Chapter 31

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Ahehehe... Sorry about that last cliffhanger.

Well, actually, not really.

On with it!


After the funeral, eulogies, and shroud burnings, Sierra felt depressed.

Annabeth had told her about Chris and Clarisse.

Clarisse might've been a bit of a bully sometimes, but she did not deserve that. Neither did Chris...

Sierra remembered one of his last words,
There's no life worth living without you.

He loved her so much, he always wanted to be with her. This might've been clichéd in a movie or book, but actually witnessing it, seeing Chris stab himself, it was just horribly sad.

I will find this murderer. Sierra swore under her breath. I swear on the river Styx. Thunder rumbled in the distance as she swore her pact.

First things first. Sierra had to swallow her pride for this to work.

Uh, Apollo? Father, i need to speak to you.

Interesting. So you swore you'd never pray to me, but yet... Here we are.

I swear i will rip out your thorax if you taunt me about that. As much as i truly hate asking, i need your help.

With what?

Finding the murderer of Lou Ellen amd Clarisse.

Interesting. I will help you.

Thank the gods- uh i mean, of course you will.

Find the knife that the killer used. Oh, and wear gloves.

What? Why would you want me to wear gloves unless you wanted a fingerpri- oh. Wait, you can do that?


Um, ohhkay. Good to know. Just one question.


Besides this situation, when would this skill ever come in handy?

Don't question me.

Not questioning.

Sierra was brought out of the mind-chat. She ran for the big house and snatched up the knife using her jacket. Sierra then walked to the strawberry fields so she could be alone.

Okay Apollo, I've got the knife.

Drop it.

Uh... Okay?

Just as she dropped the knife, it began to float into the air.

Three people have touched this recently.


Annabeth Chase

Yeah, she took it to the big house.

Chris Rodriguez

He pulled it out of Clarisse.

And Jasmine Breyln



"What?! There's no way my sister is involved!" Sumaya exclaimed.

Why can't she accept this?? The proof is crystal clear!

"Sumaya, Apollo found her fingerprints on the knife! What more do you need, a confession?!"

"He could have been mistaken!" Sumaya argued. Sierra could tell she was desperate for anything that would keep her sister innocent.

"He's a god! They tend not to make mistakes often."

"I won't believe it! She's my sister! She'd never do this!"

"Sumaya, i had a vision once. there was a girl in a pitch-black room. She looked like she was in pain. Then, blood started to flood into the dark room, and the girl was drowning. Then i heard a last shriek of agony before i pulled out. Now, i realize that Jasmine is the girl! I think her eye wound really did get infected! She's completely lost her sanity and has acquired a lust for blood and revenge! Don't you see? Everyone she's murdered has insulted her! You told me yourself that Lou Ellen did! And i know that Clarisse picked on you both!"


"Where is she now, then?!" Sierra demanded. "If your sister truly is innocent, it wouldn't hurt to talk to her."

Sumaya mantained a hard expression. "I don't know where she is, okay?! I haven't seen her since before Clarisse and Chris died."

"Still think she's innocent?" Sierra challenged.

"Shut up!" Sumaya screamed. "She would never murder anyone!" She ran away.

Why can't she see the truth when it's staring her dead in the face?!

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