Chapter 9:Rescue

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Maya POV.

All day I watched Alice. She was out with her friends for the first time in weeks. She seemed ok even though she had so many injections. I began to think that maybe the injections worked, but I noticed her eyes showed that she was still a spirit.

She got up from her seat. I followed on the rooftops. She stepped into an alley and minutes later a group of men passed by. I see now, she was still hiding from her uncle.

I was about to leave my spot when I heard Alice shouting at someone. I peeked back over the edge of the roof and saw a white haired girl pushing Alice down.

I looked back toward the group of men and they had turned around, heading for the alley. I wanted to yell at her, to warn her that they were coming back. But I couldn't, I was to afraid that thy would take me too. So I just watched the whole scene unfold before me.

Alice was taken. I followed the car at a safe distance, knowing where they were headed. I was afraid. But for some reason, I wanted to help her. I saw Ricki walk out of the lab, but when I was about to confront her, she vanished. It seems I'm going in alone.

I make sure my angel, Mizu ken, was in my grasp. I pulled my scarf up over my nose. A glowing blue light illuminated parts on my outfit and my katana's blade. I was ready to charge in, but I hesitated.

I saw Ricki walking to the entrance with the two I saw Alice with earlier. I quickly made my way to them before they entered.

Ricki POV.

"So the plan is to have Shido and Tohka to go in as new assistants in the lab. Ricki you help them find Alice and then get her out of there." Kotori told us.

"And what about me and Yoshinon?" Yoshino asked.

"Right, you two will be outside backup. If something starts to stir outside, just freeze the problem." Kotori replied. Yoshino and Yoshinon nodded. Our plan isn't foolproof but it must work. Tohka is inside support basically. With her sword skills, I think we can do this.

We were teleported back to the ground. As we were about to enter, someone called my name.

"Ricki!" a familiar voice said. I turned and saw...Maya?! What is she doing here?!

"Maya?! Why are you here?" I asked her. She looked toward the ground.

"It's all my fault. I am the reason Alice became a spirit and I feel horrible." She told me. I stared at her, mixed feelings running through my head. Feelings of sorrow and rage. I was upset with her, but also I feel sorry for her.

"So what were you going to do? Run in there and slaughter anyone that gets in your way?" I asked her. She nodded.

"What else could I do." she sighed.

"Just come with us. You can help us rescue her." Shido said. She looked at him then at me. Tohka and I both nodded in agreement.

"And if we do fight, don't kill anyone." I added in. She nodded and hugged me. We then entered the lab and made our way downstairs. None of the guards questioned Shido, Tohka or Maya. Thank goodness no one recognized Maya.

As we walked through the halls, we saw many men carrying bundles of forty empty needles and some hade full needles going our way. How many more injections could daddy have given her in four hours? With how many men we have seen, I fear that she could have had about twenty thousand or more shots.

"Ok stay here. I'll go in alone to see what we are dealing with." I whisper to them as we find ourselves outside Alice's door. They nodded and I opened the door slowly.

I walked in and found my dad standing off to the side. I looked toward the middle of the room and saw Alice chained down once again. Men surrounded her, giving her injections. I heard her screams and wanted to cover my ears.

"Ok guys, take a break. We'll start up again in an hour." my dad told the men. They filed out of the room, leaving me alone with my dad and Alice. I walked over to my dad.

"I'm sorry you had to see this Ricki. But we needed to catch up on lost time and also had to triple the amount of injections. My employers want results soon." he sighed then left the room.

I watched him leave then walked over to Alice. She has had so many injections. There was a thin layer of blood along her legs and arms. She looked at me with fear filled eyes.

"Don't worry. Just wait a second. We are saving you." I told her. She nodded and I went back over to the door. I peeked out and motion the others to come in.

"Oh my...Alice." Shido said as he saw what my father has done.

"She looks worse now. I never thought that your dad would go that far." Maya said to me.

"He went crazy when Alice escaped. I guess he wanted to speed the process up by giving her triple the amount. But what does this stuff do? I don't think my dad even knows." I sighed.

"Lets just get her out of here." Shido said. We nodded. "Tohka keep watch."

"Yes Shido!" She said then went over to the door. We began to undo Alice's restraints. She sighed when the muzzle was removed. She tried to thank us, but her screams must have caused her to lose her voice...again.

She stood up and shook slightly. I put her arm around my neck.

"Lean on me Alice." I told her. Shido grabbed her other arm and put it around his neck. She began to blush. I see, Alice may have a crush on Shido.

"Ok let's get out of here." Shido said. We started to leave the room. The problem though is avoiding people. We kinda can't hide Alice since her limbs are covered in blood. I looked up and saw my mom, stopped in the middle of the hall.

"Ricki? What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm helping Alice! She doesn't deserve to be a lab rat!" I growled. She looked at Alice then back at me.

"I honestly wanted to do the same. I'll help. Ricki, let me take Alice's arm." she said. I was shocked. But I let her take my spot in helping Alice.

We arrived at the entrance just as the alarm rang. Armed men surrounded us in seconds. I clenched my teeth in anger.

"I'm shocked. Ricki and my wife is helpin an experiment escape? I feel betrayed." My father's voice rose up. Men in front of us parted slightly. My father walked up in between the men.

"Tohka, now."shido whispered to her. She nodded. There was a flash of light, blinding us. I looked at Tohka and was shocked. She held a huge sword and had armor plated gloves. She had glowing spikes around her waist. Tohka is a spirit?! I stare wide-eyed.

"What?! Another spirit?!" my father said shocked. Maya lowered her scarf.

"Hello again professor William." she growled. She pulled her katana in front of her. I actually saw fear in my dad's eyes.

Tohka began to swing her sword, releasing energy shots knocking the men unconscious. Maya swung her katana releasing strong blast of water. Everyone was knocked out. We ran out the door and found ourselves surrounded once again.

"YOSHINO!" Shido shouted. Something was shaking the ground. I looked up and saw a giant white rabbit. It's right eye was covered by an eyepatch just like Yoshinon. The rabbit blew out cold air, freezing people in front of us.

Tohka and maya took out the people on our right. I just watched as their fighting continued. I looked over at Alice, she seemed to be focusing on something. An alarm began to rise up.

"Spacequake alarm!" Shido shouted. He spoke into his earpiece next. "Kotori, teleport us now!"

In an instant we were back on the Fraxinus. I sighed in relief. I walked over to a window and watched as a huge black and purple sphere completely destroyed the lab. Goodbye dad. I looked over at Alice, her red eyes were glowing. They then stopped glowing. Why were her eyes glowing?

"Ok let's take her to the infirmary." Shido said. He and my mother walked her there. I stayed where I was with Maya.

"Maya? What are you going to do now?" I asked her. She looked out the window.

"I'm going to do what I used to, back to the city." she replied.

"Why don't you stay with us." Kotori said as she walked in.

"Sorry but I don't belong anywhere." Maya said.

"Trust me, you'll fit in perfectly. All residence at the mansion are spirits. Well now probably Ricki and her mom too now." Kotori said.

"Let me think about it." Maya said as she walked away.

"Want me to take you to Alice?" Kotori asked me. I nodded and she led me away from the teleport room.

Alice was asleep when I entered the room. Tohka helped the sleepy looking nurse clean the blood from her limbs. Once the blood was gone, they bandaged her up. At least she no longer has to fear the outside. I sat beside her and stayed until she woke up.

Kurumi POV.

" seems that spirit helped instead of watching the pain she caused." I sighed. It would have been fun to see what the lab was working on. Oh well, to late to intervene now.

"But I can't wait to see what this future brings." I chuckled to myself. It appears its time to refill.

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