Ch. 32: Learning a Lesson

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Vidal, a man in a pure white suit with blonde hair and gold eyes with flawless white skin, pushed Luz back, making the raptor growl.

"Luz, you know this is wrong."

"She's wrong!" Luz growled, her sickle claws digging into the floor, "You haven't seen what she's done!"

"I have, Althea showed me." Vidal said, "She wants me to stop you from doing this."

Luz growled, her anger blinding her, she only saw red. She ran at Vidal, but he spun his staff and pointed the flame at her, sending a wave of fire that knocked her back and through the window she had covered. Luz hit the ground, turned back, and stood up. Vidal jumped through the window and landed on the ground in front of Luz.

"Make no mistake Luz... I take no pleasure in this." Vidal said, "But I can't let you do this. As long as Azrael is the God of Death, you can't kill without his permission."

"Doesn't matter." Luz said, "She deserves death."

"Then you'll have to get through me in order to do so." Vidal said, "As long as I am here, life shall prevail."

"You forget, you control life... I command it." Luz said, sending dozens of vines towards Vidal.

Vidal dodged them with incredible ease.

"It'll take more than that to deter me." Vidal said, "I am 400 Million years old, I watched life on land before Gaia was even created. I am not going to be easy to take down, Luz."

"Don't make me hurt you." Luz growled.

"Try it."

Luz ran at Vidal, trying to hit him. He dodged each attack and even grabbed Luz's latest punch and flipped her over his shoulder.

"You are one of the strongest gods, just like your mother... but you're still young." Vidal said, "You let your emotions control you."

Luz got back up and charged at her uncle. He blocked her attack with his staff.

"Fighting a mortal is one thing, but I am the eldest child of Aarth, I will not go down as easy."

"Shut up!" Luz said, "This isn't some training session!"

"Every moment in life can be used to learn." Vidal said, "I would like to see what you've learned."

Luz growled and shifted into an Arctodus simus, or more commonly known as, the Giant Short Faced Bear. Luz stood on her hind legs, reach up to twelve feet tall. She roared at her uncle, but he didn't look phased. Luz charged at him and swiped at him, but he again dodged it and did something that shocked Luz. He jabbed her in the stomach with his staff... and it turned her back.


"Like I said... life is a time for learning." Vidal said, "Show me what you've learned and I will show you what I know."

Luz glared at him and charged again. Vidal looked ready as Luz threw a punch, that he blocked, followed by another block, it seemed like she was just doing the same things as before, but when Vidal put his hand up to block again, Luz used her free hand to activate a light glyph, that distracted Vidal, in fact... it actually blinded him. He didn't think anything could do that. He couldn't help but smile.

"Well... is that all you got?" Vidal asked.

"Not by a long shot." Luz said, slamming an ice glyph on the ground.

Vidal was impaled by an ice spike, staining his white suit with blood. He smiled at Luz.

"Well then." He raised his hands and used his gold fire to melt the ice, "Now, show me what you can do."

Luz smirked and used a plant glyph, slamming it on the ground and infusing it with her power. She made the massive plant arms she used against the basilisk again and ran at her uncle. He spun his staff and charged. Luz threw a punch and Vidal put his staff to block, but was actually knocked back this time. He spun around and fired at Luz with the flame of life, which regardless of being a life giving power... is still fire, and will hurt if the wielder intends it to. Luz slammed the ice glyph down, blocking the fire and engulfed the land in steam. Vidal put his staff out horizontally, ready for whatever Luz might do. He heard running coming from behind him and turned to avoid a sneak attack, but it was a fake Luz made of vines that Luz was controlling. Luz then pounced on him as a Utahraptor and bit down on his head, shaking her head a bit. He turned and kicked Luz off. Luz screeched and puffing out her feathers to make herself look bigger and more intimidating.

"Sorry Luz, but I've been in the middle of a fight between two Argentinosaurus', you don't scare me." Vidal said, before using his staff to stop the large raptor from biting him again.

The tug of war was in full force, it looked more playful than violent like the start of their fight. He dropped his grip on the staff and tackled Luz, resulting in her turning back and rolling on the ground with him, both of them laughing. It seemed like Luz was no longer filled with blood lust... until they heard Odalia moving towards them, some kind of weapon in her hand.

"I'm not letting you walk away after what you've done." Odalia said, raising her weapon, "I am going to kill you."

Vidal stood up and looked at Odalia.

"That's an impossible task." he said, "To be alive means we are born, but we aren't, we were created, therefore cannot die. You should consider yourself lucky that I am here as opposed to my brother."

Odalia pulled the trigger of the weapon, shooting a small abomination bomb... yes, that's right... she had someone make a compact grenade launcher. Vidal kicked his staff up and slapped the mini bomb away.

"I'm afraid you have made a mistake." Vidal said, "Leave now, you don't want to start a fight you can't finish."

"I am finishing this." Odalia said, "Nothing either of you can do will stop me!"

"Then I'm afraid you shall suffer."

"Please, you barely were holding your own against that girl!" Odalia said.

"That girl, happens to be my niece, and she was using her full power... I wasn't." Vidal said, "Now leave... or else."

Odalia pointed the launcher again and Vidal just sighed.

"Fine, then you will also learn something today." Vidal said.

He dropped his staff and suddenly four more arms grew from his sides and he fired a gold beam at Odalia. She was launched backwards and slammed into a tree. As she picked herself up, Vidal charged at her, unleashing a fury of punches to Odalia's stomach, before giving a left hook to her face, followed by a right hook, and then an axe handle uppercut which sent her a good couple feet in the air. He jumped up and delivered a heel kick right to the nose, sending her back to the ground. Odalia groaned as she laid there, no longer having the energy to move. It took less than 15 seconds. Vidal crouched down and looked at Odalia.

"Today you learned that while I am the God of Life, I have no problem beating you to an inch of yours." Vidal said, "Never play with life, only I am allowed to do that."

Vidal began to stand up and walk away, but Odalia also began to stand up. She grabbed her launcher and pointed it at Vidal... which went as well as you expected. A vine lifted her in the air, and then slammed her on the ground, finally knocking her out.

"Man, I hate this woman." Luz said.

"Be that as it may, allow the proper channels to deal with her." Vidal said.

"Speaking of." The two turned and saw Althea, "The other children have turned in what we've found to the proper authorities and they should be here to bring her to jail."

"Well... that's at least a decent punishment." Luz said, "Hopefully."

Luz knew there was a lot to go through before that, but after what she just did, she needed to go back to the Owl House and unwind, and tell the Blight's that they were safe now.

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