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(A/N) Last but certainly not least, Bonnie! My favorite ending and also one that everyone seemed to want the most. Well after this ending, this book is done. Then I will work on a sequel. Also if you guys have any suggestions on other books I should write, let me know and I will think about it. Welp, onto the last part! Enjoy~


"I-I like... Bonnie," I said.

"You're joking right?" He asked. I shook my head and looked away. Did he not like me back? Did he lie when he told me he cared for me a few days ago?

"Welp, this is awkward..." Chica said. I nodded. I said goodbye to the group and went home. I felt too awkward and heartbroken to be around them right now. When I walked into the house, Mara had already made some muffins. I smiled a little and took one to my room. She must have seen my emotion and decided to leave me alone. I ate the muffin and lay on my bed. Slowly I drifted off to sleep...


"(Y/N), someone is here to see you!" Mara called. I sighed and got up to see who it was.

It was Bonnie.

"Hey," he said. Mara left us alone but I knew she was hiding around the corner, listening just in case she needed to jump in.

"Hi," I said, awkwardly.

"I wanted to talk to you about earlier..."

"What about it?"

I looked up at him and saw he was blushing a lot. He leaned down and kissed me, wrapping his arms around me in the process. I was shocked but slowly kissed back. When we pulled away, he smiled.

"I like you too. I was surprised that you liked me, especially after what I did. My feelings grew stronger for you after that talk I had with you that day and I knew I would do anything for you. So how about it? Will you be my girl?" He looked at me sheepishly. I giggled and hugged him.

"Sure," I responded. "But answer me one question."

"What is it?"

"Why do you still have the bow in your hair?"

His face turned bright red and he muttered a few curse words. Guess he forgot. I laughed and took it out of his hair.

"You still look pretty without the bow, Princess," I teased.

"Yeah, okay..." he mumbled. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. Any ideas?"

"I heard there was a carnival and it starts today. You wanna go?"


"Alright, let's go, Princess."

"You're the princess because you had the bow."

Bonnie rolled his eyes and started walking toward the door. I laughed.

"Mara, I'm going out with Bonnie. I will see you later!" I yelled. I heard a quiet okay. Bonnie and I walked to the carnival since it wasn't that far away.

We bought tickets and went on some rides. We had a few left but decided to play some games for a bit. Bonnie won me a bunny plush. (Oh you...) Finally it was almost time to leave and we decided to go on one more ride. We went on the carousal because why not? The entire time we were making jokes about cowboys and pretending to be cowboys. A bunch of younger kids joined us. We were so childish.

Finally, we started walking home.

"Hey, do you want to sleepover my house?" Bonnie asked.

"Sure. Let me get my stuff first and tell Mara where I'm going," I said. We went to my house and I grabbed a bag with a change of clothes for tomorrow, my toothbrush, comb, and other essentials for a sleepover. I told Mara and we left. We took a bus since he actually lived farther away than I expected. When we got to his house, I wasn't surprised it was purple.

"So your house is just like you," I teased.

"You know, it is I guess... But I didn't choose it myself," he said.

"Your parents did?"

Bonnie stayed silent and walked into the house. He let me put my stuff in a guest room, but wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"Bonnie, did I offend you?" I asked.

"(Y/N), we don't have parents. Don't you remember?" he said.

"I'm sorry I brought it up..." I gave Bonnie a hug and he just kissed the top of my head. I felt something in my hair and thought it was a spider.

So I freaked out and smacked Bonnie in the face by accident.

"Oh my gosh, I am soooo sorry," I said.

"It's fine. Haha I just put the bow in your hair," he said, laughing. I felt the bow and blushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it, (Y/N). You didn't know."

I nodded and yawned.

"Someone is tired," he said. I nodded and Bonnie picked me up. He carried me to the guest bedroom and tucked me in.

"You didn't have to do that," I whispered.

"I will do anything for my little bunny." He kissed me lightly and left. I drifted off to sleep, and it was a great sleep full of dreams...


This book is done. Sad, I know. However a sequel will appear. I will begin writing it and by Monday, it will be published. Anyway, thank you all for sticking around. Don't forget to check to see if I made any updates. I will post an author's note when the sequel is out.

Catch you on the flipside,

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