Chapter 7

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They got Sierra to camp, but she was crying out in her sleep.

"What's happening to her?" Percy asked.

"Nightmares." Reyna said sadly.

They got her to the big house. Chiron helped them get her to a bed.

Sierra was screaming now. Annabeth, percy, and, Reyna tried to hold down her arms and legs as the nightmares ensued. Nico had gone to get help.

"Wake up, child!" Chiron urged. "You are only dreaming!"

Tears began to flood out of Sierra's eyes.

Nico ran in the big house with a son of Hypnos, Clovis.

"Clovis, she's dreaming." Nico told him. "Can you help her?"

"I'll try." Clovis nodded.

He pressed his hands against her temples and closed his eyes. He opened them with a gasp.

"She's reliving a dark and horrible memory." Clovis told them. "And from what i can tell, this isn't the first time she's had this nightmare."


The nightmares were even worse this time. More vivid.

Sierra shrieked and screamed in horror, but they didn't go away. The reliving of the darkest moment in her past lasted for what felt like an eternity.

Then she was jerked out of it, and Sierra woke gasping for breath. She looked around to see Reyna, Nico, Percy, Annabeth, and some blonde guy.

Sierra whimpered. "I- I' sorry"

"For what?" Annabeth asked gently.

"For not telling you-" Sierra broke off, then continued. "For not telling you how my mother died."

Nico hesitantly spoke. "Was that what you were dreaming of?"

"Yes." Sierra said quietly.

No one dared to speak, so Sierra gave a long sigh and continued. "I used to live in Ohio with my mother. She was bright, kind, and compassionate. I loved her a lot. But one day, i had a dream that my mother would die in a car crash. This wasn't like a normal dream. I was seeing the future. Of course, i just thought it was a bad dream. And then...a week later..." Sierra stopped to wipe her tears away. "She died in a car crash. It happened exactly like my vision. I knew how my mother would die...and i witnessed it from the back seat of the car." Sierra broke down into tears. "And i ran away. I started to follow the feeling in my gut, and then i reached you guys."

Everyone in the room was too stunned to speak, but Chiron shook it off.

"Dinner is about to begin now, would you like to join us?" He asked her. "I think it would be beneficial."

"Yes, please." Sierra was still famished.

"You can sit at the Hermes table, until we learn who your father is."

Sierra shot him a quizzical look, but Reyna explained. "Oh, your father is an Olympian God. Hungry?"

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