Chapter 5

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The blonde girl stiffened when she saw the weird food. "Where did you get that?"

Sierra didn't like how she had stiffened. "Um, i found it in a cave shelter. It heals my cuts and bruises."

Memories flashed in the girl's eyes. But she quickly hid her shock.

Percy walked towards the girl and rested his hand on her shoulder.

Reyna helped Sierra stand. "We should take you to camp."

Sierra nodded.

Nico was eyeing her curiously. Sierra froze when she looked in his dark eyes. Suddenly, she was pulled into a vision.

Sierra saw his past.
She saw a man roaring with rage over a young woman's broken form, Nico and another girl, (was that his sister?) watching.
She heard the man's voice, Take them to the Lethe. Wash their memories away. Take them to the lotus casino...
Sierra saw Nico and his sister, Bianca, trapped in a hotel where time stood still for almost 70 years.
Nice and Bianca were in a military academy. A monster was there. So was the boy, Percy, and the blonde girl. Percy had saved them, but the monster flew off with her. Percy screamed for her. Annabeth!!!
Bianca left him to join a group of Immortal Huntresses. Nico felt abandoned.
Then a quest. Bianca was on it.
Young Nico was talking to Percy.
Keep my sister safe! Promise it!
Then the vision took a dark turn.
Percy looked utterly defeated.
Nico... He said. Bianca's dead.
Nico felt the hatred and betrayal. I hate you!!!
The vision cut off, and Sierra blacked out

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