Chapter 45

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After Amarisa had left, I tried to find Kesar, but she had disappeared. Then my avatar friends came to my chamber. I was relieved for I couldn't imagine what they would think if they ever saw the princess here. They were delighted to see me again, and I finally let them come and sit with me in the living room.

"So how are you feeling, Nikita?" Tepi asked with concerns.

"I'm fine now. There is no need to worry," I said with a bright smile.

"Your skin seems to glow," Vorac mused, noticing my improvement. "I should have asked for such remedy from the twins, too."

"You don't need that," Tusita said and gave her a playful shoulder nudge. "We know the symptoms of Kama's poison. I bet you a hundred gold coins that this girl is in love."

My eyes widened in shock.

"W...what?" I stuttered alarmingly.

"Oh, tell no lie, Nikita," she said. "Everyone knows."

"Everyone knows about what?" I began to panic.

"Enough of that, Tusita!" Tepi said, giving her friend a scowl. "You're not helping her recovering."

Tusita burst out laughing.

"For heaven's sake, our brave Nikita here actually caused a wave of heartache among the maidens after the fight," she said. "Did you not see when she was out cold and everyone was so worried? Even Queen Jayara was troubled out of her wits."

Vorac nodded in agreement.

"You didn't know how much you have affected our emotions during the duel."

"But I lost," I said, confused.

"Yes, you lost your fight, but you won our hearts," Tusita said.

"Issarak couldn't beat the fame and favor we have gained because of you, Nikita," Vorac added in agreement.

I was surprised to hear that.

"And how is everything at the encampment now?" I turned to ask.

"We're taking a short break from the training," Tepi said. "The King and Queens have gone to Isanapura, one of the old capital cities. They would stay there for another three days. But once they are back, the rest of the avatars shall start their routines as usual."

"Am I still welcome to join you?"

"Of course, Nikita, what are you speaking of?" Tusita said with a frown. "You are the sole fame of our team!"

"The Prophesied Child or not, you're still our good friend as the fate would deem it so, Nikita," Tepi said with a kind smile.

I was touched by their words.

"Thank you, everyone," I said in gratitude. "I feel blessed that the gods handed me a circle of great companions like you."

"Likewise." They smiled back.

"So what are you going to do in your spare moments?" Tusita asked. "Atith sent words that we should invite you to the festival beyond the city walls. You can come if you wish."

"Oh, I would love to, but I have to decline for my body still feel sore in parts," I lied. "I would rather take a little rest here."

I definitely didn't want to miss my chance to be with the princess alone tonight. Tusita squinted her eyes at me as I twiddled the stray thread on the rug.

"That is fine," Tepi said. "We won't bother you anymore. I bid you take good care of yourself."

"Yes, I will."

After the avatars left, Kesar returned to the chamber just before sunset. She had brought along several chosen maidens, who gathered around the small blazing hearth at her request. I looked at the smiling maiden with questioning eyes.

"Where have you been, Kesar?" I asked her. "And any particular reason why they are here with you?"

"We're here to help you dress as befitting a companion of our princess, my lady," Kesar said.

"Wait, how did you know?"

"Birds whisper gossip from trees to trees, but don't be embarrassed," she said and floated over to my side and took my hand. She led me into the bedroom as the others followed.

"Kesar," I said again as she stood me in front of a full-length bronze mirror. "I think I already look decent."

I stared at my modern-day outfit, but the maiden just shook her head. She motioned to the other maids, who then set out to remove my clothes.

"Aw, no!"

"You have the honor to join Her Royal Highness tonight," Kesar simply said, "This is an important task for us as your handmaidens. We're here to ensure that you dress in all your finery."

"But is it really necessary?" I fidgeted as many pairs of hands were trying to strip me.

"Clothes represent our prestige and status in our society," Kesar told me with a scolding tone. "And how can we bring you to your deserved status if you won't keep still?"

I gave Kesar a groan then let the maids undress me at last. Kesar brought out a pile of beautiful silks. I admired the finest embroidery on the garment that Kesar had made. I looked at her in amazement and somewhat uncertain.

In her short absence, she had tailored a new set of gorgeous clothes that suited me like nothing else. What had I done to deserve this maiden?

Hot guilt burned in my chest again. I pitied the Kennari and wished that I hadn't done what we had done. In my moment of desperate needs, Kesar had comforted me and now she voluntarily helped me celebrate my reunion with my beloved. She knew my heart belonged to someone else, yet she remained loyal by my side.

Scorching tears threatened to surge out from my eyes.

"Kesar...we need to talk..." I started.

Kesar pretended she didn't hear me. She turned away to pick another article of clothes. She even embroidered the hems of my modern shirt with a golden hue. The maids then pulled out a rectangular piece of silken red fabric. They wrapped it around my waist and fastened the edges with a golden belt. They stretched the hem away from my body and twisted it into a roll. The roll was then thrown between my legs to my back like a monkey tail—embarrassingly enough. I recoiled much to the maids' amusement.

"Why are you making me wear a diaper!?" I cried, observing at their practice. They burst out laughing, including Kesar.

"No! This is nothing of a child's clothing, my lady," she said, trying to stifle her amused giggle. "We call this, 'Kaben'. We wear this type of garment for important events. You look wonderful in it already."

At last, the maids tugged the tail into my golden belt, and I found myself wearing strangely wrapped pants. It wasn't so bad after all.

By then, I realized it wasn't a good time to have a needed conversation with Kesar alone, so I decided to leave it for now.

They tried to paint my face with powders and kohl, but I protested.

"It's just a date!" I said, straining away from the red substance they tried to smear my lips.

Kesar sort of looked at me with stern eyes.

"It's the most important night for you and the princess, no?"

"Yes, but..." I said truthfully.

"Then you must not complain," she said. "This is your night to shine."

I rolled my eyes at her.

She then put the loose band of beaded embellishments. They were intricate belts with detailed gold. Some were worn crosswise over my shoulders and down upon my torso.

"Oh, gods, not the glittery jewelry!" I said with a grimace. "I'm not royalty, Kesar, why must you make me wear them?"

"You're not just an ordinary being, my lady," she said. "And you shall be presented as highly."

I looked on with a deep frown.

"Freaking cast system," I muttered under my breath. Kesar shook her head with a tiny smile.

After they were done, I looked down at myself and actually was fairly delighted with what I saw. I literally sparkled.

Kesar eyed the work with deep appreciation. The rest of the maids also smiled in approval.

I turned around in front of the mirror. The silk material hugged my form elegantly and provided enough comfort that I didn't feel unaccustomed to.

The long-sleeved shirt was sewn with golden silk threads, hugging the arms snuggly. When I turned, it shimmered against the light of torches in the hall. The maids whispered their admiration as they stared at me.

"You look splendid, my lady. You could shame the beauty of all the princes in any land," Kesar said with a smile.

"I do?" I looked down at myself.

Kesar chuckled a little, "You remind me of the mighty Lord Krishna, who conquered all women's hearts as soon as they set their eyes upon his glorious form."

It made me laugh at the unlikely comparison, and Kesar joined in the laughter merrily.

"Thank you, Kesar," I said once we turned to walk out to the living room again. She looked up at me and gave me a bright smile back.

"It's my duty."

"I owe you a lot," I said, taking her hand in mine.

She shook her head.

"Your happiness is also my delight."

I was happy that my maiden wasn't distraught with the shift of our relation. At the same time, I couldn't tell whether she just wore a cheery mask only for my sake. The kind-hearted maiden did look contented with the progress between me and Amarisa. With this thought, I was able to let my mind rest.


Twilight hovered over the mountains. A full moon hung above the cityscape. As I was waiting, my heart itched with anticipation. I could barely contain myself, thinking of spending the long-awaited night with Amarisa.

It was probably the strangest day ever. One moment, I was wrecked with unfathomable sorrow that crashed me like tidal waves. The next moment, I felt as if I was floating through joyous clouds.

I thought of the time I first saw Amarisa in the great wash of fragrant water, and what I felt as I saw that stalk-slender body barely covered.

A tug in my heart began again when I found her strolling alone in the garden, moving from flower to flower. I thought of the familiar fever that ran through my veins, and of the sadness that crippled me and held me down like Yama's son's hellish chains.

Now all the pains and grief felt like they just happened to someone else.

The door groaned open and awoke me from my reverie. I turned and was greeted with the sight of the young woman of my heart.

In the thick darkness outside, Amarisa's sparkling eyes danced as she saw me. She was standing in her beautiful long gown made of dyed silk and golden twinkle floral embroidery. A long hem fell loosely from her bare shoulders to her back like a tail. To my utter delight, Amarisa even showed a small part of her smooth tummy that sent a longing fever to my body.

My mouth hung open. I was completely entranced by her divine beauty. Before I could get the praising words out of my mouth, Amarisa walked into the well-lit chamber towards me.

Kesar and the others bowed away. But before my Kennari turned to leave the room, she gave me a soft smile.

Amarisa was eyeing my dress with a look of surprise. Then she smiled again.

"Am I confused because of my own delusion, or is there another brilliant moon in this room?" she said.

The princess's attempt to flirt delighted me greatly. My grin widened.

"There is no other moon, but your very own Nikita," I said. "Come to me now and let me hold you, love of my life."

Amarisa gracefully came forward and encompassed her hands around my body. I placed mine back around her.

"I never knew you would still look breathtaking in our clothing, too," she said and ran her hand over my outfit, touching the soft fabric and ornament with her gentle stroke. "You're dazzling, Nikita. I am in awe."

"You are even more so to me, my princess," I said. "So where shall we go to amuse our night?"

Amarisa pulled back with excited eyes. A smile of secret curved upon her perfect lips.

"That I could not tell you just yet, but we must hurry," she said and took my hand, leading me out of the chamber.

Once we got outside, my jaw dropped. At the front garden stood an enormous elephant with golden rings worn on its long white tusks. A small procession of palace guards and maids was waiting for us.

Amarisa seriously took the modern idea of a date to a whole new level. But then I saw a mass of yellow fur and a familiar pair of orange eyes. With a loud groan, I realized Malis was also invited to be the third wheel. Amarisa giggled at my reaction. She knew how much I disliked her pet and motioned to the big fat tiger to come near.

", don't let her get near me!" I cried.

Malis only made one floaty bounce forward, and she was already right in front of my face. I jumped and hid behind Amarisa's back with a yelp. The fanged animal grunted stiffly.

The princess laughed. "That's alright, Nikita. Malis won't bite you unless I tell her to."

The giant wild cat came to sniff me. My body stiffened. Then Malis gave me a sloppy watery lick across my face.

"Well, with this friendly gesture, I guess I'm not going to be her dinner after all," I said, wiping her saliva off my eyes. Amarisa laughed again in merriment. She turned to a maiden who then handed her a piece of wet clean cloth.

"You are adorable enough to melt my heart," she said as she cleaned my face and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled proudly.

"So are we going to ride the elephant?" I said, unable to hide my excited voice.

She nodded. "There is a place I wish to show you."

The elephant was swinging her squashy trunk over her large forehead then kneeled to the ground. A light bamboo seat with a dome-like shade was fastened to the elephant's back.

"We're going beyond the city gate tonight," she said. "I favored this mount so that we could enjoy the journey."

"We are going outside of the palace?" I asked in sheer surprise.

"Indeed," Amarisa replied sweetly. "My people are celebrating the end of the harvest season. There are plenty of activities beyond those walls."

"Oh, great! Let us be on our way!" I said excitedly. We did so without delay.

The palace maids helped us settle on the cushioned seat. It was sturdy and only spacious enough to accommodate two people. Amarisa and I were almost in a cuddling manner once we mounted the animal. Yet nothing I found to my dislike.

At last, the mahout ordered his elephant to rise, causing a sudden shift of movement that made a giggling squeal to escape my lips. Amarisa laughed at my reaction again. I looked at her and saw the brightness in her eyes as she did mine.

The small procession began to scurry onward.

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