Chapter 12:Laila

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Shido POV.

It's been a few days since my run in with Storm Caller. There hasn't been a spacequake since she showed last too.

I have also noticed something with Alice. At times she seems like herself, but after a slight fainting spell, she seems so different. It's like her personality dose a complete turn around. She goes from happy and cheerful to angry and hateful. Even Luna is confused by this.

I look over at Alice as she sits on the couch. She seemed to be herself at the moment.

"Hey Shido." Kotori called for me. She was sitting on the couch beside Alice.

"Yes? What do you need?" I asked. She stood and brought a stack of books to me.

"I need you to return these to the library." She said. I took the books and read their titles. Most of these books were romantic books. I'm guessing for more ideas on another training dating sim.

"Alright, then I'll be going now." I sighed.

"Wait Shido, I'd like to come too." Alice asked as she stood and walked over to us.

"Ok, let's go then. I still need to make dinner." I replied. We left and began the walk. It's such a peaceful day.

We soon arrived at the library. Something seemed off though. No one was entering or exiting the building. We made out way up the stairs and entered the building.

No one was there....weird. I walked to the counter and dropped the books into the return.

"Hey......Shido. We aren't alone." Alice said. I turned toward her and saw what she meant. There was Storm Caller, surrounded by hovering books. I pushed the button on my headphone.

"Kotori, we have a situation in the library." I tell her in a whisper.

"What is it big bro?" Kotori asked.

"Storm Caller is here." I tell her.

"Then try to talk to her since the AST don't know she's here yet." Kotori replied. I sighed.

"Fine. Alice why don't you go look for whatever you wanted to look for." I told her. She nodded and walked off to the fantasy section. I cautiously made my way over to Storm Caller.

"Uh...hi again." I said a I stood behind her. She jumped and all the hovering books fell. She stood and turned quickly. Sparks danced only inches away from my face. "Sorry if I scarred you."

"You, you were the one who helped me." She said. I nodded.

"Yes, I'm Shido and I never caught your name last time." I introduced myself.

"Laila." She replied. The sparks began to disappear. Good she has calmed down. "So what do you want with me?"

"Oh!? Right, sorry. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime." I replied nervously.

"No thanks. Love is a useless thing that only exists in fairy tales." She replied as she crossed her arms. What!? She doesn't believe in love!?

"What the hell! Who doesn't believe in love?!" I heard Kotori yell though the ear piece. Dang it...this may be a problem.

"Why don't you believe in love?" I asked. She lowered her gaze to the floor.

"Because everyone I loved hurt me." She replied grimly.

"How did they hurt you?" I asked.

"When I became what I am today, my parents thought I was a demon. They stabbed me with a knife and left me their to bleed out. Luckily I am a fast healer." She explained. I feel so sorry for her.

"That had happened to me too." Alice said as she walked up behind me. "Well, they didn't try to kill me, but they tried to send me back to that god awful lab."

"So that's what happened before Kurumi showed?" I asked Alice. she nodded.

"But just because my parents never loved me doesn't mean I still don't believe in love." She said.

"But the only love I knew was from my parents. I was so young when they tried to kill me." Laila said.

"How old were you?" I asked. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

"I was only six. For nine years, I have known no love. Only fairy tales have the happy ending that never can happen in reality." she said. Sparks began to dance around her. I took a step back.

"Shido! Her mood is worsening! Try to talk about something else!" Kotori yelled at me.

"Ok just calm down. Let's go and get something to eat. You are hungry right, Laila?" I asked.

"Uh...."She didn't answer, but her stomach did. "Yea..."

We walked out of the library. I looked over at Alice and noticed the book she was holding.

"What's with the Mythical Creature Guide?" I asked.

"I'm trying to look for something." she replied. I just left it at that. We arrived a few minutes later to the nearest restaurant. We had a somewhat awkward meal. I'm just giving up for the day....

"So Laila. Are you staying anywhere?" I asked.

"No, when I feel tired I get pulled into a black void and sleep." she replied.

So she is kind of like Tohka wih the whole sleep thing. Then there is Alice and Maya. They don't get pulled to the void. Why is that?

"Well if you ever want to hang out again, just come here." I said as I gave her a paper with my address.

"Thank you. I'll be going now." She said as she disappeared in a light blue light.

"Let us head home too. Tohka and the others are probably hungry." I told Alice. She nodded and we began to walk home.

Laila POV.

They can't be trusted. But why did I tell him my past? I don't know what to think about anymore. What that girl doesn't matter what my parents did. That I should still try to believe love. Never!

"I won't let their words taint my mind!" I yell.

"Hisssss." Fang my angel hissed his agreement.

"Good boy Fang." I rubbed his head as I fell asleep.

A/N: The pic in this chapter is @Origin_Giratina 's OC Laila. She also drew this pic and let me use it. Thanks again for your help continuing the story. An for the readers, thanks for reading this far. I honestly thought this story wouldn't have that many views. Plz comment and vote ^-^

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