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"Mr Weasley said his daughters is getting sent to Hogwarts, to keep an eye on her." Harry whispered, the curtain pulled over the compartment door so nobody could see in.

"So we have a killers daughter, possibly a future killer at our school?" Ron questioned, his lip trembling with fear.


Before Hermione had a chance to start her sentence, she was cut off by the compartment door opening. A girl with thick curly black hair and shocking blue eyes swung around on the door, claiming a spot on an open seat.

"I'm siting here." She spoke "everywhere else is full."

"Who are you?" Ron insisted as Hermione jabbed him in the ribs.

"What Ronald means to say is, we haven't seen you around school before."

"And with an attitude like that you're hard to miss."

The girl let out a chuckle as she looked at the three, shaking her head "I'm new." She told picking at the chipped midnight blue polish on her nails. "They sent me here after my father escaped Azkaban."

The threes eyes opened wide in shock as the stared at the girl beside them, Harry scooting further away from her towards the Professor in the corner. 'If all fails there's a professor in the compartment.' Harry thought 'he'd know what to do.'

Rolling her eyes the girl examined her nails "I don't know why they'd send me here, after all if I'm after Harry, they just made it a whole bunch easier, I could just snap his neck right now."

Looking at the side towards Harry she apologised "Sorry Harry."

"It's okay..."

Harry was astonished by the girl sat beside him, she was shockingly beautiful, the thick black curls that framed her face spiralling down to her mid back. Light freckles that dotted her cheeks. And her eyes, the electric blue, showing curiosity in every thing that happened around her.


Aurora was nervous to be sorted into a house, she knew depending the house would be how people trusted her. If she got Slytherin, she may as well be thrown in Azkaban then and there. However she held the slightest bit of hope, hope that she'd get Gryffindor, like her father. Or Ravenclaw, like her mother, if she did maybe just maybe people would trust her more.

"When I call your name, you will come forth." Minerva McGonagall called out to the first year, and Aurora herself, as they stood below her.

Aurora could sense the curious gazes upon her, she knew she was extraordinarily beautiful for her age, of being told many times, but also because it was clear she was not a first year.

"We will start with a transfer student, joining our third year. Aurora Black." Several gasped as they recognised the name of the girl, Black, a common surname thrown around recently, she just hoped people would push past her name and see that shes not a bad person.

Sitting on the stool Aurora was nervous, her leg shaking rapidly as the hat was placed upon her head.

"Miss Black." The hat hummed "a girl with so much intentions, a keen mind."

Aurora closed her eyes waiting, desperately to find out where she would attempt to make friends. "Your mother a woman of Ravenclaw, yet your father a man of Gryffindor. But where to put you."

Aurora could see the group of people she sat with on the train, she wasn't sure of the house, but she hoped to be placed there.

"I know..." the hat announced "Gryffindor!"

Nobody cheered at first, all tables stayed quiet as the hat was removed of her head. It wasn't until one person clapped, on the middle table towards the left that did more of the table join.

Looking down the table Aurora saw Harry had originally started the clapping, once she met his gaze gesturing to the seat beside him.

Face breaking out into a smile Aurora skipped over to the table she is to call her family.

Dinner passed by, Harry warming to the girl quicker than any others. Before they knew it they where being sent of to bed by Dumbledore.

Harry and Aurora's conversation continued walking down the hall. "Harry can I talk to you?" Hermione walking beside her.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow." Harry smiled before walking of with Hermione and Ron "What's wrong?" Harry asked once they where away from any passing students.

"What are you doing?" Hermione hissed "she could be trying to kill you!"

Rolling his eyes Harry began to talk "If she's going to kill me, she won't do it in plain sight."

"You never know!" Ron argued "her fathers a bloody murderer!"

"Doesn't mean she is as well!"

The two boys glared at each other Hermione looking worriedly between them. "Look." She said waving her hands around "I'm just saying, be careful around her. You don't know what she could to."

"Yeah she could be plotting your death." Ron added.

Hermione turned to face Ron a glare on her face "Ron!" She hissed.

"It's true!" Ron argued "What do we really know about her? She could be plotting how to end your life."

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