Chapter 1

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Sierra had been hiding in a cave.

She had discovered a shelter of sorts. It hadn't been used in years, from what she could tell. But there was some weird sort of food there. They looked like lemon bars, but tasted like her mother's special pot roast. Whenever Sierra took a bite of it, a warm feeling spread through her and her cuts and bruises began to heal.

The shelter was in the middle of nowhere. Sierra had been traveling so long, she wasn't even sure was year it was. Or what state she was in. She only knew that it was springtime, and that she was getting close to her destination.

"But tonight," Sierra said aloud. "I need to rest." Talking to herself helped. It made it seem like she wasn't alone in wild.

She settled on a bed of pine needles. Sure, it sounds uncomfortable, but it wasn't that bad. Better than sleeping in a sewer, Sierra thought bleakly.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the nightmares plauged her mind.

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