Chapter 8: One Down, Four to Go

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I woke up the next morning and told Mara I didn't want to go to school today. She understood and let me stay home. After 8 AM, Flynn texted me.

Flynn- Why aren't ye in school, lass?

(Y/N)- I think you know why.

Flynn- Mind if I visit yer house?

(Y/N)- Aren't you in school?

Flynn- No.

(Y/N)- Fine. You know where I live right?

Flynn- Aye. I'll be right over.

I went downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for Flynn. Mara had gone to work already so I was alone. The door bell rang and I let Flynn into the house.

"So what did you need?" I asked.

"Lass, I need to tell ye something. It's kinda personal," he said.


"I-I. . ."

I looked at him, tilting my head to the side. He looked at me then pulled me close by the waist and kissed me gently on the lips. I was shocked and didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I could think of.

I kissed back.

We pulled away and our faces were bright red.

"I love ye, lass," he said, smirking at me.

"You went against Eleanor by doing that," I said.

"I told her she could screw off. I couldn't stay away from ye much longer, lass. She showed everyone the picture and destroyed me childhood toy, but I don't need a good reputation or a stupid toy. I need to be beside ye and the others. I love ye, lass."

I stared into his golden eyes, shocked at what he said. No one ever liked me. Why now?

He's a good friend and doesn't care what anybody else thinks.

"I- Flynn I-"

"I understand ye are confused, lass. I just want to get that off my chest," he said, losing his pirate accent.

"Thank you." I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my head into his chest. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a little bit. I felt safe and welcomed.

"So, why didn't you go to school?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Hehe, well," he started, rubbing the back of his neck. "I kinda didn't want to see the others. They kinda were upset at me for something and. . . It's personal."

"Oh. Ok. So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you have in mind?"



I led him to my room and we started to watch Sword Art Online, since he requested- more like demanded- to watch it. It was pretty interesting. Chica and the others started texting me, with the exception of Bonnie.

Chica- Hey (Y/N). Are you okay?
(Y/N)- I'm fine. How's school?
Freddy- No one will leave us alone and Gavin and I are being surrounded by girls. I hate being popular.
(Y/N)- That's what you get for being good looking. Lol
Gold- So you think we are sexy? ;)
(Y/N)- In your dreams Other Fazbear.
Gold- Why am I Other Fazbear? I should be just Fazbear.
Chica- Deal with it Other Fazbear.
(Y/N)- Where's Bonnie?
Chica- Hanging out with the popular teens. He changed. He will talk to us like normal but treat others who aren't popular like trash. Be careful when you come to school.
(Y/N)- Note taken.
Freddy- Is Flynn with you?
Flynn- Aye.
Freddy- You should've come to school. We aren't angry at you. It's just, we were jealous because it's easier for you to just quit.
Flynn- I know. But does it even matter what others think? Those pictures aren't even real. Do you remember ever twerking at a party?
Freddy- I never went to any parties.
Flynn- Exactly.
Gold- We'll try to stand up but after you left, Eleanor hasn't really let us do anything unless she knew about it.

I stared at the phone as they talked. Eleanor isn't the type to try to control anyone. She never really needs to. She must feel like she has to start since her "spell" won't work on them. I laughed at little. Flynn looked over and gave me a side hug. Everyone stopped texting because apparently Eleanor didn't like them talking to Flynn and me.

"We'll help them tomorrow," he whispered in my ear. I smiled. I was going to talk to Bonnie no matter what he says or does to me. I need to find out why he is acting this way.

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