Chapter LIX: Retaliation

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"Levy!" I screamed as I tried to push away Levy's body, "Levy! stop this!" I was hurled backward.

"Do you think that you can change me?" He hollered when his eyes turned obsidian black, matching the night. "You can't change me, I am Levy the killer and I will kill you next," he sprinted to my side and clutched my hair.

"W-What are you doing? you can't hurt me! you promised!" I stuttered with a nervous heart. The sweat on my face trickled down to my neck when his hand smacked the side of my face.

"Please, Levy, this isn't you!" I shouted alarmingly at the dazed guy in front of me with bloodied knuckles.

"Oh my God," I gasped at the trail of blaze Levy has left upon the dead bodies.

I thrashed under the water and my body collapsed eventually on the shower floor. Rocking back and forth, my hands were shaking tantalizingly and my body had shivers even under the hot water.

It was the first time I had an intense hallucination about my own boyfriend. Realizing that not only sickened me but made the fear in me double with the company of terror.

As if he heard my never-ending questions in my mind, the person of my hallucination went inside the bathroom with tired eyes.

Levy held my hand to help me stand up and closed the water. His wet arm wrapped around me and lifted me back to the bedroom.

"What was it about this time?" it was like he was scared to ask me that question because his knees bumped up and down when he sat next to me with arms tightly crossed.

"You, it was about you," I whispered when I wrapped the robe around me and sat down next to him. "They're just hallucinations, they aren't real," I denied while my demon tried to convince me that it wasn't fake.

He stiffly stood up with agony written on his face when he came to terms with how my hallucinations developed and I had an idea about his thoughts.

"Don't you dare leave me right now like you did before," I shouted when he was about to back away.

Killers were supposed to be brutal and fatal and everything bad. But looking at Levy, he was nowhere as dangerous as a killer, only when he has to be in front of his enemies but to me, he never once hurt me physically.

His shoulders sagged like he was defeated and kept still facing away from me. "I never wanted you to be afraid of me," he murmured calmly like the silence before the storm. "I never wanted to hurt you nor bring any harm to you with my problems, but that's just who I am," he faced me with tears in his eyes, "I fuck everything up around me, I fuck the people who loved me up, I am not a good person and I am bound by that curse, I'm sorry," his voice hitched as a tear went down his cheek and he quickly wiped it, ashamed that it tore past his tough exterior.

"You're just a wimp, you think that the easy way out is just to run from it all, I was in on this too," I bellowed with hurricane tears and face so red that people would think I was crazy.

"I have to because you're going to get hurt," he screamed back and my body shook with more angst, probably the worst feeling I had ever felt in my whole life. He neared me and took my face with his palms.

"You don't understand Lia," he sighed sadly, "once you get in, there is no way out, you're going to have an unhappy life of big problems and no safety whatsoever, I can't do that to you," he protested and I gripped his hand, lowering it from my face.

"We are going to make a retaliation plan and there is nothing that is going to stop me," I seethed with darkened blue orbs and stepped back from him, letting his hand go.

"See what I just created," he gestured at my avenging state. "I changed you, Lia, you weren't used to hold grudges and now, you are becoming a living example of me, a clone," he strained and I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked down to my red clenched fists.

Something inside of me snapped at what Levy said because the next thing I knew was that I threw a long hoodie on me and slipped on my shoes, tied my wet hair up quickly and ran downstairs with a frantic Mrs. Christina behind me when I sprinted out.

I let the wind caress me like a peaceful lullaby when I ran into the forest. My legs begged for mercy and cold sweat hugged my body, my knees were scraped and my arms cramped due to the impact of my fast sprint, I wanted to get away from it all so I inhaled the amazing forest fresh air.

My eyes serenely scanned the huge beautiful forest that was ten minutes away from the house but stopped at a hooded figure nearby with a girl beside the shadowed figure.

My legs automatically ran behind a thick tree and I rest my hands on the hard trunk of the tree to let my head bend to the right side.

"She wouldn't do that!" the girl beside the hooded figure screamed with a wavering voice, "Lia didn't kill my dad," she whimpered and I instantly recognized that girl, I caged in a gasp when I saw it was Dimitria, she had her hands flailing around.

"She did," the hooded figure screamed back, "you need to avenge your dad, if they killed him, they will kill you," it was like a cold bucket of water that splashed on me, that voice belonged to my aunt.

"No, I can't, I don't want to be a part of this," Dimitria shouted but the gun against her head made her shut up.

"Take that gun down, right now."

That voice didn't belong to me.

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