Episode 1:enter zero-one

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On the ground of the earth everything is peacful,the wind is blow the grass,the clound were beautifull untill something hit make all the beauty become something,not just that also have a explosion in the city and have a humandroid that are destroying make people scared and run but somewhere else that have a kid with the humandroid but that humandroid were prepare to die

Humandroid:place his hand on the kid head "aruto...keep...dreaming about yours dream...soon yours dream will come soon my son"then he die

The kid name aruto scream his father then crying,meawhile everyone in the city are running for their live untill the sceren on the buliding that have a armr persons his armor is motif scorpion behind him is the symbol

Make everyone stop and wondering who is that

Armr person: "listening human,you have live a happily life and a haven for yours own,well thing have changes,is time for a new speices to live a happily and have a haven for their own but you human will be extinctions,you see the new speices as a threat they just want to live a normal life but you won't lets them live instead you finished them,well is time for us Metsuboujinrai.Net will strike back,consider this is your punishment and a judgement for yours human"he close sceren he show them a symbol of their origanizations

people everyone scared,and wondering what have they done to this man hate human and all people run again becaues the humadriod are chasing as their going to finished in this chaos who will be safe the humanity and the humagears
(5 years after the accident of the daybreak)
In the house that have a persons were spleeing his alarm clock ring,he moad touch the alarm clock he wake up reveal to be

Aruto hiden he is 17 years old

Aruto:look at his alarm clock and he were shock that he just miss his school day "what!i late my firts school day!oh carb!oh carb"he get off the bed brush his teeth,shower wears a uniforms of the school eat breakfast and get out of the house he ride his bike really fast pass thought everyons and in the street that have a humandriod woking for a human they are humagears they are a creations of aruto grandfather,aruto drive his bike and ring the bell for everyone know that he are hurry "please step aside i'm going to school and i don't want late for my firts school"
In the fornt of the gate school have a young woman reveal to be

Rinne sonogami

Rinne:waiting somone "where is he?"she keep waiting untill someone come to her is aruto

Aruto:stop the bike come to rinne "sorry rinne i forget to set up my alarm clock"

Rinne: "again!seriouly aruto this is thrid time you  forgets to set up your alarm clock"she cross her armr and she are anger

Aruto:know that he just make rinne angry so he doing one job he takes out his phone "hey rise phone how is the weather are"

Rise phone: "it will be cold!"

Aruto:shiver his body "then better get a coach it will be so cold"he doing his lame joke but that make rinne hold her laugh becaues his joke is lame

Rinne: "come on rinne don't laugh,don't laught" she think while she is hold her laugh "i can't take anymore" then she laugh becaues only her can laugh at aruto lame joke she want him happy

Aruto:smile that he just make her laugh but werid that only her can laugh other see him joke is lame "okay!lets go to the school"

Rinne: "yeah lets go!"she stop laugh and two of them go to school and how they know each other well
After the chaotic of the rouge humagears young aruto were sad about his father he is stiting on the chair,then suddenly someone come to him is young rinne

Young rinne: "hey are you okay?"she asked him

Young aruto:nod yes

Young rinne: "why you sad?"she wondering why he sad

Young aruto slient becaues he don't know who is she

Young rinne: "come on you can talk to me don't be shy"

Young aruto: "my father is gone now!"only one word he can said

Young rinne:fell sorry for him lost "well i sorry for you father,hey do you want to be friend with me"

Young aruto: "why you want be friends with me"

Young rinne:smile to him "becaues i think that you need a friends be with you"

Young aruto:smile and happy that he have a friend with "yeah you said right my name aruto hiden what about you!"

Young rinne: "my name is rinne sonogami"

As two of them hold their hand each other and fell a lighting thought to them since that young aruto and young rinne be a close friends
(Flashback end)
Aruto and rinne have come to their class right month everyone ready to meet their teachers,rinne go to her sit so does aruto and he heard a voice a he looking and see his other friend

Shido itsuka

Shido: "hey why you late?"he asked aruto

Aruto: "well i forget set up my alarm clock agains"

Shido: "wow you must be buisy so that you forgot set up the alarm clock dude"he smile

Aruto: "yeah duh!i have to make a joke"

Then a woman walk to their class is seem to be their teachers

Teachers: "hello class today i will be yours teacher"she greet everyone with smile,then one of student told her name and everyone in class begin their lessons
In the city that have a lot of damage and in the water too

This is daybreak town a headquarters for the organizations responsible for the accident of humagears,in the room that have a young man spin the chair


Jin:were spin around the chair as he are boring,then suddenly the comupter make a sound that make him reconize what is that "hey horobi look like our friends spritis is coming"then a man appeared reveal to be

Horobi leader of the terror organizations

Horobi:come to his computer "so the another speacquakes appeared good,humanity soon will be extinctions and the spirits will be have a nomral live"he pull out something from his computer is a zetsume key "by doing that we must use humagears hacking their singularity" he pulls out something from his computer.

Zetsume rise

Jin: "singularity?"

Horobi: "yes singularity is a something a emetions to humagears by changing their emetions from good to bad"he give the zetsumrise key and the driver to Jin "find humagears and get the driver into them"

Jin: "okay!"

Horobi:look in the sky "soon humanity will be know what my pain are after they be destroy by the Metsuboujinrai.Net and the spirits will have a happy live for them"
in the buliding that have a humagears was sit down on the chair as she open her eyes that mean she have turns in and a humagears is izu a sectary,she stand up and doing her mission from her master that is found his gradson
(In school)
Aruto were talking with rinne and shido

Aruto: "hey shido have you some plan for yourself"

Shido: "well i must get my sister to the resturant and what about you aruto"he point aruto

Aruto: "well maybe i going make people laugh"

Shido: "uh no hard felling i think that yours joke is lame aruto"

Aruto:just be heart breaking that his joke is lame "you must be kidding now"he place his head on the tabel

Rinne:hit shido "you don't have to be sad aruto i sure one day that somone will laugh at yours joke"he chreed him up

Aruto:look at her and he smile "thank  rinne"

Rinne:smile "yours welcome aruto"

Then suddenly somone come to the class is none other izu,she looking around and see aruto,rinne and shido,she come to them as she analysing aruto

Izu: "aruto hiden gradson of the founder of the hiden intellegence and have a dream make everyone laugh but not working"

Aruto:place his head on the table again "you must be kidding me agains"

Rinne:see izu ears as she know that izu were a humagears "why are you here?"she wondering why izu here

Izu: "i here to tell him that..."she look at rinne then she look at aruto "aruto yours grandfather is gone now"that made aruto shock,rinne,and shido fell sorry to him

Aruto: "grandfather have gone!"he really sad about his grandfather gone now

Izu: "i also here to get you to the meeting"

Aruto: "but i have to study!"

Izu: "that won't be a porblem this is just a meeting after that you will come back to school quckily"

Aruto:thinking that he should go with her if this is his grandfather company he will come so he decide "okay i will go right after the break time over"he look at his friends "don worry i will come back soon"he stand up and walk pass izu as izu follow him but he heard rinne

Rinne: "aruto be carefull!"

Aruto: "uh i know it"he look at rinne as he are smile and walk out of the school with izu to go to his grandfather company
(Amusement park)
In the amusement park everyone is really playing everything in the amusemet and have a comedy stages make everyone smile about the performant of two comedy actor,inside of the stage have a humagears waiting for his performant,he is analysing about the joke he just make then suddenly Jin appeared

Jin: "found you now!"he smile

The humagears turns around and jin get the driver into him make the humagears can't control it he knee down as he are pain

Jin: "you're my friends now,go destroy humanity"he order

Humagears: "i can't...my....job....is make...people smile"he is pain

Jin: "no no no!that is bullcarb you were made to destroy humanity"

As the system of humagears have been hack and he have become a rogue humagears

Humagears: "MetsubouJinarai.NET link"

Jin: "well look like is not a right time,maybe after the spacequakes you going to destroy humanity for me"he smile like a child

Humagears:nod yes

Jin: "okay!just go somewhere eles i have something do to"he stand up and going as the humagears also going to but waiting for the right time to destroy humanity
In the buliding of the company that have a lot of people and they are meeting and the one whose call everyone to a meeting is a vice president name jun fukuzoe,and all of them waiting someone too then the door open reveal to be aruto and izu as aruto go to his sit

Jun: "okay ladies and gentelment today i get you all for the meeting and him"he look at aruto "so that we can see the testament of our president and who will be a new president of the hiden intellegence"izu get a testament to aruto as she walk away to get something

Aruto:reading the testament as he are reading he were shock about something "what!this can't be happending"he read the last part

Jun: "what's matter?"he come to aruto pulls the testament out of aruto and read "in the dark future that one day humagears will be control by a terrois orgianizations that responisble make humagears on rogue,and the only solutions is use zero-one driver"izu come to room with the vail she open it and reveal zero-one driver with the progrise keys

" that have a power to stop a rogue humagears" he smile "but not all i have found out a species that is spirits?"

Make everyone in the room wondering what is spirits and what are they but have a man don't wondering becaues he know is

Jun:keep reading "the spirits responsible for the spacequakes,but they are not bad,some of them is good and some of them were bad,zero-one have a missions that is protecting spirits and the second president is my grandson Aruto Hiden" he said out loud make everyone in the room shock that aruto is a second president "is this a panks!"he were anger how can a 17 years old can be a president

Izu: "the testament have been check is legal everything from that testament is a true"she said that make everyone in the room arguement

Jun: "then what about spirits thing?"

Man: "i can explaining that"he stand up and reveal to be

Westcott CEO of the DEM

Everyone is said something about him that westcott used to be a student aruto grandfather and now he bulid his own company

Jun: "Mr.westcott what do you mean,that you will explain?"

Westcott: "that my old teacher is crazy,there isn't such thing a spirits, the cauces of the spacequakes only natural,is allways a natural"he said to everyone as everyone agrees about what just he said

Aruto:don't believed westcott what just he said but he angry about westcott said his grandfather a crazy "that not true my grandfather not crazy as you think"he stand up

Westcott: "oh you must be his grandson well that be unpleasure to meet a littel brath like you"he smile as he are mocking him

Aruto: "what did you said!"he come to him but be stop by izu

Westcott: "i wonder how can a brat like you could manage a big company of my old teacher"he look at aruto as aruto also look at him "well then i have to go to my buisness"he walk out of the room

Aruto:thinking that westcott said right how could he manages a company of his grandfather "everyone i can't become a president i'm only 17 old and i still study in school i!i sorry"he get out of the room and now he is in elevator as he are thinking as the elevator down,he come out and see his grandfather pictures "i sorry grand i can't become a president" he go outside of the buliding and he heard a alarm that mean a spacequakes is appeared now "holy carb seriously!"he run to fin the shelter
(Somewhere else)
Jin was going to the house in his hand have a flower,and a present also have a paper too,he come to the house he knock the door then someone come to the door he run and cimbing on the tree as the door open reveal to be

Kaguya yamai

Kaguya:open the door "hello!"but she see nothing,she look down the gift of jin give it to her she get it and look at the paper "dear kaguya this is the gift for you P.S you're very lovely today sign your secret cursh"she read as her heart is beat so fast as the word of her secret crush(that mean jin),she accepted the gift then she walk into the home

Jin:were watching kaguya and he know that she is spirits how he meet her and as a secret cursh of her
Jin is sititng on the tree as his face is seem to be likes he are boring,he watching on the sky how peaceful this are then suddenly he hear a song,he come down and see kaguya singing,jin hear her song how peacefull are made him fell something that all human fell is love he is in love with her and he also fell that she is spirits too,but he can't reveal himself becaues he is memeber of MetsubouJinrai.NET since that he allaways come to her home as a secert crush to kaguya
Jin:remember his meet of her make him smile that he will meet her agains then the alarm go of that's his signal for him doing his job "looks likes that's my signal"he come down and walk
Aruto were finding a shelter but unfortunaly that all shelter have been close,he come to a final one,he run to it but too lates

Aruto: "Aw come on!you must be kidding me"he sit down and waiting for his end,then suddenly he hears someone voice is rinne

Rinne: "aruto!"she run to him

Aruto:stand up and wondering why she here "rinne why are you here?"

Rinne: "i here to follow shido becaues he just run out of the shelter and i don't where he is now"

Aruto: "why he do that?"

Rinne: "i don't know,he said something to me that he going find his sister"

Aruto: "well then lets find him"he go to find where were shido

Rinne nod yes and she follow him to find shido
aruto and rinne are finding shido but result that they don't see him,untill the spacequakes and it are wipe out everything aruto see this he grabs rinne hand and run to find somewhere safe they have found the alley they going there,aruto huggs rinne but unknow to both of them that izu in her hand is still a vail she come and shield them by using her force field shield them

Aruto:broke the huggs and he see that izu can shield them "wait you can do that i throught humagears don't do that"

Izu: "yes i can yours grandfather have progam me a new ability when have this situations"she said as the spacequakes go pass them but they okay in the force field,after the spacequakes pass the force field izu undo the force field

Rinne: "thank you!"she thank her

Izu: "you welcome!my missions is also protect aruto friends"she look at rinne then aruto

Aruto: "okay lets keep founding shido and his sister hope their are okay"

Rinne:nod yes

Three of them out of force field,aruto and rinne keep seachering shido and his sister,they finally found him,not just him have a girls point the sword to him


Aruto:see shido "hey shido!"he shout make shido and tohka look at him

Tohka: "you also here to kill me"the she point the sword of her to aruto

Aruto: "what no!and why should i?i never see you before"

Tohka:thinking that he said right,then suddenly something on the sky no someone on the sky is the A.S.T come to tohka as their mission is destroy spirits they fire the missiles "they never learn"she make a force field as the missiles be crushing and the A.S.T fire their gun tohka undo the force field she jump and slash

Aruto:were watching "what is going here?"

Rinne:shock that she just see all the girls same age with her were fighting tohka "i don't know!"

Izu: "actually i knows!"

Both aruto and rinne turn to see izu

Aruto: "what do you mean!"

Izu:begin explains "the girls you see is a spirits,she here is unknow,she are fighting the A.S.T also know as anti spirits team they were build by the secert grovement to destroy spirits and all the team is a young woman 17-18"that make aruto and rinne shock

Rinne: "that mean they breaking the rules"

Aruto: "that is unforgive!"he was anger that how grovement can keep this like that
Jin:was walking on the crumbel round and he see the girls is origami tobichi fighting tohka,jin look see that excited "well then!"he whistle to the humagears "hey look like is your lucky day by the ways find some army and don't destroy spirtis over there"he point tohka

Humagears nod yes and press the zetsumerise keys
(BeRoThA!) he get the zetsumrise keys into the driver and he srceam
(Zestumerise!) and become magia

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He have become magia berotha

He use his into all humagears that are out of the shelter with people as they become a foot soldier and acttack everyone make people scared

Jin:was watching at his child mode on "ha ha ha ha ha this will be fun ha ha ha"

Magia berotha down on the ground make aruto,rinne,shido and izu see that

Aruto see the magia have a ears he reconize that ears,is humagears ears,berotha charges to the fight of a.s.t as he slash origami aside

Origami: "what the! who are you"

Magia berotha: "i'm member of metsuboujinrai my missions is destroy humanity but protect the spirit"he come to her as he kick but she dodges she try to slash him but he block it and kick her,tohka don't want someone interferces her fight so she fight magia berotha "what are you doing?"

Tohka "..." she slash him but he dodges

Magia berotha: "fair enough!"he acttack both girls tohka and origami
(In the city)
Everything were chaos the foot soldier are acttacking people then a van appeard have a logo is A.I.M.S squad

As the van open reveal to be the A.I.M.S squad and a young woman come to them

Yua yaiba

Yua: "have found the rogue humagears they are acttaking people all unite prepare for"she be cut of her word when a man fire reveal to be

Isamu fuwa

Isamu: "destroy them all"he said with the cold and hatred of humagears the all spuad come to fight foot soldier

Yua: "i'm the one going take a order not you"she shoutd at him
Magia were fighting tohka and origami meanwhile Aruto and rinne come to shido help him get up

Aruto: "hey you okay?"he asked shido

Shido speakless he don't what to said that he just saw origami in the a.s.t suit and tohka suddenly acttack him

Aruto: "hey you okay?"

Shido:snap out "yeah i okay!"

Aruto:watching the fight of magia berotha vs tohka vs origami,he know that this must be stop "hey izu that driver will stop rogue humagears rights"

Izu: "yes!but only the president can aurtherise"

Aruto: "i don't care just give it to me"he order izu give the driver to him

Izu: "of coruse aruto!"she come and give the driver to him

Aruto grabs the driver

Izu: "put the driver into yours waist!"

Aruto:put the driver into his waist and the driver warps around his waist
(Zero-one driver!) make his mind link to the satellite "where i'm?"then izu appeard

Izu: "you are in the satellite of our company,and here is the lesson how to use the driver"she show him the lesson teached of zero-one driver "and now touch the screen"

Aruto thinking that he should touch it,when he heard everything about A.S.T and spirits,he remember the testament writted of his grandfather that the spirits were good,aruto see that tohka were confussing why she are here she just scared she fight the A.S.T to defend herself so he press the button

Izu: "the lesson star now!"

Aruto back in his mind he press the progrise keys
(Jump!) the sound make magia berotha,tohka,origami,rinne and shido pay attention to aruto as he scanning the progrise keys
(Authorise!) then a mechaical appeard and he doing he heshin pose

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He have become a protect of humanity,humagears soon he will become a protect of spirtis he is kamen rider zero-one

Magia berotha: "who are you!"

Zero-one: "zero-one!"he give the vail to izu and sipn around "remember that"he doing his pose and charges to magia berotha as magia berotha try to slash but zero-one block and be punch make him rolls on the ground

Rinne:watching that her friends just become a kamen rider "aruto!"she mutted his name
The A.I.M.S were fighting the foot soldier as they are fire,isamu fire all the foot soldier then suddenly he out of ammo,he go into the van and break the glass that are holding the gun is A.I.M.S shotriser

Isamu:look at the gun "finally i have it now"he tooks the shotriser

Yua:come to him and she wide eyes  "fuwa you don't have aurthorise to use that gun"then isamu fire her but he was firing the foot soldier that are behind her

Isamu: "out of my ways!"he get out of the van and fighting the foot soldier
Back to zero-one,zero-one dodges the slash of magia berotha and he punch him make him stumbles and kick him make him on the ground

Zero-one: "run it!"he look at tohka and he know that tohka is a inneconted spirits

then origami try slash him he blocked

Zero-one: "hey what are you doing?"

They push each other

Origami: "you are interferces my job,now step aside"her voice that their is no emotions

Zero-one: "i'm not going lets you finished her!"he look at tohka as she are jump aways "beside she just defend herself she are not bad"

Origami: "lied all spirits were bad and our job is destroy that threat"

Zero-one: "then my job is will stop yours guy"he point origami

Origami try to slash him again but he jump to the roof and he look down

Zero-one: "eh eh eh eh!holy carb this powerfull leges"

Magia berotha stand up and fire laser neither origami too,zero-one get down blocked and punching magia berotha and kick origami make her stumbles,she come to him try to slash him but zero-one dodges every slash he punch her and try to kick her but she dodges

Izu come to him neither rinne too and they see the fight of zero-one and origami

Rinne: "uh what is that?"she point the vail

Izu: "this is the bladerise it maybe a vail but is also a weapons too"

Rinne:see that zero-one need a weapons "give me that vail"

Izu give it too rinne

Rinne: "aruto catch!"she throw the bladeriser

Zero-one:turns back but be hit in the face "ouch ouch that's hurt ouch ouch"

Rinne: "sorry aruto!"

Zero-one: "is okay!"

Origami try to slash him but he grabs his weapon and roll on the ground transform his vail turn to a blade

(Blade riser!)

He stand up and slash origami make her stumbles and he slash again make her on the ground magia berotha come to him so that he can slash him but he block and pushed and slash him,magia berotha try to slash him but zero-one dodges as they are in blade fight,jin was watching as he are exciting

Jin: "ha ha ha ha!yeah that so awsome!ha ha ha ha"then a A.S.T soldier see jin and she see that jin is a spirits too she use her jet pack charges to him but jin dodegs grabs her hair and pulled out the gun fire in her head and she down "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Zero-one slash magia berotha make him anger and use his slash energy,zero-one jump and dodges every slash and jump again throught the bick and puch him make him on the round,as origami come to see

Zero-one: "the one going stop you all will be me"he point himself and he hit the progrise keys in the driver
(Risisng impact!) he move fast kick magia berotha on the sky and jump kick him again and doing his rider kick through berotha,origami see this she use her force field but not woking as the force field be breaking by zero-one kick make her on the ground and she have no choice so she retread as zero-one not Land safely he just break his ankeel make him roll on the ground really pain "uh next time i going learn how to landing safely"
All the foot soldier were be destroy by the A.I.M.S

Yua: "finally is over!"

Isamu:step the foot on the rogues humagears "this is happend again!"he fire
Rinne and izu come to zero-one

Rinne: "you okay aruto!"she hand forward to him

Zero-one: "yeah i okay!"he hold her hand but he accident pulled her to him him make him and her blush together and they stand up together,zero-one dehenshin returns as aruto

Rinne: "uh aruto you okay!"

Aruto: "yeah i okay!"

Izu: "congratulate you have become president now"

Aruto:just remember that whe he wear the driver he become a kamen rider but also a president "but i just use it to stop the fight"

Izu: "i know that but you also protect the spirit too that is what zero-one do protect"

Aruto:think that she said right that there will be more of spirits that need to be guide "okay i accepted to become a president but also protect the spirits too"

Rinne: "then i will come with you too"

Aruto: "eh!why?"

Rinne: "well becaues i doubt that you can't not good job in president thing so i will help you,likes i help you have a friends likes me"she smile to him

Aruto: "thank rinne you're a big help to me"then he do a lame joke make izu complain about his joke but rinne is laugh at his joke
In the building that have three A.S.T soldier their are finding the spirits but they heard something is a same armor person but now he reveal himself to be

Horobi in his rider forms

The A.S.T soldier surpries to see horobi

A.S.T soldier 1: "who are you?"

Horobi: "..."

A.S.T soldier 2: "answer to her dammit"

Instead talking horobi charges to them,he kick a.s.t soldier one,and punch soldier 2 and use his left hand blade stab a.s.t soldier 3 and pulled it make her fell pain and she vanished,two of a.s.t soldier were anger and charges to him,horobi block each slash and and push them aways he pull the handel on his driver
(Dystopia!) he round house kick as the energy on his leges like the scorpion tail make two a.s.t expolsion and they are be destroy,horobi dehenshin turns back his human forms

Horobi: "humanity soon will be extinctions and the spirits will have a new life"he walk aways as the end close with the progrise key rising hopper
Next time

Jun: "pleased get out the president seat"

Todoki: "to seal the spirits he must date them"

Aruto: "you think that soo!"

Kaguya: "i think i'm inlove with that secret crush"

Jin: "i think i really love her now"

Isamu: "humagears is enemy of humanity not spirits"

Aruto: "humagears is humanity dream,but spirits were good"

Isamu: "i will protect spirits and yuzuru"

Aruto: "i will protect humanity,humagears and spirits"

Isamu become kamen rider vulcan

(Two different ideas but same protected)

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