Chapter XXXVI: Storm

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Windstorms were strong enough to cause at least light damage to trees and buildings and might or might not be accompanied by precipitation. Wind speeds during a windstorm exceed thirty-four miles per hour. Wind damage can be attributed to gusts or longer periods of stronger sustained winds.

I learned that the hard way when a windstorm flapped my hair in front of my face like a rushed visitor. Levy carried me inside the house and placed me on the couch of his big living room. He went out to bring my wheelchair back as my thoughts accumulated into three different categories respectively: parents, Levy's mystery and school.

I wasn't sure what to handle first but the familiar dull ache of my heart to dad made me feel like the worst human ever. He risked himself for me, he was infinitely selfless with the burden that I carried in his life as his daughter, we were a happy family that consisted of myself and dad.

Levy came back and took off his sweaty shirt once he settled the wheelchair next to the clothing stand in the entrance. Without one single word to me with a small frown on his face, he carried me gently to his chest as he went up the stairs to our room.

We were both too deep in thoughts that we didn't realize Mrs. Christina, who entered our room when Levy put me down on the cold granite floor.

"Since you haven't eaten properly, I left a cheese pasta for you," she informed us both as she worriedly flickered her eyes from my blank stare and Levy's stressed gaze at nowhere. "Are you both okay?"

"Yes," we automatically answered at the same time.

"Right," she said as she raised a questioning eyebrow at us but decided to let it go for now as she softly closed the door.

Silently, Levy lifted me to his bathroom for a shower as he helped me in taking off the bandage. It was uncomfortable not sharing any conversation with each other since the swing moment, I could tell that I was the reason for his exhausted facial features: stressed amber eyes, dry lips and tilted upside-down lips.

He didn't say anything when he slid off my bra and my pants, helping me get rid of my underwear as he turned around and turned on the hot-temperature water. He didn't cast one glance at me when he took off his sports clothes and lifted me into the circular bathtub.

I sensed his heavy, conflicting thoughts when he got into the wide-spaced tub on the opposite side, the only sound in the entire bathroom was the water trickling into the tub, covering both of our bodies. He turned off the water once it reached our bodies and I continued to stare at him. It felt like he was putting a windstorm between us.

Levy ignored me as he squirted shampoo on his hair and rubbed his scalp as the remainder of the shampoo lotion went down his defined chest and extended his hand to give me the shampoo, not looking at me as he washed his face.

I bit my lip as I did the same as Levy, washing my greasy hair with the lilac-scented shampoo, washing my hair after making sure to rub my scalp four times, I brushed my washed hair backward so it wouldn't get on my face.

Feeling like the empty facade he put on was irrelevant, I reached out to touch him but he turned his head away from mine. I sighed out and stood up from the tub, not wanting to be near him anymore.

"So, you're trying to put distance between us?" I cut off the silence with my hoarse voice.

"It's for the best," he followed me as he wrapped the towel around my body, not because he wanted to but because he felt pitiful towards me.

"You do know that after each windstorm, recovery takes a long time," I muttered as I shook my head in disappointment and my back to him, I limped my way out without his help this time, showing him that I was not a pity case.

He left me speechless, through everything, he decided to put a distance between us that wouldn't amount to anything. Levy wore his blue sweatpants, leaving his chest bare and his wet hair slicked back, droplets came from his nape to his broad back as he walked away from me with a pillow under his arm and a blanket.

"Real cool, Levy, real cool." I shouted when he closed his bedroom door. I sighed out as I took off my towel and changed to my long violet sweater with thick socks on to support my ankle a little.

If he was going to be that way, he would realize how stupid he was when I wouldn't forgive him. I snapped internally and exhaled my worries out, knowing it was one of his phases but this time, it would take him a whole lot longer to amend things with me.

As if it was not awkward enough, I had to sit down with him and his dad as they ate the leftovers, my stomach has been complaining the moment we went out of the gym.

With my tied wet bun and my red-rimmed eyes from the bath earlier, I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water from the kitchen, ignoring Levy's eyes as I walked out from the kitchen again.

He was going to regret every moment he placed distance between us after everything we came across. I vowed to myself the moment I dipped on the bed and munched on my apple.

I gazed out the window and prayed for my dad, I was still a heartbroken mess that was willing to heal, just like the process of recovery after a very tough storm of sequential events. I just hoped therapy would work so I could have a chance at healing myself.

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