Chapter XXIII: Dedication

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There were things in life we could never really let go of, it was some sort of a guilty pleasure, where a person held on to something that made it harder to let go yet it was wrong to have that addiction. Levy had an addiction to adrenaline since his childhood, he told me stories of when his little innocent eyes were tainted with the dead bodies laying on the ground in his dad's office. He was scared as he was trained at such a young age for a volatile purpose.

I couldn't imagine myself having that type of childhood, it would certainly had an impact on me that I couldn't, as a natural human, tolerate. I couldn't tolerate holding a gun every day and tilting on the edge of the mountain of death the whole time.

Levy had to go through that with a daring heart and he was used to it so standing in front of his mom, telling her that he had to do this naturally worried her but she understood the horrible addictive taint to her son caused by his father.

"Just be careful, honey," she ruffled his hair, "but as we agreed, after this is finished, you need to have a fresh start," She bargained with a small smile to her grinning son.

"Of course mom, I have other responsibilities to take care of in the future," he agreed as he took my hand and smiled down at me, I smiled back, feeling my heart turn into goo at my sappy bad boy.

She smiled at both of us, but not before saying, "Remember, marriage then babies, not the other way around," 

"Mom," he whined as he saw my reddened face but then he grinned evilly and said, "I can't promise you that," He winked in a suggestive tone, only to be yanked by the ear.

"I raised you better than that, young man," only to be horrified when his mom popped a question to me, "dear, are you pregnant?" I flushed awkwardly.

"No," I squeaked, "I am on birth control," I added to prove my statement further.

Levy saved me by changing the subject, "how did you know that we were here?" he asked her.

"I didn't, I told your dad that I had a business affiliation here," she gave a glance filled with hate at the awkward Mr. Clay and my pitiful mom. "He chose this hotel to expose himself, I would have expected you to be smarter than this," She scolded him, making his dad angrier.

"I am smart, but I forgot that your flight landed before two hours, we were going to leave," he snapped, "I will be waiting to sign the divorce papers." That seemed to make Mrs. Christina sad as she longingly looked at Mr. Clay.

He stormed out of the arena as more people stared at us curiously. I gave them a pointed glare and they all turned their head away to continue their nonsensical chatter. My mom had to follow him behind like a lost kitten, probably afraid of being homeless when dad would find out about her affair.


Aside from the whole dramatic ordeal, we happily chatted and ate our lunch as his mom told us stories back when she was my age. She was an adventurous woman that had a rough history that was raised in her strict family chain.

"So, son, who are you battling against this time?" under her disagreement about her son dealing with gangs, she was proud that he was a fighter trailing in her steps.

"It's-" he seemed hesitant as his eyes looked into his mom, then as if remembering what they had done to us, he glared and answered, "the Abergil family,"

Much to our surprise, his mom laughed. After she finished her hysterics, "you do know that they were our little boys who got trained by us, they were so cute, always ready to fight us," she belittled them as she let out a tiny chuckle.

Levy stared at his mom in shock, "how could you say that about them? Mr. Denis and Mr. Clarence tortured us, they locked us in a dungeon and molested my girlfriend," he just had to reveal that to his mom, I blushed, "they are not cute," He added.

"Can't you see how weak they are to pull these baby stunts like putting a tracking device and playing dumb scenarios?" she rhetorically asked, "I knew that because I used to train them, they are trying to be an international gang but they failed miserably when I killed their leader," She stated.

We were speechless at his blunt mom as she checked her nails and then, looked at us. "But they need to behave, I will help you with this," she said as she stroked her short hair after she wiped her hands with wet wipes.

Mrs. Christina excused herself so she could get settled into her room and gave us both a kiss on the cheeks, telling us that we would end this business and go back home.

"I don't get it, how are they weak yet they made our life here hell?" I questioned with furrowed eyebrows as my eyes remained thoughtful at Mrs. Christina's carelessness when it came to the deathly family.

"I don't know either but having mom could be an advantage for us," he spoke then sighed. "Let's go get ourselves ready," He urged me once he stood up.

"Where to?" I asked.

"We are going with mom to the brothers, we need to end this before they end us." He determinedly announced. I nodded, agreeing with him.

We went to the mixed bathroom and washed our hands, then we went up to our room to freshen up. Levy called his mom to tell her about our change of plans and agreed with us.

It was two in the afternoon, so we decided to put a movie to watch after Levy disconnected the call with his mom. We cuddled as we watched the movie but a knock on the door interrupted us.

We both looked at each other in confusion before we looked at the door.

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