Family Reunion

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"Can you believe it, Fili?" Kili asked as he and his brother walked outside the mountain. "Mother and the others should be arriving today!"

"It's been over a year since we've seen them- I can't wait." Fili replied. "You do know that Mother isn't going to let us out of her sight for a whole year now, though, don't you?"

Kili chuckled. "I expect it, honestly." He replied with a shrug. "They're going to be so shocked when they learn about Valadhiel's engagement to Uncle, though!"

"And even more shocked when they learn that the wedding is taking place in four days." Fili shook his head. "Uncle really doesn't want to wait. It's as if he's afraid something bad will happen if he and Vala don't get married right away."

"I'm sure he's just eager to marry and settle down after all these years of wandering and not belonging anywhere." Kili looked over at Fili. "It's fortunate that Vala was made an honorary dwarf by Durin himself. It's crazy how that worked out."

"Wishing that Tauriel could be made an honorary dwarf?"

"What? No! Pfft. Don't be stupid."

     "Oh, sure, I'm the one being stupid." Fili said sarcastically, a playful gleam in his eyes.

     Kili chuckled. "Okay, maybe. But even if not, I'd be willing to lose everything wealth wise for her. I really like her."

Fili smiled when Kili said that. "I'm happy you've found someone you feel that way about, Kili." He replied.

"Thanks, Fili." Kili replied, then he continued. "Of course, nothing can ever replace the bond that I have with you. Even if I do decide she's the one... I still want to always be by your side."

Fili smiled as he looked at his little brother. "I'm glad to hear it, because my place is with you. We're inseparable, and I belong with you, so  awith you, I will always be."


Valadhiel was flying since she felt the need to stretch her wings, as well as get some fresh air and sunshine. She looked down and saw a company of dwarves— and there were many of them. She grinned before she flew back to the mountain. Dis and the others were almost there! And just in time for supper.

Valadhiel landed and then looked at her left hand. Every so often she still looked at her ring. It was just so beautiful! She really thought it was perfect. She smiled to herself before she walked into Erebor. "While I was out flying, I saw a large company of dwarves!" She told those that were there. "They will definitely be here by the time supper is ready."

"Good thing Balin started when he did." Dwalin said. "And it's a good thing he has help in there."

"It's a good thing Hobbits know how to prepare a feast." Bofur said. "Bilbo's been helping Balin in there awhile now, and there would have still been so much to do had it not been for him."

Valadhiel smiled. "That's a Hobbit for you. They indeed know how to prepare a feast." She said with a smile. "I'm glad he's going to be here for the wedding. I'm also glad there will be others here by then."

"Are you and Thorin sure you'll be ready for the wedding in four days?" Nori asked uncertainly.

"Considering he's been allowing the Elves to help, I'm sure we'll be ready by then." Valadhiel replied with a nod. Thranduil had actually come to them in apology, and he left the jewels with Thorin as a wedding gift. The elven maids from his kingdom had been helping Valadhiel with dress fittings, a veil, and they'd decided on what hairstyle they would do for her on the big day. Things were pretty peaceful, and the dwarves and elves, for the time being, were getting along. Thorin was even, in fact, helping the people of Laketown rebuild their home. Things were going very well— yet Valadhiel couldn't push back the feeling of dread that occasionally tugged at her heart.

     "I still remember that one day I said you could even marry Thorin and I wouldn't care." Dwalin said. "Back in Rivendell, I believe it was. I didn't really think it would actually happen, but I'm happy for the both of you."

     Valadhiel smiled when Dwalin said that. "Thank you. I myself never thought this would happen, honestly. Especially when I think back to how we first met." She chuckled. "And how badly we used to argue."

     "Well, that does seem to be how it goes." Ori said with a shrug, chuckling.

     Bilbo came out after a moment. "Supper is about ready."

     "I'll look outside and see if they're about here." Bofur said, taking off for the door.

     Dwalin took off after him. "Why don't we go ahead and just escort them here if they're about here?" He added.

     "I can't wait to see Gimli." Gloin said with a smile. He missed his son! "And my darling." He missed his wife as well. It had been a year or so since any of them had seen their families. They were all ready and eager to see them.

     Valadhiel smiled before she looked around the dining room, then she looked towards the kitchen, then she turned and looked out into the other halls, sighing softly. She had so many memories here. Memories even from back in Durin's Day. Many dwarves lived here at one point with him, and things in those days were good. Only for a time, however. Things even back in Eldar Days had become dark and dreadful, especially the days with Morgoth. She frowned after a moment. Current times were almost reminding her of how it all started even back then. Would evil return once again? Would the Dark Lord make another appearance?

     After a moment she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped, turning around, then she calmed down when she heard Thorin's laugh. "You startled me!"

     "I said your name before I came up to you." Thorin said with a chuckle, calming himself as he looked at her in amusement. "Are you okay?"

     "Yes, I just got lost in thought." Valadhiel said, chuckling slightly, then she playfully pushed his arm. "Don't scare me like that— and don't laugh at me!"

     Thorin shook his head with a smile, then he took her by the hand. "Come on. The others have arrived and are all seated. It's time to announce our news, and I know all the ladies will want to see that ring."

     Valadhiel smiled and went with Thorin, hand in hand, and she sat to his right after he pulled her chair out for her.

     "What's this, Thorin?" Dís asked her brother when she noticed this. "You two nearly despised each other when you set off on this quest, and now you come in, walking hand in hand, pulling out her chair." She smirked a bit. "Did you fall for her charm?"

     Thorin chuckled before he stood in front of his chair. "Since you've noticed so quickly, I will go ahead and make our announcement. Valadhiel and I are engaged."

     The dwarves around the table blinked in shock, then they cheered and clapped. Some were fairly silent, which was to be expected, but most of them were obviously happy for the king. "But she is no dwarf, King Thorin." One dwarf commented.

     "No dwarf, but made an honorary one by Durin himself." Thorin replied. "In the halls and in the records, which are all still here, it speaks of Vala and Durin's friendship. And before his passing, he made her an honorary dwarf."

     Dís's eyes widened. "Lass, you knew Durin The Deathless?"

     Valadhiel nodded her head and smiled, standing up. "It is true. I knew Durin The Deathless well. My ancestors, for the most part, stayed in one place. But I have never felt that I belonged to one specific place, so I have always traveled much, and in my travels, I met Durin many times. At one point in time, I lived in this very mountain with Durin and all his kin."

     They all murmured amongst themselves, then they all turned to Thorin and Valadhiel, and they all grinned. "Then tonight, we have many things to celebrate! The reclaiming of Erebor, the engagement of the King, and our family reunion!" One shouted, and in response, the dwarves all cheered.

     Valadhiel smiled and raised a glass with them all. She was so glad to see all the dwarves here in Erebor, where they belonged. With the descendants of Durin here among them; nothing felt more right.


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