Day one- starting senior year

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Harry's POV:
Here I am, finally a senior and guess what! My crush is in the same room as me right now! Homeroom! I seriously can't believe it! Omg I'm gonna faint! It's been like a year since I have come out about my sexuality, and I do get hate comments now and then. However, there are some positivities by coming out. I have a girl best friend, her name is Eleanor and is also Louis' girlfriend but whenever they ask me to tag along, I just end up being the third wheel and lemme tell you, it sucks! I mean I am happy for Lou and Ellie, but it's just I have never really found any guy for myself and I need someone otherwise it'll just be depressing old me for life! I really don't know why I love Zayn... I guess it's just his perfect jawline, his luscious thick hair, his eyes, his lips oh! His beautiful pink plump lips, if I had my lips on his, it would be a dream come true....
"What are you staring at, fag!" Zayn snaps, interrupting my dream.

"N-n-nothing!" I stutter, why am I fucking stuttering ugh!!

"Awww, guess you were dreaming about me, how sweet(!)" Zayn says sarcastically fluttering his eyelashes. His mates laugh along, I start blushing a dark shade of pink, turning my head away so they can't see me.

"Get up!!!" Zayn snaps and pulls me up with his muscular hand, grabbing my shoulders really hard. I wince at the pain he is causing me, but that pain starts to fade... Strange... I begin to feel numb at his muscular grip. I feel them dragging me across the classroom and outside the corridors. I feel a sharp sting on my stomach which causes me to fall down, the pain numbs down, then I am brought back to my senses when I feel something drip from my nose, I bring my hand to my nose seeing blood... Blood?! Surely it must have hurt right?! No.. I am being delusional... I don't know. I look up and see Zayn with his boys kicking me in the stomach but I don't feel anything, they then punch my face several times. I guess I don't really care anymore, I can't really cry to my father, telling him how bad school was because he is dead so it's no use... What's the fucking point to care??! I deserve to fucking die... I wanna join my dad, I miss him. Dad, I cry not because of the physical pain, but the mental pain I am going through I can't cope with life anymore... This fucking life sucks! I wanna kill myself!

Zayn kinda helps because he puts me out of my misery, if I had the guts to, I would tell him to murder me and no one will know... One day.... One day...

I wake up in a bed, not mine... I try to adjust my eyes to the bright light and white washed walls, oh great! I'm in the school nurse's room... Did I just black out?! Meh... I don't care that much Anyway... What's there to live for?!

"Harry... Harry!" I hear a soothing voice from the nurse that has been keeping watch over me. She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slight touch of makeup, I really like her, she is nice, she is like the only one who actually cares about me. She is like my own mother. I hate my biological mother because she let him die! All she ever did was care about wealth, she never once looked at me or asked if I was okay. She thinks I'm her fucking slave, not even slave, nothing. I'm nothing to her, she doesn't even notice the little things either, isn't that what a mother should do?!

Anyways fuck all, fuck life...

"Harry?!" She snaps her fingers in my face, guess I zoned out.

"Huh?!" I say dumbly.

"Honey, you zoned out again! They really beat you bad, huh? Don't worry Hun, whenever you see them just walk away, it's the only advice I can give. When I was your age I used to get bullied a lot but they stopped after a week or two because I took no notice, bullies just want to get a reaction out of somebody I guess." She explains, smiling at me so sweetly.

"Why can't you be my mother?!" I whisper, hoping she won't hear.

"Awww honey, I know you're going through the worst of times, especially after your father you know..." She sighs."These things just sadly happen, life is short, live the best out of your life." She continued as if she had just heard what I had just said to her.

*three knocks on the door*

"Hold on a second Harry, must be my next patient." She chuckles a little, I just smile.

She could be right, maybe not so soon... I mean I am quite young I guess only 15 years of age. Oh right! Zayn is 17 he flunked a couple of times which is why he is still here... Just found out the day I got 'promoted' haha. He moved up too. Sigh.

"What on earth happened?!" The nurse says to her 'patient'

"Can't you see?! I got beaten up for fucks sake!" The familiar Bradford accent says. Speak of the devil, or think?

"Language! Mr Malik!" Says my heroic motherly nurse.

"You're not my mum, don't ever try it!" He shouts, damn what has crawled up his ass and died?! I check through the crack of the curtain.

"I'm sorry Zayn, I never meant to be like her, you have been going through a hard time but you shouldn't take it out on other people, or karma will bite back!" She says straightforwardly he just scoffs, he's coming closer...Crap! I sit on the bed I have heard enough!

"Zayn, I have no space for you to sit, I already have 3 students full in my rooms but you can kip in with Harry?" She says questionably. What?! The look on his face would be horrific, why?! Oh Dear God please no!
He pulls the curtain back and has that stupid yet sexy smile on his face. Urgh! Why does he have to be so sexy?! He even looks sexier when he has been beaten up. I lower my gaze on to my lap.

"Hey there, Curly!" He says in a flirtatious tone. Wtf?! I feel the bed dip down, he is sitting next to me! Oh kill me now! He elbows me in the ribs to get my attention, remember what the nurse had said, ignore...
This time he gets his two fingers under my chin to make me look at him, directly in his beautiful hazel eyes, did I just see love?!

"You have beautiful eyes!" He exclaims, and looks surprised.
I immediately look down and not say anything, he's playing, I know it!
His fingers brush against my hands, I feel electricity and butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He then puts his whole hand in mine! Pinch me I'm dreaming!

"Listen, I'm really sorry I beat you up. It's only because I am still unaware of my sexuality like, oh how can I explain? I may also have feelings for you Haz, which could also be the reason why I am so aggressive towards you because I like you, like a crush, you can say?" I stay silent, really, really surprised at what he just said. I just wait for him to carry on and wtf only my friends can call me Haz! Oh well, my crush just called me Haz!

"When I first made contact with my fist against your skin I felt horrible, really, I felt regretful and Zayn Malik never has regrets!" He laughs, I laugh too. Omg what's going on?! It's like in my dreams. I let go of his hand and move away, I don't know if he is still playing. He is known as a player too so I don't believe him, at least not yet. I go to the nurse, funny, she isn't here I'll leave a note instead 'feeling much better now thanks for everything -Harry x'
And with that I left to get to double English, may see Zayn again urgh! He's eating me alive!

Soz if this chapter is kinda short and shit but if u liked it plz vote and comment if u want me to update n most importantly please follow me xxxx first Boyxboy story ever! And it's #Zarry plz support me xxx would mean a lot ❤️❤️❤️
~Fazzie ❤️❤️

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