Chapter 23

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After Kesar left, I found myself unable to fall asleep. The house felt gravely empty all of a sudden. With the thing I did to her, I wasn't surprised if the poor Kennari had taken off into the night sky and wished to never see me again. My mind was now haunted by the shame that was eating away at my heart.

I never knew Kesar felt that way about me. I couldn't believe I almost took her innocence for my own selfish pleasure!

Nikita, what have you done to the poor maiden? Now you broke her heart with your own stupidity and ignorance!

"Kesar, I'm so sorry," I sighed. Unable to stand the weight of my guilt, I got changed into my regular clothes and snatched my satchel before leaving the chamber.

I didn't know where I was heading, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to get rid of my jumbled emotions—at least for a little while.

It was still early in the evening, but the world here seemed to be already fast asleep. I walked under the pale blue light casting over the treetops as the moon kindly accompanied me. Maybe I would find somewhere to sit down and draw. Drawing always kept my mind off things.

After a long walk, I found myself in one of the palace gardens. It was the farthest and largest of all. Numerous flower beds lined the pathway with well-trimmed bushes clustering about.

From a distance, a massive pale gray rock sat on the edge of a clear lotus pond. I could see a running stream flowed down a hillside. The trees surrounding the area swayed in the flower-scented breeze. I walked farther into the garden where soft green grass carpeted the sprawling meadows.

At the center of this beautiful heaven-like place, the moonlight reflected off the night dew on the ground like sparkling stars. I remembered Tepi once warned me about the Asoak Garden, which was forbidden to anyone. I wasn't sure if this was the one. Even if it was off limits, this beautiful place looked too inviting and serene to ignore. No one was around, and I decided to just take a quick stroll inside.

Surely, it was like a small patch of paradise down there.

I walked towards the big rock and climbed atop it. After I sat down, my eyes admired the flowery meadows below me. Wild orchids hung from the fruit trees, blossoming in purple, yellow, and blue. Other night blooms emitted their fragrance in the air.

The moon was getting brighter as the night grew deep. I could make out all those jasmine bushes. They were as numerous as the stars in the sky. In this garden of delight, I pulled out my drawing pad and started to sketch a picture of a winged maiden. Once I finished, I made light strokes with the coal tip of my pencil over those velvety feathers and long flowing tails.

I actually drew people better from memories, but drawing Kesar now must be my subconscious way of saying 'I'm sorry' to her. I remembered her beautiful golden wings extended in the air, and how she shied away when I asked her about them. I liked Kesar, just not that way. She deserved someone who would treat her better.

After a while, I was done with the work, but when I looked up from my pad, my breath hitched in my throat. My heart started to pound in my chest. It was as if we were destined to have our paths crossed. Amarisa emerged from behind a chrysanthemum bush.

I watched her angelic form strolling by the stream. Then she crossed a small stone bridge and passed through a grove of trees towards the clear pond. She walked towards where I was sitting, completely unaware of my presence. I sat astounded on top of the boulder.

Her delightful sight seemed to make the flowers dance and the water sing. The moonlight only intensified her glorious beauty. Frozen in surprise and joy, I forgot everything as I watched her brushing her delicate fingers over the blooming buds. She leaned over and sniffed a cluster of jasmine.

A besotted smile stitched across my face. She was utterly adorable. But when Amarisa lifted her head up again, her eyes caught sight of me sitting under the moonlight, eyeing her like a wild owl. The princess gasped, her gaze widened in shock. She looked like a frightened rabbit in the face of a fox. Then Amarisa turned around and started to run.

"Princess!" I cried after her and quickly shoved my drawing pad back into my satchel. Without hesitation, I jumped off the rock. My knees hit the soft ground, and I let out a sharp yelp. Amarisa did look back at me yet she did not stop. I stood up again and ran after her. The royal maiden looked terrified as if I was her personal demon. It hurt me, but I didn't stop my pursuit of the runaway princess.

"Your Highness, please wait!" I called out to her again as my feet sprinted through the garden. She had trouble running since her elegant nightgown was too long. In a matter of a few seconds, I was able to grip her by the wrist and pulled her body around. She was hurled against me. Amarisa's dazzling eyes were alarmed.

"Please Princess Amarisa!" I said. "I just wanted to apologize about that day. I didn't mean to..."

She tried to push me away, but I kept her locked in a possessive embrace.

"Get your hands off me!" Amarisa yelled back. "I don't want you near me, you barbaric stranger!"

In all honesty, it wasn't my plan to appear as a pervert to her, but it so happened that we always found ourselves in some misleading situations. All she saw in me was a potential lunatic. I couldn't blame her for being scared, but calling me 'barbaric' totally set off my temper.

"Am I that disgusting to you?" I growled.

My eyes pierced through hers. At that moment, she knew she had insulted me, but the princess wouldn't acknowledge my hurt.

"If you don't stop harassing me, I shall report your hateful deeds to King Father," she threatened. "And before sunrise, I can guarantee you'll be in chains!"

"Oh is that so?" I said, cocking my head to the side. "You're truly going to do that to me? Well then, I guess we still have time before sunrise."

I was just scaring her, but once the words flew out of my mouth, she grew wild with panic and shoved me hard. I stumbled but my hand refused to let go of her.

"No!" Amarisa cried and pushed me again, but we both stumbled and fell onto the flowerbed.

"Oh my!" I blurted as I was already right on top of her with my body wedged between her long shapely legs.

"Get off me!" she cried.

"Listen, princess! I did not want us like this!" I said before I could stop myself. "I just want us to be friends. I've been working so hard, hoping to impress you. But if you really wish to have me chained, then so be it!"

"You're mad!" the princess yelled at my face. "What have I done to wrong you so? Why do you always keep disturbing me?"

"Not true!" I protested back. "You are the one who tortures me. I have never known a moment of peace since the day I met you. Why do you make me so desperate and so miserable? Everything about you haunts me day and night!"

Amarisa's eyes filled with shock. She stopped moving and went silent. Her heart raced along with mine as we stared at each other. Now she was sure I was undoubtedly mad. I wouldn't blame her for thinking that since this place seemed to make me more emotional than usual.

"Amarisa, please, have mercy," I turned to plead in a softer voice. "Don't be like this with me. Please, just give me time to speak so we could be friends."

I could see a small hint of pity in her eyes. We stared at each other in silence. Then I gazed at her parted lips. The urge to kiss them was beyond control. I couldn't help but lean forward for a kiss.

Amarisa turned her head away and let out a high-pitch scream.


The sound of her melodious voice echoed through the garden. I gasped in terror. Then I heard a faraway roar and racing paws over the dry leaves. Before I knew it, the giant tiger leaped out of the shadow. A pair of glowing orange eyes stared intently at me as Malis jumped over the bush. Within a blink, she had me under her mighty jaw.


My hair was almost blown off my skull. I was ready to pass out from shock. The huge animal bared her dagger-sharp teeth.

"Oh dear!" I cried. My face must be as pale as the moon in the sky, and I didn't dare to move for fear that Malis would chew my head in one bite.

Amarisa rose again.

"Malis, come here!" she said and the weretiger got off me then bounced back to her mistress. I took a much-needed breath afterward. My face turned to the princess and her pet with an anxious look. Malis was now sitting on her hind legs. Her long sloppy tongue rolled out with drool. I grimaced at the beast. Why did Tepi have to give the princess such a horrid gift?

With an effort, I staggered to my feet again. Amarisa was still glaring hard at me. Her face was a deep shade of crimson but her eyes also flashed with slight amusement. The fair princess could have ordered Malis to finish me for supper right then and there, but having witnessed how terrified I was of her pet had softened her anger a little.

"I demand that you change your attitude from this moment forth, or Malis shall have to enforce my decree."

Then she tossed her silky hair over her shoulder and hurried away. Malis trotted after her mistress.

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