Book One: Second Attempt

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Another week had passed and we were stopped at another port.

Zuko and I were sparring in his room, i was losing terribly. Iroh entered Zuko's chamber just as I was pinned to the deck.

"What is it uncle"zuko asks as he releases me.

I stand to my feet and observes irohs nervous stance.

"I have news nephew but you need to promise you will not become upset"he says and i take the implication and moves toward zukos bed, sitting on it.

"Uncle, i know how to control my temper"Zuko scoffed.

"Well, we have no leads on the avatar"he says sending Zuko into a rage.

Tapestries on the wall fell to the floor in flames. I had covered my head cautiously.

Iroh removed a map with all sightings of the avatar marked on it.

"He must be a master of evasive manuevering"Zuko concludes astonished as he analysed the map.

Zuko sighed and sat on the bed and laid his head in my lap surprising me. I stared down at him not particularly sure what to do. We made eye contact and his face became a deep red as he shot up. I quickly stood and he sent me away.

As i cooked, my blush stayed visible and no matter how hard i tried, my blush failed to disappear. The crew and iroh were in the back playing games and laughing as they got drunk. I think the game they played was pai sho....i think thats the name.

Upon finishing the food, i brought it to them. The general on board grabbed my ass earning a growl from me until he lit flames in his other palm. I shut my mouth and looked the other way giving everyone else a plate. The crew whistled and commit the same action. Iroh was respectful, however. He apologized for the foolishness of the others and offered to make tea for me.

I had quietly declined his offer as my blood boiled. I felt humiliated, if i could retaliate, i would but its not like i can steer a ship, let alone navigate a map. I left the men to the their game and alcohols as i traveled to zukos room.

He wasnt there at the time, i guess it was safe to assume he was bathing. I placed his food on his table and prepared everything for when he would return.

The room was colder than usual so i placed coals in the furnace and set them ablaze, quickly warming the room. I opened the door to my room, it being even more cold than Zuko's. I sat silently on my bed and ate my portion of the dinner i prepared before grabbing hold of the Guqin and playing a melody for fun.

(Play song now)

I couldnt help but sing as i played. I havent sang in years but this song always dragged it out of me.
I failed to notice Zuko had returned.

"Can you see, every little dew drop. Can you find the ribbon of tears. From the wind to the grass we will run away off in our dreams. Flying high soaring above the past, all of my tears, cant drown me now. Can you hear, my heart beating fast. Can you hear, my cries at last. Can you see, every little scar on me. Can you hear the screams from that day. From my mom, to my dad, my siblings have disappeared. Flying high soaring above the past, all of my tears, cant drown me now. Can you hear, my heart beating fast. Can you hear, my cries at last." I sang freely.

The song never had words but it always came easy for me to make up my own lyrics. With a knock on the wall, i jumped, startled. I looked up to lock eyes with Zuko. My face became a horrible dark red as i placed the Guqin away. I attempted to stand and leave but he blocked and prevented my escape. Once again humiliated....i hate it.

"Y-your voice.....its beautiful....the lyrics were very deep and personal but....i liked have a nice voice"he said looking past me.

I looked to the ground even more embarassed. Zuko pulled me into a gentle hug causing me to tense noticeably. Zuko has never hugged me before so the feeling was new.

"I apologize for what my father and my family did to you and your family so many years ago. You've suffered for so long because of my sister and now you are stuck here with my grandfather and I though you have done nothing wrong"he says in a soft voice.

I quietly cried into his shoulder. I dont know why but its almost as if from the moment i met azula that day, id been desperately waiting for someone, anyone, to say these exact words to me. They couldnt fix the past but it gave a small ounce of relief that i needed.

Having stood there in his arms for a moment, i forced myself away from him. I stood before him wiping away any rogue tears.

"Prince shouldnt comfort a lowly servant like me, any servant for that feelings and past should be of no concern to you as the son of Firelord Ozai"i scorned him softly, avoiding any form of eye contact.

I gently brushed past him, entering his room without permission. I grabbed his plate and headed for the door.

"I will return shortly with a hot plate of food. This one has cooled down too much, it wouldnt be enjoyable to eat, please wait patiently for my return master"i adressed him formally with my back facing him.

Zuko let out a cough, clearing his throat.

"Right, make it quick or ill see to it that your punishment is longer than my wait"he says in a stern voice.

"As you wish"i responded and left the room without another word.

I returned to the kitchen and disposed of the cold food only to realize the crew devoured the rest of the food I prepared.

"You pigs! Prince Zuko hasnt even eaten yet"i went to the back to yell at them.

The drunk stuffed men belched and let out hardy laughs in response to my scolding. I growled and returned to the kitchen rummaging for ingredients i could use to make a decent dinner.

During my search, i located fresh fish, rice we had just bought from the last port, wheat and vegetables. I quickly devised a meal settling with rice and fish as the main dish, a broth-like soup and a side of dumplings. I had enlisted the consultance of General Iroh for Prince Zuko's favorite tea. I couldnt trust him to make it seeing that he was drunk but I wrote down everything needed.

After setting everything up, i returned to Zuko's sleeping quarters to inform him of the new development. He didnt seem too happy that he would have to wait for the next hour before being served however he didnt complain. I wasnt ordered to cook faster either. He accepted the circumstances and, instead, ask that i kept him company.

My keeping him company quickly became a sparring match between the two of us. I wasnt trying to beat him, i was simply there to help him improve. When we both became tired, i had left to check on the food. When i returned, his food was in my hands. He positioned himself at his table and thanked me for my services towards him.

I gave him privacy and went to my room where i uncovered my stones and gems. I grab my chunk of iron and focused on changing its shape. In my head, i instead pictured my families home. I then formed a stable stance though I was sitting. I had the iron core on the floor infront of me. My eyes were shut as i unintentionally grinded my teeth. I configured my hands in multiple formations as i scanned my memories picking out every detail from the outside, in.

I held my hands together tightly hearing some of my bones pop from the force. Upon hearing the opening of a door, i opened my eyes to gaze upon my visitor. It was Zuko but his eyed were focused on the floor. I followed his gaze and gasped as it stared at the miniature replica of my birth home. It was like a chain reaction as tears flowed from my eyes. I held out one hand and made a fist crushing the iron replica forming it into a perfect sphere.

"(Y/n)...youre bending metal"Zuko spoke amazed.

"Iron......metal is completely purified....thats impossible.....iron is a raw material....i didnt think i could do it though"i said in disbelief just like him.

"Never do that again"he said catching me off gaurd.

"W-what why"i said standing from my bed.

"I refuse to allow you learn an ability i cant defend myself coild attack or betray me while bending that Iron, i wont allow it, im regaining my honor and my father will love me arent going to mess that up"he growled.

"But Prince Zuko, i could protect you-"i began before flames were shot in my direction.

"I said no!"he yelled at me.

I looked down and bite my lip.

"Body bending...."i said quietly.

"What are you talking about"he questioned.

I revealed the scroll i found.

"Everything on it is hypothetical, even iron talked of a water bender theyd met who could use the water within ones body to control their hypothesizes the same could be done using the iron within ones body.....i thought if i could learn would make capturing the avatar.....ten times easier"i spoke in a soft voice.

Zuko snatched away the scroll and examined it thoroughy.

"The avatar has a waterbender with him...what if she learns from the blood bender.....we would be at a disadvantage....she may be able to control entire armies if she masters the ability...the current blood bender is probably an old crone but a young water bender has much more energy and water bending doesnt drain energy or stamina like fire or earth bending does....please-"i began to plea but he cut me off with another blast of flames.

"No dammit...i already told you no....if the avatars waterbender learns to blood bend.....well deal with her when the time comes"he growled.

I was about to protest once more til his hand connected with my neck and began to emit heat. I struggled desperately to get away and bended accidentally. All of my rocks and gems became the shapes of daggers and were aimed in his direction. Zukos eyes widened and he growled angrily, flames erupting from his hand.

I let out a scream and my rocks fell to the ground.

"You dare to attack me dammit!"he yelled at me as an another burst of flames came from his hand earning another scream from me.

I was thrown into his room hitting the wall beside the fireplace. He shot flames at me in a fit of rage as i cowered and suffered the abuse. He came over and stomped on my stomach roughly and smashed my hands with his feet setting them ablaze in the process.

The men above were too drunk to hear or even care. When zukos rage subsided, he bandaged my neck and hands before going to bed. I sat in the corner of his room crying in complete silence, no sound would leave even when i tried.

It was just like back then when i first met Ozai before he became Firelord....i thought Zuko was sorry for what happened.

We were at sea for the next month. My hands became useful by now but i was unable to speak still.

Ive been giving zuko a massage by hand since hes been afraid to allow me to bend but ive been afraid as well. Ive been allowed to practice chi blocking to know that i havent lost the skill and so i could get past the pain caused due to my injuries. Since that day, ive altered my attire. I now where a mask that covers my nose down to my collar bone which hid the scars on my neck. I also wear gloves that extend to my elbow and my hand armour with finger claws are always on as well.

While giving zuko a massage, Iroh burst in.

"Nephew, weve found the avatar, hes at kyoshi island"we're told and im shoved away as Zuko stood happily.

"Well full speed ahead uncle, we cant lose him now"Fire Prince Zuko says and General Iroh nods.

"We should be arriving soon, you should get ready." Iroh advised.

Zuko had the biggest smile on his face. He turned to me with a glare.

"Get my armor, today we capture the avatar, when ive dressed, you along with the crew shall spar with me....i will allow you to bend only this once, it may come useful when we encounter the avatar."he says and i nod slightly.

A ball of flames are shot in my direction.

"Where are my clothes!"he yells at me and i rush to gather them.

As i gathered them, he began to strip behind my back. I dressed him quickly and quickly shined his weapons as he added what he wanted to his appearance. When he approached the door, i quickly followed, fitting on my hand armour and equipped my daggers, rocks, and sand.

On deck, it was zuko against the rest of us. I chose to fight hand to hand so that i wouldnt be injured too badly if he became too paranoid of me trying to attack him seriously with bending. While the rest attacked from a distance, i attacked at close range. Ive progressed well in my training whenever zuko was relaxing. When he was relaxed, i would be sparring with the crew though it caused lots of pain due to my hands.

Ive been training in order to protect and fight alongside zuko without holding him back. Im able to go head to head with the hotheaded prince in hand to hand combat yet hes easily progressed when hes fought me and the crew simultaneously. Hes very cautious of his surroundings to where he can fight me while dodging them. Im both proud and terrified of the male before me.

Having spaced out while fighting, i hadnt even noticed i had switched to weapons while keeping a close distance but i was also protecting zuko. As i attacked him, i bended the iron i possessed unconsciously and used it to deflect the incoming attacks of the soldiers and used the othet rocks to attack their pressure points. I returned to reality when zuko blasted fire past my face.

In an instant, i drop to my knees and bowed within one motion at the feet of zuko. My rocks all dropped to the ground. Iroh approached me and grabbed one of my iron plates. He eyed zuko who avoided his gaze.

"She l-learned last month uncle....i forbid her from doing it again"he explained softly before kicking me across the ship.

Iroh stopped him from doing anymore damage.

"Not now Zuko, we will talk about this later"he says.

Zuko huffed before approaching me. He stepped on my stomach looking me in the eyes.

"Wake them up and unparalyse them"he ordered me.

He walked back to his room and i did as i was told without delay. Just as everyone was feeling better, we reached our destination and left the ship. I was on the back of a mongoose lizard while the rest road komodo rhinos.

I stayed close to Zuko's side, ready for any attack. We reached the town anc our soldiers began to burn it to the ground as we searched for the avatar. I snapped quietly twice and my mongoose lizard sped to the front of the group before running to a building. It was the avatar fanclub...thats what the sign read anyways.

Everyone else carried on without me. I kicked the door in finding a hoarde of people within. I snapped loudly once this time and my mongoose lizard blocked their only exit and hissed. I approached them all.

I forced them all to the ground and paralysed anyone who resisted. I then began checking everyones identity only to be disappointed that none of them were the avatar. I frowned and exit the building.

To keep them from running or fighting back, i bended a large wall around the structure trapping them on the inside of the wall. I mounted my mongoose lizard and we climbed over the wall leaving them there.

Upon doing so, i spotted the water bender and went to attack her. She seemed no better at water bending than when we first met when we captured Aang.

It was easy to overtake her without a single weapon.

"Why are you helping that monster"she questioned my motives.

I didnt answer, its not that i wouldnt, i couldnt....i havent healed enough to speak yet. Out of nowhere, i could hear zuko calling for me yet i was blasted away from the water bender by the airbender. I met his gaze and he lowered into a fighting stance.

He was just a kid, i could take him....but zuko needs me. It wasnt until fire shot past me that i turned around.

"What are you doing! Get the avatar!" Zuko yelled.

I turned back around to see Aang already in the air. I took control of the soil beneath me and began to chase them, rising higher into the sky. I threw a dagger at the two of them and hooked onto the girl. My dagger had string attatched to them, that made this feat possible.

I planted my feet firmly on the ground and yanked but instead was lifted into the air, carried away with them. Zuko grabbed hold of me having used the stairs i created. Shot flames past me at the avatar. He burned holes into the glider. Blood had begun to drip onto my face, the waterbender was crying. I could see that my dagger had embedded itself in her skin and our weight was making it worse.

My string snapped over the water and we fell in. The girl was placed on a sky bison but the avatar followed us into the water. I quickly removed the two of us from the water. It was then that the avatar resurfaced on a large water serpent. I took this moment to try a last ditch capture method.

Bending the soil beneath the lake, i began creating a column of earth around the serpent. Aang didnt seem to notice at first but as i was about to close it off, aang jumped high into the air and landed on their bison. They were out of sight in seconds....we failed.

I was about to apologize when zuko dragged me onto the ship along with the rest of the crew.

"Quickly, follow the avatar!"Zuko yelled and once again, we were back on the sea.

He threw me to the ground and glared.

"Ill deal with your faliure later, prepare dinner and bathe, you smell of disappointment."he tells me and goes below deck.

I sighed but did as ordered....i messed up.

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