Prolouge: Flames Of Begining

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All was in a flame of chaos as a whole street was littered with burning debris. A long haired white young man was searching for something a top of some rubble. He was wearing a black sleeveless jacket which reaches to his legs, underneath was a green T-shirt, black denim pants, and shoes. Covering his mouth was a surgical mask. This young mans name was Cron Itsuka. 

Scanning his surroundings all he could see was burning debris and each passing time he was there he was coughing violently. But his current condition did not stop him as he continues his search while carefully walking around.

"Is anyone there?!" He shouted in between his coughing. When he was then he rub his neck feeling the itchiness of his throat.

After a few minutes he was about to give up his search when suddenly in the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of something. Seeing that he quickly head towards the location and saw two survivors. A young boy and girl both hugging each other. The boy had a short blue hair and he was wearing just some plain clothes while the little girl who's red hair was tied to a twin tail was wearing some sort of kimono like dress.

Carefully approaching the two kids Cron stopped as he saw the girl was looking straight at him. He could see in her red eyes she was a bit afraid of him. Raising his hand towards him he speak in a hush tone.

"Its okay I'm here to help you" Cron could see the girl calm down a bit as the boy look at his hand. Then about a few minutes he took the hand. "Now come on we gotta get out of here".

With that Cron lead the two kids to safety but he suddenly stops as he let out another violent cough. This in turns scared the two kids fearing for whatever was happening to Cron. The said young man saw this as he stops coughing. Even though his mouth was covered his eyes showed comfort.

" ah ha ha, don't worry about me" getting a nod from the two kids he continue to lead them to safety. Until suddenly a damage electric post suddenly came crashing down on them.

Seeing the danger heading towards them Cron quickly grabs the two kids and jump out of the electric post's way. With a loud crash the electric post which was made out of cement brake into pieces. This cause the two kids who were in both of Cron's arms to cling even more tightly to his jacket. 

Crouching down Cron notice that the two seem to be shaking a bit. With a small smile on his face he calm the two down.

"Its okay, its okay. I wont let anything happen to you two" with that the said two calm. Seeing them calming down he lift them up ones more and with all of his might he run as fast as he could while sidestepping to the right and left to evade some debris.

In the end he succeed in getting the two kids to safety. But the two seem to have cling to him so in the end he adopted the two as he brother and sister.

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