Caught and Released

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"Now is the time I say I told you so." Sansa groaned as she sat in the corner of the cage. "Remind me again why I allowed you to drag me into this?"

"Hey I didn't think we were gonna get caught!" Heather snapped. "Somehow Viggo knew we were passing information to my friends, but what threw him off?"

"I don't know! Now we'll be killed for being traitors and our dragons will be sold off to who knows where!" Sansa said, grabbing a small stone and flinging it at the bars of the cage. It flew between the bars and she heard someone yell, signaling she hit someone.

"Oh crap." She muttered when she saw Dagur approaching the cage with two buckets. "And he's gonna kill me."

"If he's given you flowers I doubt he'll kill you for throwing a stone at his head by accident." Heather scoffed as her brother reached the cage. He opened it up and dropped two buckets full of berries onto the floor before shutting the cage again.

"Eat." He said before walking off.

Sansa walked over to the berries and plucked one from the bucket. She took aim and flung the berry, making it hit Dagur in the back of the neck. He turned around looking enraged and saw Sansa making faces at him with Heather trying to pull her away from the bars.

"Are you trying to get in trouble?" Heather asked when Sansa managed to wiggle out of her grip as Dagur continued to walk away from them.

"No I'm just showing your asshole of a brother how pissed I am at him." Sansa said grabbing her bucket of berries and sitting herself in a corner before eating them. "I'm so pissed at him that it isn't even funny."

"You're so pissed you want to turn into a dragon and breathe fire to burn him into a crisp." Heather said sitting down beside her with her bucket.

"Exactly." Sansa said tossing some berries into her mouth. "Cut off his manhood while I'm at it."


"The world is a cruel place, and I am one of the cruel people living in it."


"C'mon get movin'." The guard said shoving Sansa forward as Dagur led hear and Heather with a pair of guards through a cave.

"Quit shoving me then." Sansa snapped.

"We're here." Dagur said as they entered another tunnel.

"Hey, this doesn't look right." One guard said and his partner nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Viggo specificallysaid-" He was cut off when Dagur smashed both guards together.

"News flash: I no longer care about what Viggo says." Dagur said, bending down to pick up a guard's axe and walked over to the two girls.

He's going to kill us. Sansa realized. Oh Thor I regret throwing those berries at him now! Sweet Mother have mercy!

"Dagur no!" Heather yelled, raising her hands in front of her. "Stop! Please!"

"No don't hurt her!" Sansa screamed, leaping in front of her friend and holding up her chained wrists in attempt to block the axe.

She heard a loud clang and felt her wrists loosen. When Sansa opened her eyes she saw her handcuffs were on the floor broken and her wrists free. Dagur pushed her to the side and did the same for his sister. The girls looked at him in shock when he dropped the axe to the floor and gave a whistle. The four dragons came running through the opposite tunnel and roared happily at their riders.

"Windshear! You're okay!" Heather cried, rushing over to her dragon and hugging her tightly.

Dagur turned away and started to walk back through the tunnel they came in when Sansa grabbed his wrist. Dagur stopped walking and looked at her hand and looked back up to her with a stoic expression. She could see the confusion in his eyes when they met hers.

"Why?" She asked.

"You know exactly why." Dagur said pulling his hand away and walking away but Sansa grabbed his arm again.

"No I don't know exactly why! Explain why!"

"Look I have no time to explain! Just get out of here before any more guards come and-"

"Oy! Stop right there!" They both turned to see four guards coming towards them with crossbows. Sansa glanced behind her to see Heather and Windshear already gone. Great, now what?

"Guess it's time for my babies and I to have some fun huh?" Sansa asked as her two older dragons flocked on either side of her and Val stood perched on Dagur's head. "Valyrian use metal whip!"

"Sansa get out of here!" Dagur yelled, picking up the axe and sung it at the guards.

"No way! I'm not leaving you here alone!" Sansa yelled as her dragons attacked.

"Yes you are if you don't want to get killed!"

"Was that a threat?"

"Yes, yes it was. Now go!"

Sansa groaned and flung the sharp spike she was using to fight since she had no weapons to use.

"Sweet Song! Fetch the red! Valyrian to me!" She yelled as she leapt onto Storm's back and raced out of the cave. She heard a loud yelp as Sweet Song raced after her with dagur on her back and his arms wrapped around her neck and screaming.

"Where are we going?!" He yelled as the two dragons reached the exit of the cave.

"Away from here!" Sansa yelled back as Storm took off into the night sky with Sweet Song at his heels. "I'm not going to abandon you just like your sister did back there! I'm taking you somewhere far and safe!"

"Well that's nice! Problem is that where are we gonna even go?" Dagur asked as Sweet Son flew to be at her brother's side.

"As I said, somewhere far and safe from Viggo, a place where he won't even find us and where we can plan." Sansa replied. "We have to fight back but we need to gather our strength."

"Sansa what if they capture us? You and I were both working for them and we betrayed the hunters. The traitor always dies." Dagur said. That was true, she was hired to help them, and who knew what they'd do to her tribe.

"Valar morghulis, all men must die." Sansa replied. "One way or another we shall perish in this world, but not today my deranged companion. Today we have escaped from death, and today and tomorrow we shall plan on helping your sisters friends. And help protect those who stand in Viggo's way as well."

"I guess we could do that then." Dagur said with a nod. "But first, we must save your tribe from getting killed once Viggo finds out you have escaped."

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