Chapter XIX: Encounter

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My cerulean eyes shimmered underneath the sunlight that illuminated the balcony beautifully. Yesterday night was one of the toughest nights, we went back to the Fairmont hotel and my wrist was taken care of in their medical centre, I could tell that the doctor thought one of the two guys with me had violated me so I had to make sure that he didn't start to get negative thoughts on my 'accident with the stove' and I had to ensure that he wouldn't file a complaint to the police.

After Levy's incident, I saw his angriest side and I tried to wipe it off my memory but I couldn't because it was simply unforgettable. It was then that I realized that I was his most precious weak point and that could affect him more if other gang men touched me like that. I made sure that I took several washcloths to wipe Mr. Denis's gross fingers off of my body.

There were countless events that has happened in four days: the plan, the pool incident, the two brothers plotting against us, the Levy incident and his father's arrival. It was all too much for us but we still made it out alive when the two brothers feasted on the sight of a lunatic Levy. I knew that he would always protect the ones who were special to him. He was a protector; hard on the exterior and soft on the interior.

It was our fifth day and it had been exactly ten hours since we heard about the two brothers. I didn't know what they planned when they woke up but I believed that we were potentially a threat to them.

Yesterday, we changed into our comfortable clothes in the room since his dad insisted that the help would take our bags to our room before the meeting with Silvia Hart and slept like babies after bandaging my wrist. I noticed that I had been their target only because I was Levy's weakness.

I gasped in surprise when I turned my head to see a sleepy-looking Levy with his torso shown and his briefs, showing his light-toned legs.

"Morning, babe." He greeted as I turned to face him in his big black shirt that reached to the middle of my knees, he leaned his head down and gave me a mind-blowing kiss as my hands trailed his hard abs. He shivered under my touch when my lips roughly captured his and he deepened it in response.

"Kids, control your hormones," His dad nagged as he covered his eyes once he saw us, "you still didn't have breakfast yet and you're at it like crazed animals." He commented as he uncovered his eyes when he realized that we were dressed.

I hid my face on his chest as he vibrated with laughter at my embarrassment when his arms embraced my waist.

"It's okay dad, I have my breakfast right here," He teased while winking down at me as I groaned and slapped his arm in annoyance.

"Just kidding, we will be right down." Levy corrected, his dad waved off his comment and went outside muttering something along the lines of "when I was your age, I used to play with my cars" which was his idea of a lecture.

"Let's dress up, I know that precious tummy is dying of hunger." As if my stomach listened to Levy, it grumbled loudly as I smiled sheepishly, he howled in laughter when I slapped his arm again when we both stepped off the balcony and into our suite-sized bathroom.

He took his time taking his shirt off of me since I used my left hand and my wrist was throbbing in pain under the bandage, he replaced Mr. Denis's nightmarish kisses into his own as he trailed to my right shoulder and went to my left shoulder passionately. I closed my eyes, sighing in satisfaction as he groaned and his fingers touched my stomach, making me laugh as he tickled me.

"Levy, we have to go now," I whined, honestly, Levy was a walking testosterone; he craved me the way I craved him and if we didn't move now, we would be having a wild morning. As if that wasn't bad enough for my self-control, his back was against my back as I felt the hard ridges of his chest.

"Okay but first things first, your medicine," He said as he took the ointment and put it on his hand as his other hand teasingly went under my arm and hugged my stomach to keep me in my place as his other hand took off the bandage and placed the ointment, rubbing my wrist and taking his time in torturing me. He kissed my right earlobe down to my neck, sucking harshly on my skin as I let out a moan of pleasure. I was really out of control but we didn't want his dad to scold us again so with all my will, I pushed myself away gently with my right wrist.

"Thanks, I am really hungry," I said with reddened cheeks once I saw how badly I affected him as he glared at me again.

"You can join my dad downstairs, I will be having another cold shower." He huffed like a baby as I said oops and went out the bathroom to wear my red big sweater matching with my boyfriend jeans pairing it with my black and white converse. I could hear the shower running and my cheeks flushed at the thought of him naked.

I quickly headed to the restaurant downstairs so I didn't have second thoughts about getting in the shower with Levy. I scanned the big doors to the posh-looking restaurant that had vintage Victorian chandeliers and carpets with angels on them.

Spotting Mr. Clay, I smiled but my smile slipped off when I saw another woman, they were laughing with each other and gazing at each other as they animatedly talked.

And when she turned around, her eyes met mine and I gasped, looking back at the last woman I wanted to see.

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