Chapter 53

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We strolled along the flowing stream that came from the waterfall. Our windswept hair caught the moisture in the air. We looked up at the willows and the cotton-silk trees. They spread their leafy branches and sent their roots over moist-covered stones. I inhaled the fresh earthy scent. It blended with pollen of flowers. Even Amarisa, who preferred gardens over the wilderness, couldn't contain her excitement.

With the strange and asymmetrical beauty around us, the rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed princess seemed even more disarmingly charming. She observed every eccentric plant and odd-looking trees as we passed.

I looked across the stream to the other side. There was a flat rock set under a big willow tree — a place we could rest and frolic in pure glee.

I took my leather boots off and wedged into the icy water.

"Where are we going?" Amarisa said.

"Just follow me."

It seemed adventurous and exciting — something my lovely princess had probably never done. She hesitated for a moment before she took her golden shoes off and gingerly followed my lead.

Amarisa let out a yelp of surprise at the chill. Her youthful face lit up animatedly as I held her hand, coaxing her along. With rising color on her face, the princess rolled up her long silk skirt and began the short journey with me across the stream.

The sight of her creamy white legs sent a hot throb down my belly.

"Oh, dear gods..." I swallowed.

"What is it?" Amarisa turned to look at me.


I tried to avert my eyes away and concentrate on keeping our balance.

We moved ever so slowly. I wrapped my arms around her body, and she put hers around my waist, almost as protectively like she was also fearing for my safety. The cold current swirled around our bare feet pleasantly. The rushing sensation tickled our toes, causing us to giggle.

Even after we reached the dry bank, we still clung to each other's side. Then I released Amarisa and took out a fleece towel from my satchel and went to spread it over the big flat rock. Amarisa looked at the flower trees. Some little furry and feathered heads of birds popped out through the branches. After seeing the disturbing presence had not moved on, they returned to what they were doing and disappeared out of sight.

"Come to me, Amarisa," I said, and she joined me with a smile.

I held out my hand and guided her to sit down on the makeshift seat.

Placing my satchel aside, I undid two buttons on my shirt to let some cool air in. From the corner of my eyes, Amarisa lowered her gaze. A hint of a red tint crept to her lovely cheeks again.

The lower parts of her silk clothes were as damp as my own. I took out a handkerchief to dry the droplets from her legs. She squirmed a little at my care.

"Nikita, it is alright..."

"Let me dry you, lest you might fall ill with a cold," I said as I was wiping away the dampness off her flawless skin. Amarisa was silent. Her eyes fixed on my wandering hands, but her breathing seemed to quicken.

"You've got a pair of beautiful legs, Amarisa."

Without realizing it, I dropped the cloth from my hand. My fingers brushed over her calves and up stealthily to her knee. Amarisa's breathing came to a halt.

I lifted my eyes to her reddened face. The misty vapors clung to her delicate skin, forming a stunning glow that aroused something in me.

"Amarisa..." I whispered in a longing tone.

As if she understood the craving in my eyes, the princess reached her hands out to hold my face and brought my lips to hers.

I lowered us onto the mat and soon we were caught in each other's passion. Our tongues slithered between our lips. Amarisa placed one hand against my chest, her fingers slipped through my open collar.

I moved mine inside her skirt, massaging that soft smooth area of her cold thigh. The higher I got, the harder my heart pounded against my ribs. Amarisa's uncontrollable moans elicited my own.

I felt her squirm slightly as my hand got closer.

"I love you so much," I said, my words broken by the leaps of my feverish heart. "I'm so glad you chose me even I'm not impressive like all the boys and girls out there."

"I won't let you speak so modestly of yourself," Amarisa said with a chastise shake of her head. "You're you and you mean more so to me like a beautiful spring is to a bird."

The emotion almost filled my eyes with tears. I could no longer form a word. Then we began to kiss again softly and tenderly this time. My entire body ached for more, but I made myself withdraw, otherwise, I was certain I could never leave this place.

The wind blew, ruffling the leaves on the trees. The golden sun glared through the branches, dazzling our eyes.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of flapping wings and cries. Amarisa and I looked up to find jasmine and pink lotus petals raining over us.

"What the..." I said.

A burst of roaring laughter echoed from the sky. Then I saw Tusita and Atith emptying a bag of flowers from their winged-horses.

"Go to your chamber already!" Tusita yelled to us, causing Atith to laugh. They circled over the waterfall. Then another flock of Ashvas appeared, carrying Tepi and Vorac.

"I told you to wait for me!" Vorac cried. Even Tepi was also giggling along. Once they reached us, Vorac tossed two flower crowns made of pink orchid blossoms at us. They landed on our laps.

Amarisa and I stared at each other —too embarrassed to say a word. More flowers rained, swirling beautifully in the air.

"Enough of the childish play. Just leave them alone!" Tepi said at last, but she was giggling at our blushed faces. With a motion of her hands, the ground around us sprouted out lively roots and vines. They knitted together to form an arch roof over our heads. Then the vines bloomed with leaves and bright flowers.

I felt like we sitting inside a giant birdnest. My mouth fell open. All my friends tugged on their horses' reins and galloped away with laughter echoing in the sky.

I turned to Amarisa, who just smiled back.

"I thought people in my time were dramatic," I said.

Amarisa let out a melodious laugh. Then she picked up her floral crown and placed it on my head.

"Shall we just play along and pretend this is our love nest?" she said with a teasing smile. I picked the other wreath and placed it on her head, too.

"Of course, as long as your heart is pleased," I leaned in to claim her lips again with another loving kiss.

There, recoiling inside our beautiful nest, we stayed and caressed each other till the hour of noon drew near.

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