Daughter of the wilderness

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The shadow falls upon the sun

Hiding it from sight.

And now the smallest

Sliver of light

Rises in the evening light


And as the moon travels as the sun

I watch and wait as the wolves howl

Shapes shifting in the night.

And even in my thick cloak

I shiver.


Then a chance comes,

Too good to miss.

I run,

And the guardians miss me

By a hair.


Now the wolves come

Able to come back to the head

The guardians hate me

For what I am

Daughter of the forest!


And as the stars so high above

Twinkle in the dark-cloaked-night.

Shimmering like a piece of ice

But warm to me, as

Daughter of the wilderness


By day I am trapped

In a cage of humankind

In a web of people

But at night I may slip

From the city's shadows


So now I run

With wolves and ravens

By the light of the

Thin ever light-giving

silver moon


And now I am free

Like a bird from its cage

And soon the smell of refuse and people,

The noise of cars and metal

Disappear into the night


Now a small spring

bubbles ahead.

We stop to drink

From the clear, crisp stream

Then charge again


But soon I will have to leave

The predawn light emerges!

And the wolves will be lost

Till I can come again.

For I am there head.


And the ravens will once again

Be in their nests

For they like me, need sleep

As the sun rises

over the city of trees


I say my goodbyes,

They are brief.

For they know I will be back again

And then I slip.

Down a country lane


My head down.

But soon I am focused

Perfectly awake

For if the guardians catch me

Is a person sees me,


Running with wolves and

Dancing with owls.

They will see me as an outcast

A stranger

And that's not who I am!

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