A New Identity

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"Ready to go?" Astrid asked Hiccup as the gang saddled their dragons.

"Uh hey where's Sansa?" Fishlegs asked, glancing nervously at Sweet Song who wasn't even saddled. She growled impatiently looked back at the stables where her saddle still hung.

"Oh she's in the woods with Sleuther." Tuffnut answered. "He has taken a liking to her for some reason and it seems like she's not gonna be leaving the woods anytime soon with him wanting to play with her."

"Well someone go and help her." Hiccup groaned.

Before any of the riders could move, they heard a loud scream and saw Sansa running towards them with a terrified look on her face with Sleuther behind her looking equally scared.


"Who whoa whoa! A giant white wolf with red eyes?!" Snotlout asked looking terrified. "And you lead it here?!"

"It can't climb up to here right?" Astrid asked nervously.

A howl pierced the air making their hairs stand on end. Sansa gave a yelp and cowered behind Fishlegs who cowered behind Meatlug.

"Please don't be one of Loki's children!" He prayed frantically.

"Look let's get going before that thing learns to climb!" Snotlout yelled, jumping onto Hookfang.

"No, we have to see this wolf for ourselves." Hiccup protested and the whole gang groaned. "Maybe Sansa was exaggerating a bit."

"It's bigger than a horse! It's like the size of Toothless!" Sansa protested. "I'm not kidding Hiccup, even Sleuther saw that thing!"

The Triple Strike gave a vigorous nod and cowered behind Sansa and gave a small roar.

"Hello? Anyone there?" A man's voice called out, making them all jump.

"Who in the name of Thor is that?" Fishlegs whispered ducking lower behind Meatlug.

"Ash! Ash where are you?" A little girl's voice called and was joined by more little kids voices.

"Ashy! Come on out Ashy! It's us!"

"Daddy did Ghost really find Ash?"

"Oooo look how pretty this place looks!"

"Eddard do not touch that!" A familiar voice said.

"That's one of the people who were chasing me and Dagur!" Sansa hissed to Hiccup. "How'd they find me?"

"Look daddy! There she is, hiding behind the big fat dragon!" Sansa poked her head up to see a little girl with curly black hair dressed rather odd running towards her with two little boys, one with black hair and the other with soft white hair just like hers, behind her with three little white, grey and brown wolf pups.

"It's Ash! It's really Ash!" The little boy with the dark hair squealed, running over to her as Meatlug moved out of the way and pulling Fishlegs with her.

"Oh thanks a lot Meatlug." She muttered, standing up and adjusting her shirt.

"Daddy we found Ash!" The little girl yelled, grabbing Sansa's hand and pulling her towards an older man with dark hair while the two little boys pushed her from behind.

"Yay we can go home now uncle Theon!" One of the little boys yelled as the man and the boy from the market appeared and stood by the other man.

Sansa looked back at the riders who were staring at them in shock. They were just as confused as she was.

"Ash, my dear daughter, where have you been?" The man asked as the three children got her to him. He pulled her right into a tight hug. "You scared us all to death. We thought we lost you forever!"

"Who are you?" Sansa asked. She felt the man release her and looked at her shocked.

"Don't you remember us?" The young boy asked. "I'm your brother Rickion, and that's our father Jon Targaryen and our uncle Theon Greyjoy."

"And I'm Lyanna! Named after our grandma Lyanna Stark!" The little girl said tugging on Sansa's arm.

"And I'm named Robert after daddy's cousin Rob Stark!" The younger dark haired boy said tugging at her other arm.

"And I'm named Eddard after our grandma's brother who was daddy's uncle!" The white haired boy said hugging the girl.

"No....no I don't remember any of you." Sansa said pulling her arms out of the children's grips and backing away. One of the wolf pups, a white one with red eyes and a large brown spot that covered it's left ear and eye, gave a small whine and walked over to her and placed a paw on her boot.

"Daddy why doesn't Ash remember us?" The little girl Lyanna asked the man.

"I'm sorry, I can't remember anything really." Sansa said. "You see I woke up four years ago on a beach with no memory of anything or anyone and holding three dragon eggs. The only thing that stuck in my head was a name that I believed was mine, Sansa."

"That's our father's cousin's name!" Rickion said looking to his father.

"Sansa, so you go by Sansa?" The man named Theon asked. "Do you remember anything else?"

"No but for those four years I have been getting flashes of memories and snitches of voices in my head that I have never seen or heard before but were familiar." Sansa said shaking her head and lifted up her wrist. "My friend tattooed this on me so I could remember one of the things I have seen in case I lost my book of memories and a tattoo of a red three headed dragon."

"Alright, Sansa you are coming with us." The man Jon said. "We're going home."

"No! I'm not going anywhere with any of you!" Sansa yelled, backing away from them and pushed the wolf pup away with her foot. "You've chased me and my friend and followed me all the way out here and chased me with that monstrous wolf and start blabbering nonsense about me being your daughter! I am not this Ash you speak of!"

"But you are! You really are!" Eddard insisted. "You are our older sister who looks like our mother Daenerys Stormborn of the house of Targaryen!"

"Well maybe you have the wrong girl! Maybe I just happen to look like your sister." Sansa said. Sleuther and Sweet Song walked up to her and curled their tails around her protectively.

"No, Daenerys was the last full blooded Targaryen. They are born with white hair and violet eyes, and no one else in these lands has that look except my daughter who looks like her mother and grandmother." Jon said walking forward. The two dragons and the ones behind them hissed in warning. "Look you just need to jog your memory for anything!"

"Then explain this!" Sansa snapped, storming over to the clubhouse and coming back out with a large worn leather book and shoved it into Jon's chest. "Explain all this!"

Jon flipped through the pages to find drawings of dragons, a roaring lion, a soaring raven, a bear, a snarling wolf, and several hastily written lines like "winter is coming", "Valar morghulis", "hear me roar", "a dragon is not a slave" and many more. And even drawings of people with descriptions of their hair color and eye color he knew like Sansa, Arya, Jorah, Samwell, Rose, Bran and even Daenerys. And under the drawing of Daenerys were the words "Why does she look like me?"

"This woman, this is your mother who is my wife and aunt." He said turing the book to Sansa and pointing to the drawing of Daenerys. "Daenerys Stormborn, first of her name, Khal of Khals, queen of Mereen, rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms that have now been united, and the mother of dragons and my seven children."

Sansa looked at the drawing but shook her head. How could she be related to these people who were kings and queens and lords? They said she looked just like the queen but how was it exactly possible?

"Look I still can't quite understand any of this, I'm sorry I really am." She said shaking her head.

"But mysa is waiting at home!" Robert protested but his father waved his hand to silence him.

Mysa. That word was familiar for some reason.

"I understand, you are still having trouble believing this information that has been given to you." Jon said closing the book and handing it back to her. "But if you want more information, just ask the trader named Johan for directions to Westros, he'll give you a map to show you where to go. Come, we have to return home now."

The four children looked at Sansa with such saddened expressions that made her want to give them each a hug to make them feel better.

"Smudge let's go!" Robert called to the pup that was standing besides Sansa. "Papa, Smudge won't come!"

"Smudge, let's go. Best not keep your father waiting." Jon said to the pup.

The small wolf gave a huff but walked over to Sansa and laid itself on her feet.

"Guess he found his new master then, take care of him." Theon said nodding at the pup.

"Me?" Sansa asked, bending down to pick up the wolf.

"Yes, but don't worry. He'll be in good hands with you." Jon assured her. "Just keep an eye on him, he tends to wander a lot."

Once they were gone, Sansa looked back at her friends who were just standing their with their mouths wide open.

"Close your mouths, it's not a good idea to let a fly buzz into them." She said tucking the wolf under one arm and her book under the other.

"You're not going with them?" Heather asked as Sweet Song raced into the stables and came back out with her saddle and dumped it at her rider's feet with an impatient screech.

"No, but I just need some time." Sansa said putting the pup down and tossing her book into the saddle bag. "Besides we have more important matters to attend to at the moment, finding the dragon auction and putting that sent in their trade."

"Then let's get to it." Hiccup said nodding in agreement. "We have to take Snotlout back to Berk and put him in disguise so we can sneak in."

"You know I think Sansa would do a better job than me, saying she's that princess that guy said she was." Snotlout said with a shrug. "But since she's been around Viggo and Ryker and there aren't so many blondes with violet eyes around here it'll never work."

"I'm not a princess, I'm a dragon rider and hired sword hand." Sansa snapped. "Now quit talking and start flying."

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