Chapter LXXIX: Break Up

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The strongest point in everyone's life was emotional stability, without it, everyone would be crazy and that would make them all the more vulnerable. For example, Dimitria pretended to be stable but ever since her dad died, she had to put on her deceptive mind with a breaking heart.

I looked at recovery and death; these two were very contradicting when it came to battling it out.

Levy told me all about the strategy his mind made up with his light amber eyes looking at me like he knew what he was doing but I wasn't convinced.

"Wait, wait," I interrupted his explanation when we stood in front of his motorcycle in the parking area, "so you mean to tell me that you feel like Dimitria has a crush on you, that girl barely talked to any guy so that's normal if she blushes when you talk to her," I argued and he crossed his arms across his navy jacket.

"Lia, trust me on this one, we need to fake our break up so I can share secrets with her and she can share hers, isn't that on the girls code guidebook that you read all the time?" he claimed and I felt embarrassed that he saw me reading that multiple times.

"You make me feel like girls are manipulative," I commented and he chuckled but he could already sense that I gave in to his plan with a few concerns.

"But how will she believe that? she could clearly see how in love we are," I inquired and he smirked.

"Well, darling, we have to show her that you cheated on me before I confess to her about our break up," he explained and I bit my lower lip.

If I had to stomp on my dignity to get this whole confusion out of my mind then so be it. I was willing to try anything so the problems could diminish away.

"Okay, but what about July?" I asked.

He entangled his arms around me and pushed me closer to his lips in the empty parking area.

"We make a love triangle so both could confess the secret faster," he answered like it was simple, "I will play with both of them since I'm the bad boy and all," he said sarcastically with a smug smirk.

"Yeah, yeah but you are my bad boy only," I rolled my eyes and smiled as he gave me a light peck on the head.

"Let's get rolling then, sweet bum," I could tell he was in a better mood as he joked around and acted all goofy with a wide smile on his face when he drove us off back home.

I couldn't blame him for we had cracked July off of her crusty shell and got our plan intact. There were two finals left for us and a whole future of university.

We arrived home only to see a worried Mrs. Christina talking on the phone and pacing around. I could smell her wariness from a mile away as she rubbed her neck with one hand, holding the phone on the other.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Levy asked as he stepped in front of his mom and hugged her when she broke down.

"Your dad is in danger, a real big danger," she croaked, disconnecting the call to return the hug back, "he's in a surgery right now in Washington and I need to get there to check up on him, Levy, you need to stay here with Lia because the danger is near so you have to be careful," she rushed out with tears drowning her cheeks.

I could see Levy's expression when they pulled out of their hug and it scared me. It was the same expression he pulled off back in the dungeon when his soul turned into a beast. I knew that when it came down to his family, he was going to go hard towards the threat and end it.

Along the darkened eyes and the deep frown, he was the epitome of destructive and it would take a big risk like that to get him going but only for the sake of his family.

"I will go with you," he announced after the little silence that has settled upon us, my arms reached out to his mom and hugged her.

"He will be alright," I calmed her down as much as I could but she was more worried for Levy's reply as he ruffled his hair in annoyance and I was afraid his jaw might fall off from how hard he clenched it.

"No, Levy, you will stay here and that's an order and when you both finish your finals, you both can come to me, is that a deal?" she proclaimed and Levy looked like a real form of confusion.

"Deal," he surrendered to his mom and I was glad because he had two days to think straight to what he was getting into.

"Don't worry, Lia, just keep Levy sane enough to finish his education," Mrs. Christina replied and I nodded in a promise that I hoped I could keep since Levy's stubbornness was so much more than mine.

"What's the danger?" I asked, we certainly didn't need any additional problems, it was enough to deal with July and Dimitria, we didn't need the extra weight but life was life and life sucked for both of us now.

"The Abergil Family are out for us, it's not what I was scared of but there are strong affiliations with them and one of them was the Cena gang," his mom replied and Levy paled when she mentioned a gang called Cena.

"That's really bad, how did they convince the gang to support them? they barely partner with anyone," Levy tugged on his hair after he asked as he kept pacing in front of us.

"I have a feeling they knew about Lia coming with you," Mrs. Christina stated, "since you violated their golden rule, they are going to kill us."

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