoli's scooter and Rashmika sat behind him. Aakash started their scooter in which they came to the reception and Amoli sat behind him. They gone through the same shortcut way through which the came to the venue. They reached Rudy's home.

They planed an outing for the next day. So everyone stayed at Rudy's home only. Vidi and Amoli slept in a room and Aakash and Aagnesh slept with Rudy in his room.


Hope you guys enjoyed the story of our little bros and sissies.....

I will wait for ur precious votes and comments guys......

Jaan ki jaan and Fuse tell me how is it, i am waiting

Now its time for our casts....

rudrakapoor463 this is my little bro Rudy.

Aagneshoberoi08 this is my another little bro Aagnesh

aakashoberoi this is my another little brother Aakash.

Adventuregirl07 this is my little sister Vidi

amoliahuja64 my another little sister Amoli

Characters are ends here. I have more sisters.

brittanytaylor90 my little sister Brittany

Adhiraagarwal33 another little sister Adhira

kanikasharma723 another little sister Kanika

swaralideshmukh29 my another little sister swara

Guys i hope its upto the real story. You guys may feel difference. Thats because i wrote it in my style. And i have made some changes and some additions. Tell me how was it ok. I am waiting for ur comments.....


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