Ancient Magic

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The wind brushes my check

And I look down

Down, so very far


To a place no man calls home

For you see

Ancient magic resides here


And it pulses 

In the blood of those here

Reflecting there


The creatures here

May appear as anything

Wolf, Sparrow, Pegasi.


So I look so far down

And I see the bottom

The well of magic


I must go their

To become of them

To be an ancient one.


But I am afraid

For my magic pulses dim

Unlike many creatures here


Others can call a storm

Others can bring down mountains

Me, I can heal myself


Which is useless unless you are mortal

Useless if you cannot die

My magic is pointless


But I have the ability

To become one of them

So I guess I'll take my chance


My heart beats faster

My breath quicker

And I've decided


I leap from the ledge

And fall down

Magic pouring through me


I do not know what I will find

Or how it will work

But my magic pulses through me


So I must do this

For the good of all creatures

Who live on this earth


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro