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We have gone so far on the path to equality.

Now it seems we're turning back

to those people who think we've gone far enough.

Let us not turn back or stop.


A black wolf lies on the crest of the horizon

It howls, and a white wolf answers.

Though one hunts in snow,

And one hunts in shadows,

A white wolf hunts,

With a black beside it.


Two horses are grazing, by a pond

One is brown, one is roan.

They graze together.

And when it's time to draw in,

Two horses are walking home,

One is brown, one is roan.


We have gone so far on the path to equality.

Now it seems we're turning back

To those people who think we've gone far enough.

Let us not turn back or stop.


Penguins sitting on a nest

Both are male

Both are cold.

And in there nest lies a tiny egg

Rescued from death

Male penguins are sitting on nests.


Ducks waddling in the pond

The two are followed by a chick.

They both are mates

They both are girls

Who dislikes the waddling males

And both care much about their chick


We have gone so far on the path to equality.

Now it seems we're turning back

To those people who think we've gone far enough.

Let us not turn back or stop.


Two humans are sitting on a bench

Waiting for a three-o'clock trip

One hails from America,

The other Arabia.

Neither speak or make a sound

Until the bus comes and takes them south


Two humans are in love

They ask a cake-maker to bake them

A wedding cake for the big day

But what does he say?

He says NO!

Because both of them were girls


We have gone so far on the path to equality.

Now it seems we're turning back

To those people who think we've gone far enough.

Let us not turn back or stop.


So how is it that wolves and ducks

Treat each other like a friend

Without a care of color or gender

They still can love each other.

Even dolphins, so much like us

Care for all within and outside their pod


Yet us the humans, who've done so much

Still are reluctant to change and progress.

People are pushed outside their homes

Or killed because they are different.

People are suspicious of the African-americans

Or of people who love their own gender.


We have gone so far on the path to equality.

Now it seems we're turning back

To those people who think we've gone far enough.

Let us not turn back or stop.


So lets charge on, into the light

Where nobody cares about

Whether you are Black or White

Roan or Brown

Gay or Lesbian

Trans or Straight

We can just live as one.

So us, the most advanced of all,

Needs to take a tip from those small

The Wolves

The Horses

The Penguins

The Ducks.

We have much to learn from you.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro