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Laying on the bathroom floor feeling nothing, I'm overwhelmed and insecure, gimme something.

"Oh come to see the show?" Malfoy cheered as he turned away from the rock.

"You, you foul evil loathsome, little cockroach!" Hermione exclaimed storming over to Malfoy and pinning her wand again his neck, his back pressed against the rock.

"Hermione, no!" Ron cried out as the three ran to join her. Hermione turned to face the three before glaring back at a whimpering Malfoy "he's not worth it!"

Hermione looked back at Draco before removing her wand, hesitantly might I add. Draco and his goons began to laugh, causing Hermione to swing back round. Her fist embedding in Draco's jaw; she punched him.

Watching as Draco's head smacked the rock behind Aurora failed to choke down a laugh.

"Not a word to anybody about this!" Malfoy could be heard shouting at his friends as they ran away, supporting his weight "I cant have people know what that mudblood did to me!"

"That felt good." Hermione admitted as she turned around to face the three.

"Not good." Ron corrected "bloody brilliant!"


Hermione covered her eyes as Buckbeak was executed. Harry was paying more attention on Aurora, she was looking of in a different direction her eyebrows furrowed.

Taking a glance in the direction she was looking in Harry looked back towards her "Everything okay there?"

Snapping out of her daze Aurora looked back at Harry, "yeah I'm fine, it's just getting late."

"Ouch!" Ron hissed beside the two. "He bit me! Scabbers bit me!"

The four watched as Scabbers scurried past them towards the whomping hollow, a tree that can kill you.

"Scabbers! Scabbers!" Ron screamed as he ran after his rat. Catching it once it was under the tree.

"Ron! Ron!" Harry called as he tried to get his attention.

Ron looked towards the three, pure terror visible on his face "harry!" He shouted pointing behind them "behind you! It's the grim!"

Swinging around Aurora internally rolled her eyes at the sight of the dog. Taking of in a sprint towards the trunk of the tree, the dog and Ron not far behind.

Hermione and Harry attempted to follow the others, only to be stopped by the tree swinging its branches. After finally entering the tree Harry and Hermione continued to walk "Is this...?"

"The shrieking shack."

The occasional cry of Ron led the two in the room. "Stay away from me!" He hissed attempting to scoot back on the bed.

"Ron!" Aurora hissed "listen to me!"

"Harry!" Ron exclaimed upon seeing the two "it's not a dog!"

Following the footprints on the floor Hermione and Harry gasped upon seeing, the man in all of the daily Prophets there, Sirius Black.

"If you're going to kill Harry! You're going to have to kill use as well!" Hermione insisted pushing Harry behind her.

"Oh no, only one shall die tonight." Sirius confirmed.

Aurora mentally face palming "Honestly why are you so dramatic?"

"And you!" Harry shouted turning towards the girl, whom he had called his friend throughout the year; a traitor. "I trusted you! I thought you were my friend!"

"Believe me." Aurora sighed twirling her wand around her fingers "I hated him too, until I visited my father in Azkaban, right before he escape. He told me the true story, how he was innocent!"

"He killed my parents!" Harry shouted pinning Sirius down to the floor.

"Expellimus!" A voice shouted turning to face the door, where Remus Lupin stood, his wand raised.

Once Harry saw who was at the door he immediately stood up, sirius to now of claimed his wand.

"Sirius my old friend!" Remus greeted.

"And you, as well!" Hermione accused "we trusted you two!"

"You guys really have to learn to listen." Aurora admitted as she rolled her eyes "He's innocent."

After the whole of the past 12 years had being explained Harry, Ron and Hermione, and Snape badging into the room, they finally understood how Sirius was innocent.

The sun had set now, the moon arriving in the sky, creatures arriving from inside the woods.

"You'll go. I'll stay. " hermione said, gesturing to Sirius Who Harry was looking at. Sighing Harry stood before making his way over, leaving Ron and Hermione alone.

"That looks really painful." Hermione sighed looking at Rons leg "So painful."

"They might chop it." Ron admitted

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat."

"It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sirius asked Harry once he'd approached him, gesturing out towards the school. "I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors."

Sighing he continued "It'll be nice to do it again as a free man." Pausing for a moment he continued to speak again, "That was a noble thing you did back there."

"He doesn't deserve it." Harry admitted, "I didn't think my dad would have wanted his best friends..."

"...to become killers." Sirius finished a sigh at the end.

"Besides, dead, the truth dies with him."

"Alive, you're free."

Cries behind could be heard from Pettigrew, doing anything to avoid the dementors, "please! Please, kind girl!"

"You framed my father!" Aurora cried out, pushing him back to the floor.

"Please!" Pettigrew cried turning back to Ron "Ron! Haven't I been a good pet? You won't let them give me too the dementors, will you? I was your rat!"

Looking towards Pettigrew in disgust Ron hobbled away, "Sweet, clever girl!" Pettigrew cried turning to Hermione this time "Surely you won't let them."

Cries continued to sound from around Pettigrew, whilst Harry and Sirius talked, Sirius asking Harry to move in with him.

"Harry!" Hermione cried, pointing towards the the full moon, appearing above the clouds.

"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius questioned as he ran over to Remus who was looking at the moon, wide eyed; in fear.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus!" Sirius said shaking him, but it was too late, he began to change, "This heart is where you truly live! Here!"

"This flesh is only flesh!"

Pettigrew picked up the wand Sirius had abandoned and placed it to his forehead.

"Expelliamus!" Harry shouted watching as the wand flew out of his hand. Then the smile that appeared on his face as he shrunk to a rat.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted dragging him back before he ran after Pettigrew.

"Remus!" Sirius cried "remus!"

"Run! Run!" Sirius screamed as Remus transformed into a werewolf. Throwing Sirius away. Hermione tried to drag the three back, only for one to rush past him.

"Aurora!" Harry shouted as the girl ran towards the werewolf, leaping turning into a Fox at the same time.

As Remus started to run towards the group Aurora jumped up knocking him of his cause. Of cause a small fox isn't much of a match to a giant werewolf and in no time Aurora was laid on the floor. A cry escaping the fox's mouth as a gash was bleeding down its side.

"There you are Potter!" Snape shouted as he exited the tree trunk, a small amount of blood on his head.

A cry could be heard in the direction Remus ran of "Sirius!" Harry shouted before bolting past snape, towards his godfather.


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