Chapter IV: The Flight

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I was like a pleased kitten about the fact that I would no longer have to hide my plan from Levy as I held my bag tightly from any potential smugglers in the airport and my other hand was wrapped comfortably by Levy's hand as his eyes took a quick scan to find the registration area. I was half worried, half excited as we headed over and gave our tickets to the employee to reserve our seats.

Levy was distraught when he knew that I already bought a ticket, we argued on our way but he had to shut up when a man almost came bashing into the motorbike.

Like the quick planner I was, I took care of the excuse that was to be presented to my parents by a girl in my high school, which I paid for to distract them and I talked to mom about having to leave with that girl for a school senior project for a week. Not that she cared, but I was frenzied about my strict workaholic dad, he was like a hawk and if nobody was at the house, he would start nagging and asking about so that was settled when the girl reported back to me saying that he was convinced by my mom.

I was sickeningly proud of myself that I planned all that in a matter of two hours and checked up on everything by the phone. Everything was possible online so I sent emails to all of my teachers sending them a professionally fake sick leave for an entire week and that was settled as well.

Now, I got the upper hand and Levy couldn't stop me from interfering this last time without any obligations. He knew the moment I got stubborn, there was no turning back.

It was eight in the evening and I was exhausted when we finished reserving our seats and Levy was making a phone call with his friend to take his motorbike for maintenance. He tried to take me back out at the last minute but I was officially intrigued by that major business deal. I mean I couldn't let him go out there and die, I had to try my best to help him get out of this mess.

The smell of the airport disgusted me along with the unsanitary aroma with kids that were crying and old people were gossiping, it was like they never got tired. A woman eyed us a couple of times with disgrace etched on her facial features at our hand-holding like we were going to elope so I just avoided her and turned to Levy still talking on the phone.

His thinking face was even sexier as he pursed his lower lip and his amber eyes lightened, the way he held our joined hands to his lips as he gave my skin a quick kiss. The flight to California was announced out loud for the passengers to board the plane so I nudged Levy and he disconnected the call.

"Are you ready? do you remember what we talked about?" he asked me. I nodded at his worried expression and gave him a rushed kiss in assurance.

The flight attendant checked our tickets and cut them off in half giving us the half that had our seats written, we decided on taking the middle seats near the window. Levy could sense that I was completely drained both emotionally and physically so he offered to hold my bag and I accepted.

We took our seats and I yawned with a really wide mouth and closed my eyes sleepily as Levy placed our bags on the spaces above us for the luggage. We only had two bags and they weren't heavy, they were only for necessities.

I laid on Levy's chest while he strapped us both due to the flight attendants complaining and announcements blurted out loud making my ears bleed from how obnoxious they were.

"Baby, I will wake you up when we arrive. Get some rest," he assured me with a kiss on my forehead and I smiled sleepily at him before snuggling closer to his chest as his arms embraced me warmly.

"I love you, my stubborn girl," he whispered to me as he stroked my hair and looked out the window.

I woke up as soon as the plane hit the ground steadily and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep. My head hurt from the two hours of sleep and the tight space of the plane. Many people were soundly asleep and Levy was one of them, snoring softly with his eyes closed and slightly opened lips. His head was supported by the window and I wondered how he could sleep when the window had the sounds of the loud engine or the shaking of the plane during the turbulence.

I needed aspirin for my dizziness because I wasn't used to long flights like these. I never travelled, other than once for a car ride that took an hour but this was something different. My butt ached and my legs had cramps, not to mention my back aching from the long hours of sitting and sleeping. However, I was glad that we landed safely and that I slept like a baby during these long, hefty hours.

"Lev, wake up baby." I gently shook his right arm as he groaned and shut his eyes tightly. After many failed trials, I woke him up with a kiss on the lips and he immediately opened his eyes when I pulled away with a giggle.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" he asked me and I nodded in reply. We both serenely looked out of the window at the beautiful sunrise in California. After five minutes after the landing, all the people started complaining about the tiresome flight and I wanted to laugh when a young girl complained to her mother about how she didn't get to talk to her boyfriend for ten hours.

We breathed in the amazing windy weather in California and went hand in hand with our bags to the airport. It was six in the morning and I was feeling somewhat energetic again; we were not going back to sleep.

"Lia, you need to get away from me," Levy warned in a hushed tone, as his eyes stared behind me, "the men are here."

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