Chapter 49

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We walked back to the Pavilion as the evening dragged on. The night wasn't as sultry as the day in the harvest season. I could feel the chill began to seep through my clothes.

After the encounter with Issarak, Morokot seemed quieter, but given the change of circumstance, it was understandable.

A few callings of our names disquieted the silence. I turned to see the twin avatars, Romany and Romanir, running towards us.

"We didn't expect to see everyone here," the boy, who must be Romany, spoke in a childlike excitement.

"We saw Issarak flaring his nostrils like a mountain bull a while ago," the other twin added. "And we just knew who else were here tonight. Did we miss the fight?"

"There was no fight, boys, sadly enough," Tusita told them. The twins looked disappointed.

"Say, Nikita," Romany said. "We thought you were in the house still mending your wounds."

"I told you snake venom is best for the remedy." Romanir nudged his brother with a smirk. "It must have worked wonders for here she is, radiant with beauty and charms and now dressed in gorgeous silk!"

"That's right," Tusita chimed in with a teasing smile directed at me. "No one would think she has just recovered but rather that she is here to dance with some playful maidens."

My cheeks burned.

Vorac giggled beside me, which worsened my embarrassment even more. I had no words to say as it was true that they had caught me sneaking out from the palace. They hadn't even found out who I was with yet.

"Everyone chastise Nikita no more. She's done nothing wrong," Tepi hushed them for my sake. "Now keep moving along before the night grows cold."

"I won't let the cold bother you as long as I am here, Tepi dear," Raksa said flirtatiously and moved closer to her. Tepi cringed at his overly sweet endearment.

"Stop calling me that!" Tepi snapped and pushed him away.

It seemed Amarisa and I weren't the only odd couples tonight.

Immediately upon entering the pavilion, I called out to my beloved princess. She was still standing at the portico. Her eyes seemed to be searching above the crowd.

But once she turned around and saw me, a look of immense relief shone on her face. Amarisa, who was not yet aware of my other companions, flew right into my arms.

I wrapped mine back around her, knowing that there was no need to hide our relationship anymore.

"What took my beloved Nikita so long?" she said. "I was beginning to fear for your safety and was ready to go out and find you on my own."

I caressed her cheek.

"Mmm...Amarisa dearest, we kind of have some company..." I whispered sheepishly.

Amarisa's head lifted from my chest to look at me in confusion. Then her sparkling eyes widened when she looked over my shoulders. I turned around to the avatars, who stood frozen like statues.

The twins were the only ones who seemed unfazed. They ran towards Malis and patted her. The rest of us stood in awkward silence for a while before Amarisa gave them each a greeting. With her joined palms, she invited them inside. They still stared wide-eyed at us.

"What a lovely honor to see you here, Your Highness!" Raksa was the first to speak with a slight bow. The rest of them finally gathered their senses and followed his example. "It's been many moons since we last met!"

"Likewise, my lord," Amarisa replied.

"Let us sit down and have a little chat, shall we?" the dark prince said brightly. He motioned to the others to follow him.

As we settled down on the seats, the palace maids began to serve us some more Sura drink and fruit.

Atith's eyes still darted between me and Amarisa as we sat beside each other.

"Tell me in all honesty, Nikita," Tusita breathed at last. "What wonder did we just see?"

" did you two..." Atith said but didn't know what to say.

I gave them a sheepish smile before looking back at Amarisa. With a blush, she dropped her gaze to our joined hands, which rested on her lap.

"My friends, I will not hide from you," I said. "Amarisa and I are indeed lovers as you can see. Fate has given me her lovely hand to hold and her heart to tend."

"Nikita, how could you do that to my poor lonely heart!?" Atith said, his lips quivered as he spoke. "You knew how I felt about the princess. How could you take her even farther away from my reach?"

Then he burst out crying.

"Oh, Atith...I..." I tried to speak but no words felt right.

Amarisa and I exchanged a nervous glance.

"Atith, control yourself!" Tusita yelled at the crying avatar.

"Atith, they didn't mean to hurt you by falling in love with each other," Tepi tried to console him as Raksa patted his back in sympathy.

Atith stopped crying but he sighed sulkily at me then took a gulp of his Sura. The liquor must have burnt his throat. He stuck his tongue out and fanned it frantically.

"Aaagghhh...holy baauurns!"

Vorac splashed his face with a cup of cold tea.

"Can you please stop?" she said.

After a moment, he calmed down and took a deep breath. Then he looked at Amarisa and me with a frown still etched on his forehead. The princess looked at me with anxiety, and I enveloped her in my reassuring arms.

A look of pity and understanding slowly registered on Atith's face. He seemed almost ashamed. Then he let out a low sigh and bowed his head in apology.

"Forgive me for my bad attitude, Nikita, Your Highness," he said to us. "I must admit, you two are truly the perfect pair. I have no right to object to the purity of your mutual love. It is you, Nikita, the one whom she entrusts her heart with, and I must stop the sulk."

A wide smile graced his handsome face again. Amarisa gazed at me with contentment and relief, and I mirrored her.

"Good lad!" Tusita tousled Atith's hair. He grinned easily while the rest of them laughed. Raksa raised his golden to us.

"Let us have a toast," he said. "To Nikita, the unconquerable. May her love conquer all!"

"To Nikita!" the twin brothers chorused along with a loud growl from Malis.

We laughed together then raised our cups. Even our new member, Morokot also took a sip of her drink just to honor the occasion.

I turned to Amarisa again. She smiled at me with warmth. I leaned over to kiss her forehead, causing a collective howl and cheers from my friends.

The night of our date had taken a different turn, but I was glad it ended on the sweetest note. I no longer bothered to keep my secret love hidden, at least not with my friends.

As we continued to drink and feast into the night, my thought of Issarak and his threat against me disappeared, ebbing away along with the memory of that mysterious maiden.

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