Chapter 1: Master Of Time! Part 2

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"Should've brought my game with me " I said as I let out a yawn. Still waiting for the Spacial Quake to appear, appeared to be easy yet. . . its so boring!.

Of course it was boring because a Spacial Quake appears randomly! So in order to monitor it we meaning most of my Grunt Bugster had to patrol the town 24/7.


. . . at least one of us got to have some shut eye.

I look back at Graphite, who was now sleeping while sitting in a crossed leg position. His own weapon was place just beside him which seem so deadly if his head falls to the left side which where his weapon was at.

Now that I notice, I shouldn't have mixed his data with that kid's soul.

That's right, the Graphite that I am looking at right know is not the original Graphite. The honorable Bugster sacrifice himself so that the last boss Gamedeus spawn in the original. This one is a complete fusion of a human soul and some fragment of Graphite's data that I miraculously got my hands on.

The other Bugsters, Salty, Motors, BurgerMon, and etc are just parallel versions of there original selves, except for BurgerMon, what a nice Kaijin. I cannot take the original from there world so I had to resort in taking parallel versions of themselves.

After making all of them my loyal subjects (I had to bribe Salty with some slaty treats, defeat Motors in a race, make a prefect Burger that BurgerMon will like, and so on), I ordered them to scout out some Spirits. Yes Spirits. Not the spectral one but young girls who mysteriously appear right after a Spacial Quake appears.

These Spirits have powerful abilities that could even level an entire city, with just a wave of there hands. But other than there power there actually just clueless, afraid even.

I mean they just appeared out of nowhere. Unfamiliar lands tend to make people a bit jumpy. Then there's the fact that an organization wants to kill them. For no reason!

I get that they appear after a Spacial Quake but. . . COME ON! There just innocent beings that are just clueless of what is going on!

For the good of all. . . . . . yeah right! That's what they always said. I will never see them as some sort of just group, after what secret I have found about what Spirits really are.

It was a good thing that I had one Bugster infiltrate there ranks. His the reason why we become a phantom to the media, heck even the government and military don't have any data on us. All they have are just some blurry images.

"Good luck on finding us! Ya bastards!" I snickered to myself.

Then all of a sudden the familiar sound of a Space Quake alarm suddenly erupt. As soon as I heard that my usual calm and happy expression turn to a serious one.

"Its here"

Upon hearing the alarm I quickly stand up. From my cloak I brought out the Bugle Buckle and Bugvisor Zwei.

"*groan!* Finally!"

Ignoring Graphite I put the Buckle onto my waist as a belt wrap around me, securing the Buckle onto my waist. After that I put the Bugvisor Zwei on the Buckle.

[Buggle Driver Zwei!]

Again from my cloak I brought out a gasshat. The Kamen Rider Chronicles. I then press the button.

[Kamen Rider Chronicles!]

After that I then inserted it into the slot.

"Graphite! Go to her side" I ordered the Bugster who nod his head. In the corner of my eye I could see a squad of girls wearing somewhat revealing one piece suit with segments of navy green armor and a jetpack on there back. Each one of them are armed with weapons and all of them were heading towards one place.

"I'll deal with them"

"Sir Yes! Sir!. . . I been hanging out with Revol a lot" The Bugster muttered as he went into a pixel portal. With him gone I turn my attention at the squad.

"Henshin!" I shouted as I press the Button. As I did that a giant green techno clock with weird hands appeared behind me. The giant clock then split in half and the numbers floated in front of me still in a circle.

As the rectangle pass me I was now donned in a new attire and equipment. [Chrono Blade Crown] a green protruding thorn like sections jutting out of the green helmet and this are actually sensors that use to track body movements, [Chrono Blade Shoulder] are shoulder armor which contains upward protrusions, [Lung Lifeguard] A game pad design chest plate that disperses any damage taken to it to the rest of the body and nullifying it, [Chrono Gear Suit] which is a black jump suit with white circuits, long tassets that reaches to my mid leg, and black gauntlets.

"Master Of Time! Kamen Rider Cronus!" I announced as I wave my right hand to the side. My eyes then glowed green as I look at the AST. "Lets Begin Your Judgement!"

{(Third POV)}

As the military group of 12 young women called AST begin to reach there destination. They were ambushed by a barrage of green energy balls the size of a basketballs. Unfortunately for them a few hit about 5 of them were hit and sent crashing down on onto the ground...hard.

The remaining group of AST begins to search for where those barrage came from...which there leader did.

"Wait that's!" Shouted the 'Leader' who was a woman with mid length black hair that's tied to a high pony tail. Her attire consisted like the rest of the AST which huge her figure a bit.

Her face was that of fear. Her eyes were trained at the single figure standing on top of a building. The so called figure was the one who put fear into the hearts of the AST, Military, even the Government.


He mysteriously appeared one day on the very first task of the AST and 'massacred'(more like beat) them. To this day it was a direct order that if he appeared all personal are to avoid contact with him, AT ALL COST!

"Everyone! Retreat! Get Out Of He-"


The Commander shout was stop as she bare witness that once more half of her squad were crashing down to the ground unconscious. But that wasn't all as she felt something heavy on her flight pack. Looking behind her her eyes widen in fear as there he was Unknown being casually using her flight pack as some sort of stepping broad.

"Times up" Cronus's static like voice said as the last thing the leader saw was his armored fist hit her face and she fell into unconsciousness.

([Before The Attack] Cronus POV)

"Well then" I said as I calmly use what I assumed the leader's unconscious body as a jump board and landed on the rooftop of a restaurant. After that I dusted my hands as I look behind me seeing over a dozen AST's are beaten.

With a smirk underneath my helmet I was about to calmly head towards the Spirit's location...when I heard an explosion...from where the spirit was...I'm gonna hit that Dragon's head when I see him!

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