Ch. 30: An Exciting Day at School

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It was Luz's first day at school... and she was in a classroom with three other students. This was detention... it was boring... and she hated it. Even the teacher fell asleep... what a great job he has, getting paid to sleep. Luz tapped her finger on the desk, while laying her head on her other hand.

'I can't even get so bored that I fall asleep... damn you divine nature.'

After a good twenty minutes, a girl with a fishhook earring leaned over.

"Hey, you're that girl that saved us last week, aren't you?"

"Uh... I mean... kind of." Luz said, "Why?"

"You look human, but... I remember seeing you do some pretty crazy stuff." She said, "Names Viney, and you are?"

"Luz. Luz Noceda." Luz said, "Just a boring old Human that ended up here accidently."

Viney smirked.

"You're lying, I know what I saw."

"After you were released from a pod that was hypnotizing you?" Luz asked, "Pretty sure you were just hallucinating."

"We'll see." Viney said, standing up, "Follow me."

Luz, being the curious god she is, decided to follow. Viney walked over to the blackboard and grabbed Chalk. She drew a square and then a keyhole. It suddenly became a real door.

"Damn, I love magic." Luz said.

"Come on, let's blow this place!" Viney said, climbing through the door.

Luz jumped through, finding herself in a room filled with doors.

"Woah, this place is... interesting." Luz said, "Did you make this place?"

"Nope, this place has been here longer than the current students." Viney said, "Now let me introduce you to my other two friends."

Viney moved deeper into the room of portals, before calling out a couple names.

"Jerbo, Barcus, you can come out!"

One of the doors opened and the other two students Luz saved came out.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Jerbo asked.

"I mean, she did save us from the detention pit." Viney said, "She's the one I told you about, the one that did all those cool things."

"Don't know what you're talking about." Luz said, looking away, unable to wipe the smile off her face.

"I'm going to get it out of you at some point." Viney said, "Anyway, she saved us, so I think she's pretty cool. Come on, give her a chance."

The dog like student walked up to Luz and sniffed her leg.

"She smells of powerful magic." He said.

Luz chuckled.

"There are reasons for that." Luz said, shocking the three.

"You can understand him!?" Viney and Jerbo said.

"I like you." Barcus said, knowing she's not the human she likes to say she is.

"So, what is place exactly?" Luz asked.

"This is called the secret room of shortcuts." Viney said, "Since we aren't allowed to attend actual classes, we use the doors to watch the classes and learn multiple tracks."

"Really?" Luz asked, "You guys wanted to study multiple tracks?"

Luz remembered being told how that wasn't allowed, and she hated the concept of that.

"What tracks did you guys try and study?" Luz asked.

"I tried to study Beast Keeping and Healing... it had some... limited success." Viney said.

"And by that she means her pet griffin broke through the wall and caused serious damage to the room." Jerbo said.

"Oh like you were any better." Viney said, "Your plant abomination hybrid nearly destroyed an entire wing of the school."

"Yes, we get it, you two are problematic." Barcus barked, making Luz laugh.

Viney and Jerbo looked at Barcus.

"What did he just say?!" Viney said, being the only one here not able to understand him.

"What about you Barcus?" Jerbo asked, "You nearly drove one of the teachers insane after your mixture of Oracle and Potions."

Luz was now on her back, being so glad that she didn't need to breathe otherwise she would've passed out from laughing so much.

"Yeah, laugh it up." Viney said, with an eye roll.

After several moments, Luz had finally stopped laughing and stood up.

"Okay, I'm done." Luz said, before getting an idea, "So, you use the portals to see other classes, okay... hmm... can you reach the photo room from here?"

"I mean, we never really tried, but the odds are good." Viney said.

"Great." Luz said, looking at the multiple doors, "Hm, let's try this one."

Luz opened the door and saw the hallway.

'Hmm, that's not it.'

Luz closed the door when Bump turned around the corner with someone with the Emperor's Coven symbol on their outfit. Luz's curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door just enough that it wouldn't be noticeable and that would allow her to still hear.

"I do hope that you find everything adequate." Bump said, "I have a demonstration prepared with some of our tops students, which I'm sure will show why the Emperor's Coven should increase our funding."

The woman looked at her clipboard.

"Then I look forward to seeing just how strong the student's magic is." The inspector said.

'Must be because of all the extra damage from the detention room... still have no idea what happened to it.'

Luz closed the door and went to another one. Nope, this wasn't photo class, this was the ceiling of the plant room.

'Hm, looks empty.' Luz thought, before noticing a certain pot in the window, 'Boscha!'

Luz jumped down and walked over to the sleeping flower.

"Boscha, wake up!"

Boscha let out a groan and looked at her goddess friend.

"Why are you here?" Boscha asked, rubbing her eye with her leaf, "Aren't you supposed to be in detention?"

"Well... yeah, but do you really care?"

"No, not really." Boscha said, "So why did you interrupt my nap? I only get to sleep when Willow is gone... she snores loudly."

"Do you know where the photo room is? I need to get those tweezers."

"It's near the center of the school." Boscha said, "Though, I'm not sure how you're going to get them without getting caught."

"Trust me, I have a way."

Boscha would've ask... but she also wanted to continue her nap, and that outweighed her curiosity for what Luz had planned. The second Luz turned around, Boscha was asleep again. Luz went back through the doorway and into the secret room.

"Well, that wasn't it." Luz said, "Are there any of these that lead to a room close to the Photo room?"

"There should be one, it's next to the auditorium." Viney said.

"That's... right where Bump is though." Luz said.

Luz took a couple of moments to think about it, before deciding that was the best option. She opened the door and walked out, seeing the photo room and doing her best to sneak by the auditorium, only for the doors to suddenly burst open, knocking Luz away from the doors. Luz put her hand down during one of her rolls and used that to help stand up. She looked up and saw some kind of serpent like creature, with teeth as long as her and long arms with sharp claws at the end.

"Uh... hi?" Luz said.

The beast lunged at her, but Luz dodged it.

"Okay, you're not a big talker, got it." Luz said.

A door suddenly opened and she was pulled back into the secret room of shortcuts. Viney, being the healer, started to look over Luz for injuries.

"Are you okay!?" Viney asked.

"I'm fine, but what is that thing?" Luz asked.

"I think it's a greater Basilisk, my cousin says she saw one at St. Epiderm, but they're supposed to be extinct!" Viney said.

"Yeah, well, the Coelacanth was supposed to have gone extinct about 65 million years ago, was found alive less than 100 years ago." Luz said, "Some creatures are too stubborn to die."

Luz heard a scream and opened one of the doors and saw the basilisk and Amelia, with another random student on the ground, not looking too good. Amelia was trying to fight it off, throwing punches, and was actually doing a pretty good time at timing her dodges and punches, but was stopped when the basilisk opened its mouth and started to physically drain Amelia's magic, making the girl pale... and Amelia is WHITE, like neon white, her being pale is never a good thing. Luz's eyes went wide at seeing her friend getting hurt. Luz ran back out and shoulder tackled the Basilisk, knocking it back into the wall.

"Don't touch my friends." Luz growled, "I can make your life hell if you do."

The basilisk opened her mouth... Luz was actually quite surprised to see that her power was capable of getting drained, though it seem to be much harder, as while it would take the basilisk a few seconds to drain a witch, it was taking close to a minute for Luz, and she was only feeling weak, but still strong enough to stand back up... thankfully she didn't need to, as something was thrown at the basilisk, distracting it. The basilisk stopped trying to drain Luz and looked over at Viney, holding a rock.

"Leave her alone!" Viney yelled.

The basilisk decided to go towards Viney and opened her mouth. Thankfully, without being drained, Luz was feeling back to full strength. Seeing Viney in trouble, Luz pulled out several plant glyphs and slammed them on the floor, growing thick and thorny vines. She took control of the vines and had them wrap around the Basilisk's mouth, forcing it shut. Luz then used more vines and made the basilisk slam against the wall. Luz wasted no time in becoming a horse and forcing Viney on top of her. Luz started running down the hall until they got into a door that they could get back into the room. Once they did, Luz turned back and looked at Viney.

"Okay, what is a basilisk and what was that thing it did?!" Luz said.

"What was that?!" Viney asked, looking at Luz with wide eyes.

"It's called a horse, it's one of the few billion I'm able to become." Luz said, "Now let's get back to what to do about the thing attacking the school!"

"There's... not much we can do." Viney said, "If we get caught, we could get kicked out of school."

"If we do nothing, there won't be a school!" Luz said, "Come on, we have to help them!"

The three didn't do much, making Luz sigh.

"Fine, I'll go stop it." Luz said, marching out.

She became a Utahraptor and started running down the hall. She sniffed the air, trying to capture the scent of the basilisk. It wasn't hard to find her, which led to the two extinct... reptiles (Are Basilisk amphibian or reptile, is that ever stated?) staring at each other.

"Are you the one he's talked about?" The basilisk asked.

Luz tilted her head, what did that mean? Who could possibly be talking about her, how did they even know her? Luz shook that out of her head, she didn't have time to deal with that, she had to take this thing down. Luz ran and jumped at the Basilisk, holding onto the side of its head with the claws on her feet. Luz would sink her sickle claws into the flesh to get more of a grip. The Basilisk screamed as blood, who knew basilisk blood was yellow, began to fall to the ground. The basilisk moved and slammed her side into the wall, knocking Luz off. Luz decided that if this thing wanted to fight like that, then she can as well. Luz shifted into the famous 'Tyrant Lizard King' and decided to show this thing how to animals in the human realm show their strength. She bit down on the Basilisk and it started to use its claws to scratch and claw Luz. The basilisk then proceeded to wrap around Luz, trying to squeeze the air out of her like a constrictor... take a minute and you can probably see why that wasn't successful. Luz turned back to normal, making the basilisk fall to the ground since it no longer had anything to wrap about, and Luz grabbed it, throwing her across the hall. She turned back into a T-Rex and bit down on the basilisk's tail, pulling her back towards her, before turning her head and throwing her down the other side of the hall. Luz turned back and looked at the basilisk.

"Who's been talking about me?" Luz asked.

The basilisk didn't seem like talking now, she seemed angry and lunged at Luz, only for her to be blocked by a large blue transparent hand. Luz looked and saw Viney using a spell to make a shield in the shape of the Healing Coven symbol (Yes, this is taken from Moringmark) much to the shock of Luz.

"How are you doing that?!" Luz asked, never realizing you could weaponize healing.

"It's a spell I created!" Viney said, trying to force the basilisk back, "It's called... well I don't have a name yet, but that's besides the point!"

Viney pushed the Basilisk back and grabbed Luz's wrist and started running.

"You know we don't need to run away like this, I can became any extinct or extant animal from the human realm!" Luz said.

"I never said we were running away." Viney said with a smirk.

The two ran until they were near a dead end, when the basilisk cornered them.

"What's the plan now?" Luz asked.

Viney put two fingers in her mouth and whistled.


A griffin flew around the corner and tackled the basilisk away from them. The Basilisk was on its back as the two fought. Viney grabbed Luz's arm.

"Come on, they're on top of a door that'll send the Basilisk falling down a deep hole." Viney said, "We have to hurry up or else they might get out of the trap!"

They heard a painful screech and Viney went pale as she turned around, seeing Puddle's wing being bitten by the basilisk. The basilisk threw Puddles to the side, and Viney was horrified.


Viney was about to go throw herself into the jaws of death for that basilisk hurting her baby, but was stopped by Luz.

"You get her and yourself to the room and do whatever it takes to get this trap finished, I'll hold the basilisk back." Luz said.

"Are you sure?" Viney asked, "These things are incredibly tough."

"Yeah well... they haven't seen what I'm truly capable of." Luz said, looking at the basilisk, "Come on, show me what makes you so dangerous, and I'll show you what Daughter Nature is capable of."

Luz ran at the basilisk as Viney grabbed her griffin and started moving towards the secret room.

'Daughter Nature?' Viney thought.

Luz looked at the basilisk and it's size.

'Okay, this thing probably weighs about 950-1000 pounds, so I need something strong and fast.'

Luz became a bison and rammed into the basilisk, knocking it down. She then turned back and slapped a couple of plant glyphs onto her arms, making sure to put her power into them, wrapping her arms in thick vine arms. Luz extended one and grabbed the basilisk by the head and lifted her up, before slamming her down with enough force to crack the floor. She then used the other vine arm and throw a strong punch, before grabbing the basilisk by the tail and threw her into the wall. Luz then had the vines wrap around the Basilisk and she carried it to the door.

"Viney, open the door!"

The door opened, and Luz threw the Basilisk through it. Near the floor, Jerbo opened the other door, resulting in the basilisk landing in the auditorium. Luz jumped down and landed right on the basilisk's head, stunning it. This is when Barcus walked up and poured a potion on it's hand.

"W-w-what is he doing!?" The Basilisk said.

Luz couldn't help but smirk, unable to resist.

"He's reading your palm, and your future looks bleak."

"I see a crushing force coming down on you." Barcus said.

Luz looked over and saw Jerbo and Viney holding a rope, and she gave them the nod, resulting in them letting it go and sending a couple hundred pounds of sand bags down on top of her. The basilisk coughed up the magic sending it back to its rightful owner. The basilisk... well it was dead... and since Luz didn't directly kill it, she had nothing to worry about.

"What is going on here!?"

Or so she thought. She turned and saw Bump, he didn't look to happy.

"We saved everyone, that's what happened." Luz said, "And if you have problems with it, you can go through me first."

"You don't seem to understand, you have all broken the rules, when the coven hears of this, they'll-"

"What? Shut down the school?" Luz asked, "If punishing your students for trying to learn, then what's the point of even having a school to begin with?!"


"But nothing." a new voice said.

Bump turned around and saw a woman with light colored hair in a bun, she also had tan skin. She wore a white suit with a dark blue cape. She had gloves on that matched her suit, and held her arms behind her back, while holding a blue staff with the symbol of Caduceus on the top of it. She walked towards the group, holding out a hand and running a finger across Puddles' wing, healing the bite as if it was never there. Such power like that made the witches shocked, as even Hettie Cutburn isn't able to heal someone that fast with just a finger.

"These students are fearless, brave, and are willing to go above and beyond to keep others safe." She said, "As the Goddess of Health, I approve of such devotion to others. You all deserve to be rewarded."


Althea turned to face Bump, not looking happy.

"Are you going to question me... mortal?" She asked.

Bump could tell this was a losing battle.

"Very well, I can see when I've lost." Bump said, "So, what Tracks would you like to study?"

"Healing and Beast Keeping!" Viney said.

"Plants and Abominations!" Jerbo said.

"Potions and Oracle!" Barcus... well... barked.

"Then so be it." Bump said as their uniforms reflected their chosen tracks, "And you?"

Luz looked up in surprise, even pointed to herself. She hadn't really thought about it before, what would she pick?

"Uh... well..." Luz thought about it for a second, "Plants and Beast Keeping."

Althea rolled her eyes with a smile, what else would she have done? Bump made a spell circle and Luz's leggings turned green, while her sleeves turned orange. Luz smiled at this, before rushing over and hugging her aunt for even allowing this to happen.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Luz said, before letting go, "Wait, how did you know I was here?"

"When you left, Camila had me go see if you were on a retreat or if you were in trouble." Althea said, "I've been watching you for a while... don't worry, I won't tell Camila about this."

"Promise?" Luz asked.

Althea held out her pinky.

"Pinky promise." Althea said while smiling.

Luz put her pinky on her aunt's pinky.

"Hey, while you're here, I have a favor to ask." Luz said, "There's these three friends of mine... they are very hurt... can you help?"

"For you Luz? Anything."

Luz smiled, before running to the next room and grabbing the tweezers.

'I need to tell Willow and Gus to gather everyone and meet me at the Owl House.' Luz thought, 'Don't worry guys, I'll help stop this torture.'

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