Chapter One

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It was a dark night; cold, windy, foggy, and rainy.

Misako clutched her one year old son close to her chest, Garmadon hugging his wife and son close to him.

"It sure is windy," Misako commented.

"Just a little bit farther," Garmadon encouraged calmly. "We will be there in no time."

The couple suddenly heard rustling, Lloyd waking up and crying because of the eerie noise.

"Who's there?!" Garmadon demanded, but there was no reply.

Then, there was crying.

"Is that!" Misako wondered, calming her son down.

"I think so," Garmadon nodded.

They walked for a few more steps, seeing an oval-shaped basket with pink blankets around a baby girl, a newborn at that.

"Why, this baby seems to have just been born!" Garmadon cried in shock.

"There's a note here," Misako told him, crouching down to pick up the note.

"What does it say?" the husband wondered as his wife stood up again.

"Dear future guardian of this child," Misako started to read, "Please take care of our baby girl for us. We are very poor and cannot afford to raise her as our own. We do not want her to grow up in poverty, so we ask you to raise her well.


Zachariah and Zoe."

"Why would they just abandon her like this?" the husband asked.

"If they want us to take her in, then we should," Misako reasoned.

Garmadon nodded, looking over the note himself.

"It seems that she doesn't have a name," he pointed out.

"Zaneaphyra," Misako smiled softly. "We should name her Zaneaphyra."

"That is a beautiful name," Garmadon agreed, smiling as well.

"The name translates to "Noble Guardian," Misako explained. "I sense a great power in her."

"I do as well," Garmadon nodded. "Besides. Lloyd will have a sister."

"Lloyd and Zaneaphyra," Misako recited to herself. "That's a perfect sibling combination."

"We must hurry to get Lloyd and  Zaneaphyra home," Garmadon replied, picking up the basket. "It's not safe for them to be out in the cold."

Misako agreed, walking into the house with her husband and children.



"MOM! DAD! ZANEA TOOK MY TOY AGAIN!" Lloyd yelled in anger.

The couple ran into Lloyd's room, seeing what the commotion was all about.

Lloyd didn't look happy, as a four year old usually was when someone took their toy, and three year old Zanea was just sitting on the floor in confusion.

"I dwidn't do anythwing, mama," Zanea told the woman.

Misako smiled as she picked up the small girl, Garmadon picking up the small boy.

"Perhaps you two should play outside for a little while we make dinner, hm?" Garmadon suggested with a grin.

The couple took their kids into the small and fenced up backyard, walking back inside the house to prepare for their supper.

Lloyd went to draw in the dirt with a stick, Zanea trying to catch a butterfly that was fluttering around her.

"Woyd!" Zanea called in a laugh. "Come pway wif me!"

"Not now, Zanea," Lloyd replied, still poking the dirt with his stick. "Play by yourself."

"But I want you to pway wif me," Zanea said, sitting in front of him.

"And I said, not now," Lloyd glared, his emerald green eyes meeting Zanea's red ones.

Zanea sighed, knowing that she couldn't argue with Lloyd's glare.

She went to build a little dirt mound, using water and a gardening trowel to make a dirt castle.

The couple came out a few minutes later, seeing that their kids were separated from each other.

"This isn't good," Misako sighed.

"I am sure they will be fine," Garmadon assured her nervously. "This is just another part of siblings growing up together. They fight, make up, fight, make up. It is an ongoing cycle for a few years."

The wife smiled softly.

"I hope you are right about that," she chuckled, looking back at her kids.




"What's going on?" five year old Zanea asked eight year old Lloyd.

There was yelling from down the stairs in what was usually a very peaceful house.

Once Zanea had heard it, she clung onto her brother for dear life.

"I don't know," Lloyd answered, stroking Zanea's silver hair to calm her down, "but whatever it is, I promise I'll protect you, okay?"

Zanea nodded, hoping he would protect her for the rest of her life.

"Llwoyd?" Zanea muttered.

"Yeah?" Lloyd muttered back.

"Prwomise me you'll prwotect me forewver, prwomise?" Zanea answered.

Lloyd chuckled softly with a smile, looking down at the beautiful albino that was his sister.

"Promise," he whispered softly to her, looping his pinkie finger with hers.

Zanea let out a small gasp, seeing what her older brother had done.

"There, see?" Lloyd asked with a grin. "I even pinkie promised."

Zanea laughed a little.

"I lwove you big brwother," she said in a yawn, hugging onto her brother more.

"I love you too, Zanea," Lloyd quietly told his sleeping sister, still stroking her head to make sure she stayed asleep.

Lloyd's mother came into the room then, seeing the siblings in Lloyd's bed together.

Zanea had never slept by herself; she had always felt too lonely, so she slept with Lloyd. Zanea and Lloyd had been sleeping together since birth.

"It's time to leave this place, sweetheart," Misako told her son calmly, a kind but firm look on her face.

"But, Zanea, mom-" Lloyd cut off, looking at his sister, then his mom.

He saw how serious she was, and Lloyd didn't like that one bit.

Still, he quietly unhinged Zanea from his body, still stroking her head to keep her asleep.

Lloyd then proceeded to pack up his things.

He had figured out three years ago, when Zanea was a three year old, that Zanea loved to have her head stroked.

It made her fall asleep instantly, no matter how crazy, upset, angry, sad or happy she was.

After Lloyd had gotten his things put into a satchel, he looked over his shoulder and at his sleeping sister.

She will be so lost without me, he thought to himself.

He instinctively ran up to Zanea, hugging her and stroking her head again.

Lloyd cherished the last few moments with his sister before he said good-bye to her for what would feel like forever, and he hoped that it wouldn't be.

"I love you, Zanea," Lloyd whispered into her ear, "and I promise that I'll find a way to come back to you. I promise, I promise, I promise."

Silent tears streamed down his face, showing his mother how hard this was for him.

Lloyd may have never liked her when he was a four year old, but as he and Zanea continued to grow up together, the duo had become inseparable.

With a kiss and a last good-bye, Lloyd let go of his sleeping sister to leave with his mom.

"I'll come back," Lloyd promised again. "You can count on that."

Then, Misako and Lloyd went their own way, leaving Garmadon to take care of Zanea alone.




"Back to work you sniveling idiots!" an old woman commanded, holding a whip made of brown leather. "I want this dining hall to be spick and span in the next half hour!"

Zanea sighed, wiping some sweat off of her forehead.

The seventeen year old girl looked around her, seeing many others her age.

She saw an open window, staring at it.

"Trying to find another escape route, Miss Garmadon?" the woman sneered.

"No, Ma'am!" Zanea replied like a soldier, her voice clear and distinct.

"Then get back to work," the woman ordered, pointing to the floor with a long, pale, bony pointer finger.

Zanea only glared at the woman before she diverted her red eyes to the floor, sweeping up the dust and many other things.

"When are you going to realize that there's no escape from this place?" a girl asked Zanea in a whisper.

The albino turned to the other girl, seeing that it was her only friend in the whole world.

"I have to keep trying, Anya," Zanea answered, whispering as well. "I'm not going to submit to that woman."

"If you two have time to talk, you have time to clean!" the woman yelled at the duo.

"Yes, Ma'am!" the two girls replied in their soldier voices.

Zanea stayed close to Anya, Anya doing the same with Zanea.

"This isn't about submission, Zanea," Anya stated quietly. "It's about staying alive."

"Oh, and like you know," Zanea snapped, rolling her red eyes.

"I might not be a Garmadon, but I do know a thing or two about these things," Anya replied, being calm despite Zanea's harshness. "I've been here longer than you, remember?"

Zanea sighed, hearing footsteps behind her.

"The Box, both of you, now," the woman ordered, and both Anya and Zanea agreed.


"Gosh, I hate this thing!" Zanea yelled, trying to hit the door open with her shoulder.

"Hit the door any harder, and you'll break your shoulder," Anya replied with a smirk.

Zanea huffed, sitting by the door instead.

She looked at her friend, admiring how normal she looked.

Anya had beautiful, waist length, caramel hair that was in naturally perfect, crimped waves.

Her eyes were a beautiful amber, and Zanea had once thought that Anya's eyes were made of gold.

Anya's skin was a beautiful, bronzed tan, and Zanea could tell that she was from a Fire Element village.

Anya was also an inch shorter than Zanea, five feet and five inches while Zanea was five feet and six inches.

Anya also had the perfect hourglass figure that Zanea also possessed, and Anya seemed to really love the color gold since her eyes and clothes were of that color.

Zanea, on the other hand, was very pale skinned, had red eyes, had shoulder length hair that was silvery white, and loved the neutral grey color scheme.

"I'm already about to dislocate my shoulder if I don't get out of here," Zanea said bitterly.

Anya let out a small breath, frowning at her friend's words.

"Like I said earlier, there's no escape," she answered sadly. "I've been here my whole life. I'm basically Miss Grim's adopted kid, okay?"

Zanea didn't say anything, silence falling upon the duo.

"Oohh, look who's in the Box again," a voice sneered. "It's little Miss Garmadork and her stupid sidekick. Did you two try to escape again?"

"Shut up, Drake," Zanea snapped at the boy looking through the barred window. "I don't need your crap today."

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, you little piece of Devil Spawn!" Drake yelled, banging on the metal prison.

Zanea didn't flinch, but Anya did.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Zanea scoffed. "Did I offend you?"

"Shut the hell up, Devil," Drake snapped, glaring at Zanea.

"What did you just say to me?" Zanea asked, standing up.

"I said, shut the-" Drake started, but Zanea had already cut him off.

She put her left hand out, an iron spear forming in her hand due to a silver light.

Drake gasped, backing up from the window a little so that he didn't provoke Zanea.

"How did you do that?" he asked in a shaky breath, pointing at the spear with a fidgety pointer finger.

"I have my ways, and now are you going to leave me alone?" Zanea replied. "Or am I going to have to throw this into your throat?"

Drake never made a sound except for a terrified yelp, running away from Zanea, Anya, and the Box.

Zanea smirked in triumph, the iron spear disappearing in the same silver light it had come from.

"How did you do that?" Anya wondered, repeating Drake's question as Zanea sat down.

"I found out a couple days ago that I could make weapons appear out of thin air if I thought about them," Zanea explained, her smirk still on her face. "So I did some reading, and it turns out that I'm an Elemental Master of Weaponry."

"What in the world?" Anya questioned. "Is that even a thing?"

"Most historians thought that Weaponry Elemental Masters were extinct, but it turns out that I'm the first one in like, hundreds of centuries," Zanea added on, still smirking. "Even for generations."

"That's messed up," Anya stated, looking at the albino.

"It's the truth," Zanea answered.

"Who was the last?" Anya inquired. "Obviously there must have been someone in your family who had to pass this power onto you."

Zanea just shrugged.

"Don't know," was all she replied with.

"You two, out of the Box, now," Miss Grim told them. "The Battles are about to start, and since I have no other way to get my messages across to you, the Battles will have to do."

Zanea and Anya silently stood up, following the woman down a long hallway and into an arena.

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