Chapter 61

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After they left, we continued our search for the mythical bird. I almost thought the creature was imaginary. Everyone was shading their eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of the phoenix. Once in a while, one of us would mistake a heron or a swan for it.

"Everyone, I don't think we can find the Mayura this way," I said to them. "How about we split? We each can go in different directions and scour through the sky better, don't you think?"

"Yes, I agree with Nikita," Atith said. Tepi thought it over and then nodded.

"That is the only solution," she said. "We shall spread out. If any of you find the bird, give a whistle as a signal to the others, and we will come flying back."

With that said, we went our separate ways.

The sky was bluer and the sun was brighter. Pisey galloped through the air with ease. I made her go through a big soggy cloud just for the thrill of it, but I ended up getting my hair wet and statics crackled on my clothes.

"You see any bird, Pisey?" I said to my flying horse. Pisey gave a soft whine, which I took as a 'no'.

We flew along the river. Then I saw a small island raised up slightly above the water. It had a single big tree growing in the middle.

"Alright, girl," I said to my Ashva. "You've been flying for too long. We should take a short break down there."

Pisey descended onto the island and we both rested under the tree. I let my horse drink the water and munch on the flowers growing on the bank. The sun began to rise passed noon.

A moment later, I heard Issarak and his flock of avatars speeding across the sky. They did not see me. It looked like they were chasing something.

I realized it was a giant bird that resembled a peacock, except for its beautiful colored feathers. They were sparkling in different hues. The bird was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. I knew then, it was the Mayura.

The mythical phoenix had impossibly long tails. Each strand flicked brightly in the winds. There was an aura of rainbow colors surrounded the squeaking creature. The bird frantically flew in an attempt to escape the avatars.

Issarak was thrusting his spear from behind. The fleeing Mayura tilted away with a piercing cry, sending echoes of panic through the sky. From where I stood, I heard the son of Murugan shouting to the others.

"Hurry! Bring the golden net, you dummies!" he yelled. "Get the bird into the net!"

I gritted my teeth and turned to my Ashva.

"Come on, Pisey," I said and mounted onto her back. "We have some idiot to stop."

Pisey launched into the sky again.

"How about we break their chase from the Mayura?" I said.

The Ashva gave her mane a shake. I took it as a 'yes'. I flicked on the reins to make her fly faster. The celestial horse rose her front legs before darting forward like a lightning bolt.

The avatars found us coming from behind.

"Stay away from my game!" Issarak yelled at me. "The Mayura is mine!"

"You're being merciless, and I won't let you succeed!" I cried. "It's against the rules!"

I sounded like Samudra, but soon I found myself flying side by side with Issarak.

"Who are you to tell me?" he hissed. "Go away before I run you through with my spear!"

The winds hit us furiously. Their Hamsas seemed to have trouble going faster than usual. I guessed it was because of what Morokot did. I turned to Pisey.

"Block them!"

My trusted Ashva huffed and darted to the front of their formation. The Mayura kept flying and making squealing cries. I patted Pisey on the shoulder. She raised her back hooves and struck one of their mounts in the head, bending it sideways. The bronze bird then plummeted from the sky with its screaming rider. They plunged into the river below with a big splash. The rest of them came to a hover in midair. The Mayura took the opportunity to disappear into the clouds.

"How dare you let my Mayura escape!" Issarak growled in rage.

"You're not worthy of her tail, and I would do that again if I must!" I said, causing his nostril to flare in anger.

"Then you can take the bird's place!" he said and motioned to his friends. "Get her!"

Two of them glided toward me. I held on to Pisey as she flew skyward. We speed as fast as we could, but Issarak was gaining on us from behind.

He swung his glittering spear and lashed out, sending a bright mass of energy at me. I dodged the deadly blast. The force cracked open the clouds with a thunderous sound.

I tugged on the reins, telling my horse to make an arch. Issarak followed suit. I glanced back at the war god's son, and he bared his teeth like a mad dog. There was only him chasing me now.

As the last resort, I took one of my leather boots off and threw it at him. My shoe hit Issarak in the face. He screamed in pain and covered his left eye as my boot left a footprint there. The avatar roared.

He kept shooting energy blasts from his spear. Each blow came like a flying arrow at us. Pisey did her best to dodge the attacks, tilting herself left and right. A brilliant force whizzed past my ear with its a heatwave.

I saw a cloud the size of a mountain and made Pisey fly towards it. The cold misty vapor blocked his sight. I thought we had lost him at last.

When we came out to the other side, I suddenly felt a flaring pain on my back. My body was jarred with shock and agony. I screamed as if I was being split into pieces.

Pisey let out a startled whine. The pain went from my skull down to my toes until I went numb and listless. My body flopped and slid off Pisey's back.

As I fell into the void, darkness crowded my mind until it became nothing.

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