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Question 16:

What do you know about the American Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence?

The American Revolution

·        In 1756, England and France began to fight the Seven Years' War:  French and Indian War.

·        The British government argued that Britain had spent large sums of money to defend their American colonies in those wars → the colonists should pay a part of those expenses.

·        British government forced the colonist to pay high taxes → unfair

·        The colonists refused to obey the British laws → British soldiers were sent to America..

·        On April 19, 1775, the American War of Independence began → many colonists felt that it was like brother fighting brother.

·        On July 2, 1776, the Congress resolved that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states."

Declaration of Independence

·        Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, assisted by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, drafted Declaration of Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776.

·        The Declaration officially proclaimed the independence of 13 North American colonies.

·        The War of Independence came to an end in 1781 with the victory of North Americans.

·        The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 and Britain had to recognize the independence of the United States. A new American nation was born.

Question 17:

What are the purposes of the American education? What do you know about the educational system in the USA?

·        The goal is to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public

·        Each of the 50 states in the United States has its own laws regulating education → some laws are similar; others are not.

·        All states require young people to attend school.

·        Every child is guaranteed up to 13 years of education regardless of a child's race, religion, sex, learning problems, physical handicap or inability to speak English.

·        American students pass through several levels of schooling

·        Elementary School: usually means grades kinder garten(K) through 8

(in some places, only grades K – 6). Grades 4, 5 and 6: "middle grade" school. (elementary grades: "grammar school.")

·        Secondary School: generally grades 9 – 12 (popularly called "high school").

In many districts "junior high school": grades 7 - 9.

·        All six grades (7-12): "senior high school.”

·        Certain subjects are taught in all K to 12 systems across the country.

·        Elective courses vary from school to school.

Question 18:

What do you know about the native people living in the icy land in Canada? (their origin, the life in the past and now....)

·        In the icy land (far north):  the Inuit (Eskimo).

·        The Eskimo prefer to be called Inuit

·        In their own language “Eskimo” means “eaters of raw flesh/meat”; “Inuit” means “the people”.

·        They are a group of original people living in the harsh conditions of the Arctic climate.

·        In the past, they used to be nomads:

travelling from place to place;

hunting seals and caribou;

living in tents made of caribou skins;

being cheerful and happy.

·        The white arrived → they brought with them guns and machinery → found gas and natural oil.

·        It affected Inuit’s life:

giving up living as nomads to live in settlements;

not hunting;

spending time drinking in the pubs;

being unhappy.

·        Canada's aboriginal peoples were vital to the fur trade → played a huge role in Canada's economic development. They were treated very badly by their white Europeans.

·        Now:

hunting again with gun, snowmobiles, and canned food;

living in towns built by the government;

being trained for many kinds of jobs;

children going to school;

health being looked after.

·        Aboriginal peoples are still Canada's poorest inhabitants

→ International human rights groups and the United Nations have criticized the Canadian government's systematic discrimination against its native population.

·        Most Canadians agree that they have been treated badly for far too long → it is time for a change.

Question 19:

Who were the first white settlers and the first British settlers in Canada? Why did they move there?

·        In 1534, French explorers arrived → they met the Indians.

·        Indians welcomed them, but in return they kidnapped Indian chiefs.

·        In 1603, French fur-trading settlements were established in Canada

·        By 17th century, French colonists were sent to Canada to supply food and shelter to the fur-traders→ Quebec was founded

·        French colonists were first white settlers in Canada.

·        First British settlers: American refugees who avoided the American War of Independence

Question 20:

What do you know about the discovery of Australia and New Zealand?

·        The continent of Australia is the largest island in the world.

·         It is also the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world.

·        Australia has six states and two major mainland territories.

·        Australia is surrounded by the sea → far away from the main trade routes → a big continent but not be discovered until 17th century.

·        It was believed that there was a Great South Land where civilised human beings lived → a lot of expeditions were sent to the South to look for this land/to confirm its existence.

·        In 1642, a Dutch explorer, Tasman, discovered part of  Aus. and NZ → they didn’t settle down because the land they discovered was barren and uninviting/inhospitable.

·        In 1768, James Cook was sent to look for this land → In 1769, he discovered NZ. He met the Maoris: native people in NZ coming from the South Pacific Islands in the 14th century – they were very warlike.

·        He continued his voyage and hoped, with luck, he could find another land.

·        In 1770, he discovered Aus. and landed in a bay → saw strange plants and creatures → he named it Botany Bay. They met Aborigines: native people in Aus. coming from Asia more than 40,000 years ago → they were simple and peaceful

·        He named New South Wales and claimed Aus. for British government.

First white settlers:

·        In 18th century, British society were very bad → power belonged to a group of people → some: very rich; others were very poor → the poor had to commit crime → number of criminal increased → prisons were overcrowded → not enough places for prisoners → looked for a new land.

·        In 1786, British government decided to sent prisoners to Aus.

·        26/01/1788, First Fleet of 11th ships with about 700 convicts/prisoners landed in Aus. → New South Wales became a convict/penal settlement/colony.

·        One first settlement → developed to six settlements (3 convict and 3 free ones)

·        On 1 January1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed.

·        The Commonwealth of Australia was born as a Dominion of the British Empire.

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